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Special Cowboy Menage Collection

Page 42

by Morgan Ashbury

  They reached her at the same time. Jesse opened the car door, and Grant reached in, unfastened her seat belt, and eased her out of the vehicle.

  “You wouldn’t believe the day—”

  Grant didn’t give her the chance to finish her sentence. He hauled her into his arms and kissed her. She wrapped herself so sweetly around him and he lost himself in the heat and the flavor of her. The first time he kissed her yesterday, she’d been shy in her response. Not now. Maybe having been interrupted the day before had been a blessing in disguise. As frustrated as he’d been at the time, he couldn’t deny his craving for Annie had grown in the interim. The way she clung to him, the salacious stroke of her tongue against his own and the seductive roll of her hips as her mound cradled his erection told him in no uncertain terms her hunger had done the same.

  He swept his hands down her back, taking the opportunity to cup the cheeks of her ass and give them an impassioned squeeze. Then he drew his lips from hers and took a small step back.

  Jesse gathered her in, and proceeded to greet her the same way. While she was in his friend’s arms, Grant shut the door to her car. Her response to Jesse was every bit as hot as her response to him. He couldn’t resist stroking his hand down her hair, letting his fingers comb through the silken strands as Jesse continued to kiss her.

  Jesse lifted his lips from Annie, and as one they moved her back a couple of steps so she leaned against the side of her car.

  “You’re as hot for us as we are for you,” Jesse said.

  “I thought this day would never end!” Annie laid a hand on each of their faces. Grant turned toward her palm, kissed it, then grasped her wrist lightly with his right hand.

  His left he played down the front of her, caressing her breast, continuing on down to brush at the juncture of her thighs, hidden from his view by the worn denim of her pants.

  “Neither did we,” Jesse said, his hand just as busy caressing and teasing Annie through her clothes.

  “I wanted the clock to move faster,” she whispered. Turning toward him, she stretched up and placed a kiss on Grant’s mouth. When he opened to her, she only allowed a tiny dip into her mouth with his tongue before she turned to offer Jesse the same endearment.

  Grant didn’t think, he just moved closer. He could feel the heat from Jesse’s body as they bracketed Annie. His rapid breathing was echoed by the other two. They should probably move, get inside the house, but the only thing Grant could get his body to do was cling to Annie, run his hands up and down her wonderful curves, and press his hard cock against the side of her hip.

  Moaning in response, Annie let her head fall back against the roof above the driver’s door as her hand traced down his chest until she stroked the denim-covered ridge of his erection.

  “I thought I was frigid, and here I am making out in the middle of the day with the two hottest studs I’ve ever met. I’ve been thinking about us, about this, all day.”

  “You want to talk about hot?” Grant all but panted the words against the side of her neck as he angled his head to lick her creamy skin.

  “Grant’s right. Annie, you’re the hottest woman either of us has ever met. Let us show you what you do to us. Let us show you what we can do to you.”

  Her groan as they moved her slightly so she stood with her legs parted was all the permission they needed.

  Grant stroked her crotch, the heat pulsing back at him so amazing, he bet she’d soak right through her denim before they got her naked. He slid one hand up to tangle in her hair and gently guide her face to his. His tongue swept the inside of her mouth, the rhythm the same he wanted to use as he fucked her. He didn’t know how much longer he could wait to get them all naked and horizontal.

  Dragging his lips from hers, he said, “Let’s go inside.”

  Jesse gathered Annie in for another kiss, his hand sweeping between her thighs and rubbing. Annie cried out, a uniquely feminine sound that told them how aroused she’d become, how close to climax she was.

  “Good idea,” Jesse agreed, his breathing ragged.

  They stepped back from Annie, neither of them relinquishing her completely. Grant knew he needed to keep his hand on her, keep that touch alive. He needed her, more than he’d ever needed a woman in his entire life.

  He thought he might just explode if he didn’t get her in the next few minutes.

  “Well, holy hell, give me a fucking break!”

  Jesse’s curse and the stiffening of his body made Grant turn around to see what had irked his friend.

