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Krewe Daddy

Page 8

by Margie Church

  "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

  "You and all the minions who follow you like you are a Pied Piper. You live for the celebrity of being a Daddy. Your ego is so over-inflated, it’s a wonder you haven't stroked out."

  Unable to suppress a groan, Luis remembered laughing at Drew. A fatal error.

  Drew had walked to the kitchen, heading straight for the door.

  No lover had ever spoken to Luis that way. He intended to teach Drew a lesson.

  "If you walk out that door, don't expect me to let you back in."

  He remembered holding his breath, clenching his fists.

  The door slammed.

  With only the rain to hear him, Luis cursed his stubborn pride. He could have gone after him; he could have reached out. Two years ago, when he saw the photo of Drew in the Marks catalog, he could have found him.

  "Sort this out once and for all, old man. If you want a chance with Drew, you're going to have to prove you've changed." Luis pounded the steering wheel. But have I?

  A crackle of thunder interrupted Luis' diatribe. Cars drove by, their tires splashing through deep puddles that had formed in the sudden downpour. When he closed his eyes, the traffic sounded a bit like ocean waves breaking on the shore.

  He wondered where Drew really was, and decided to keep tabs on Agent LaMontagne, too. Certain one man would lead him to the other, Luis let his lips rise in a smile.

  Chapter Eight

  Back in his apartment two days later, Drew unpacked his suitcase. Holding the cum-soiled shirt, he laughed again. Things had played out pretty much the way he thought they would. Drew said he'd slipped on the riverbank and gotten dirty.

  Sapphire had a hissy fit over that, but calmed down after Drew apologized for losing his temper. Sapphire had insisted on a hug, which Drew allowed until he felt Sapphire's fingers groping his ass.

  Drew pitched the garment into his laundry basket. "Good thing he didn't know the truth, or he would have really blown a gasket."

  Basket in hand, Drew walked to his washing machine and started a load. A metallic clang echoed in his small utility closet when he let the cover fall shut.

  On his way to the living room, he grabbed his cell phone off the kitchen counter.

  Drew sat on the couch, tapping his chin with the corner of the phone. Two weeks ago, he was puttering along, and sort of had a boyfriend. Now he sort of had a boyfriend, his ex might be back in his life, and Blair was hinting about something long-term with the L - word attached.

  My love life suddenly has train wreck written all over it.

  He touched his phone screen, waking it up, and dialed. First things first.

  The call was answered on the third ring. "Drew, this is a surprise. What can I do for you?"

  "I need to find someone."

  "You're perfectly capable of doing that yourself."

  "I'm not looking for a criminal. I'm looking for someone I used to know."

  "Let me guess. You're pregnant and need a paternity test." The man on the other end of the call let out a belly laugh.

  Drew rolled his eyes and hoped trusting this private detective wouldn't come back to bite him in the ass.

  "You're a barrel of laughs, Pierce, you know that?"

  "Sure I am."

  Drew's temper simmered. He'd never had a lot of respect for the guy's credentials, but Pierce could find a cockroach at high noon with his eyes blindfolded if he needed to.

  "Look, do you want to help me or not?"

  "It'll cost you."

  Drew growled into the phone. "Fuckin' A. I know that, but it's not going to take you any time at all."

  "A hundred bucks an hour, plus expenses."



  Drew was a heartbeat away from hanging up. "Listen, you snake. Seventy-five and I won't have the boys in blue impound your car because the tags somehow disappeared."

  "Who are you looking for?"

  Drew liked the resigned tone in the detective's voice. "Luis Herrera. He's a big guy, six-foot-one. Medium build, except for his barrel chest. Short, black hair; close-trimmed beard." Drew couldn't recall Luis's exact age. "He must be right around forty years old."

  "Is he queer, like you?"

  Drew bristled at the way Pierce emphasized the word queer. One day my queer foot is going to kick your homophobic ass. "Yes. I saw him at Tanners a couple weeks ago with a crossdresser named Ronnie. Luis lives in New Orleans. He's a graphic designer by trade, but I don't know where he's working or anything else."

  "What do you want to know?" For the first time, the PI sounded like he was paying attention.

  "Home and work address. Don't talk to him. I don't need photos. Just track him down and call me back. A guy with your street smarts ought to be able to do this job in ten minutes flat with a coffee break in between."

  "Have I said you're an asshole yet? 'Cuz you are, Agent Rothem."

  "Do the job, and get back to me." Drew hung up. He could have used police connections to find Luis, but he didn't need the hassle if he got caught. Pierce would likely double bill him, but at least Drew wouldn’t jeopardize his reputation or break departmental rules.

  Sinking back into the couch, a feeling of resignation came over him. Sure, he could call the whole thing off and pretend he never saw Luis at Tanners . The question is, can I forget I saw him?

  The sound of his phone ringing made Drew jump. Jesus Christ, did Pierce find him already?

  Kyle's picture appeared on the screen.

  Drew sighed, then put a smile in his voice when he answered. "Hey, Kyle, how's it going?"

  "Good. When did you get back?"

  "A few hours ago. I've been doing laundry, catching up on mail. The usual back-from-a-trip kinds of things." And trying to sort out the messes in my life.

