Blond, Black, and Blue

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Blond, Black, and Blue Page 8

by Ruth Temple Taul

  He had only begun to put his life back together since he had the children. It gave him a purpose to his life.

  He and his wife only had the one son and Mrs. Hamilton had done most of the raising of him.

  Victor had gotten some books from the library on raising children and went to any workshop that he could get to while the children were in school.

  He had been extremely impressed with Millie’s dedication to her cause. He had also picked up some great ideas on how to treat abused and neglected children.

  When he and Ben got together for their weekly poker game, Victor was excitedly telling the players how impressed he was with the speaker, she seemed so passionately knowledgeable about children.

  “Was the speaker’s name Millie?” Ben asked Victor.

  “Yes, Millie, that was it. I hope to find out when the next workshop is scheduled. I need all the help that is available,” Victor explained.

  “She is a very close friend with my lady friend. I could find out for you,” Ben answered.

  Ben did better than that. He talked Betty into a dinner date and into bringing Millie along.

  It was no easy thing to do because Millie had only one interest and that was helping abused women.

  After weeks of Betty’s trying, Millie had finally relented.

  They had enjoyed a lovely dinner at Ben’s favorite restaurant when Victor got a call from his grandchildren. They were frightened and asked if Grandpa would come home at once.

  Millie went with him so he could drop her off at her home.

  Ben and Betty stayed for an after dinner drink and dancing. They felt they had interfered in Millie’s life enough, besides, their life had taken on new meaning these days. Betty looked forward to the times they could be together.

  Betty could dare let her guard down and be happy now that Caitlyn and the children were safe.

  She was beginning to see what a fine man she had almost turned away. She had to smile at herself because she had fallen for Ben.

  When she tried to explain it to Ben, he had hugged her said, “I knew that, Honey, I knew our day would come. You will find I am a very patient man. I know something else too, I know that one day you are going to marry me. I thought I was a confirmed bachelor until you moved to Branford.”

  “And, I thought no one could take Anthony’s place. I realize now no one ever will. You do not have to take anyone’s place. You have a place of your own,” Betty said lovingly.

  “I feel guilty being so happy when my poor buddy, Victor, is so alone, with his two grandchildren to raise. He just spent years being confined to caring for his wife. He devoted his time to her one hundred percent and I never heard him complain once. We will have to set him up with someone else now. You could tell Millie was not impressed with him,” Ben said worriedly.

  “Who would ever think such good things would happen to Caitlyn and the children? I thought I had reached my peak of happiness when she got away from Jessie. I never dreamed of seeing her in the lap of luxury with a man who adored her, When I sat with the children last, she came downstairs for their weekly date, she looked about sixteen. Daniel’s face mirrored his love for her. They are so good for each other,” Betty added.

  “Yes, it is funny how the world takes a few spins then nothing is the same. It is funny and it is wonderful,” added Ben, pulling Betty into his arms.

  They had a beautiful time when they were together. Betty was in agreement with getting married, but had difficulty with choosing a time.

  They finally decided on a two week cruise. They would leave for a honeymoon when Daniel and Caitlyn left to take the children to Disney World next month.

  They planned to have their wedding in Betty’s house with all their friends.

  “Let us drive to Victors and invite him, then go on to Millie’s to invite her. It has been three weeks since we saw them, I feel like I have neglected Millie. I want her to be my maid of honor,” Betty replied sentimentally.

  “We will plan to go tomorrow after we have dinner at our friends restaurant. He is always home with the kids so we will just drive out and surprise him.”

  Betty was glad they were going to see Victor, as she had wanted to meet his grandchildren. She had some free time again since Caitlyn’s life was happy and busy.

  After a delicious dinner of Spaghetti and fine wine, they drove to Victors house and got the surprise of their life. Millie answered the door.

  Betty just stared at her with her own mouth hanging open.

  “Millie ! what are you doing here ?” Betty asked.

  “I have moved in and wish I had met Victor years ago,” replied Millie.

  Do not let her fool you, folks, she only married me to get my grandchildren, she has them now,” Victor teased.

  “Here now, you old dog, bring us up to date on what has been going on. Start with the night we were out to dinner,” Ben demanded.

  “When we left the two of you, we stopped at my place first. You recall the children were near hysterics when they called. When we arrived home, we found the baby sitter lying on the floor. The children thought she was dead, but she was drunk. I had no idea she had a drinking problem. Well, I had a Doctor’s appointment the next day so Millie came to stay with the children. Needless to say they fell in love with her and so did I.

  We were married the next week, by the same judge who officiated at Caitlyn and Daniels’ wedding. We chose the date because he had a cancellation that day. We also adopted the children. Not only are we married, we are parents as well,” Victor said proudly.

  “Millie, why on earth did you not tell us? Are we not your best friends?” Betty questioned.

  “How many times have I counseled women to get to know their husbands to be, before marriage? Yet, here we got married a week after we met. I can not explain it, but I have never been happier. I need these children in my life and they need me. I guess I was embarrassed to admit I have gone against everything I taught,” Millie answered.

