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Special Cowboy Menage Collection

Page 35

by Morgan Ashbury

  Tabitha froze, closing her eyes. The sleepy voice sounded behind her, words spoken with humor. She heard the blankets rustle, knew he had sat up.

  “You are sneaking out. What’s this all about, Tabitha?”

  She turned to face him, every nerve in her body quivering. “It’s just time for me to stop playing foolish games and get back to the real world.”

  “Foolish games. You think that’s all this has been? You don’t think what you and Jonathan and I have shared is real?”

  Something in his tone fueled her temper. “You know what I mean. It was a game, a wanton wager that I lost—or won, depending on how you look at it. The terms of the bet were that I was to give you a few days and you’d make each and every one of my fantasies come true. Well, you and Jonathan did a pretty good job of it. But those few days are up, and I have to get back to my life.”

  “I see. You’re going to walk out, just like that? You were going to sneak out of here without even saying goodbye? You are walking out on Jonathan without saying goodbye!”

  His anger fueled her own. “You’ve got nothing to be pissed about, Ace. We played, and now it’s time to put the game away.”

  “So what, thanks for the fuck, now fuck off?”

  Had she thought he was angry? James Keller was furious. Memories of fights with Ego Ed just before she’d learned the whole truth about him came crashing down around her. She welcomed the cool, condescending façade that descended over and wrapped around her.

  “I imagine we’ll see each other from time to time, since you’re setting up that refuge. Unless, of course, you think seeing each other in a professional capacity will be too difficult for you to handle? If so, I imagine I can get someone else from the Bureau to ‘handle’ you.”

  Now James looked thunderous. Rising slowly from the bed, totally naked, he approached her, a male animal stalking his prey. Tabitha nearly bolted. It took every scrap of will and nerve she possessed not to run, not to flinch, to keep her poker face in place.

  When he grabbed her face in his hands and brought his mouth down on hers hard she thought she would melt through the floor.

  He pulled his lips from hers, and looked at her a long, silent moment.

  “It was only a game to you.” He said the words softly, and somehow she found his quiet tone more cutting than if he had yelled.

  This was harder than she’d bargained for. Even thinking of the embarrassment she felt listening to Ed in the Keller’s kitchen, realizing how very wrong she’d been about him, didn’t stop this from hurting. She felt as if her heart was ripping in two. Maybe there was something in her that looked for humiliation in her relationships. Maybe she needed her head examined, seriously. Because she hurt, because she felt guilty, she lashed out. “That’s all it was to you. A game. That’s all sex is to any man.”

  “This is about your ex, isn’t it? Painting Jonathan and me with his colors is kind of bitchy and unfair, don’t you think? Kind of childish?”

  “And calling me names when you don’t get your way isn’t?” Before she changed her mind, before he kissed her again and she begged him for forgiveness, she turned, headed for the door.

  Hand on the door knob she hesitated. She hadn’t planned on warning him. Maybe it wouldn’t do any good. Maybe, down the road, it would land her in more trouble than she could even imagine. But she felt as if she owed them something. She bowed her head, reaching for reason, and came up empty. Instead, she went with her gut.

  “Watch your back. The Sheriff’s department is on to you. They don’t have anything solid yet, so maybe…maybe you can avoid being arrested. Tell Jonathan—” throat raw, emotions ready to crumble, she had to stop, had to inhale deeply and clamp down on the tears that wanted to flow, “tell Jonathan I said goodbye.”

  Then she opened the door and walked out.

  Chapter Twenty

  He wasn’t altogether certain what the hell had just happened.

  James stood staring at the closed door, the soft click echoing louder than if she’d slammed the thing.

  Slowly, he turned and searched out his clothes. Grabbing up his pants, he pulled them on, choosing to go commando. His shirt came next.

  He had a good mind to go over to her house, break down the fucking door, and turn her over his knee.

  It was only a game to you.

  That’s all it was to you. That’s all sex is to any man.

