Blond, Black, and Blue

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Blond, Black, and Blue Page 7

by Ruth Temple Taul

  Aunt Betty called Caitlyn every day and every day Caitlyn had more great things to say about Daniel. The children clung to him and seemed to think he hung the moon and stars.

  Three weeks later, she was awakened with cramps. She woke Daniel and asked him to call Aunt Betty.

  “The newest Connelly has decided to visit us today. By tonight we will be a family of five,” she told Daniel.

  As soon as Betty arrived, they were on the way to the hospital.

  Daniel was so upset the Doctor offered him a tranquilizer. He was beside Caitlyn every minute, stroking her hair, holding her hand, and asking the Doctor for explanations for every thing he did for Caitlyn. He kissed her hand, her forehead and her cheek, he panicked when he saw her face red and covered with perspiration.

  “What is wrong Doctor, what is wrong with my wife?” he asked.

  “She is in the last stages of labor. Your child should be here within the next ten minutes,” the Doctor answered.

  “Did you hear that Sweetheart? It is almost over.” Daniel said encouragingly.

  Five minutes later Daniel and Caitlyn had a new daughter. Caitlyn put her arms around Daniel’s neck and said, “Darling, I do love you so much, thank you for helping me.” She placed kisses all over his face as she laughed aloud.

  Daniel was smiling ear to ear when the Doctor interrupted with, “Daniel, we need you a second, come cut the baby’s cord. That is the father’s job and means that you have delivered your child.”

  When Daniel saw his daughter, he wept. “She is so beautiful,” he said incredulously. “How can she be so beautiful? When can I hold her?”

  “One thing at a time Daniel. First, cut this cord about two inches from her stomach,” the Doctor instructed.

  “Will it hurt her, will she cry, will it hurt my wife?” he asked fearfully.

  “No to both questions. We can not get her dressed until you do this. Then you can show her to Caitlyn.”

  Daniel carefully cut the cord, then the nurse weighed her, bathed her, and put her clothes and blanket on her, then laid her in Daniels’ waiting arms.

  Daniel was awestruck! He carried her to Caitlyn who kissed the soft little cheeks, then quickly checked fingers and toes as all mothers do. Both of them were laughing at the wonder of the baby.

  “She weighs eight a half pounds,” Daniel said. “Just look at all this blond hair. Has anything ever been so beautiful?” he added.

  The nurse soon came for the baby. “We need to put her in the nursery now. Come down to the window to see her.’’ Caitlyn and Daniel both kissed her again then she was gone.

  “Mr. Connelly, we need to bathe Caitlyn and get her into her room now. She will be in room 314 in a half hour. Will you take a break and maybe have breakfast?” the nurse suggested gently.

  “Are the other children allowed to come see the baby this morning?” he asked.

  “Of course they may, maybe they would like to help choose a name for their new sister,” the nurse suggested.

  “Sweetheart, would you consider naming her after my grandmother? She was the dearest person in the world to me, it would mean so much if you would,” Daniel asked.

  “I would love it, what was her name, Darling?” Caitlyn asked softly.

  “It was Isabella, is that too old fashioned?” he asked.

  “It is perfect, I love the name. She even looks like an Isabella,” Caitlyn enthused.

  “Thank you, Sweetheart, while you are getting your bath ,I will go have breakfast with the kids and give them the good news.”

  He kissed Caitlyn, smiled brightly and said, “I absolutely do love you, you know.”

  Caitlyn smiled shyly and said, “And I absolutely love you too, is it great or what?”

  “Greater than anything I ever dreamed of,” Daniel answered huskily.

  After Daniel left, Caitlyn was moved to her room where she was greeted with a dozen red roses, a dozen white roses and a dozen yellow roses. The room smelled like a rose garden.

  Before leaving the hospital, Daniel had called the florist and told them he would pay double if they delivered the flowers immediately. They had arrived just before Caitlyn was being taken to her room.

  She was overwhelmed and burst into tears of gratitude. Would she ever get accustomed to Daniels’ thoughtfulness?