  "I was hoping you'd call me."

  "You were next on my list. Honest."

  "How did the trip go?"

  Oh, I had a commitment offer and a fuck fest on the riverbank but other than that, nothing out of the ordinary. Enthusiasm popped into his voice when he remembered the big news.

  "Kevin and Teak are getting married. They asked me to be their best man."

  "Cool! When, where?"

  "The second weekend in December, in Minnesota."

  Kyle laughed. "You're going to have to face a northern winter, huh?"

  "Don't remind me. Maddy Salmonson is hosting the event at her restaurant. She and Teak are best friends, and she pretty much kept him from starving to death those four years he lived up there."

  "That's terrific. If you need a date, I'd love to come along."

  Drew winced. Only God knew if he'd have his relationships sorted out by then.

  He kept the smile in his voice. "I'll let you know. It would be cold though. Nothing like you've ever experienced."

  "If you're there, and we can find a fireplace to cuddle in front of, I'll survive."

  While he'd lived in Wescott, Drew had shared many a winter fire with lovers.

  "Teak is sending silk underwear to keep me warm. To appease me, actually. He hates the cold as much as I do."

  "Then why not have the ceremony someplace else?"

  "The town is special to them. Teak and Kevin met in Wescott, so getting married there kind of brings things full circle." Drew chuckled. "They're so hot for each other, though, I doubt keeping warm is a concern."

  "Sounds like they have it all."

  Drew heard the longing in Kyle's voice. Why in hell's name haven't I ever picked up on these cues before? "What they have is very special. I'm happy to have been a part of bringing them together."

  "I imagine so." Kyle let out his breath in a huff. "Anyway, are you working tomorrow?"

  "Yeah, I'm going to turn in early."

  "I'm off tomorrow. Why don't you come over for dinner?"

  "Can I have a rain check? I have some personal business to take care of."


  Sheez, that didn't take long.
"I don't know. I have someone trying to find him.

  While I was in Montana, I decided I need to take care of that loose end once and for all."

  "What did you decide?"

  Drew heard the wariness in Kyle's voice. He felt like he was walking on springtime's dangerous black ice. If he said the wrong thing, at any moment, he could sink into the frigid emotional lake and be in deep-shit trouble.

  "I haven't decided anything about the future." At least that part was honest. "I'm going to find him and try to have an honest conversation about what happened back then. I guess we'll see where it takes us afterward."

  "Are you still in love with him?"

  Drew frowned over the accusatory tone in Kyle's voice. "I honestly don't know. I used to have a lot of hopes and dreams tied to him. I thought he was the one. I was younger then, less experienced, dumber."

  "You should let him go. He treated you like shit at Tanners. He's clearly playing mind games, the same way he always has."

  "Where's all this coming from, Kyle? I thought you'd be supportive of me getting this straightened out. I haven't kept it a secret that Luis is the reason I can't seem to make a real commitment to anyone."

  "Is that what you want?"

  Drew, stretched out on the couch, propped his arm against the back of the couch to hold the phone. "It is. It always has been. Seeing Kevin and Teak together . . . the devotion in their eyes."

  Shoving aside a wave of longing, Drew cleared his throat. "I've never seen two people more in love. I realized that's exactly what I want. I don't want to live my life alone. I do want to find somebody to share it with me—someone I can give my whole heart to. Finally." He rubbed his watering eyes. "Sorry, I didn't mean to get all emotional on you."

  Kyle snorted.

  Once more, Drew thought he was hiding something. "Is there something you aren't saying, Kyle?"

  "No. I guess I'd hoped after the time we spent together a week or so ago, and after your time away, you'd figure out you were still fine without him."

  "I'm sorry you're disappointed, but I haven't concluded anything." Drew felt the taps of a first-class headache. "Maybe we should take a break until after I talk to Luis.

  Maybe he won't see me. Maybe he'll slam the door in my face, or laugh. If he does, then I'll know how he feels, won't I?"


  "Sure what?"

  "Sure to both things. Give me a call sometime."

  Kyle disconnected the call before Drew could get in another word. He stared at his fading screen. What the fuck was that all about?

  The dryer buzzed.

  He got to his feet wondering if he was even qualified to sort socks these days.

  Chapter Nine

  After work the next day, Drew parked his car in the ramp at Luis' office building.

  He had no idea whether Luis was in. Pierce wanted to do a little surveillance, but Drew didn't think the situation deserved that kind of drama or expense.

  Hell, why waste a grand on a guy who probably will tell me to go to hell?

  And anyway, Drew wasn't in a huge hurry to become the target of another round of Luis' ridiculing bullshit.

  He strode into the elevator and pressed number twenty-seven. The car rose to a destiny Drew hoped he wouldn't regret.

  The door slid open to reveal a spacious lobby. An executive-style reception desk was on his right. A beautiful black woman looked up and smiled at him.

  "May I help you, Agent?"

  "I'm looking for Luis Herrera."

  She frowned. "Is there a problem?"

  Realizing the woman was reacting to his uniform, Drew shook his head. "No, this is personal. Is he in?"

