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Special Cowboy Menage Collection

Page 27

by Morgan Ashbury

  Being a Deputy had privileges. He logged onto a site regular citizens couldn’t access and conducted a search. Within minutes he had the information he sought. He’d been reasonably certain that he would have heard talk about a pretty blonde joining the ranks of the civil service in Winnemucca. But Ms. Lambert worked out of Carson City, and she was new there.

  That meant her connection to the Kellers was new, too. New enough to develop a few cracks, if it was hit hard enough, and in the right place.

  Maybe he really could kill two birds with one stone: enrich himself, and smear the Kellers.

  After—when those bastards had been put down, when his own star was clearly in ascendancy—then he’d go after Tabitha. But first, he had a different use for her in mind. His plan would work better if he had an employee of the federal government on his side. She had a passion for those wild horses, he’d seen it in her eyes. Yes, first he would plant seeds of doubt. Then he would shock and horrify. Derek smiled, because he had sudden image of Tabitha Lambert as his very own avenging angel.

  He was tired of seeing those two golden boys cruise through life looking like heroes. It was time they wore a little dirt. And he’d use that pretty Ms. Lambert to throw it on them.

  * * * *

  Tabitha felt their eyes on her. She paused with her fork half-way to her mouth. Jonathan and James wore twin expressions of amazement. They were staring at her as if they’d never seen a woman eat before.


  “Um…do you eat like that all the time?” Jonathan asked.

  “Good thing we put her in Uncle Rolly’s bedroom.” James observed, sotto voce.

  Tabitha contained the smirk that wanted to escape. Teasing was definitely number two on the list of what these men liked to do best. Number one was the reason she was stuffing herself full of bacon, sausage, flapjacks, eggs and biscuits at seven o’clock in the morning.

  “Actually, if we want to talk about voracious appetites…” She smiled her sweetest smile and batted her eyes at them.

  Both men chuckled. “No, I would say the last two days were definitely not indicative of our usual…behavior,” James conceded. “And since you ended up not getting anything to eat last night, I suppose we should just button it and let you enjoy.”

  “That might be an idea,” she allowed. Since she could no longer keep her own laughter back she didn’t worry that either of them had misread her mood.

  The sound of music—the first few bars of the theme from Rocky—found Tabitha reaching for her purse. Her cell phone sat in its usual place—tucked into a little pocket, and was all aglow and singing merrily.


  “Where the hell are you?”

  The unwelcome voice sent a shiver down her spine. Tabitha pulled the phone away from her ear long enough to look at the caller I.D. Her heart sank when she realized it was the Reno area code.


  “Well of course it’s me. How many other men do you have calling you?”

  There must have been something in her eyes that communicated distress, because both James and Jonathan sat up straighter, all signs of teasing gone.

  “None of your business. What are you doing in Reno? And how did you get my cell phone number?”

  “I’ve come to see you, baby-face. I was very disappointed to come all this way and then discover you were nowhere to be found. That cute little hard body manning the phones at your office said you’d taken a few days off to get settled in, but when I showed up at your house, you weren’t there. The red-head who lives next to you—she’s hot by the way—said she thought you drove off yesterday with someone.”

  “Really?” Subtlety had always been lost on Ed. Her temper was rising and the food she’d just eaten churned in her belly. She didn’t realize she’d put a hand there until Jonathan got up and came over to kneel in front of her. He replaced her hand with his own.

  Just that easily, her stomach settled.

  “So where are you, and when are you coming back? I thought we could have a nice, quite dinner somewhere…I’ll order you your favorite wine…and we can talk about all the good times we had. I’ve missed you, baby-face. I’ve missed you real bad.”

  “The only ‘good times’ we ever had began when I kicked your sorry ass out the door and filed for divorce.” Both men chuckled, but did their best to cover the sound.