  The nurse smiled and said, “It is all over the hospital how sweet your husband is to you. If you ever get tired of him, there are forty nurses who are waiting in line for him !”

  “Tell them to forget it, he’s mine,” Caitlyn said. This struck her as being so funny, she laughed uproariously.

  She was still smiling ten minutes later when she fell into a deep restful sleep. This was how Daniel found her an hour later, when he returned with the children and Aunt Betty.

  When Daniel opened the door, he gasped. She looked so beautiful lying there with her beautiful blond hair spread over the pillow, her eyes closed, and a peaceful smile on her face. Had she always been this beautiful or was he just seeing it since he had fallen so deeply in love with her?

  He kissed her awake and a smiling Aunt Betty thought, ‘Well now, it looks like things have happened.’

  They had already been to the nursery. The children were excited over their new sister and both talked at once.

  Finally Caitlyn got a chance to ask Daniel why he had sent so many flowers.

  “I did not know which ones you liked best, so I ordered them all. One dozen for each of my girls,” he said happily.

  The nurse opened the door to the Connelly family and said, “Sorry to interrupt folks but little Miss Connelly wants her breakfast now. She’s been very unhappy with the service around here. Then, putting her to Caitlyn’s breast, she left. Isabella nursed hungrily and Daniel and Logan went to stand by the window, not knowing what else to do, too embarrassed to watch her nurse,

  “You do not have to turn your back when I feed her. This is the way nature planned it and she will be feeding this way for months,” Caitlyn told her men folk.

  “I would like to watch her but I do not want to make you uncomfortable,” Daniel explained.

  “While you two guys have your heads together, how about choosing a middle name for Isabella?” Caitlyn inquired.

  “I need to help because I am Isabella’s big sister,” Sarah exclaimed excitedly.

  So, the three of them spent a half hour trying to decide. Sarah’s suggestion was Isabella Rose Connelly, they all agreed it fit the beautiful little girl whos’ little mouth looked just like a rosebud.

  When the nurse came for the baby, she had finished nursing and Daniel was learning the fine art of burping the baby. When she finally burped, Daniel and the children laughed at her because it was a nice loud burp. Daniel was so proud of his success, one would think he had given birth himself.

  It was indeed a happy group in Caitlyn’s room. When it was time to go, Betty took the children to look in the nursery window once more, to give Caitlyn and Daniel some time alone. They used the time well since Daniel could not seem to quit kissing his wife.

  “Honey, my heart is so full of love for you. I can not believe this has happened to me. You are all I think about from the time I wake up until I go to sleep at night. No matter what I’m doing, or who I’m talking to, you are always in the back of my mind,” Daniel said, pouring his heart out to Caitlyn.

  Caitlyn circled Daniel’s neck with her arms, pulling him close. “Sweetheart, this is like a miracle, I feel the same way about you. The love I have for you is all encompassing. I’ve never dreamed love could be so perfect and we have just started our life together. With this much love, imagine what our married life will be. We will be chasing each other all over that big house,” Caitlyn teased and gave him a long kiss before removing her arms.

  “My Darling, I need to sleep now, may I be selfish and ask you to stay with me until I wake
up?” Caitlyn asked.

  “You go to sleep, my wife. I’ll go tell Betty to take the children home then I will be back here at once. I promise to be here when you wake up,” Daniel answered.

  His heart felt as if it had turned over when he realized someone needed him. He had a wife and three children. He was a Dad and he was a husband. He felt as if he had never really lived before. His life was so empty earlier by comparison to his life now.

  When he found Aunt Betty and the children, they had started for the hospital cafeteria. “We’re going to have a sandwich here then go home, why not join us? At least have some coffee,” Betty asked.

  “Just coffee, I’m so high on this fabulous experience. I could not possibly eat anything,” Daniel replied.

  Sarah took hold of Daniel’s hand, looked up at him and asked, “Dad, why can Mommy and Isabella not come home with us?”

