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Foxe Den 2: A Skykler Foxe & Friends Summer Vacation (Skyler Foxe Mysteries)

Page 2

by Haley Walsh

  Both panting, Skyler lifted up and collapsed on top of his lover. A steadying hand came around Skyler’s back and tucked him more comfortably in the crook of Keith’s arm, while his other hand lazily stroked Skyler’s ass cheek, rubbing the cum and lube over it. They breathed for a while, saying nothing. The room was rife with the smell of male sweat and cum. It was comforting to Skyler to add the scent of Keith, whatever that essence was. But it felt great to inhale it.

  A nuzzling kiss on the top of his head told him that maybe Keith liked Essence of Skyler, too. Skyler rubbed his hand in the mess matting in Keith’s furred chest. “Did I ever mention how much I enjoy fucking you?”

  Keith chuckled, the vibrations in his chest bouncing Skyler’s head. “I don’t know if you ever actually said it, but I got the drift.”

  Skyler settled his chin on his hand and grinned. “Oh, all right, then.” He blinked languidly. He still felt a bit shy when he admitted aloud, “I love you.”

  Keith’s smile turned to one of tenderness. “I love you, too, babe.” His hand came up and gently brushed Skyler’s wild locks out of his face.

  “And you’re a naughty boy, aren’t you? Here I was prepared to make you dinner.”

  Keith closed his eyes. “Get cleaned up and I’ll take you out.”

  “Oh yeah? Okay. Just…let me lie here for a minute…or three.”

  They both ended up dozing for a bit until the thought of the pink slip made Skyler’s eyes snap open. He sat up.

  Keith snorted awake. “Where’s the fire?”

  Skyler sighed. “I got my pink slip today.”

  “You, too? So did I.”

  “What? But you’re the head football coach.”

  “I got my slip for my biology class, not for coaching.”

  “Oh shit. Well, at least you have a job. You work through the summer, don’t you?”

  “Have to. That’s when we have tryouts and practice begins. It’s a very short season.”

  “Lucky for you.”

  Keith sat up and put his arm around Skyler’s shoulders. “Don’t feel bad, babe. You know this happens to all new teachers.”

  “I know. I guess I somehow thought it wouldn’t happen to me.”

  “What did Mr. Sherman say?”

  “He was really nice about it. He said there wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for me.”

  “Wow. That’s a testimonial.”

  Skyler leaned into Keith as he thought about Keith’s words and Mr. Sherman’s expression. “Yeah. I guess it really is. I hadn’t thought about that.”

  “I really doubt he would have said that to any other teacher. He didn’t say it to me.”

  “Really?” Skyler felt ten times better. Special again. Maybe it would be all right.

  § § §

  The next day at school was bittersweet. It was his last day of his first year of teaching, and even though his pink slip was hanging over his head like the Sword of Damocles, he didn’t want it to mar the moment. He got ridiculously tearful as each class ended. And even though the students were anxious to leave on their summer vacations, some of them stopped off at Skyler’s desk to tell him how much they had liked his class. When he got to his sophomore class at the end of the day, he could barely hold it together.

  And when they brought out the bouquet of flowers he lost it completely. Amber Watson, his best student and crush-holder, balled just as much as he did. Her best friend, Gothy Heather Munson patted Amber’s shoulder, trying to soothe. Rick Flores openly hugged his boyfriend Alex Ryan, football player and formerly disgruntled teen. Drew O’Connor, his straight football player, stood off to the side, trying to keep his own emotions in check.

  Skyler blew his nose into a tissue and wiped his eyes with a fresh one. “You guys. I feel so lucky to have had you all in my class.”

  “We’re so glad you were our teacher!” wailed Amber.

  “God, Watson,” said Rick, his voice wobbly. “Get it together. You’re gonna make us all lose it.”

  Even Heather wiped at her heavily made-up eyes. She must have used bullet-proof eyeliner because it didn’t budge.

  Without a word, Skyler passed around the Kleenex box. Each of his five students took one. Noses were blown, eyes daubed. Finally Skyler sat back with a sniff. “Will I see you all at the GSA today?”

