Serials to Graphic Novels

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Serials to Graphic Novels Page 39

by Catherine J Golden

  Navasky, Victor

  Neo-Victorian graphic novel

  Newcomes, The (Thackeray)

  Newgate Calendar, The

  Newgate novel

  Nicholas Nickleby (Dickens)

  Niépce, Nicéphore

  North and South (Gaskell)

  Northanger Abbey (Austen)

  Official Descriptive and Illustrated Catalogue (ODIC)

  Old Bailey novels

  Oliphant, Margaret

  Oliver Twist (Dickens): connection to Trilby; “Fagin in the Condemned Cell”; graphic novel adaptation of; Household Edition; “The Jew and Morris Bolter Begin to Understand Each Other”; “The Last Chance”; “The Meeting”; “Mr. Bumble and Mrs. Corney Taking Tea”; Nicholas Nickleby; “Oliver Amazed at the Dodger’s Mode of ‘Going to Work’”; “Oliver Asking for More”; “Oliver Introduced to the Respectable Old Gentleman”; “Oliver Plucks up a Spirit”; stage adaptation of

  O’Neill, Kevin

  Onwhyn, Thomas

  Orley Farm (Trollope)

  Our Mutual Friend (Dickens)

  Papercutz: graphic novel adaptation of Oliver Twist; reboot of Classics Illustrated

  Passionate Journey (Masereel)

  Past and Present (Egg)

  Paterson, Helen: Far from the Madding Crowd; illustrator of Hardy

  Patten, Robert: on Cruikshank; on Dickens and serialization; on Pickwick

  Paul Pry (Poole)

  Pennell, Joseph

  Penny Post

  Peter Ibbetson (Du Maurier)

  Peter Rabbit. See Tale of Peter Rabbit, The

  Petrus, Hugo

  Phaedrus (Plato)

  Phiz. See Browne, Hablot Knight

  photography: book illustration akin to photography; development of photography; early Victorian photographers; photographic illustration; photographic methods of reproduction

  Pickwick. See Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club, The

  Pickwick mania: Pickwick-inspired merchandise; popularity of Pickwick; similar nineteenth-century publishing sensations

  Pickwick Papers, The. See Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club, The

  Picture of Dorian Gray, The (Wilde): Graphic Classics adaptation; Marvel adaptation

  piecemeal publishing

  Pilgrim’s Progress (Bunyan)

  Pipe, Jim

  Pissarro, Lucien


  Poems (Tennyson, Moxon edition)

  Poetry, Pictures, and Popular Publishing: The Illustrated Gift Book and Victorian Visual Culture (Kooistra)

  Poole, John

  Portrait of a Lady, The (James)

  Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club, The (Dickens): adaptations of Pickwick; Browne as replacement for Seymour; Buss’s role in Pickwick; Chapman and Hall; dates of publication; “The Discovery of Jingle in the Fleet”; “The Dying Clown”; formula for publishing new fiction; global response to Pickwick; “The Middle-Aged Lady in the Double-Bedded Room”; “Mr. Pickwick Among the Ruins of the Chaise”; “Mr. Pickwick in Chase of his Hat”; “Mr. Pickwick in the Pound”; “Mr. Pickwick Slides”; “Mrs. Bardell Faints in Mr. Pickwick’s Arms”; “Pickwick Advertizer”; Pickwick and commodity culture; Pickwick mania; Pickwick’s character and appearance; plot of; Seymour as illustrator

  Posting It: The Victorian Revolution in Letter Writing (Golden)

  Post Office: The General Post Office, One Minute to Six; Penny Post; reform via Nicholas Nickleby


  Potter, Beatrix: art training; brother Bertram; drawings of humans versus animals; governess (Annie Carter Moore); on Grahame; on Greenaway; illustrating Chandler Harris; illustrating Lear; illustrating after Tenniel; influence of Caldecott; naturalist artist; “picture-letters”; on the Pre-Raphaelites; rejection at Kew Gardens (leading to book illustration); R. Potter and; The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher; The Tale of Peter Rabbit; The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin; The Tale of Two Bad Mice

  Potter, Rupert: art connoisseur; artistic background; relationship with B. Potter; relationship with Millais

  Poynter, E. J.

