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Unicorn's Unease

Page 8

by Crystal Dawn

  “Two cribs, one is for Pru, a rocker, and a rocking horse.”

  By the time the trip was done he thought they might be fully supplied. They went through several more stalls buying seasonings, spices, oils and vinegars. There were candles of many scents and once they hit the stall with chocolates and candies, he knew it was time to eat.

  “Are you hungry?”

  “Yes, this would be a good time to eat.” Janel agreed.

  “Let’s go to the place all those delicious aromas are coming from.” He suggested.

  He escorted his mate carrying her bags to a table. The food vendor had an open fire cooking meats and vegetables much like they had a century ago. Before the war started tourists had flocked here for the rustic atmosphere of a time long gone. Now only a few brave or foolish souls that weren’t local came here. The stories spread of outlaws attacking tourists had been necessary to keep the innocent from being harmed.

  Julio went up to a long rough table to put in an order. Half the table was covered with fruit and drinks were in a large cooler at the feet of the male taking orders. “I’d like two specials with some of the fruit, a juice and an ale.”

  The cashier quickly totaled the order, Julio paid, and a small amount of change was given before two plates were set down with the drinks and fruit. Julio brought Janel hers first then went back to get his. The prices here were high, but the food was good.

  “Are you enjoying yourself?”

  “Very much. I love that you came up with this.”

  While no one watched she transported the bags to her room. It made things easier since they would have nothing to carry. They ate and drank speaking of unimportant things. It was like a real date when everyone was in a light hearted mood. This they would do again and soon.

  Once the food was done, they ambled through more booths, but he saw Janel was getting tired and soon they would find a spot to flash home. Home was a funny term that meant different things at different times. Right now it was Janel’s room at the base, but really it was wherever she was to him. Thankfully he’d discovered he would never be happy without her before it was too late to claim her.

  They made it to the end of the stalls, but after lunch she had not done any shopping. “It’s time to go back.” He declared.

  “You won’t get an argument from me.”

  Looking at her he could almost feel her tiredness. They ducked into a patch of trees and flashed away. They never saw the males who followed them into the trees and looked surprised when they couldn’t find them.

  They made it back instantly to a room where the bed was covered in purchases. Janel immediately began to sort through them letting him know his hopes of sex wouldn’t be realized. She even called Pru over and the two of them went through each item discussing it.

  “Want to go have a drink?” Herk asked after he appeared at the door.

  Glancing at the two females who looked like they would be busy awhile, he looked back at Herk. “Why not.” They flashed downstairs to a room Pru usually used to gather the females for tea. Knowing she was busy right now paid off.

  Herk pulled a bottle of whiskey out from a potted plant. Julio raised an eyebrow at that. “Pru can’t drink while she’s pregnant so she doesn’t want it around her.”

  Julio wondered if Janel would get that way too. He’d do what he had to in order to keep her happy just as Herk was doing with Pru. “We poor males do what we must.”

  “I wish you hadn’t taken Janel to town. It’s dangerous and Pru has wanted to go but I’ve refused to take her.”


  “Someone’s not reading their notifications. We’ve had Intel that they’re targeting our females. They know they can get to us that way. Hubolla’s people won’t care that they’re pregnant. It’s too big a risk to take. Now Pru’s going to say Janel went with no problems.”

  “I’m sorry, Bro. Tell her Janel had no problems because they were caught off guard. Now they will be looking harder. That’s scary thinking of the risk I took.”

  “I’ll admit it surprised me. It made me wonder if you got desperate to get her back and had to promise to take her there.” Herk admitted.

  “Desperate, yes. But it never occurred to me to make promises like that. She never asked either.”

  “They’ll all want to go now. Regardless of what we tell them, we’ll have to watch them so they don’t sneak out.”

  “Pru is uncomfortable enough from her pregnancy that I doubt she’d leave here.” Julio observed.