  “Aw, now, baby-face, don’t be like that. I don’t blame you for being a bit irked with me. But can’t we just let that nasty water flow under the bridge? I just want the chance to make it up to you. Come on, just you, me, some candle light and soft music…”

  He’d dipped his voice to that intimate tone he had, the one that had hooked her in the first place. And Tabitha wondered what in hell she’d been smoking at the time that she’d even been swayed by him. Here and now, with two of the most virile men she’d even met listening in—Ed tried to talk in an intimate voice but he was unfailingly loud—she knew as never before that she must have been suffering the weak moment to end all weak moments to have ever said yes to him. She also knew, if she hadn’t understood it before, that she was well and truly over him.

  “Listen, Ed, I moved from DC to Nevada, clear across the damn country. Doesn’t that tell you something? Like maybe I don’t want to even be in the same state with you, never mind the same room. And furthermore—”

  She stopped because James had reached over and placed his hand on her arm to get her attention. He hastily scrawled a note on a paper napkin then turned it for her to see.

  She frowned at James and he winked back. Looking at Jonathan she could see he was in agreement with his twin—big surprise there. Sighing, she decided to give her lovers what they apparently wanted.

  “Okay, look. We can have a drink. Aces and Jacks Casino right there in Reno. There’s a lounge off the gaming floor. It’s called the Double Diamond. Eight o’clock tonight.”

  “Baby, you won’t be sorry. This is going to be a whole new beginning for us. You’ll see.”

  He’d hung up and for a long moment Tabitha just looked at her phone.

  “Of all the egotistical, delusional…”

  “Did I just hear him correctly? Did your ex-husband, just now, during a phone call in which he was obviously trying to persuade you to meet him and make kissy face, tell you your neighbor was hot?”

  Jonathan’s incredulity did a lot to smooth the hackles that hearing her ex-husband’s voice had raised. “Well,” she said as she set the cell phone back in her purse, “I don’t call him Ego Ed for nothing.”

  “Since we’re going to be meeting the gentleman later this evening, why don’t you tell us about him? And about your divorce? Unless, of course you don’t want to.”

  How could she have lucked out to get her hands on not one but two men who seemed to get her? The tenderness in James’s eyes, the gentleness of Jonathan’s touch left her with no doubt they cared for her.

  “I don’t mind. The first thing you have to understand is that this situation is entirely my fault.”

  “Bullshit. How do you figure that?” Jonathan asked.

  He must have realized her tummy had settled, for he pulled a chair closer and sat next to her, his hand occupied stroking her arm instead of her stomach.

  “I’m a blue-eyed blonde.” She looked from one to the other of them. They wore twin expressions of confusion.


  “Well, you know those jokes that men—and non-blonde haired women—like to pass around? About blondes?”

  First James, and then Jonathan darted their eyes away as their cheeks took on a faint pinkish glow.

  James was the first to laugh, outright. “Okay, we used to. But never again, I swear. Not after meeting you, getting to know you.”

  “Me too, darlin’. What do blonde jokes have to do with anything?” Jonathan asked.

  “Well, Ed believed them. My favorite one is two blondes sitting on a park bench in New York City on a warm summer night. The moon is full and bright
and one blonde asks the other, “Which do you think is closer, Miami, or the moon?” And the second blonde says, “Hello, can you see Miami from here?”

  Tabitha had to give them credit. She saw the laughter in their eyes, caught the way they both struggled to contain it. They were men of fierce will, indeed.

  Finally, they both laughed out loud. “Okay, but he couldn’t have held that opinion after even five minutes in your company,” James protested.

  “One of the first things we noticed about you was your quick mind. And you will note I said one of the things, because I’m not going to lie, that is one hell of a sexy body you have on you Ms. Lambert.”

  “Aw, shucks.” Tabitha couldn’t resist. She leaned over and placed a quick kiss on Jonathan’s lips. Then, of course, she did the same to James.

  “And thank you for that, but I’m afraid Ed never got over that first preconceived notion about my IQ being related to my hair color, and possibly my bra size.”

