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Unicorn's Unease

Page 12

by Crystal Dawn

  Pru had taken her advice to heart and they set up a schedule for all the witches to get protection. Darby was due shortly and she was readying herself for it. They were all in the dining room since it was lunch time and they were eating. She sat amid a large collection of males as Daven told stories. Mid laugh she looked to the door and there he stood.

  Handsome was an understatement. He was also tall and dark. His hair was black as a crow’s wing and his eyes black as pitch. When he was happy and smiling, his dimples peeked out and his eyes glowed gold. They were a contrast as she was pale, with a peaches and cream complexion while he was a deep tan. Her blonde hair was the color of sunshine and her eyes were sapphire blue. A smile curved her plump pink bow shaped lips. It was not a sweet or forgiving smile. It promised hellfire and suffering.

  Although they’d avoided each other whenever possible, it had not always been possible. That meant he knew her well enough to know what was coming. It was why his eyes narrowed in warning. As if she would ever take his warnings seriously. She could hear his vampire growl even from the doorway. It was intended to intimidate and might work on some, but not on her.

  Darby made his way to Herk who sat surrounded by Julio on one side and his mate on the other. It seemed many of the males knew who he was and about his frisky nature with females. Those who were mated immediately moved their mates behind them as he walked by. Hmm, she wondered who had let the cat out of the bag. Julio got up and offered his chair to Darby. He found another chair that he slid into the spot between Darby and Janel. No mate would allow Darby to sit by their female.

  Julio clearly was no exception. Even if he did the right thing in giving up his spot, he secured his mate by moving between them. Gertie smiled. It might be fun to watch Julio and Herk keep their mates from Darby. If he was getting into politics as Mom had said he was, his reputation would not ease his way. She would do nothing to ease it either. Even though she knew she was expected to work with him like a partner, it was her intention to throw problems in his path. Politics could be frustrating and he needed the proper training.

  Darby looked everywhere but where she sat grinning. The fun was just beginning.

  Chapter 13


  He didn’t want to go and he’d made that plain to his father. Not that his father ever cared what he wanted. Since he was his heir to the leadership his duty was all his father thought should matter to him. It had been why he’d ordered him not to act when he’d found his fated mate.

  “You have no problems with the ladies and they all want someone with your position. The witch will fall at your feet when I allow you to approach her.” The vampire king had said.

  Darby’s mother was obedient and submissive. She was not his father’s fated one but a political match that had worked out well for all because neither had found their fated mate and wasn’t likely to. Theirs was not a great love, but they had developed a type of affection for each other and lived separate lives even though they shared the same house if you could call it a house. It was really more like a castle.

  That made it no surprise that his father had drawn those conclusions but when it came to Gertie he was wrong. Right now all the traits he would love if they were already mated were being used against him because they were not. She was not submissive, obedient, or the forgiving type.

  As if this case wasn’t difficult enough, he had to deal with his irate mate too. As Darby walked by, mated males hid their females from him as if he would grab and dishonor them in front of everyone. Gertie had been busy spreading the word. No male would turn their back on him if their females was present. While it was true he had a reputation as a ladies’ man, he wasn’t nearly as bad as he was portrayed.

  He’d played the part of a spoiled rich kid without a care in the world in order to get information that had helped his father stay in the know about enemies of their kind, traitors, and there business competition. Darby had been too good at it and he’d forced him to continue. Now he needed him to assess the situation with Jorge and the battles being fought as they decided if they should commit to the war fully or just continue with some assistance.

  Once this war was done, he would be neck deep in politics as his father planned to run their business and enjoy life. Lucky him!

  “Tell Me Herk how things go here?” Darby asked.

  “They would go better if we had more help. These fiends think to take over our world and rule us all. If your father would commit troops it would relieve the strain.”

  “It looks like you have plenty help for the battles as we’ve heard of them.” Darby observed.

  “If we lose, it’ll be too late to join the fight.” Herk pointed out.

  “I have little say in the decisions for now, but you know why I’m here.”

  “To hunt the feral vampire who tormented my mate and Julio’s.”

  “If he’s a vampire.”

  “If you believed him anything else, you’d be anywhere but here.” Julio observed.

  ”Perhaps we are wanting to give you a hand without committing a large force and checking out this strange creature only out of curiosity?” Darby suggested.

  He received nothing but disbelieving looks all around. Darby almost smiled. These people weren’t easy to fool, not like the spoiled rich kids he’d hung out with most of his life. Some said change was a good thing. He would see.

  “When do you wish to hunt the feral vampire?” Gertie asked with the slightest hint of a smile on her face.

  “We will hunt the creature, whatever he might be, in the morning after breakfast.” Darby suggested.

  “Are you sure after a long night of drinking and womanizing that you will be able to hunt?” She asked innocently.

  “I will be ready, just see to yourself, little one.” Darby replied. Gertie was tall for a female witch at five ten and hated to be called little. He got his payback wherever he could. It was clear no one would be on his side here because Gertie was firmly entrenched and everyone liked her.