  “Are you crazy? That’s why she’d go. She wants a distraction. Something to hold her interest so her attention is not only on how she feels. It’s like when you are wounded but can still get around. You want to fight so you don’t dwell on your pain.”

  “Is it that bad?”

  “It is and sometimes it’s worse. I’ve been told it will only increase as the baby grows.”

  “Shifters can be bigger than humans or witches.” Julio whispered.

  “She doesn’t know that yet. No one with any sense would tell her either. Who knows, the baby may be small.” Herk said. Julio looked at him like he was crazy.

  “We can hope.”

  “What are you two in here hoping about?” Pru asked. Both Julio and Herk jumped. “Feeling guilty?”

  “No, of course not. It was just male talk about the war.” Herk insisted.

  “What he said.” Julio agreed.

  Janel came to him and hugged him. “My hero. Pru is jealous because her grumpy male won’t take her to town to shop.”

  “About that. Apparently I missed some of the warnings about threats to our females in the surrounding communities.” Julio admitted.

  “Having regrets about showing me a good time?” Janel asked quietly.

  “No, of course not, but we can’t go again. If we do it will be far out of the war zone.” Julio insisted.

  “We’re together for two days and he’s already been corrupted.” Janel said rolling her eyes then looking at Pru.

  “I told you that would happen. These males stick together.” Pru observed.

  “We are only concerned with your safety. You should be too with the little ones inside you.” Julio declared.

  “You went there? There is so much we can’t do because we are expecting and now we can’t even go shopping.” Pru said.

  “I’m sorry, Sweetness. I’ll make it up to you after the baby is born.” Herk offered.

  “So meanwhile I have to be miserable?” Pru asked.

  “It seems that way.” Janel stated.

  Both females turned and walked away talking about alpha males and how they wished males had to carry the offspring. Julio shuddered. He didn’t want to carry any offspring. Truly he wished he could make things easier on his mate, but there seemed no way to do so.

  “What do we do with them?” Julio asked as he watched them walk away.

  “The best we can. Maybe they’ll realize the danger and give up on their wishes.” Herk suggested. Julio looked at him in astonishment. Yeah, right.

  The next few days went well enough. He should have realized the females were too quiet and obedient. It was easy to let go of the worries and hope for the best, but it wasn’t smart. Four days later he had his first hint that all was not well. Julio was in the gym working out with Jespers when Herk came in looking frantic.

  “Have you seen Pru?” He asked.

  “No, we’ve been here over an hour. Is she with Janel?” Julio asked.

  “Why didn’t I think of that?” He asked sarcastically. “I can’t find either one of them.”

  “Have you checked at the gate?” Jespers asked.

  “I haven’t because I’m hoping they are still inside somewhere.” Herk admitted.

  “Gate. Answer.” He said into his radio.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Have you seen Pru or Janel?” Herk asked. There was a long pause.

  “I’m not sure but we saw two females heading down the road. They didn’t go through
the gate but they appeared suddenly. It may have been them.” The soldier replied.

  That made sense. The two females knew they couldn’t just appear in town with all the humans around. Instead, they had flashed outside their headquarters and continued down the road. Julio had no doubt their mates were going to town. Now they would have to go and catch them before something terrible happened.

  “What now?” Julio asked.

  “We flash as close as we can without being seen and hunt our misbehaving mates.” Herk instructed. He touched Jespers and Julio before flashing off. They ended up in the trees near town. Their females were nowhere to be seen.

  Stepping out of the patch of woods, they followed the street checking out each store as they passed finding nothing. Being supernatural helped as they picked up the scent of their mates. They had been through here not long ago as had dozens of others. They couldn’t move faster with so many stalls, alleys, and other people moving along.

  Julio was worried more than he had been when he found out their mates had escaped the base. He felt watched and he wondered if the girls had been captured. If they had, someone would pay. They were at the place he and Janel had eaten and other than an old scent, there was no sign of their females.