  Pre-Raphaelites: Academy shows; artists turned illustrators; Arts and Crafts movement; The Music Master; Tennyson’s Poems

  Pride and Prejudice (Austen): Campfire adaptation of; graphic novel adaptation of; Marvel adaptation of; nineteenth-century illustrated versions of; relationship between graphic novel and source text; Udon Entertainment adaptation of

  printing: color printing; copperplate and steel-plate; innovations in; woodblock engraving

  print-splitting. See extracting

  progress. See Hogarth, William

  Pry, Paul (Poole)

  Public Libraries Act of 1850

  public library system: access to books; decline of serialization due to

  publishing: art presses; early forms of publishing; fin de siècle and; gift book; graphic novels for an adult readership; reissuing of caricature-style illustrated books; rise of US publishing; serialization; specialization in; subscription; Victorian bestsellers

  Punch: Du Maurier; humor magazine; Leech; parodies; Tenniel

  Pyle, Howard

  Quarles, Francis

  Rackham, Arthur

  reading pictures: in graphic novels; in the Victorian period

  Reading Victorian Illustration, 1855–1875 (Goldman and Cooke)

  realism. See also Millais era

  Realizations (Meisel)

  Reid, Forrest: criticism of caricaturists; extracting pictures; response to Sixties artists

  Reppion, John

  Ricketts, Charles

  Romola (Eliot)

  Rosenberg, Edgar

  Rossetti, Christina: collaboration with D. G. Rossetti; compassion for fallen women; on Housman’s illustrations; marketing work for public consumption

  Rossetti, Dante Gabriel: Astarte Syriaca; author-illustrator; book illustrator; bookmaking; collaboration with C. Rossetti; Siddal as model; Goblin Market illustrations; “The Maids of Elfen-Mere”; Proserpine

  Rowlandson, Thomas: Doctor Syntax; Hogarth’s heir; influence on Dickens and Thackeray; “Money Lenders”

  Royal Doulton

  Ruskin, John

  Sach, Laurence

  Sakai, Stan

  Sandys, Frederick

  Sarzano, Frances

  schools of illustration: caricature; fin-de-siècle developments; realism. See also US publishing market

  Scott, Sir Walter

  Second Tour of Doctor Syntax, The (Combe and Rowlandson)

  self-help (self-improvement)

  Sense and Sensibility (Austen)

  serial: adapted for the stage; advertising in; comic appeal; connection to comics; definition of; importance of illustration in; reputation of

  serialization: decline of; at fin de siècle; Pickwick’s importance to; public library system and; rise of

  Seymour, Robert: Chapman and Hall; comic Pickwick plates; “The Dying Clown”; establishing Pickwick’s appearance; relations with Dickens; reputation; Sketches by Seymour; suicide

  Shepard, Ernest

  Sheppard, Jack

  Sherard, Robert H.

  Showalter, Elaine

  Simon, Leslie

  Sitwell, Sacheverell

  Sixties: Academy-trained artist-illustrators; definition of; style

  Sketches by Boz (Dickens)

  Sketches by Seymour (Seymour)

  Smith, Jessie Willcox

  Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge

  Songs of Experience (Blake)

  Songs of Innocence (Blake)

  Southey, Robert

  Spender, Nick

  Spiegelman, Art

  Stanfield, Clarkson

  Stanhope, Lord

  Steig, Michael

  Stevens, Joan

  Stevenson, Robert Louis: artistic ability; author of boys’ books; graphic novel adaptation of; map for Treasure Island; serialization of work; single-volume publication of work; Treasure Island

  Stoker, Bram

bsp; Stone, Harry

  Stone, Marcus: artistry; Our Mutual Friend; relationship with Dickens

  subscription publication

  Surtees, Robert Smith: Handley Cross; or, Mr. Jorrocks’s Hunt; novelist

  Sutherland, John

  Svengali: actors interpreting him; connection to Dickens and Cruikshank’s Fagin; illustrations of; mesmerism; notoriety of; resonance in graphic novel adaptations of Oliver Twist

