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Kidnap b-1

Page 18

by Murray Mcdonald

  Reaper and Leo left the cottage, setting booby traps as they left. Not that they would really be needed as, within less than an hour, an incendiary device would ensure the cottage would be burnt to ashes. They boarded the eleventh Range Rover, driven by the comms expert and began their journey to the Estate.

  The twins watched as the targets made their way across the island. Due to the high state of alert, they both wore full combat gear and were armed with a variety of weapons, including the Accuracy International AS50 Magnum Variants sniper rifle which they were now using to watch their targets ‘speed’ across the island.

  Chen and Mia started talking in Chinese again. The cart was making its way down the steady slope towards the Special Forces’ base and was slowly picking up pace. Tom and Lela could see the beach off to the left. A number of students had obviously decided that a day on the beach away from school was a good idea.

  The Base Commander, one of the most experienced counter terrorist men alive, had been recalled to London. The UK was not willing to spare their most decorated SAS officer in their critical hour of need. Captain Schmidt, previously of the German KSK, assumed command. Schmidt stood at the gates watching the cart approach down the hill with his targets on board.

  His command of forty men had been reduced over the last hour to twenty eight. All non mission staff had been eliminated on receipt of the Ready command. It was unfortunate that twelve innocent soldiers had been left behind with the bug but he had an objective to achieve and was looking forward to pay day. The helicopter was ready and his soldiers were positioned ready to strike.

  Suddenly the volume levels at the front of the cart jumped a few notches. Chen and Mia were no longer chatting to each other but screaming at each other. As the cart arrived at a junction, instead of turning left for the beach, it headed straight on. Chen and Mia seemed to be fighting over the steering wheel, Mia screaming at Chen in Chinese. Tom and Lela tried to calm them down but they were just ignored. The cart continued to pick up speed as they careered towards the gates of the Special Forces Base. Tom could not understand why Mia was not braking.

  “For God sake slow down! You’re going to hit the gates!” screamed Tom who wasn’t certain whether the two could hear anything over their screaming.

  The twins were up and covering ground quickly. The moment had arrived. They had to reach the base before it was too late.

  Schmidt looked around. He had ten men ready to take delivery of their targets with the other eighteen preparing for evacuation. It seemed like overkill for two kids but who was he to argue. He had his orders and had already received half of his substantial pay-off. He was about to spend the rest of his life in the lap of luxury

  McDonald, Murray

  Kidnap (The Billionaire Series)

  Chapter 45

  Mia was fighting with Chen who was fighting the steering wheel but nothing seemed to be working and the cart was about to smash into the gates.


  Still nothing. Lela also tried screaming at Mia and then resorted to screaming at Chen.


  Nothing happened and the cart crashed into the gates at around 23mph. This was not a great speed but well over the cart’s recommended maximum. With no restraints or bumpers, every passenger felt the impact. None, however, as much as the driver. Mia was struck hard by the steering wheel and everyone heard the snap of her rib cage on impact. Shock filled her eyes and she passed out from the pain.

  Schmidt felt sorry for the female operative, she was not going to enjoy her big pay day. There was no way he was wasting time looking after injured colleagues, he had his own objectives to achieve and agent Ling was not one of them. However, he was very grateful for the work she had done and done very well. In front of him sat three very stunned kids, two of whom were about to join him on a trip.

  Tom was dazed. They were all in shock. He looked across at Lela who seemed to be in a similar daze. Chen seemed OK but Mia did not look good. He looked around and saw the soldiers for the first time. They had obviously come over to check they were OK but why were they pointing their guns at them?

  Lela looked up. This was not good. These guys did not look in the least concerned about them. In fact, they looked animalistic, as if they were hungry and the four of them were on the menu.

  Lela and Tom were not sure who fired first but as they heard gunfire, Chen screamed.


  Three of the soldiers were firing at two shadows behind them in the compound and before anybody knew what was happening, bullets were flying everywhere. They ricocheted off of the cart and Tom pulled Mia to safety behind the cart. She was still unconscious and Lela checked whether she was still breathing, she was.

  “What the hell’s this?” asked Tom, more to himself than to anyone else.

  “Just keep your heads down!” said Chen.

  The twins had watched in horror as the cart careered towards the gates. They followed the cart through the gates and in a fraction of a second, understood what was happening. Their mission orders were clear. This new situation called for change. The surveillance phase was over and the shoot-to-kill policy was now in force. The twins moved against their targets.

  Schmidt was dumbfounded at what had happened. Everything had been going perfectly when all of sudden, gunfire started. He had not realised that his men were firing at shadows. In any event, they had missed and he now stood alone facing the two men who had just massacred nine of his colleagues.

  The twins’ targets were in danger and new rules applied. This was no longer a surveillance exercise but a protection mission with extreme prejudice.

  Schmidt raised his gun to shoot the two intruders but before he had the chance to pull the trigger, he fell to the ground, dead before he hit the rubble.

  Chen was the most alert of the three.