  Amber sobbed again. “It’s our last GSA of the year!”

  “Jesus, Amber,” muttered Alex.

  Skyler took another tissue as the box was passed back to him. “Look. I’ll have a special announcement at the GSA meeting today so you’d all better be there. It’s nothing bad,” he hurried to say to Amber’s wet and worried face. “It’s good, in fact. So…you’d all better get over to the art building. I’ll meet you there.”

  “But the yearbooks!” cried Amber. “The yearbooks are being passed out so everyone might be a little late to the meeting.”

  “I almost forgot about that,” said Skyler.

  They left hurrying down to the quad for their yearbooks and the frenzy of getting them signed. Skyler loaded his satchel, grabbed his bouquet, and stood in the doorway of his classroom. He gave it one last, lingering look before he switched off the lights. Good old room 212. He’d have to come in tomorrow and clear it out. Just in case.

  He sniffed again, looking at his bouquet, at the cards the other classes had given him, and shook his head. He’d be a blubbering mess by the end of the GSA, too, he just knew it. Keith had his work cut out for him when he got home tonight.

  He headed across the quad, watching kids run here and there, yearbooks in their hands. He needed to pick up his as well.

  Suddenly Amber was in front of him holding her yearbook aloft. “Would you sign my yearbook, Mr. Foxe?”

  He juggled his satchel and bouquet. “Sure, Amber.” He took the book. “Let me just find the faculty page…”

  “Oh no. Not there. On page ten.”

  “Page ten?” He flipped the pages and stopped on page ten, staring.

  It was a picture taken—one of many, no doubt—of him and Keith in their tuxes dancing together at the sophomore formal, the event that outed him. The picture was set inside a heart shape with the headline curved above it, “Best Couple.”

  “Oh shit,” he murmured.

  Amber slid a pen toward him. “You and Mr. Fletcher look really good together,” she said primly.

  “Wow. Yeah.” He took the pen—feathered with pink ink—and signed his name quickly before snapping the book shut. “There you go.”

  “Thanks, Mr. Foxe. See you at the GSA!”

  He watched her go, still slightly dazed. Wasn’t that a memento of his first year! It was bad enough that his students had already presented him with a framed photo of him and Keith in about the same pose, which he kept somewhat hidden in his roll top desk. But now it was immortalized in the year book. “Keith will just love that.”

  He turned around to make his way to the art building when he was accosted by a line of students, waiting for him to sign their year books.

  § § §

  It took a while before he was free to get across the quad. He’d been embarrassed signing all those year books, but the students were all good-natured about it and in the end, he was flattered to be included. He’d certainly never forget it now, even if he tried.

  But now his thoughts were all about his announcement at the GSA. He had talked it over with Keith and the man agreed. Now he hoped Ben Fontana, the art teacher and GSA sponsor, would go for it.

  He climbed the art building’s steps and entered into the cool corridor. Though kids milled around the quad and in some of the other buildings where afterschool activities were still holding sway, the only thing after hours in the art building was the Friday GSA. Skyler had been too chicken to sponsor it himself in the days he was still in the closet, even though he had suggested it in the first place. But good old sheepdog Ben Fontana had stepped up to the plate when the students asked. Skyler had finally joined after he was outed and things had calmed d

  He walked through the door and set his stuff aside, taking his teacher chair in the front. The usual suspects were all present: slim Lisa Shapeless Dress, Evan Nose Ring, Kevin Doc Martins, Rob Polo Shirt, Reece Rocker, and Joyce and Stephanie Cheer Leader. He was slightly ashamed of himself that he knew them more by those descriptive monikers. He knew he must have learned their last names. Somewhere.

  There was also his sophomore cadre: Rick and Alex, Amber and Heather, and Drew, a late-comer to the party.

  Ben Fontana was almost as big as Keith, but not particularly good-looking by Skyler’s standards. His lanky hair was drawn back into a ponytail, and his acne-scared faced was covered with a scraggly beard. He informally called the meeting to order by kicking back in his seat, lacing his hands behind his head, and saying, “Welcome to the last GSA of the school year. Looks like we have our full complement today.”

