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NightFall (NightFall: Book One)

Page 21

by Anastacia Kelley

  But she studied their faces and there was no hint of judgment or humor in their eyes. They befriended her without question. It would take some getting used to because she was always questioning others, always thinking they had an agenda; an ulterior motive. It was Zane who placed those poisoning thoughts in her mind and it seemed it would take a life time to rid her head of him.

  Raven finished her story. “So you see why I did what I did? I didn’t want to, but Zane is very powerful. You see what he is capable of. He almost killed me tonight.” She licked her lips and her shoulders sagged in relief, finally glad to get it all out in the open. She looked at each one. “I am sorry. I won’t be doing Zane’s dirty work any more,” she said with conviction. She looked at Simone who recently told them about Mr. Brant’s warning. “I’m sorry about Mr. Hobbs. I was just desperate to find a way-any way-to be rid of Zane.” She hung her head in shame. “It didn’t even do any good. Zane’s still here and now the OVI are trying to capture any vampires they can find. I was crazy to think it would go smoothly.”

  Simone walked over to Raven and placed her arm around her shoulders. “You have nothing to be sorry for, Raven. I don’t know what I would have done if I was in your situation. I never knew my father. He left before I was born. You know your father but I can see that neither one of us would mind if we never see them.”

  Raven smiled at her new friend. “You’re absolutely right. We’re two sides of the same coin. In a way, you are lucky you never knew who your father was. I wish I never knew of Zane. But, I guess, if we had parents like Saldivar’s or Indea’s, we would never want to forget them.”

  Saldivar put his arm around Indea. “Yes. I was fortunate to know my parents if only for a short time before their deaths.”

  Van spoke up. “We will have to meet Indea’s parents soon. From what I hear, they are very understanding and are a loving couple. They still cannot know who we are.”

  Indea nodded. “I can’t imagine being in your shoes, Raven. But, you know, you can always count on us. We can be your family for as long as you need us.”

  Raven’s eyes burned with unshed tears. “Well, from what I hear, you and Simone are the Eternal Entities. We can be a family for eternity. I wouldn’t mind having sisters.” She faced Saldivar. “Will it happen soon?”

  Saldivar shook his head. “I don’t know. That’s entirely up to Indea and Simone. They know what they would be getting into and what they would have to give up. It’s their decision.”

  “Until then, what do we do about Zane?” Van asked.

  “We?” Saldivar shook his head. “No, I won’t let you or any of the others fight my battles for me, Van. It’s me Zane really wants. But he will not hesitate to kill any of you should you get in his way.” He pointed to Raven. “You see what he tried to do to his very own flesh and blood. What makes you think he would care to do away with complete strangers?”

  Van clenched his jaw. “No, Saldivar. We are family as Indea pointed out. We will not let you fight alone. I will not let you fight alone.”

  Saldivar saw Van’s jaw set in determination. There was no way he could convince Van that he should go it alone. He was a little angry but he was also glad to have friends such as these. Saldivar looked to each person, all of which nodded in agreement. He knew when he was outnumbered. He smiled.

  “Okay.” He sat down and motioned for Van to sit as well. “If all of you are that determined to help, then you should know what you’re up against.” He looked at Indea and Simone. “But answer me this, you two.” When they nodded, he went on. “How do you expect to help Van, Raven and I to beat Zane if you are still humans? You know how strong he is against immortals. What do you think you can do? Zane hates mortals more than anything on this planet. He despises them and sees them as nothing but a meal.”

  Simone and Indea looked at each and smiled. Simone spoke up first. “Van, Saldivar, you both knew, at first, Indea and I was very skeptical about what you were telling us but I’m sure you understand why.” Both men nodded. “Any way, you know how much we love you and want to be with you no matter the circumstances.”

  Van went over to Simone and wrapped his arms around her waist. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” His smile was hopeful and his eyes glittered with joy.

  Simone nodded her assent. “I love you, Van. I want to be with you even if it’s in darkness and shadow.”