  “Who the hell are you guys?”

  “The cavalry,” responded one of the twins as they both laughed. “OK, let’s go,” they commanded.

  Before anybody had a chance to think, the twins ushered the three conscious children into the waiting helicopter. They were on their way within a minute and were a mile out to sea before the back-up team had arrived at the base.

  With one twin flying the helicopter, the other checked on the children.

  “Are you guys OK?”

  “Yes thanks but what are you doing and where are you taking us?” asked Tom who had come to his senses.

  “We’re getting you the hell out of dodge.”


  Lela was staring at the twin.

  “Wait a minute, I know you.”

  “She recognises us,” the twin shouted to his brother.

  Tom looked at Lela strangely.

  “Are you mad? Their faces are covered in camouflage, their own mothers wouldn’t recognise them.”

  “That would be the same woman whose curry you would sell your granny for,” said Lela.

  “What are you talking about? What’s your Aunt got to do with this?”

  “Yep, Mum makes a mean curry,” responded one of the twins.

  Lela hugged her cousin. She had not seen the twins since she was six. They had left to join the army and due to their extended duty had not yet returned. Kano and Kisho had always looked out for Lela and Tom on their holidays and it appeared that they still were. Tom took a closer look at Kano and recognised him under the camouflage.

  “But what are you doing here?” Tom asked.

  “Quite simple really. Saki did not want you two out of his sight. So, as he couldn’t come here himself, he arranged for his two favourite nephews to do the job for him. We had orders to ensure nothing happened to you. Should anyone make any attempt to harm you, we were ordered to intervene with whatever force was necessary. And just as well, huh?”

  “God yes, thank-you so much! But how did he arrange it, I mean with the school and stuff?”

  “He to
ld us that it was a ‘condition’. That’s all he said.”

  “Of course! His condition with Mr Mitcham,” replied Tom.

  “I can’t believe what you did back there,” Chen interrupted.

  “Just a few little tricks we learnt along the way,” said Kano.

  “But you had them shooting each other, the speed at which you moved and the way you used your weapons. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

  “What, you see lots of guys with weapons, do you?” asked Kano.

  “No, of course not, I mean on TV,” said Chen.

  “What about Mia? What happened? And why were you two screaming at each other?” asked Lela.

  “I can’t remember what she was saying. I just remember trying to get her to turn or slow down and she seemed determined to get into the base,” said Chen.

  “She must have been working with them,” said Kano. “It was all a set up. All the guards who are now on duty fell mysteriously sick before the crisis at the schools. We only got sick because we blagged a canteen off one of the bad guys. Mind you, it saved us from being sent to Paris.”

  “Oh my God, it’s all connected! Kisho, where are you taking us?” asked Tom anxiously.

  “I was going to go to the Airbase on the next island but quite frankly, I’ve got no idea who we can trust anymore. This bird is full to the brim and has all its auxiliary tanks so we’re heading for South Africa and getting the hell out of this area.”

  “Good call. I need to call my dad, where’s my phone?”

  Chapter 46

  Ling had sent the signal just before the cart crashed to let Reaper know she had started.

  Reaper contacted his team members. Everyone was in position and ready to go. He looked across at his communications man who gave him the thumbs up. He looked across at Leo who was on the phone, he signalled thumbs up. Donald was home and his helicopter had left.

  Mr Sakamoto, Weadle and Ms Anderson arrived at the crash scene just as the helicopter was taking off. They looked on aghast at the devastation. Ten dead soldiers lay around the gate area. Other soldiers seemed to be running towards the boats and another two helicopters. Mr Sakamoto screamed across to a soldier as he ran by but the soldier ignored him and continued on his way to one of the waiting helicopters.

  It was Mr Sakamoto who noticed the injured Mia first. Ms Anderson, previously a nurse, jumped into action. Mr Sakamoto sent Weadle to find someone who knew what was going on. As Ms Anderson tended to Mia, she began to regain consciousness.

  “Mia, are you OK? What happened?” asked Mr Sakamoto.

  “Mr Sakamoto, please give her a minute,” said Ms Anderson sternly.

  “No, it’s OK,” said Mia weakly. “I’m not really sure, we were playing a game with Zach, Ahmad, Mingmei and Oleg. We made it round the bend,” Mia was thinking hard but she was still in shock.

  “Who’s we? You’re the only one here,” asked Mr Sakamoto with concern growing in his voice.

  “Chen, Tom and Lela,” she said.

  “Oh my God! Where are they?” Mr Sakamoto looked around at the dead bodies and could not help but think of the hostage crisis around the world. Had his school been hit?

  “I remember,” said Mia. “That we were coming down the hill and Chen started screaming at me, grabbed the wheel and slammed his foot on the accelerator pedal. I didn’t know what to do, he was screaming at me in a Chinese dialect that I didn’t really understand. All I could do was scream back at him.”

  “What happened then, dear?” Ms Anderson was being surprisingly tender.

  “I’m not sure but he basically made us crash into the gates. After that, I don’t remember a thing.”