  “You knew the baby was in Mommy’s tummy, and you used to giggle when you felt her kick. It takes some time to get the baby out. Both Caitlyn and Isabella are real tired.

  The Doctor said they can go home in three days. He wants to keep them here to make sure they are both alright. We want that for them too, ?” Daniel explained truthfully.

  “I’m glad you did not tell us that goofy stuff about a stork,” Logan answered.

  Betty and Daniel looked at each other. Daniel raised his eyebrows and Betty winked, both smiled and shook their heads.

  “ My first mate has a point. He has the right to expect the truth from us,” Daniel said honestly.

  After seeing and smelling the delicious food in the cafeteria, Daniel decided to have some food with his coffee. When they had finished Daniel saw Betty and the children to their car then returned to Caitlyn’s room. She looked so beautiful, and so innocent, lying there asleep. I find it hard to believe that this beautiful woman is really mine.

  As he gazed at her, he was overwhelmed at his good fortune. This lovely woman had said she loved him. Not only did she tell him she loved him, she showed it in the mind rattling kiss they had shared. She showed it in her face, as it glowed with love every time their eyes met. He had worried that his desire for her, which had been unusual to say the least, seem to be stuck on fast forward. It was a little frightening but he loved every minute of it.

  After an hour or so, the nurse brought Isabella in. Daniel held her and admired every little thing about her. When he held her foot, he laughed at the way her little toes curled under. His heart melted when her tiny hand clasped around his finger. He kissed her face, her neck, and her hands her feet. The soft velvety feel of her skin was so awesome.

  He was stroking her blond curls when he realized she was looking at him. She did not blink or look away, just a steady gaze into his eyes. Studying him as if she were committing his face to memory.

  “Welcome to our world Isabella,” he murmured softly. “How do you think you will like your Dad, little girl?” he asked smiling.

  Her beautiful eyes never blinked or looked away. This was the scene Caitlyn woke up to. She was sure she had never seen anything so touching. The white roses were behind them. Daniel’s black hair, along with Isabella’s blond curls, made a picture she would remember always.

  “Is this young lady trying to flirt with my man?” Caitlyn asked teasingly, her eyes glowing with emotion.

  “Oh, you are awake my sweet wife. To tell you the truth, she has stolen my heart. She is so awesome, I have never known such happiness in my life. Take another look at her,” he said as he placed Isabella in Caitlyn’s arms. His eyes were swimming with tears. To cover the awkward moment, Caitlyn said, “Darling, she wants to nurse, help me get her to a breast.”

  “What do I do?” he asked nervously.

  “Hold her until I get a breast uncovered, then just put her mouth near it. She will do the rest.”

  As Daniel lay Isabella near Caitlyn, the baby felt the breast on her cheek and quickly turned her head and took the nipple in her mouth.

  “Would you look at that, she’s so smart. Who taught her to do that?” Daniel wanted to know.

  “She was born knowing that by instinct to cry when she’s hungry or uncomfortable. The rest we have to teach her,” Caitlyn explained.

  “Is it alright if I watch her nurse? She is such a little miracle I do not want to miss a minute,” Daniel asked.

  “Of course it is alright, Darling. We both belong to you and we both want you near always,” Caitlyn said lovingly.

  “You know, Sweetheart, I’m going to miss all that kicking she used to do,” he said teasing her.

  “If you knew how sore my ribs are from all that kicking, you would be glad she’s kicking from the outside now,” Caitlyn grimaced.

  “It is impossible to imagine how this big girl was curled up inside you. Thank you for sharing this miracle with me,” Daniel said humbly.

  “My Darling, it is we who thank you for loving us and wanting us. That is our miracle. My life is like a paradise now compared to the hell we lived in,” Caitlyn explained.

  “Sweetheart, we do not need to let the past mar our present. We’re going to be so very happy. Our past lives will just seem like a bad dream. Now, let me see that smile. I love so much and when our little girl finishes her breakfast, I’ll burp her again. You have no idea what a thrill that is for me,” Daniel said.