  “I see that smile. What memory has you nearly laughing?” James asked.

  “I worked for the Department of the Interior in DC while Ed was with Justice. We both had to take department ordered IQ tests—I think this was about four months after we were married. I was already beginning to have second thoughts about my decision to become Mrs. Lambert at the time. Anyway, the results were posted the same day about a week later.”

  “Outscored him, did you?” Jonathan asked

  “One forty-two to one-twelve.”

  “Ouch. I’m guessing he didn’t take it well?” James asked.

  “He accused me of flaunting my tits to get a better score.”

  “Fucking moron.”

  Tabitha laughed, because both men had said that at the same time. Then she sobered. “I’m only going to see him tonight because you want me to, but I’m sure as hell not going alone. I meant it. I moved across the country to get away from that bastard.”

  Jonathan stroked her back and James picked up her right hand and kissed it. “Of course you won’t see him alone. We’ll both be with you. In fact, I think we could all have a lot of fun with this.”

  “We could stay over in the Penthouse, if you like,” Jonathan offered. His smile turned up at one corner of his mouth and she knew he was going to tease her. “It has a king sized bed there, too. So we can have dinner at the all-you-can-eat buffet, no worries about anybody being crowded out of sleeping space, afterward.”

  “Smart ass. I really do have a good appetite—for more things than just food—just about all the time. However, I seem to also be blessed with an excellent metabolism. All my family is. But now that I think about it, you were making some not-so-thinly veiled references to an uncle…did you really have an uncle named Rolly?”

  “Our mother’s brother. He passed on, what, five years ago now?” Jonathan asked, his comment directed to his brother.

  “About that,” James confirmed.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. He was ninety-three and by his own admission had lived a hell of a good life. So to answer your question, healthy appetites run in our genes, too.” Jonathan’s voice dipped, and just that easily Tabitha felt moisture gathering between her legs.

  “I had noticed the appetites.”

  “And since we’re going to town it will give us the opportunity to go…toy shopping.” James’s voice had also dipped. His tone left her in no doubt as to the kind of toys they would be buying.

  “I can’t say that I’ve ever done that,” she replied.

  “Stick with us, darlin’. We’ll take you places you’ve never been before.”

  Tabitha reached out with both hands. With no problem at all she was able to stroke twin hard cocks.

  “You already have. And all I can say is, I seem to have discovered a latent taste for exploration.”

  Chapter Eleven

  The one thing Jonathan liked best about the penthouse suite of the Aces and Jacks Casino and Hotel—aside from, in this instance, the king-sized bed—were the windows. One entire wall in the living room was floor to ceiling glass. The view year round was spectacular. In the daylight hours the mountain that lay across the valley rose majestically toward the sky, dwarfing the sprawling city beneath it and, Jonathan thought, rendering it completely inferior. But at night time the city sparkled, a million glittering lights in every color of the rainbow shimmering in the dark, more dazzling than any crown jewels. It was at night the city claimed back its stature as a wonder in the middle of the arid northern Nevada landscape.

  “The view is spectacular,” Tabitha said as she came to stand beside him.

  “You have your voice back. I thought we’d rendered you permanently speechless.”

  The look she gave him was pure coquette and had his cock stirring. Not that it hadn’t been begging to rise to the occasion since they’d entered that sex shop earlier.

  “That was an experience,” she said, a slight laugh in her voice. “I’m not sure what intrigued me the most—the fur lined handcuffs, the leather paddles, or the butt plugs.”

  “You left out the collar, the leash, the massage oils, and the nipple clamps.” James had come up to stand beside them. Then he shot Tabitha a teasing wink. “You realize of course that we bought them all.”

  “You didn’t! I didn’t see you do that!”

  “The entire time we were in there James kept taking items to the counter. When you were looking at those sexy lingerie sets, he paid for them and carted them out to the truck.” Jonathan loved the way Tabitha’s cheeks turned a bright pink and the sparkle that set her eyes glowing.