  Van kissed her cheek. “You don’t mind never being able to see the sunrise again? Will you miss it?”

  Simone squeezed the love of her life. “Not as much as I would miss being without you forever.”

  Saldivar’s eyes looked questioning at Indea. “Simone is right, Saldivar. There will never be anyone else I’d rather spend my life with, or in your case, an eternity with.”

  Raven jumped up from the chaise with elation and went over to hug them all. “I’m so glad we can finally be a family. I never knew how it felt to have people to trust and count on.”


  “Are you scared?” Van asked Simone as they lay on the bed, naked and holding each other.

  “I was but as long as I’m with you, I feel safe.” She squeezed him. “I’m not scared, Van.”

  Van stroked Simone’s arm, letting his hand follow the path to her breast, her belly and to the sweet curls between her thighs. Simone moaned softly at his touch as she let her hands roam his body. She squeezed his manhood, stroked him until he growled like a primitive beast. He lay flat on his back, slapping his thighs indicating what he wanted.

  Simone’s lips curled mischievously. She straddled his thighs and positioned herself over his thick, hard manhood. She sank down on him slowly, letting her head fall back. “Mmmmm.”

  Van grabbed her hips. “Take all of me you want, my sweet Simone.” He held her place for a moment and ground into her fiercely. Simone pushed her hips back and forth, letting Van’s pubis massage the very core of her. She felt the flames lick every inch of her body.

  Simone grabbed his hands and laced them with hers. They rocked harder together, taking each other higher, feeling close to the pinnacle of pleasure. Van lifted up and wrapped his arms around her and let his mouth grazed her neck. Simone rotated her hips and she felt Van’s mouth open on her fevered skin, his teeth nibbling.

  As Van’s hips pounded into Simone’s, his teeth closed on her neck. Simone gasped, not in pain but in ecstasy as she felt Van’s teeth puncture her skin. He sucked at her as he rode her hard. Simone could feel Van’s labored breath on her neck and he drank from her. He kept drinking until both cried out.

  Simone felt a bit dizzy as Van removed his face from her neck. She saw a hint of blood on his mouth. She brought her head down to kiss it away. Van was still inside her as he nicked the skin of his chest, right near to his rapidly beating heart and watched as Simone lowered her mouth to the blood.

  She did, though hesitantly at first. As she fed upon Van, she felt him grow hard inside her. Just as she finished, he put her on her back and they made love yet again that night.

  A few hours later, Simone slept deeply. Van knew she was in transition and would sleep all night and all of tomorrow as well.

  He studied her. Love swelled in his chest for her. She was his and he was hers for all of eternity. And he would make sure it stayed that way. He knew Zane wouldn’t take it well when he finds out-and he will-that they all had a hand in saving Raven. Van knew that Zane hated Raven and when he figured out she was still alive, not only would he try and kill the ones who helped her but he would try again to end Raven’s life.

  Van leaned down and placed a soft kiss on Simone’s forehead. She did not stir as was expected.

  Soon. Soon she will wake up and things will change but for the better for them both. He finally had what he wanted and was looking for all this time. Simone. His mate and lover.


  Zane sat back in his chair, thinking.

  At last, he was rid of Raven for he did not sense her at all. She was really of no use to him an
y way. It felt as if a terrible burden was lifted off his shoulders. He didn’t need her. Not really. He was perfectly capable of watching the immortals and mortals as well. He was always capable. He just loved having that feeling of total control over a person, vampire and human alike. They were all cattle to him, made to line up and be slaughtered. That’s all they were good for; their only purpose in his eyes. He was second to Arathoseous. That made him just about the most powerful being on Earth. And if Arathoseous’ life had ended in some way, then Zane was to be feared by all and acknowledged as the most powerful entity in the world.

  Now, the time had come to rid himself of Saldivar. If the others got in the way, he would have no qualms about killing them either. But it was Saldivar he wanted most of all. Saldivar nearly destroyed him all those centuries ago, though he didn’t know it. Little that it mattered.