  Two days later, Daniel brought Logan and Sarah with him to the hospital, then the Connelly family went home.

  Daniel made a special effort to spend time with Sarah at her favorite games when the weather was favorable and to take Logan sailing. If the weather was bad, he and Logan found something on the sail boat to repair, paint or polish.

  When Isabella was awake, he could not bring himself to leave her for a moment.

  When she was two weeks old, she smiled at him! He thought he would surely expire from the experience. Daniel would do anything after that to get another heart lifting smile from her.

  When she was a month old, Logan was trying for a smile, when she laughed out loud. By now she was not sleeping so much. When she discovered her hands, Daniel was beside himself. He grabbed his movie camera and recorded her for half an hour as she turned them this way and that as though admiring them, then put her little thumb in her mouth.

  Daniel had resigned his job as Foreign Correspondent but did agree to work for a local TV station next year. He would not leave Isabella and miss her first year of growing up before then.

  “Dad, Isabella talks to me. Let me show you,” Sarah said excitedly. Then in a soft voice she said, “Does Isabella love her big sister,?” Isabella smiled wide waved her hands about.

  “Tell our Dad how we run and play, Isabella,” Sarah coaxed her.

  Isabella looked at Daniel with the movie camera and she made little babbling noises.

  “Tell Daddy we went shopping and spent all his money,” Sarah cooed.

  This time Isabella made “Da, Da” sounds and Daniel was sure she was calling him Dad.

  Caitlyn wondered if Daniel bought film by the case and did Isabella think the camera was part of her father’s face.

  As Caitlyn gazed lovingly at Daniel, her heart was so full of love for him, his patience, his kindness, thoughtfulness and generosity.

  He had set aside one night a week for their date night. Aunt Betty sat with the children, and sometimes Ben came over with her.

  Every date night was different. Once they went to Framington to the theatre and a late dinner at a beautiful little French Bistro. One night they had soup and salad at Red Lobster then went dancing until two in the morning.

  The entire evening Daniels attention was for her alone. He courted her as if they were on their first date. He opened her door, he held her chair, he asked her what she preferred in food drink, then he ordered for her. She felt like royalty and she found herself more in love than ever. “I did not know there were men like you le
ft in the world, my husband,” Caitlyn said lovingly.

  “My Grandmother taught me well, then I have a few ideas of my own, Sweetheart,” Daniel answered, then added, “This being in love is so grand, I do not ever want the excitement to end.”

  “The grand part is, we have the rest of our lives, with our best friends,” Caitlyn said with stars in her eyes.

  Aunt Betty spent the night with the children on date nights. They had invited Millie to stay too, when she had a free night.

  The house was big and Millie needed family. Logan and Sarah had started calling her Aunt Millie, the name had stuck, much to Millie’s delight.

  As Betty watched her one day, she realized Millie was afraid to relax and let herself enjoy life. She determined right then that she would include Betty in her life more often. She had no way of knowing that Ben would be instrumental in Millie’s future.

  An old buddy of Ben’s had attended one of Millie’s workshops. He was a widower and like so many Grandparents these days, was raising two grandchildren ages six and eight. There was no physical abuse involved, the parents had simply each gone his own way. The first time Victor knew there was a problem was when child services had phoned him and asked if he was related to Amber and Reid Hamilton. They had temporarily placed the children in a foster care home.

  When he went to pick them up, he was devastated at their appearance. They were dirty, thin, frightened and had no recent memory of their Grandfather.

  Victor Hamilton’s wife had been seriously ill the last three years of her life fighting a hopeless disease call Alzheimer’s. He realized that for a six and eight year old child any memories prior to these very difficult past three years must have basically been erased, he would need to start again to become reacquainted with them.

  He had had them for eight months now. They were a year behind in their school work, but they had settled in to a daily routine at last. They even had a laugh or two occasionally.

  Victor hoped their relationship meant as much to them as it did to him, since he needed them so badly.


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