  “And that bag is now in the bedroom. I especially like the collar we chose for you.” James smiled, and Jonathan knew his brother was already thinking of the fun they would have together later tonight, once they got rid of that irritating ex-husband.

  “You bought me a collar.”

  Jonathan sent a glance to James. They were both trying their best not to laugh.

  “The terms of the wager—which you forfeited when you folded your hand—were that we would make each and every one of your fantasies come true. We’re just trying to cover all the bases. Never let it be said that any Keller failed to hold up his end of a bargain,” James said, and Jonathan could see he enjoyed teasing their woman.

  “The collar has the words ‘Bad Kitty’ inscribed upon it—via silver metal studs on black leather. Oh, and there’s a leash, too. Since you’re our very own Tabby-cat, we figured finding that collar was kismet,” Jonathan added.

  Tabitha was looking from James to him. “What,” she asked sweetly, “do your collars have inscribed on them?”

  “Now there’s a thought,” James replied quickly. “We’ll have them made specially. Probably just the word ‘Master’ inscribed on each.”

  “Short, simple, succinct. I like it,” Jonathan agreed.

  “That,” Tabitha said through her laughter, “is going to earn you both some payback.”

  “Speaking of payback,” Jonathan said as he reached over and ran his hand down her back, “you owe me a session in the shower. I very much want to shave you.”

  “Oh, boy. Water sports.” She’d said that on a gasp. He flicked a look down to see her newly awakened nipples poking her shirt to get his attention.

  “Yeah. I hear you indulged in some last night.” He reached for her then, bringing her into his arms. James ambled over to one of the overstuffed chairs and sat down.

  Funny, but they never discussed between them what they would do when they got together with Tabitha. Well, except for last night when they both decided that James would be the one to join her in her bath. Their time together, their intimacies, simply happened.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and nestled her body close to his. He loved the feel of her breasts pressing against his chest. Her mound snuggled up to his erection. It didn’t take much for her to make him hot.

  He combed his fingers through her hair, tilted her head back. For a long silent moment they looked into eac
h other’s eyes. He saw desire there, and understood it was desire for him. He’d never been a fanciful man, but he would swear he saw her soul there too, and that soul was gentle and pure and…questing. He believed that she had been yearning for them in the same way that he—and his brother—had been yearning for her.

  Jonathan laid his mouth on hers, wanting to show her with his lips and tongue, with his hands caressing her back and bottom, and his arms wrapping snugly around her, how much she meant to him. He wouldn’t risk the words, not yet. The time would come, he knew, to give them. Again, nothing to be planned between he and James, but he knew his brother felt the same way about her. And he knew that between them they had already decided this woman was theirs. Tabitha Lambert belonged to them. He supposed that was only fair since he and James belonged to her, too.

  Her flavor soothed and aroused, tripped his heart and fired his blood. He swirled his tongue in her mouth, tasting every bit of her. Through the thin barriers of cloth that separated his chest from her breasts, he felt her nipples beading.

  He weaned his lips from hers. Tabitha made him want things he never knew he could crave. “Will you let me strip you? Will you let James and I take you into the shower? Will you let me shave your sweet little pussy?”

  “Yes, please.”

  * * * *

  Like the bathroom at the ranch, this one was spacious, with shower and tub both big enough to party in.

  Tabitha thought Jonathan would use soap on her, but he surprised her when he brought the can of shaving foam into the shower.

  “This brand has a slight numbing property to it, darlin’. If I accidentally nick you, the foam will prevent it from stinging too badly.”

  “I never knew that. All these years I’ve been using soap on my legs. I think I’ll switch. Just do me a favor. Don’t slice anything important off down there.”

  “Don’t worry.”

  Tabitha knew she couldn’t laugh. One of her lovers was standing behind her naked, holding her against him, one arm snug around her waist, the other holding up her right leg. Bent at the knee, James held it in such a way as to leave her pussy fully exposed.


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