  “Darling, you were counseling young people. Their situation is so much different from ours,” Victor said, putting his arm around Millie.

  “What ever the situation, I am happy for you so the best of wishes to the four of you. We have news too, We are getting married in a month and we are going to honeymoon for two weeks on a cruise ship while Daniel and Caitlyn take the children to Disney World,” Betty explained.

  Victor looked at Millie said, “Sweetheart, would you like to take the same cruise? We could use two weeks of fun and relaxation, if Ben and Betty will not mind us being on the same ship.”

  “That would be the greatest Victor, I’m all for it. How about you, my honey,” Ben asked Betty.

  “I’m delighted over the idea, there are rooms just for couples with children. It will do the children a world of good too. There is all sorts of recreation for them on board,” said Betty enthused.

  “It is all settled then, we will do it. Give me the phone number of the Travel Agency. I will make reservations tomorrow. The children are asleep now, but in the morning I will give them the happy news!“ said Victor

  “I have been a cautious man all my life until a few weeks ago. Frankly, I think I like making spur of the moment decisions. Millie has made a new man of me,” Victor added smiling broadly.

  Betty was excited over this surprising turn of events. She looked forward to seeing Caitlyn and Daniel tomorrow when she baby sat the children for their date night. She had such exciting news to share.. Caitlyn had come to love Millie and would be so happy for them. Victor suggested they have a drink and play a game of cards before they left. Since Ben’s store was closed for a renovation, no one had to get up early the next day, so they made a night of it.

  Millie served appetizers with the second drink and coffee after they decided to call it an evening.

  The next day Betty went early to Caitlyn and Daniel’s h
ome so she could relate all her news about Millie and Victor’s wedding, about she and Ben setting a date and their pans to take a cruise.

  When she arrived, Daniel was again taking videos of Isabella. She was sitting up now, her big smile had her dimples showing. Her blond curls made her look just like a beautiful big doll.

  While he was taking pictures, she pulled herself up to a nearby table. Daniel dropped the camera ran to her, just in case she fell.

  Isabella giggled as Daniel grabbed her, then patting his face, she said, “Da, Da.” Daniel was hugging her looking at the ceiling when Caitlyn came into the room.

  “Did I hear you call me, Darling?” she asked Daniel.

  “I suppose I did. She pulled herself into a standing position I thought for sure she was going to fall,” he said worriedly.

  “My Darling, she will fall many times as she learns to pull up more when she starts walking. Our baby is almost eight months old now, she has four teeth. She’s growing so fast it scares me,” Caitlyn answered.

  “These children have me wrapped around their little fingers. I often wish we could keep them this size, but it is so great when they learn something new. Did you know Logan has grown two inches since we have been married?” asked Daniel.

  “Yes, he told me he had. It is probably all that stretching he does. It is his hearts desire to be as tall as you are. He imitates your walk and mannerisms all the time,” said Caitlyn.

  “I’ve seen him when he thought I was not looking. Something must be working because his new teacher remarked on how much we favored. Logan was so tickled he laughed aloud when he told us that.”

  “He is the last of the Connelly’s I explained how he has to carry on the Connelly name. He got real serious said “I’ll carry it with pride, Dad, I promise you.” He is the greatest little boy in the world,” Daniel said proudly.

  Daniel had found Sarah crying in her room the day before, when he asked her what was wrong, she had tearfully told him, “I feel like you love everybody else more than you do me. Isabella is the baby and Logan is your only son. I just do not matter anymore.”

  He had held her in his lap caressed her hair until she stopped crying, then he told her, “Sweetheart, you are my special girl. You are the one who first invited me to dinner. You are the one who named the puppies for me, you are the one I come to for advice when I need it. How could I get by without you? Why, without you, your mother and I might never have gotten married. You are such an important part of this family and always will be.”

  “Are you sure you love me as much as you love Logan and Isabella?” she asked, with the beginning of a smile.

  “I love you just as much. I’ve never been around a baby before so I guess I go overboard with Isabella, but Isabella could never take your place,” Daniel answered seriously.

  “I’m sorry I worried you Daddy, but I’m glad we had this talking time,” Sarah answered, while hugging Daniel’s neck.

  After that, Daniel promised himself Sarah would never have the chance to feel neglected again. He would make it a point to include her more often.

  “I’ve heard of the middle child syndrome, but I never thought it would be in my own home,” he had said to Caitlyn when he related the story to her.

  Sarah had gone in the den where Logan was watching cartoons.

  “Have you been crying Sarah?” Logan asked.

  “Yes, I felt so lonesome I cried, but Daddy found me and held me on his lap until I felt better. Why do you suppose our other Dad never did that?” Sarah wondered.

  “Sarah, he was never a Dad. We just lived in the same house,” Logan explained wisely.

  Caitlyn and Daniel had heard this interchange. When Daniel saw tears in Caitlyn’s eyes, he put his arms around her and held her close saying, “Dearest, I wish I could erase all the bad memories for all of you, but it is impossible. We can only crowd them out with happy times. Let’s go ahead and tell the kids about the trip to Disney World soon. I think we should be able to get their lessons and have a short class each morning so they will not get behind in their school work.