  Weadle returned. He had failed to find any soldiers, every single one had vanished. Mr Sakamoto thought about the unfolding scene and raced to his car.

  “Come on, we must contact Donald Kennedy. Something is very, very wrong.”

  “No, I’m afraid that’s not an option,” said Weadle confidently.

  Three soldiers came around the corner with guns aimed at the three of them.

  “But you said all the soldiers had gone?” said Ms Anderson who was slower to catch on.

  Mr Sakamoto put his arm across her forearm to let her know to stop talking.

  “What do you want?” he asked.

  “Absolutely nothing. That is exactly what I want the three of you to do for the next few days,” said Weadle enjoying the power over Mr Sakamoto.

  “I’m sorry?”

  “We’re going to go back to your office and we’re going to continue as if nothing is wrong. You didn’t see anything and no children are missing. Just in case you try anything clever, these three young men will be joining us and will have no hesitation in spending hours prolonging the death of our young student here.”

  Weadle looked down and smiled insanely at the injured Mia.

  Mr Sakamoto knew he was not bluffing. The look on the man’s face was pure evil. He had little option but to agree. He looked at Ms Anderson who was still struggling to comprehend what was happening and just said, “OK.”

  Five more soldiers appeared and began clearing away the bodies and hosing down the pools of blood. Within ten minutes, nobody would have known that death and destruction had recently visited the base.

  The phone rang once before he answered.

  “Reaper here.”

  “We have a problem,” the voice said.

  “Who is this and how did you get my number?” Reaper asked irritated.

  “My name is Weadle and let’s just say that we have a mutual client who has spent a great deal of money for our services.”

  “OK, what’s the problem?” asked Reaper realising his client had obviously some back-up resources he was unaware of.

  “The targets have gone and all of the operatives that should be with them are dead.”

  Reaper could not believe his ears.

  “What about Schmidt, where is the imbecile?”

  “Dead along with nine of his colleagues. Ten have gone to try to catch the targets and eight are trying to maintain a semblance of normality for prying eyes at the base.”

  “But what happened?”

  “I have no idea but it seems that one of your operatives may still be with them, somebody called Chen?”

  “Excellent, some good news at last. Anyway, don’t worry, I had planned for this eventuality, it’s in hand. Will you be talking to our client?”

  “No. I have orders not to make any contact until further notice.”

  “OK, I’ll keep him up to speed. Anything else I need to know?”

  “Nothing, other than I have the Headmaster, his PA and a student held at gunpoint for the next few days.” The sarcasm in Weadle’s tone was cutting. “Don’t worry, they’ll act as though nothing has happened. After the mission is complete, let me know and I’ll arrange the necessary.”

  “Thank you. I appreciate your help, you have covered off Schmidt’s role perfectly. I must put the alternative plan into action. I’ll give you a signal on completion. Goodbye.”

  “Goodbye and good luck,” said Weadle putting the receiver down.

  Chapter 47

  Tom dialled his father’s mobile. It went straight to Voicemail. That was very strange. He had Call Waiting and it was only when the phone was switched off that it would go straight to Voicemail. After abandoning the mobile, he checked his watch. It was still morning in the UK and despite being a Saturday, his father would be in the office. He dialled the private line and Helen picked up.

  “Hi Tom, how’s the new school?”

  “Hmm fine, I really need to speak to my dad, is he there please?”

  “No, sorry. He went home, he should be there by now. Shall I put you through?”

  “No, it’s fine, I’ll do it.”

  He hung up and dialled home.

  The phone answered after only one ring.

  “Mum, Dad, are you OK? It’s me. Something terrible has happened.”

  The words rushed from
his mouth in the relief that the phone had been answered.

  “Ah, the elusive Tom,” came a strange voice in response.

  “Who are you?”

  “That’s of no concern to you. Let’s just say that I can help you and you can help me.”

  “Where are my mum and dad? Why are you answering their phone?”

  “Let’s just say they’re OK for now but what you do will determine whether they remain OK. Now firstly, where are you and how is Lela?”

  “I don’t know and Lela is fine.”

  “Now, now Tom. Do you want to see your mother again?”

  “I honestly don’t know where we are. We’re in a helicopter over the Ocean.”

  “OK, I believe you. Now what I’m about to tell you will help you keep your parents in oxygen for the next seventy two hours. You must not contact any authorities. If I hear one siren or hear any chatter regarding our situation, you’ll never see them again. Do you understand Tom?”

  “Yes I understand,” replied Tom.

  Lela heard the fear in his voice and started gesticulating. Tom shook his head and put his hand up indicating for her to stop.

  “Good. Now, I have contacts everywhere as you have probably already guessed. If they hear one mention of the Kennedy name, they will call me immediately. So I cannot emphasise enough that you must not talk to anyone. ARE WE CLEAR TOM?”

  “Crystal,” he responded.

  “Now who killed my men, Tom?”

  Tom’s brain was working faster than it ever had before.


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