  Everyone murmured, looking around the room at all the familiar faces.

  “It’s been one helluva year,” said Rob with a huge grin, aiming it at Skyler. “What with school dances and such.” He winked, motioning to his yearbook.

  Skyler felt his face heat up. Looking around the room, everyone had their yearbooks out and ready.

  “You could say that,” he said. “And to that end—yearbook pictures notwithstanding—“ They all laughed. “And to celebrate this fine GSA group that Mr. Fontana graciously started,” he continued. “I would like to propose a year-end beach party.”

  Cries of “Yeah!” “All right!” interspersed with a few whoops.

  “I’m proposing a full day at the beach, with barbecue, volleyball, and fun in the sun.”

  Ben leaned forward. “How would that work, Mr. Foxe? School’s out.”

  “Well.” He dug into his satchel and pulled out the permission forms. “It’s still technically a school function and so we have to abide by district rules. But first we’d have to decide on a date and then your parents would have to sign these permission slips. I and Coach Fletcher would drive. I was also hoping that you would come along as driver and chaperone, Mr. Fontana. Ms. Hornbeck has already offered to go, too.”

  Ben smiled. “How can I refuse?”

  The students cheered.

  “Okay.” Skyler passed out the permission slips. “The teachers are covering the costs but any donations would be welcomed. I don’t want anyone to bow out just because they might not be able to afford it. We’ll be going to Newport Beach. As you know, it’s about an hour and a half away, so this is an all-day affair. Sunscreen is required!”

  “Seems that the first order of business,” said Rick, “is to pick a date.”

  “Speaking of date,” said Rob. “Are we allowed to bring one?”

  “I don’t see why not,” said Skyler. “As long as they fill in a permission slip, too. And everyone behaves themselves.”

  Rick clapped his hands together. “Okay, amigos! What date?”

  “It can’t be July,” said Alex. “That’s when tryouts and practice begins.”

  “A weekday would be less crowded,” offered Amber.

  Heather got out her phone and called up a calendar. “June?” she asked.

  Everyone seemed to agree.

  After some wrangling, a day was chosen for the following week that everyone could agree upon. Then the rest of the meeting got started with kids discussing the good things as well as the bad that happened to them that week.

  It adjourned an hour later and all waved goodbye, promising to email their permission slips.

  Skyler turned to Ben. “Sorry for putting you on the spot, but I felt that you would agree. If you need to back out…”

  “Wouldn’t dream of it. I think it will be fun. It’s a great idea, Skyler.”

  § § §

  School was officially out. The kids at James Polk High ran from the place like hounds released for the hunt. Except for graduation the following Monday, the school quieted. Only the teachers remained for necessary meetings and discussions. Skyler commiserated with the other new teachers, each showing their pink slips like badges of honor.

  Skyler retreated to his classroom and took down the framed posters and other art and books he had used to decorate, glancing back sadly at the now stark classroom, looking much like it had last August when he set it up the first time. But he was assured by the other teachers that he’d be back and setting up the room again. It would only be a matter of a few years till he was secure and could consider 212 his permanent room.

  Once the teachers were let out, the school finally silenced for good. Keith would return the following month along with his coaching staff to get tryouts underway for football and other sports. The “fall” schedule began again in August, so kids were expected back quicker than a blink. Skyler hoped he’d hear back from the district sooner rather than later but his short summer was already planned out. He would return to his usual job as a docent at the 1930s Lincoln Memorial Shrine, a small octagonal museum situated behind the 1890s A.K. Smiley Library.

  And in the evenings on Tuesdays and Fridays, he would volunteer to help at the Redland’s Bowl, America’s oldest free outdoor concert space.

  So when the date of the beach party dawned Skyler was ready to go.

  Keith was waiting for him in the living room with their gear (most of which he had already loaded in the truck) and when Skyler finally came out, Keith burst into laughter.

  “What are you supposed to be?”

  Skyler looked down at himself. He was wearing a long-sleeved t-shirt, long cargo pants, a sun flap hat with neck cover, SPF 75 on his face and body, with extra zinc on his nose. “What do you mean?”