  Syddall, J

  Tabachnick, Stephen

  tableau vivant (tableau and tableaux vivants)

  Tale of Peter Rabbit, The (Potter)

  Tenniel, John: Alice in Wonderland; The Ingoldsby Legends; innovations for Alice; monocularism; Once a Week; Punch cartoons; refashioning of Carroll’s caricatures; Sixties artist

  Tennyson, Alfred Lord: gift books of his poetry; Moxon edition of Poems; view of illustration

  Tess of the d’Urbervilles (Hardy): illustrators for; serial publication of; single-volume edition of

  Thackeray, William Makepeace: applying to replace Seymour as illustrator of Pickwick; author-illustrator; “Becky’s Second Appearance in the ‘Character of Clytemnestra’”; An Essay on the Genius of George Cruikshank; The Newcomes; on Pickwick; pictorial capital to chapter IV; skill as illustrator; Vanity Fair

  Thomson, Hugh

  Ticknor, William D.

  Tillotson, Kathleen

  Töpffer, Rodolphe

  Tours of Dr. Syntax (Combe and Rowlandson)

  Treasure Island (Stevenson)

  Treasury of the Great Children’s Book Illustrators, A (Meyer)

  Trilby (Du Maurier): connection to Oliver Twist; connection to Vanity Fair; film versions of; “An Incubus”; “‘Et Maintenant Dors, Ma Mignonne!’”; mesmerism in; stage productions of; Trilby-mania


  Trollope, Anthony: authorship; Dispossession; 2013–08; John Caldigate; Millais’s illustrations for

  Twain, Mark: illustrations by Kemble; illustrations by Williams; subscription publication of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn

  Udon Entertainment: adaptation of Pride and Prejudice; expansion of literary classics line

  Understanding Comics (McCloud)

  Urania Cottage

  US publishing market: Alcott; Du Maurier; Longfellow; rise of illustrated fiction; Stowe; subscription publication; Twain

  ut pictura poesis

  Vale Press

  Vanity Fair (Thackeray): “Becky’s Second Appearance in the ‘Character of Clytemnestra’”; pictorial capital to chapter IV; “Rebecca’s Farewell”

  Victoria (Queen of England): involvement in Great Exhibition; photography of; response to Oliver Twist

  Victorian Frame of Mind, The (Houghton)

  Victorian Illustrated Book, The (Maxwell)

  Victorian Novelists and Their Illustrators (Harvey)

  Victorian Serial, The (Hughes and Lund)

  Victorian Things (Briggs)

  Vorachek, Laura

  Walker, Fred

  Ward, David

  Ward, Lynd

  Webb, Philip

  Wehrschmidt, Daniel A.

  Weiner, Steven

  Weitenkampf, Franz

  Whalley, Joyce Irene

  Whistler, James McNeil

  White, Gleeson: criticism of caricaturists; extracting pictures; response to Sixties artists

  Wilde, Oscar: graphic novel adaptations of The Picture of Dorian Gray; source text of The Picture of Dorian Gray

  Wilkie, David

  William IV (King of England)

  Williams, True

  Wilson, A. N.

  Wilson, Edmund

  Wilson, Seán Michael

  Wives and Daughters (Gaskell)


  Woolf, Virginia

  Wordsworth, William

  “Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, The” (Benjamin)

  writing desk: commodity culture; in David Copperfield; indications of class and gender; mass production of

  Wuthering Heights (E. Brontë): Barron’s adaptation of; Classical Comics adaptation of; source text

  Wyeth, N. C.


  Yellow Book, The

  Yoe, Craig

  Yonge, Charlotte Mary

  Zemka, Sue

  CATHERINE J. GOLDEN, professor of English and the Tisch Chair in Arts and Letters at Skidmore College, is author of numerous books, including Posting It: The Victorian Revolution in Letter Writing and Images of the Woman Reader in Victorian British and American Fiction. She is also the editor or coeditor of five additional books on topics ranging from Charlotte Perkins Gilman to Victorian illustration, literature, and culture.




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