  Zane closed his eyes, letting his mind wander back to the year of 1227 when he had first come in contact with Saldivar in the prison.

  He had felt that instant connection with Saldivar and easily slipped into the prison and broken the necks of the guards.

  He had taken Saldivar to an abandoned shack in Versailles in the dead of night where he saw fit to transform him there.

  As Zane had sunk his teeth into Saldivar’s neck, something strange happened.

  Zane knew that mutations would occur eventually as the years passed. He did not think it would have happened so fast and with Saldivar. Usually, the mutation happened after the transformation had been completed for some time. Arathoseous told him of mutations but not of them ever happening during the transforming stage.

  Unfortunately for Zane, the mutation started as he fed upon Saldivar. Zane felt his eyes cloud over, the whites turning red. His brain was on fire. He had felt his throat all but close up, making it harder to drink. His heart seemed to beat so fast, it made a humming sound. His muscles felt like jelly. His bones, like water. He could barely think. Helpless. That is what he felt. It was something he hadn’t felt since he was a kid and was beaten by the older children. His whole body seemed ready to explode. That is why he had left so soon after letting Saldivar feed upon him. He needed to let his body mend.

  It took days to recover, not hours like it would have usually taken.

  He blamed Saldivar for this and through the centuries, a deep seeded aggression started to grow. Had Saldivar not needed help so soon, this strange mutation would have never happened at all. But no. Saldivar had to go on the rampage to avenge his parents’ death. He had to clumsily sneak onto the enemies’ ground and get caught. He had to get beaten, starved and brutalized by the guards.

  If Saldivar had just waited longer, Zane could have transformed him without nearly getting killed in the process.

  Zane’s life had never been the same after that awful night long ago. He remained tortured by that event. Every now and again, he would feel ill as if he were human. It scared him to think he would ever, once again, feel like a mortal. Somehow, the mutation made his body go back and forth from feeling invincible to feeling as weak as a newborn human child.

  Saldivar did not suffer these problems when the transformation was taking place. Only Zane himself felt it.

  And Saldivar was at fault. He would pay for making Zane suffer so. That’s why he must suffer. That’s why his mate and his friends should suffer. He wasn’t going to make it easy for them. Death, for these four, was going to be torturously slow. He had no mercy and would not show them any went he decided to kill them.

  Oh, how he imagined it would be to watch the life drain slowly from Saldivar, to watch him die as he had watched him transform. And his mate, Indea? Yes, he would kill her but why not have a little fun first? Knowing Saldivar, he had already transformed her so it would be a slow and painful death for a mere immortal infant. She wouldn’t be able to fight him off any way. He would make it where she wouldn’t want to fight him off. He had supreme powers of Persuasion after all.

  Wouldn’t Saldivar just love it? Watching Zane mesmerize Indea into wanting him before he tortured her to death? Watching Zane claim her as only Saldivar should?

  Van and Simone would be next. Maybe he would restrain Van long enough to watch him take then murder his life mate, Simone. Then he would put Van out of his misery. But not before he witnessed Van’s terrible grieving for Simone. Not before his heart broke into a million pieces. Not before he could no longer shed a tear for her. Van would be begging for death long before Zane granted it.

  Arathoseous was wrong. Life is not a precious gift. Look what life dealt for Zane. He knew what helping the Eternal Entity did to him. He saw what happened when he fathered a half breed. Nothing good could ever come from helping others. He could only help himself. He could only take what he wanted without caring if he hurt or killed anyone in the process.

  He was an immortal. Humans were nothing and they will always be nothing. They felt too much. They simpered and whined about everything that didn’t go their way. Didn’t they know that they could just take it? Or was it the fact they were mere humans give them their useless conscious? It matters not. They were weak and he would see them no other way. Except as food.

  He was a human once and he cared not to relive the events as a child or a young adult. It would do him no good.

  Right now, he needed to devise the ultimate plan of attack on the one for which he felt the most hatred. Saldivar would soon feel what it is like to be human once more.