  Well, hell. He couldn’t deny it had started out as a game—of sorts. They’d had very serious intentions about Tabitha Lambert. But they’d never really come clean with her about them, or their feelings. They’d never honestly told her how her loving them both—and James had to believe she’d come to love them both—was their fondest dream come true.

  He and Jonathan had played games with her. They’d thought they could keep her so sated, so satisfied, that she’d never want to leave them.

  Then, too, if you never offered the words, you never had to worry about having them thrown back at you.

  James scrubbed both hands over his face as the realization of how badly he and his brother had fucked up began to sink in.

  Only one thing to do, and that was go get Jonathan, then storm the lady’s ramparts.

  Two quick calls had one staff member meet him in the lobby with a cup of coffee, and another with the keys to the garaged car—a 2009 Cadillac XLR platinum.

  James appreciated the grace and styling of the two-seater roadster. He enjoyed the comfort of the ride, one of the smoothest he’d ever experienced in a car. And he liked the superior sound system, the On-Star option, and the leather bucket seat that had been made especially for him.

  But today what he appreciated most of all was the speed.

  The trip from Reno to the Ranch, if one was a law-abiding citizen, took about two and a half hours.

  Today he broke the law and halved the time.

  Watch your back. The Sheriff’s department is on to you. They don’t have anything solid yet, so maybe…maybe you can avoid being arrested.

  In his anger, then guilt, then need to see Jonathan and tell him what idiots they’d been, he’d forgotten that parting shot.

  “Well what the hell did she mean by that? The Sheriff’s department is on to us? About what?”

  The urge to get to his brother flooded him. He couldn’t explain this sudden sense of impending danger, but it was one he’d shared with his twin all their lives.

  When one of them was in peril, the other always knew. He had that feeling now, stronger than he’d ever felt it. Danger.

  James floored the accelerator, heading for home.

  * * * *

  Jonathan didn’t even question the inner certainty. He’d experienced it too many times in his life for that. Though movement was difficult, he managed to get his clothes on in near record time. Swearing as he hobbled his way to the kitchen door, he snatched his keys off the counter.

  Another beautiful Monday had dawned, the sky so blue it almost looked surreal. Forecasters had promised a sunny, hot day. Jonathan felt a storm in the air and a chill in his soul. His brother was in danger—he pushed away the dozen horrible images his imagination conjured. One thing at a time.

  He’d reached the truck and had wrenched open the door when a sound grabbed his attention.

  James’s silver bullet of a car was barreling down the lane. The car skidded to a stop, spewing dust and dirt sideways as the back end of the vehicle fish-tailed.

  James all but exploded out of the car. For long moments they looked at each other, frantic gazes cataloging body parts to ensure the other was indeed safe and sound and whole.

  “You’re all right.”

  They’d spoken in unison, and as one slumped against their vehicles.

  “Well fuck,” Jonathan was the first to recover. He slammed his truck door then took two steps toward James.

  “Or maybe not,” his brother murmured. He stepped closer, looked Jonathan up and down. “What the hell happened to you?”

  “Just a
re-affirmation of the cowboy creed,” Jonathan said, his face heating slightly.

  James barked out his laughter. “Ah, yes. Aint a horse that can’t be rode; aint a man that can’t be throwed.”

  “Yeah. It’s been a few years, and it seems to hurt a hell of a lot more now that I’m older.”

  “You didn’t have to test the theory. I could have told you it would.”

  Jonathan nodded toward the house. “The twin alarm pulled me out of bed. Haven’t had any coffee yet.”

  “You slept late.”

  “Hot tub and a half a bottle of medicinal scotch last night so yeah, I slept late. Where’s Tabitha?”

  He’d never quite seen that look on his brother’s face before. “At work by now, thinking—foolishly—that she has successfully blown us off.”

  “What the hell did you do?”

  “More like what the hell did we do? Let’s go get that coffee and I’ll fill you in.”