  Not one, but two cars had turned into the lane and were headed straight for them.

  Chapter Seven

  Annie hated being the center of attention. She felt nervous enough sitting all by herself on the back of Sandstone, the horse she’d ridden with Grant yesterday.

  She really could have done without the impromptu audience of four that arrived earlier.

  Jesse and Grant had stood for several moments, leaning with their front profiles against the side of Annie’s car, exchanging pleasantries over the roof of the vehicle with first the Grays and then Mrs. Bishop and Billy Woods, whom the matronly woman brought along with her.

  “We wanted to come and give Annie our encouragement on the occasion of her first riding lesson,” Mrs. Bishop announced, a pleased smile on her face. The Grays both nodded their heads, having obviously been of the same mind.

  “Me, I just tagged along for the ride because I’m nosy,” Billy said.

  Annie had been torn between hysterical laughter and extreme embarrassment. She’d turned innocent eyes on Jesse and Grant. She probably should have told them word about their ‘riding lessons’ had spread throughout the day. Actually, she had planned to do just that.

  But once she’d arrived, she’d been distracted. Besides, they hadn’t really let her say a word.

  “Right. Well, I guess we should get started,” Jesse finally said. Grant only nodded.

  Annie felt such fondness for them both. Neither of them acted impatient or short with the unexpected guests. Instead, they were kind and acted genuinely pleased to see them, especially Mrs. Bishop, whom Annie learned had been a particularly close friend to Jesse’s mother.

  Jesse brought Sandstone out of the barn, and together he and Grant had shown her how to saddle the gelding, and then how to mount up.

  Before long, between the two of them, she’d learned how to hold the reins, how to keep her knees in and heels down, and how to coax the beast into a walk around the corral.

  “You fellers should have told Annie to wear some riding boots,” Harry Gray called from his perch on the top rail of the corral fence.

  Phyllis gave him a swat, and Jesse chuckled. “She’s likely telling him we probably did tell you and you forgot, and not to go embarrassing you that a way,” Grant said quietly.

  “Probably is,” Jesse agreed.

  “I can still recall the first time my daddy got me up on a horse. Scared the living daylights right out of me. I was only about three or four at the time,” Mrs. Bishop said. “Don’t ride any more, of course,” she added, and Annie could hear genuine regret in her voice. “The rheumatism, you know.”

  “Doesn’t that horse have more than one speed?” Billy asked when Annie walked Sandstone past him.

  “Oh, now you hush-up, Billy-Boy,” Mrs. Bishop, swatted the tall, lanky man as if he were her own son. “You’re from back East, too. How many horses you ever ridden?”

  “Actually, quite a few. My mother put me in dressage when I was ten. I think she had Olympic dreams on my behalf.”

  “You’re just full of surprises there, Billy-Boy,” Harry quipped.

  Annie couldn’t hold back her smile. She hadn’t just crossed the country a year ago, she’d entered a totally different world. A world where strangers became friends, and everyone cheered everyone else on. These people had taken both her and Billy into their hearts. She figured if her fellow, former Easterner lived in Branchton the rest of his life, he’d still be called Billy-Boy w
hen he turned ninety.

  “Hope you’re enjoying yourself,” Jesse said so only she and Grant could hear. “I planned on giving you an entirely different kind of ride.”

  “No kidding,” Grant commiserated. “Twice in a row. What are the odds?”

  Oh, they were sweet all right. And so just exactly what she wanted and needed. “Don’t you worry about that. You will. I have it all figured out.”

  For the rest of the lesson, she tuned out thoughts of other kinds of rides and focused on paying attention to her teachers—all six of them—and her horse.

  The sun was sinking toward the horizon when Jesse said, “I think that’s good for the first day. I don’t want you to be sore.” And didn’t he wink at her when he said that?

  “I don’t mind a little pain in a good cause,” she teased in return. “But I will bow to your expertise.”

  She guessed by the way his eyes widened, he got her intentional double entendre.

  “You want we should wait around, follow you home? I know you’re not overly familiar with these country roads, and it’s going to be dark soon.”