  Things weren’t looking good and Herk was getting angry. At this point Julio had to admit Herk was right about the risks of coming to town. As they continued walking down the last half of the stalls they were finding only the lightest smell of their mates. Anger and frustration rose in him as the fact that they’d been taken became clear.

  How was obvious as was when. The question became where and how were they being treated. As they reached the last stall he was ready to howl like a wolf. He’d finally come to terms with his mate only to have her taken away. They’d stolen not only his mate, but his foal. A murderous rage burned inside him as he tried to think past the pain.

  If he got her back, she would never be allowed to get away from him again. The question was, would he get her back. “Where do we search now?”

  “We call in all our spies. Everyone in the field must be grilled to see if they know or saw anything. We will find our mates. We must.” Herk assured.

  Julio just wished he could believe him. They had walked down the road and were out of sight of town now. They flashed back to the base. Now they searched in all the usual places just hoping their females had come back home. It was a wasted effort. They both collapsed in chairs in Herk’s suite.

  “If I wanted to find someone I would look for a witch.” Julio said.

  “The two most powerful ones are missing.” Herk reminded.

  “Maybe one with less power or one further away could do the task anyway.”

  “Winifred hangs around Pru sometimes trying to learn. If she can’t find them, perhaps she’ll know who we should ask?” Herk got up and went to the door where a guard stood. “Find Winifred and send her to me.” The guard hurried off.

  It was nearly an hour later, during which he and Herk went crazy, when Winifred popped in. “What’s up? The guard wouldn’t tell me a thing.” Winifred was smacking her gum and looked about seventeen.

  Julio looked at Herk in disbelief. “You think she can locate our mates?”

  “It’s worth a try. Winifred, Pru and Janel have been taken. I need you to find them.”

  “You’ve got to be joking. They are both powerful witches. Maybe they’re hiding from you two. You both overdo the protective mate thing.” Winifred observed.

  “What if you’re wrong? Are you willing to take that chance?” Herk asked. Now the girl looked worried. She chewed on her lip and looked around as if she could find the answer in a corner of the room.

  “Okay, but you’ll owe me one.” She said.

  “That’s acceptable.” Herk responded.

  Winifred set up at one of Pru’s tables. She pulled out a candle and a paper writing Pru and Janel’s names on it. Quickly she burned the paper which divided in half. Her face paled showing she wasn’t liking what she was seeing.

  “They are not together. Pru is hiding in the woods where you looked earlier today. She escaped with Janel’s help. I can’t track Janel something is blocking it. Get Pru now, she is in danger.”

  Both males flashed quickly splitting up to find Pru. Julio yelled when he found her. She looked rough with her clothes torn and dirt all over. Scratches were on her face and legs. Goddess help them all if they hurt his mate.

  “Pru, it’s okay. I’ve got you.” Julio said. Herk appeared in seconds pulling his mate into his arms. They flashed back to the base.

  It was obvious to him Pru wouldn’t be able to help them locate Janel any time soon. She was nearly hysterical, exhausted, and hurt. At best, it would be morning before she was in a proper state to attempt a spell. Herk hustled her away and while he was still lacking information to find his mate, he understood.

  Instead of worrying and being frustrated, he flashed back to the patch of trees and waited for those searching for Pru. They could answer some questions. It wasn’t long before he heard a male moving through the thicket surrounding the trees sounding like a herd of elephants. He flashed behind him and had him neutralized and contained before he could let out a sound.

  Flashing him to the prison under headquarters, he took several restraints and headed back. Once he’d gotten three of them, he saw there would be no more. It was time to go back to question his prisoners. He started with the small one who looked as if he would pee his pants. The kid looked young, maybe fourteen.

  “You would be wise to just tell me what you know so things don’t have to get bloody. I doubt you know anything I don’t anyway.” Julio said. “I caught the others that were with you.”

  “I only know we were hunting a witch.”

  “What of the other witch?”