  “Well,” he said, chuckling. “We’re not going on safari.”

  Skyler rested his hands on his hips. “For your information, Keith Aaron Fletcher, I have every intention to go my entire life without any skin damage. This fair skin does not stay fair and beautiful all by itself. It takes work, mister.”

  “Everything about you takes work,” he muttered, good-naturedly.

  “I beg your pardon?”

  “That is to say,” he said with a huge grin, “you are well worth the trouble. I mean, um, time and effort…Jesus. Forget I said anything. Shall we?”

  Skyler chose to ignore that. “You’ve got the coolers, right? The wood and charcoal? And the shade?”

  “It’s all in the truck, Skyler. All we need is you…and the kids.”

  “But all the food, right?”

  Keith herded him toward the door. “For the hundredth time it’s all in there. Just grab these chairs. They’ll fit in the Bug’s trunk, won’t they?”

  “Just barely.”

  It had been agreed that the parents would drop the kids off at school, and so Skyler and Keith each drove their cars and parked in front of James Polk High. Ben Fontana in his giant SUV was already there waiting, and Tricia Hornbeck, the math teacher, had her Audi station wagon parked right behind him.

  Skyler got out and some of the students giggled. He raised his chin and ignored them. “Are we all here?” he asked, scanning the eager faces. Some just had rolled up towels under their arms, while most of the girls had bags slung over their shoulders stuffed with all the accouterments a girl might need. “Everyone have a jacket? It will get cold at night,” said Skyler. They all nodded. “Okay. I need your original permission slips.”

  Each student handed theirs forward and Skyler took them all, checked the parents’ signatures again, and filed it away into his cargo pants pocket. It looked like every one of them had made it. “Okay! So we need to decide who goes where. I can take three in my Bug.”

  Once all the kids were divided, they piled into the vehicles, and with horns honking, set out for the freeway.

  Skyler ended up with Rick and Alex in the back and Drew in the front. Amber had wanted to go with him—naturally—but she and Heather wanted to sit together and they both ended up in Ben Fontana’s SUV along with Evan and Lisa.

  “This is a cool idea, Mr. Foxe,”
said Alex, who didn’t seem to mind that he was squished up against his boyfriend.

  “Yeah, Mr. Foxe,” echoed Rick. “Thanks for doing this.”

  “It’s my pleasure, boys.” And in his best DJ voice he added, “Now why don’t we all sit back, relax and rock on to the Motown strains of Maxine Nightingale singing ‘Right Back Where We Started From.’”

  The students looked questioningly at one another, but it didn’t take long for them to warm to the music and they were soon singing the chorus, loudly and off-key. Skyler’s Bug was filled with Motown hits all the way to Newport Beach, even though Alex and Rick were asleep in the backseat by the time they arrived.

  A typical June gloom had started their day in Redlands with early morning low clouds along the coast, but those were starting to burn off. Skyler maneuvered the Bug into a parking lot that was a quick walk to the beach and to the fire rings. There was a restroom nearby and concessions not too far up the road though he was hopeful about just keeping the kids on the beach.

  Everyone got out and there was some knocking about for the cooped-up teens. But then they settled down and loaded their arms with supplies from the truck, and tromped to the perfect place Skyler picked out.

  Keith and Ben set up the two Easy-Ups, and most of the boys lugged the four ice chests. Everyone else carried chairs for the adults. The kids brought only towels. It was eleven by the time they were set up and though the teens were finding their spots to hunker down in, some were already complaining that they were hungry. Skyler looked to Keith.

  “I guess you’d better get a fire going.”

  “On it.” He and Ben loaded wood into the fire ring. After a few false starts, the fire flared up.

  “We’re flaming,” said Keith.

  “We certainly are,” said Skyler. The kids laughed.

  “Speak for yourself,” said Keith with a wink.

  Skyler settled in his beach chair under the shade next to Tricia and smiled at her. “Thanks for agreeing to come along.”

  “Believe it or not, Skyler, I don’t get a lot of math excursions with my students.”


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