  “No thanks, Harry. I told the boys here I wouldn’t take riding lessons for free. I promised after we were done in the paddock that I’d take care of their appetites for them.”

  “Hope you’re fixing to make lots,” Mrs. Bishop said. “Working men can eat a mountain of food.”

  “Isn’t that the truth!” Phyllis agreed.

  Annie heard the approval—they did believe in returning favor for favor—and had to work extra hard at keeping a straight face. “I think I have everything covered,” she said.

  Grant looked as if he were about to choke on his tongue. Jesse just smiled, looking cheeky as hell. Then he said, “We warned her how much we could gobble down, Mrs. Bishop. And don’t you worry none, we’ll see Annie gets safely home when we’re done.”

  “Never doubted it,” Mrs. Bishop said. “You did pretty good for your first time, Annie. Reckon once you get yourself broke in better, you’ll be able to stay in the saddle longer. Stamina builds up over time. It’s all practice.”

  “Yes, ma’am, I hope so.” Annie was going to lose it if these good-hearted people didn’t clear out soon.

  As if moved by her unspoken plea, the uninvited guests said their good nights and headed to their cars. With final waves and toots of their horns as they passed, they were on their way back down the lane in mere minutes.

  “Um, can I get down now?” Annie asked after a moment.

  “You’d better. Unless you’re fixing to take care of our appetites from on back of old Sandstone, here” Jesse said.

  “Oh, nothing fancy for me just yet. Not until I’m broke in better.”

  Jesse and Grant looked at each other, then dissolved into a fit of laughter.

  * * * *

  The door closed behind her and the sudden silence was palpable. Annie had taken only a couple of steps into the kitchen. She turned to look at them when she sensed they’d stopped moving and felt immediately caught by the two men who stood motionless just inside the door, staring at her.

  She read hunger in their expressions, raw and visceral, and for one instant terror kissed her flesh. She knew their hunger had gone beyond merely feral and bordered on the primal. In that moment, she understood that, stripped to the basics, she was female, and these two males were about to claim her in the most elemental way possible.

  The terror passed, of course, had been nothing more than the basic animal within her reacting to the animal she sensed in them. Annie knew she was more than just a physical being responding to the instincts nature had bred in her. She was a woman with needs never met and hungers never fed.

  But on this day, with these men, all that would change.

  Jesse took one step toward her, and then another. And then he gathered her in, his mouth settling on hers, his kiss hot and carnal, his tongue sleek and sensual as he tasted her, as he opened himself to be tasted. Her arousal surged.

  Annie wrapped her arms around him. She ran her fingers through his hair, loving the silkiness. Unable to do anything else, she pressed close to him, wanting to savor the sensation of his body tight against hers. He was hard, his cock tenting his jeans. Her pussy sensed its nearness. She felt herself grow wet, could feel her labia convulse and open in anticipation.

  How could a body that had never truly known sexual pleasure understand that this time would be different?

  Jesse’s lips left hers to caress and sip at her cheek and neck. Grant’s hand in her hair turned her head so his lips and tongue could claim hers.

  Surrounded by primal male heat and desire, she surrendered to the need she felt pulsing deep within her. Her tongue stroked and tasted, swept and tangled. Her hands petted and caressed two heads, two faces, two bodies.

  When they coaxed her to step back, she did. Cool air caressed her chest, and she moved her arms so that the blouse they’d opened could slide off her shoulders to the floor.

  Grant unsnapped her jeans, slid the zipper down at the same time Jesse reached behind her and unfastened her bra.

  Annie’s knees went weak when she felt masculine hands cupping her naked breasts, long male fingers tugging and pinching her nipples. She groaned, the sound signaling the escape of feminine cravings from the dark, dank prison they’d been trapped in all her adult life. One mouth, and then another latched on to her nipples. Teeth nipped, tongues laved, mouths suckled.

  “Oh, please.” She knew what she needed, but could do no more than beg for it. The tug of her jeans down her legs barely registered. But then she felt her cotton panties being pulled down, felt them drop to her feet, and she knew what she sought was very, very near.