  “When we left, she was in Junito at the jail. I doubt she’s there now.”

  Julio flashed away to the jail in Junito with hope in his heart. As soon as he arrived he knew she was no longer there. “Damn!” Now all he had was the opportunity to pay back some assholes that thought imprisoning an innocent pregnant female was the right thing to do.

  He appeared behind the jailer. “Boo!” The man jumped two feet in the air. Turning, he shivered with fear as he stared at Julio.

  “What do you want?” He asked.

  “I’m looking for my wife. I was told she was here not long ago?”

  “There was a woman. Jorge had her in the first cell. He had two but one escaped.” The jailer laughed. “Jorge is an ass. I hope he gets beaten for losing the one.”

  “Tell me where he went and I’ll make sure he loses the other one too.”

  He looked Julio over closely. “I bet you could. They went to Turnia. There’s a group that Jorge works for. The jailer and the mayor support them. The townsfolk for the most part are innocent. There’s a facility under the city hall. That’s where she’ll be.”

  “Many thanks.” Julio said as he flashed out in front of the human. There was no time to waste.

  Appearing in the basement of the Turnia city hall, he thought it looked like a medieval castle’s dungeon. Torches hung on the hallway walls with only a few lit. The odor was dank the atmosphere dismal. Walking along the hall he found Janel quickly. She looked like she’d been tortured until she’d passed out.

  Opening her cell, he grabbed her and flashed her to the base and had the guard call a healer. Next he got Herk and quickly told him what he’d found out. They grabbed weapons and restraints before heading back to Turnia. Herk went upstairs while he went back to the basement. A male had just stepped out of the cell in a panic.

  “Jorge?” Julio yelled.

  “Where’d she go?” He asked.


  “Did you see her get away?”

  “She mumbled a spell and was gone.” Julio said.

  “Damn witches. She’s just signed my death warrant.”

  Julio pulled out a gun and shot him in the heart. “That’s exactly
what taking her did.”

  There seemed to be no one else in the basement so he flashed to Herk. It was a good thing because he was outnumbered and they were after blood. Pulling his gun, he shot the other two males leaving the mayor for Herk. He had him restrained in seconds.

  “Now what?” Julio asked.

  “Put the other two downstairs and we’ll take him with us.”

  Julio flashed them both at the same time and flashed back to base where Herk had the mayor strapped to a chair. The male looked frightened as he should.

  “I bet you think you’re so smart. You convinced us not to rip your town apart.” Julio observed.

  “You got all of us except Jorge. The others are not part of the plan.” The mayor said. “We had no choice, except for Jorge who is truly evil. They have our families.”

  “Jorge is no longer a worry.” Julio admitted.

  “You’ve saved hundreds of people. That male loved to kill.” The mayor informed.

  “I need to go.” Julio looked at Herk who nodded.

  He flashed to Janel who was still out but now she was clean and her scratches had eased. Her bruises had darkened making them look worse but he knew it meant they were healing. “Is she okay?” Julio asked.

  “She needs rest. I believe she is exhausted and sore. I’ve dulled her pain but I can’t take it away completely because many things might be harmful to the baby. It’ll be a week or more before she is fully recovered, but recover she will.” The old healer said before she left.

  Grabbing her hand, he sat in the chair next to the bed. The fear he’d felt when he couldn’t find her had almost given him a heart attack. There had been fear again when he had found her and seen her terrible condition. Killing that monster had helped, but he needed her back to herself. His mate was his life.

  Fixing some food, he ate it then fixed her some soup. The healer had left a list of recommendations and that was on it. When the soup was lukewarm, he tried to wake her. Apparently it was too soon. He put the soup up and stripped lying down beside her. With her in his arms he willed some of his strength onto her.

  At some point he fell asleep. It was a good deep sleep and he felt better when he woke. Getting up, he tried to get her to wake for food again without luck. Sleep was the most important but a little food would also help. She still managed to frustrate him without even meaning to.


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