  We’ll let them get souvenirs for everyone in their class, including the teacher. What do you think of that idea?”

  Caitlyn’s eyes sparkled, “I think we should tell the children before we go on our date tonight. We can tell Aunt Betty at the same time,” she said.

  As Daniel gazed at her, his eyes shone with love. He thought her more beautiful each day.

  Even Aunt Betty agreed she had never imagined Caitlyn being so beautiful. Caitlyn had been like a flower that had to survive no matter what the circumstances, since she had fallen in love with Daniel, with his nourishment and care, she had blossomed into full flower.

  Daniel admitted to himself he had married her so he could be father to the children, even though he had admired her greatly. However, the heart shaking, mind boggling depth of his love for her now was something that kept him in a state of awe. At last Daniel knew what true love was and it encompassed his very being. He was humbled by this fantastic gift.

  He left the room because he felt his eyes welling with tears.

  The Connelly household was alive with excitement the next two weeks. Aunt Betty was getting married. Aunt Millie was married with two children and they were going to Disney World the day after Aunt Betty’s wedding. Sarah was going to be a flower girl, along with Amber, Victor’s granddaughter. The boys, Logan and Reid, would be ring bearers.

  Caitlyn and Daniel were having a cookout so the children could get acquainted. It was a huge success with the children becoming best friends and making plans to have slumber parties.

  Caitlyn and Millie were going to help Betty decorate her house for the wedding. Millie accompanied her shopping for a dress.

  At the cookout, Amber and Reid were excited over the cruise until Logan told them his family was going to Disney World.

  Millie and Victor promised them the Hamilton family would go to Disney World the next time the Connelly family went.

  “Dad, may I bring Reid a present from Disney World?” Logan asked Daniel.

  “Yes, you may son, just add his name to the list you have for your schoolmates. We do not want you to forget anyone,” Daniel answered his boy lovingly.

  “I will bring Amber a gift Dad. She is my friend,” Sarah informed her Dad.

  The cook out had been the perfect thing to get the children together and everyone was pleased with the results.

  Victor and Millie’s children had loved Sarah and Logan’s dogs so much, they were promised a dog when they returned from the honeymoon.

  Ben and Betties wedding was simple but very beautiful Ben was happily agreeable to moving into Betty’s house afterward.

  The group had to take two vehicles to the airport to accommodate all the luggage. They had eleven in their party. Five to land in Orlando, the other six to continue on to Miami and the beautiful cruise ship, the Caribbean Star.

  Every day in Disney World was a wonder for the Connelly family. Daniel refused the children nothing while the gifts for their friends kept piling up.

  Their favorite ride was ‘Small World’ because Isabella laughed at everything. She clapped her little hands to the music and even tried to sing. Daniel was beside himself with the cleverness of his baby .

  To Logan and Sarah it was a dream come true. They had lived so frugally when they were with Jessie Franklin, they had no hope of ever getting to Disney World. Now, here they were in the Magic Kingdom and their Dad was the greatest.

  They did not even mind that they had to do lessons first thing in the morning.

  No one was happier than Daniel. His pleasure was seeing his children enjoy themselves so much.

  They spent two full days in each theme park, all the while Daniel had his movie camera rolling and working overtime.

  When it was time to leave, they had so many souvenirs of
Disney World they had to ship them home by U.P.S.

  On the plane going home, the children were excitedly planning their gift for Aunt Betty, Ben, Amber, and Reid.

  Getting home was as great as the trip to the magic kingdom. Everyone was relieved to be home again and back in their own beds, Logan could hardly wait to show his class his gifts for them.

  The dogs were picked up from the Kennel and it was obvious they were glad to be home too. They and the children had a great reunion!

  Caitlyn decided to call Aunt Betty as they were due home also. After four days she started to worry. That next day she found a brochure for the cruise then called the cruise line.

  Their answer terrified her! The cruise line had not made it public knowledge, but the Caribbean Star had run into a freak storm. The last S.O.S. from the ship had stated that they were being blown off course.

  “Daniel! Daniel! Please come talk to these people. I can not continue,” Caitlyn cried, running from the room.

  Daniel had not been in the room when Caitlyn had initiated the call, so he knew nothing of the news.

  “What is this all about? What has my wife crying?” he asked sternly, taking the phone from Caitlyn.

  “Your wife called concerning friends aboard the cruise ship Caribbean Star, our sad news is the ship is missing. We have air rescue working every day to find them. As I told your wife, our last S.O.S. told us they had run into a freak storm and were off course. The good news is there has been no debris spotted,” the official answered.

  “What has debris being spotted have to do with it?” Daniel asked.

  “When a ship goes down there will be debris in large amounts. There has been none spotted by air rescue. We want your family to rest assured that the crew aboard the Caribbean Star are well qualified to care for your family. Air rescue is going in wider circles every day, but that is a big ocean and has many uncharted islands,” the official explained patiently.

  “We are concerned for our family and friends, we would like to check with you at least daily,” Daniel said.

  “Call anytime, just as soon as we learn anything at all, we will notify you at once,” answered the cruise line official.


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