  Jonathan listened as James replayed his morning. His brother had near perfect recall, and he could clearly see their woman standing there going all ice on him.

  “Shit. Guess we should have had a sit-down with her and let her know we really were aiming at building a life together,” Jonathan said.

  “I can understand her reservations. She’s been burned once, badly. And let’s face it—a monogamous ménage relationship like we’re proposing isn’t something you read about in women’s magazines…or men’s magazines, come to that.” James grabbed a couple of mugs off the shelf, filled them with the fresh brew.

  “If I hadn’t already experienced the three of us naked and having sex like that, I don’t know that I could believe it would work.” Jonathan reached for the cup his brother offered him. “It does surprise me some that I’ve never once felt jealous, watching the two of you together. I just felt like this was how, for us, it was meant to be.”

  “I knew going into this thing that it might be the one time when my hackles might get raised against you. But it never happened to me, either. And I believe the exact same thing. The three of us together is the way it’s meant to be.”

  “Well in that case, we need to get back to Carson City and scoop that woman out of her office. Sit her down and make her understand how we feel about her—that we love her.” Jonathan took a sip of his coffee. “She hasn’t said the words either, but I know, in my gut, she loves us, too.”

  “Likely part of the problem, in her mind. She’s afraid she’ll have to choose between us,” James said.

  “Well, why wouldn’t she come to that conclusion?” Jonathan shook his head, a feeling of self-disgust filling him. “Okay, let me get a little more presentable, and we can go.”

  “There was just one other thing she said that was strange. And I’m thinking now that maybe it was one of the reasons she kissed us off. But I’ve been thinking about it and it just doesn’t make any damned sense to me at all.”

  Jonathan had been headed out of the kitchen, but he turned at the door and asked, “What did she say that was strange?”

  It took a moment for his brother’s words to make sense. And when they did, an awful kind of awareness began to bloom in him.

  “Fuck. It wasn’t you, and it wasn’t me. Damn it, James, it was Tabitha!” He quickly recapped his visit from Pete, even as he was heading toward the phone. That feeling of sick dread had returned, stronger than he’d ever felt it.

  Just as he reached for the telephone, it rang.

  * * * *

  If walking away from James and Jonathan had been the right thing to do, why did she feel like hell?

  The ache that throbbed in the vicinity of her heart would not go away. Tabitha tried to push thoughts of the virile men aside. She had work to do, a life to live. She had her trusty companion, Sol, for all the lonely, empty nights that stretched out ahead of her.

  Damn it.

  Fresh before her mind was that damn card game, and the wanton wager she’d accepted. The look on both men’s faces when James had said they were playing for keeps had been absolutely serious.

  My God, what if they had been serious?

  A shadow fell over her and she looked up. Deputy Hamilton stood before her. The look on his face sent a shiver down her spine. He was wearing a dark brown jacket. His right hand was in the pocket but he seemed to be pointing that hand at her. Her eyes widened in sudden knowledge and terror.

  “That’s right. I’m holding my service revolver in my pocket and it’s aimed at you. You’re going to get up. You’re going to slowly walk around your desk until you’re right beside me. Then you are going to walk calmly and quietly with me to the elevator. My car is parked on the street, to the left of this building. When we get to it you are going to climb in the passenger side and scoot over to the driver’s side, and then you’ll drive where I tell you. If you don’t co-operate I’m going to kill every single person in this office. Beginning with you.”

  “I…I don’t understand. Why?”

  “Well that’s two things I know about you. You’re a good little actress—and apparently, a good little lay since you’ve been spreading your legs for both the Keller boys.

  “Maybe I’ll take the opportunity to find out for myself. I think I like the idea of fucking with their fuck. Now get up.”

  Tabitha didn’t think she could move. One look into Hamilton’s eyes convinced her he was deadly serious. Her thoughts froze as she obeyed the man. Once she stepped close to him, he set his hand on her shoulder and squeezed hard.

  “No sudden moves, no calling out.”