  His mate was fun and told some of the best stories many that featured him and some floozy or a drunken adventure that didn’t end well. She’d told the stories at many parties and added to his poor reputation but at the time it had helped him seem harmless. Now it made him seem like a fool and a coward. That would not serve him well. Darby planned to use this as an opportunity to get a new reputation with his mate as a witness.

  They already knew Jorge was a vampire and a feral that had been hunted on several continents. His trail had been lost fifty years ago and now they would pick it backup. A vampire could hunt another of its kind best. Tomorrow he planned to awe and amaze his reluctant mate and show her he wasn’t who she thought he was.

  A young horse was telling tales and he recognized one Gertie had started years ago about him. While his name wasn’t used, everyone looked at him with sly grins on their faces. Several stories later, and most of them seemed to be about his partying lifestyle and getting caught with other male’s mates. That wasn’t true. He never knowingly dated someone’s mate.

  Gertie was having a grand time doing what she thought would make him uncomfortable. All he could do was grin like he was unaware they were having fun at his expense. He was glad when it was time to turn in. The morning would be tough, but he would show his female he could handle it.

  Morning hit and he wished he didn’t have to get up. Bad habits took a while to undo. He jumped up, showered, dressed, and was ready he hoped for anything. The coffee in the pot he picked tasted like sludge so sugar and cream was needed to dilute it. The soldiers snickered at him. Darby filled his plate ignoring the grinning idiots that watched his every move looking for something to expose. Gertie sat among them well received having a great time exchanging war stories.

  He had a few tales but he was undercover and they were top secret so he couldn’t share them. Wiping out the food on his plate, he finished his sludge and looked at her expectantly. “Ready to go?”

  “Sure am. Where do you want t
o try first?” She asked.

  “How about this address?” He had an old residence long moved away from.

  “Are you sure?” She asked doubtfully.

  “It won’t hurt to check them out.” He was surprised that half a dozen soldiers came with them.

  “Herk’s orders so we don’t get hurt.”

  It was understandable with a girl along. She smiled as the warriors and she flashed away and he followed. It was a waste of time. The house wasn’t even standing. Gertie grinned happy he’d been wrong.

  “Where do you want to try?”

  “Here.” She pointed to the map.

  “Isn’t that a bar? It’s kind of early.” He pointed out.

  “His brother owns it. He lives in an apartment above it.” She explained. That made it sound reasonable and the guys nodded their heads.

  They flashed away and by the time Darby arrived a fight had broken out. His brother was on the floor restrained and Jorge was holding six soldiers at bay. This was his chance to show what he could do. He stepped forward charging at Jorge who side stepped him and slammed something Darby didn’t see over his head. He was out for the count. Jorge would have ended him with a sword had Gertie not put a force field around him. Jorge fled leaving his brother and crying sister-in-law behind with children all over getting in the way.

  Gertie spoke with the sister-in-law and they ended up leaving his brother at home. Darby didn’t understand Gertie’s reasoning but it was better not to have to mess with the family. They returned to the base because Darby’s head was killing him. Gertie must like him a little bit, she had after all saved him.

  “Thank you.” He told her.

  “I would have done it for anyone.”

  That might be true, but he still had hope that she might care for him. Once they were back, they told Herk what had happened. Pru gave him a herbal tea that eased the ache in his head. She wouldn’t be a bad in-law.

  For the day they were done and he would rest in his room where he didn’t have to hear tales of how his mate had saved him. At lunch someone sent a tray of food to him and the same at supper. His foolish heart hoped it was Gertie. Finally he showered, set his alarm and laid down for the night. It was amazing, but he managed to sleep and be rested for the hunt the next morning.

  His selected spot didn’t pan out and again Gertie’s did. She seemed to have an inner radar that told her where he was. It was a tavern on the day it was closed for business. A cousin of his owned it and they busted in as they were cleaning the place. A woman was cleaning the floor with soapy water and Darby saw Jorge on the other side of her moving to the stairs.

  Only thinking of catching him he ran on the soapy slick floor falling down and hitting Jorge like a bowling ball hits a pin. Jorge landed on top and his attempts to get up made it look like he was humping him. Gertie broke out in laughter until she cried. Jorge flashed away and he was in the wind once more. It seemed nothing would go right for Darby.

  The males with them showed restraint until later that night when they were well drunk. That was when the jokes and stories came out. Darby retreated to his room where he examined what had gone wrong. He decided he had been over eager. A more careful approach would give the needed result.

  Herk was there the next morning. He thought to go along with them to see what was going so terribly wrong. Darby thought it might be a good idea. Maybe the good luck Herk generally had would rub off on him. They left after breakfast going to the place Gertie suggested. Since he was never right, he would go with her instincts.

  She was right again. How the hell was she finding this guy? He was sleeping in a hen house with a bunch of chickens. Desperate times and all that. Herk went to the back door and Darby hit the front. The hope was with all the running he was doing he wouldn’t have the energy to flash. The strength to carry out even basic talents had to be regained daily through food and rest.