  Death could not come soon enough for that waste of immortality.


  “How does it feel, Indea?” Saldivar asked, stroking her back.

  Indea’s head was on Saldivar’s shoulder. She let her hand glide over his smooth chest. “I have never felt so great in my entire life.” She looked up into Saldivar’s golden eyes. “I know we must live in darkness but I truly think that my life was in darkness before I met you. As long as I’m with you, I won’t be in the shadows.”

  Saldivar brought his head down to kiss Indea softly on the lips. “I am so lucky to have found you, my sweet Indea. I’m so glad I won’t have to spend my eternity alone.”

  “And I don’t want to lose you. I know this Zane character is out for your blood and from what you’ve told me about him, he could very well hurt you or worse. I know I’m new to darkness so it will be no trouble at all for Zane to do away with me. You’re the oldest and yet you say he could kill you though it would take more effort to do so.”

  Saldivar hugged Indea closer to his chest. “I won’t let anything happen to you, Indea,” he vowed.

  “I know, Saldivar. I know.”


  Simone awoke the following evening with Van by her side. If she thought making love to him as a human was so good, making love to him as a vampire was unexplainable. Everything felt different. She felt new heights of pleasure she didn’t even know existed. She could taste him, feel him, and love him with new and heightened senses. Every nerve, every cell, she felt a hundred times more. The flame of a candle she could see every hint of blue, orange and red.

  Van took her by the hand and he helped her explore her new world. And even with the joy of being with Van, Simone knew a dark cloud hovered over them. Zane was that ominous being that lurked just behind them. They just didn’t know when he would strike. They had a feeling, however, who he would lash out at first. Saldivar. No matter how hard they tried, they could not figure out why Zane despised Saldivar; why he still wanted him dead after all these centuries. It was such a shame to see what blind hatred and a grudge could do to a person. It would eat away at you and Zane was the perfect example of what that kind of feeling could do to you. He was so caught up in destroying Saldivar that he forgot to live, forgot how to enjoy the wonders this world could offer.

  Sadly, Zane couldn’t seem to be helped. Simone disliked the guy but at the same time she couldn’t help but feel sorry for him. She couldn’t put her finger on why she felt the way she did. She should hate him for wanting to do away with her friends but something
must be eating away at him from the inside.

  Van understood Simone’s trepidation but they also knew they had to stand by Saldivar no matter the outcome. Zane couldn’t be reasoned with. It was a good thing Raven got out when she did. Zane had poisoned her mind enough with his ways of thinking. It would take her a long time to heal from that. It might be a wound that never fully closed. But, Raven was strong and she would survive. She’d gotten this far. She was family now and they would protect her to the end if need be.


  Zane angrily paced the floor of his home. He felt something was wrong. He just could not put his finger on it. He got rid of Raven, didn’t he? That alone should have elated him. So what could be bothering him? Things rarely worried him for he thought worries were of a weak, human nature. It couldn’t be Saldivar that worried him so. He would soon be rid of him, as well as his pathetic friends.

  No, it was just the excitement of knowing he would soon destroy Saldivar. Yes, it was a giddiness he felt at knowing that Saldivar would no longer walk in eternal darkness for his eternity would be in hell. He deserved it for putting Zane through his own hell on earth.

  The more Zane thought of how he had suffered for transforming Saldivar, the less he wanted to wait in killing him. He would have to move in on Saldivar’s friends first for they would be much easier to handle. Battling Saldivar would prove exhausting and would, therefore, make it easier for Van, Simone or Indea to move in for the kill. No, he had waited for far too long to taste revenge. It was so close. He needed to be careful. All these centuries of planning could not be wasted on some foolish and impetuous move simply because he was furious.

  Zane knew he needed to calm down for anger would cloud his judgment and he would stumble.

  Soon, he thought, very soon. I will have my revenge.

  Retribution will soon be at hand and Zane could live the rest of his eternity in peace.


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