  She made her way from her office through the open reception area, very much aware of the open doors of her two colleagues and her boss. The short distance seemed unusually long. Her heart was pounding, her pulse racing. Terror became a lead weight in the pit of her belly and a copper taste in her mouth.

  The building that housed the Carson City branch of the BLM also held other federal offices and bureaus. Any other day, Tabitha would have encountered dozens of people. Monday morning, just shy of eleven o’clock, she saw no one.

  The sun burned bright in the cerulean blue sky. Once on the sidewalk she stopped and blinked against the strong light.

  “Keep moving. My patrol car is right there.”

  “Won’t people talk if I get in and drive? Seeing as I’m a civilian?”

  “I don’t give a flying fuck. Maybe they’ll think you’re an undercover cop.”

  He laughed at his own humor and Tabitha’s stomach soured. She knew if she got in that car with this man, there was a better than even chance that she would die.

  The door was open and she looked at the yawning maw of the vehicle. Then she looked around and down the street.

  Two men were staring right at her. Standing on either side of a brown car, they were focused on her and seemed about ready to head in her direction.

  The cold hard barrel of a gun touched the side or her forehead.

  The two men saw it and slowly raised their hands.

  “Get in.”

  Tabitha swallowed, then got into the car, scooting over until she was behind the wheel.

  The sound of the door slamming behind the deputy sent a shiver down her spine. She held on to the slim bit of hope she had—whoever those two men had been, they understood what was happening. Help would be on the way. She had to believe that.

  “Head toward the interstate, toward Winnemucca. Once we’re out in the sticks I’ll tell you where to go.”

  Tabitha hoped for slowing traffic, but all the cars before her seemed to part like the Red Sea. It took only a few minutes to get to the 395 ramp.

  Hamilton sat with his back to the door, his attention divided between her and the traffic behind them. But his gun was pointed straight at her and she didn’t kid herself for one moment into thinking he wasn’t aware of every breath she took.

  “Yeah, I thought they’d follow.”


  “Shut up. I’m sick of your innocent act.”

  “It’s no

  “No, of course not. It’s just coincidence that the day after I try to play you by telling you the Kellers are under investigation, I end up with Feds on my ass.”

  Oh, God. He’d lied to her.

  “Those bastard Kellers. They’re going to pay.”

  Tabitha shot her gaze to him, and realized he wasn’t even speaking to her. His eyes looked wild, and he was sweating.

  His grip on the gun was rock steady.

  They drove in silence for nearly an hour, and Tabitha felt so terrified she thought she might throw up. Hamilton seemed to be in a world of his own, but every once in a while he’d look at her, get a sick smile on his face, and wiggle the gun.

  “Now, let’s see what kind of attention we’ve been garnering.” Reaching forward, he turned on his in-car radio.

  Without regard to procedure, he picked up the radio mike and began to speak.

  “So who the hell’s on my ass, anyway?”

  The radio crackled, and then the sound of a deep male voice filled the car. “Deputy Hamilton, this is State Police Detective Joseph Specks. Do you want to tell me what this is all about, Deputy?”

  “No, you pretty much know what the hell it’s all about, asshole.”

  “Deputy, the charges you were facing weren’t that serious, really. But kidnapping and threatening a federal employee puts those charges in an entirely new category. You’re looking at very serious prison time. If you let Ms. Lambert pull the car to the shoulder and get out, we can cut a deal.”

  “Let me tell you the only deal I’m interested in. I want you to deliver a message for me. I want you to call James and Jonathan Keller of Humboldt County. Tell them I have their whore, and if they want to see her alive again, they can meet us at the old Murchison place. Oh, and if I see a cop, or anyone else except the Kellers, I’m going to kill Ms. Lambert. Did you get all that?”

  “Yes, we got it.”

  Hamilton reached forward and turned off the radio.

  “Fucking do-gooder Kellers will come, even if you are nothing more than a piece of ass to them.”


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