  They were sure they had him as he was showing no sign of flashing and he was caught between them with no other way to escape. They both rushed to grab him and somehow he disappeared. They ended up grabbing each other’s arms and falling to the floor where they landed on some eggs. Talk about egg on your face. Once more Gertie got a good laugh. It seemed all he could do was give her laughs.

  Poor Herk was most displeased. Darby doubted he would volunteer to go again. He was right, Julio was sent. “Cut me some slack, Man. She’s my mate’s cousin and I’ll never hear the end of it if we have a disaster.” Julio said.

  Looking at Julio incredulously he asked, “You think I plan these things?”

  “No, but I hope with care we’ll avoid it.”

  “Yeah, me too.” Darby said with a growl. Damn if only he could get something to go right.

  They headed out right after breakfast as they had done every day. Since Gertie always seemed to know where Jorge was she picked the location. Everyone anticipated finding him but this time he wasn’t there. His scent was still in the air, but he was gone. There was no sign of his scent outside the house so he had flashed.

  “What now? Any ideas on where he might be?” Darby asked.

  “Not a single one.” Gertie admitted.

  They’d accomplished nothing but at least he hadn’t made a fool of himself again. Gertie’s ability to find Jorge apparently had limitations as well. They’d come so close several times only to have him slip between their fingers. He knew he was frustrated and so were the others. How lucky could a bad guy be?

  It seemed he could be extremely lucky. Something needed to happen to change that luck. He seemed to inspire loyalty even though these people were risking everything for him. They needed to figure out a way to disrupt that link of family and followers that would risk everything for him. So far they had warned them that action would be taken if they were caught harboring a fugitive. Because of Gertie’s soft heart. They had let them all go. That might have to change.

  That night his father called. “Hello father. How are you doing?”

  “The important question is how are you doing? Have you caught the menace or claimed your mate?”

  “No. The aberration has been here a long time and found backing. He also has a fast flash that has helped him evade us. My mate is angry at all the time I waited to claim her and will have nothing to do with me.” Darby admitted.

  “The males in our family never fail. Take her and make her accept you. Once that is done, chase down the feral. He has made us look bad. Don’t make me come down there.”

  “I will try.”

  “Don’t try. Succeed.”

  His father had hung up. He was result driven and didn’t care what had to be done to complete a task, only that it was accomplished. Those expectations were just another weight on his shoulders. If he forced his mate she would hate him forever. In the morning maybe things would look better. He snorted. Not damn likely.

  Everyone was gathered for breakfast and he’d finally figured out what the foods he liked were and which coffee to drink. The males teased him because it was the female’s coffee he liked. It didn’t taste like sludge. The males just kept piling coffee on the old grounds until the filter was loaded before they dumped it. He found it to taste nasty.

  Now he felt prepared for the day however it might turn out. Maybe the pressure could work for him instead of just give him a headache. He’d studied those that worked with Jorge that were also wanted by the vampire council. Perhaps finding them would put pressure on Jorge and please his father.

  “Gertie, I want to go after Juan Carlo today instead of Jorge. Maybe attacking his supporters would cause him to make a mistake. Can you find him?”

  “Yes. Are you ready now?”

  “Yes.” He would eat when they got back.

  This time things were different. They flashed to a warehouse in a nearby city. Juan wasn’t expecting any trouble and Darby grabbed him slapping the magic cuffs on him. Now he couldn’t flash or escape them. A small catch, but he would lead them to Jorge. This male was also a feral vampire. Hi
s father couldn’t help but be pleased and finally things had gone well.

  Maybe his mistake had been in going straight to the top. When they got back Herk was pleased. “It’s a step in the right direction. This male is on our capture list but we’ll turn him over to your father.”

  Darby knew it was political but that was alright. Now he would work on his relationship with Gertie. She wouldn’t be able to resist him.


  The hunt would go on. No one would deny the mating attempts between Gertie and Darby were amusing, they were also dangerous and someone could get hurt. Darby had now generated some sympathy because he was so utterly clueless.

  Life had settled into a steady pace with Herk and Pru who were expecting their baby any day. Julio and Janel would have theirs soon after. Jorge was a problem they all wanted settled but the war continued even if they were making some strides forward.

  Surprisingly, Darby had shown some skill in fighting and was working with Julio and Jespers to train the new recruits as they came in. The vampires still had not committed to sending any soldiers or more support of any kind. They desperately needed more support and troops to end this war.

  Gertie was working with Pru and Janel teaching the new witches whatever witches did. Pru insisted it was spells, incantations, and even skills a fighter might need, but he wondered what they really did in there. Herk had walked by with Julio and Darby and they had been laughing. What kind of fighting was that? Maybe males couldn’t say anything since they sometimes took a drink break and had whiskey or beer.

  Darby tried to look in the door where the witches were like a lost pup wanting petted. Gertie had shown no outward signs of accepting him. Sadly, there was no real progress capturing Jorge and Herk knew Gertie and Darby would likely be there until he was caught or it became obvious he would never be caught.


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