  “Up, baby.”

  Jesse’s urgent whisper enflamed her, and she helped as they lifted her to sit on the edge of the table. Then Grant eased her down, supine. Jesse spread her legs and she rejoiced in being naked and open wide before them. She was theirs. Maybe not forever but definitely for now, and she willed them to take what they would.

  Grant bent over to feast on her, his mouth hot and wet, devouring hers. The slide of flesh, tongues, and lips sparked heat and a shivery kind of excitement that electrified her, drew her in to the maelstrom of sensations like a moth to a flame.

  Jesse inserted a finger into her pussy and she bowed off the table, whimpering in need as her passion spiked, internal flames shooting for the sky.

  “You are so wet, baby, so ready for us.”

  She sensed Jesse stepping back, and that image became swamped by Grant’s mouth as it continued to seduce her, his hand as it wandered from breast to breast, then down, slyly, to test her liquid heat for himself.

  He groaned against her lips when he inserted his fingers into her slick passage.

  Jesse stepped back between her splayed legs. Grant traced his hand back up her body. She felt the brush of the back of Jesse’s hand against her opening.

  Then his hot, latex-covered cock pressed against her, feeling impossibly large as he grasped her hips, leaned forward, and slowly began to enter her.

  It felt as if every nerve she possessed rushed to her pussy. Gasping, she broke away from Grant’s hungry mouth. “Hurry, oh please, hurry.”

  “Don’t worry, baby,” Jesse’s voice sounded strained with self-mockery. “It’s going to be in a hurry. I’m so damn triggered, it won’t take….oh, yeah.”

  Annie couldn’t manage more than a moan of bliss as Jesse’s cock sank deep inside her, filling her completely. The heat of his groin against her labia, the sway of his balls against her ass as he pulled out and then sank into her again, and then again, the friction of his cock moving against her tunnel, turned her on more than anything she’d ever imagined.

  Grant straightened beside her, but kept his hand busy stroking and kneading her breasts. She could see him watching Jesse and her, watching Jesse fuck her. She, too, turned her gaze on the man inside her. Such a look of absorption, of pure pleasure lit his face that her breath caught.
r />   “You feel so good around my cock, baby,” he whispered. Then he leaned over her, opened his eyes.

  She could see the strain of his control. Sweat dotted his forehead and one bead of it slid off him, landing almost exactly between her breasts. Annie reached out to him, curling her fingers in his hair. She tugged and he came forward, heeding her unspoken demand.

  Her mouth fastened onto his, her tongue drinking his flavor, stabbing and swirling greedily. And as she took Jesse’s taste into her mouth, his cock into her pussy, her other hand stroked down Grant’s chest, down until she brushed against the denim covered ridge of his erect penis. He leaned against her touch, and his cock grew larger.

  She weaned her lips from Jesse’s, met his gaze. Plying rarely used muscles, she convulsed her sheath around his cock. “Fuck me harder,” she said.

  “Oh, God.”

  She saw his control snap. Eyes glittering, teeth bared as if in pain, Jesse withdrew from her body and surged home again and again. She felt the tension in him, could smell him, the musky scent of his sweat and his sex, as he drove into her, as he pleasured them both.

  Then he reached down, found her clit with his thumb, and began to rub.

  Annie came hard and fast, her orgasm so damn big that she wondered that she didn’t fly right off the table. Jesse’s one hand anchored her hips even as he continued to thrust into her and rub her clit. Grant caressed and pinched her nipples, his hands anchoring her as he bent down to take one hard pebble into his mouth and suck strongly.

  Annie didn’t recognize the sounds she made as ecstasy flooded her body, emptied her mind. Jesse pressed forward, a feral growl emerging from his throat. She felt his cock pulse inside her, knew he was coming, filling the latex that protected them both. She hooked her legs around his ass and lifted her pussy to press more completely against his groin, wringing every drop of pleasure from her orgasm that she could.

  Annie closed her eyes as Jesse collapsed over her, his breathing as rapid and harsh as her own. She felt movement beside her.


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