  She looked at the telephone console on her desk. "Mr. Herrera is on the phone. If you want to have a seat, I'll find out if he can see you as soon as he's finished."

  "Thanks." Drew walked to a large photo display hanging on the wall. The framed images showcased some of the floats and three-dimensional art created by Magik Studios. He had to admit, learning that Luis worked for Magik was a surprise. He'd always thought Luis was very talented, but landing a job in one of the premier float design firms was a real coup. He stopped in front of a photo featuring Luis and another person in front of a Mardi Gras float. After closer inspection, Drew realized the client was Ronnie.


  The longer he waited, the more Drew wondered if he'd made a hasty decision about coming today. Maybe he should have given himself a little more time to think things through. He glanced at his watch. I'll do this another time.

  "Sir, Mr. Herrera is off the phone. I'll let him know you're waiting."

  Too late to leave now. He drew a calming breath. "Thank you."

  "Just a moment."

  Turning back to the photos, Drew put his hands in his pockets and tried not to sweat. To say he wasn't nervous would have been a bald-faced lie. His heart hammered like a freaking drumroll.

  "Mr. Herrera will be right out."

  The woman's voice startled him. "Thank you." He looked toward the hallway behind the receptionist's desk. He felt like he was waiting for a nurse and gurney to wheel him into surgery.

  Luis walked into the lobby. Dressed in a black suit, white shirt, and red tie, he looked every bit in control.

  He didn't extend his hand for Drew to shake; instead, he made a sweeping gesture with his hand.

  "My office is this way."

  They walked shoulder-to-shoulder in silence. Drew studied Luis covertly as they went. He noticed a few lines around Luis' eyes and in front of his ears. His hair and beard were jet-black, except for a few flecks of silver on his temples. Luis' scent, unfamiliar now, captivated him, making Drew feel like he was falling back into that submissive role so long forgotten.

  Luis ushered him into his spacious office. Floor-to-ceiling windows revealed a bird's eye view of the French Quarter.

  The door shut with a soft click.

  "Have a seat, Drew."

  The sound of Luis saying his name was like a homecoming, yet he resisted the allure. "I won't be here long."

  "Suit yourself." Luis took off his suit jacket and hung it up. Afterward, he walked to the front of his desk while unbuttoning his cuffs. He never looked at Drew the entire time he rolled the sleeves. Finished, Luis sat, clasped his hands between his thighs and gave Drew his attention.

  "What do you want?"

  The reality of being in the same room with Luis was so powerful that Drew could hardly breathe. All the emotions of the past—love, hate, anger, loneliness, and disappointment—rushed over him. The words to answer this simple question were out of his grasp. They flew from his brain like confetti in a tickertape parade.

  Luis' dark eyes bored into him. "Are you going to stand there staring at me or tell me why you're here? I could unbutton more of my shirt and show you some new ink."

  Drew blinked back to reality. "I could, too. Our meeting at Tanners was nothing but an exercise in awkwardness. I thought we should try to have a civil conversation.

  Maybe we can move on."

  Luis narrowed his eyes at Drew, seeming to contemplate a hidden question. "Is that what you want—to move on?"

  He stiffened, not knowing whether to say yes or no. "We have unfinished business."

  "That's true." Luis stood. "Where do you suggest we have this tête–à–tête?" He drew a deep breath; the sound of oxygen whistled through his nostrils. "In my bed?"

  Luis closed the space between them. "Or would you prefer to settle this here? I can lock the door. Are you still into gag balls?"

  Drew's heart strummed like an old-fashioned, wind-up alarm clock. He was aroused, curious, and completely caught up in Luis' seduction. The words fuck me old man were on his tongue. Drew stepped back, needing airspace between himself and the drug named Luis.

  "Not here."

  The corner of Luis' mouth turned up. A glimmer of pride appeared in his eyes.

  Luis seemed to be taking in every detail about him.

  "You look go

  The simple admission startled Drew. "Thank you. Can we meet somewhere more private to continue this conversation?"

  "Is that what we're having? A conversation?"

  Seduction laced his voice.

  Drew's cock stirred to life. He clenched his fists, frustrated about the obvious control Luis still had over him. Heat climbed up his neck and into his face. Drew was appalled to know he had stared death in the face, and the sound of this man's voice was turning his feet to clay.

  "Let's get together on neutral ground."

  Luis crossed his arms over his chest. "We can always go somewhere after, if we feel like it."

  "Knock it off."

  Luis crooked an eyebrow.

  "You heard me. Stop with all the seductive bullshit." Drew kept his voice down, but he wanted Luis to know he meant business. "We haven't seen or talked to each other in years, and you're acting like I've been away on a long weekend, and you need a hot piece of ass."

  Luis scratched the corner of his mouth, still saying nothing.

  "I should have known you hadn't changed. I'll see myself out." Drew reached the door in a few long steps.


  Hand on the doorknob, Drew didn't turn around.


  He looked over his shoulder.

  Luis rubbed his eyes with his thumb and middle finger. "Where should we meet?"

  "How about Jackson Square tomorrow morning before work? I start at seven."

  "That's fine. I have a lighter morning tomorrow, so I can come in a little late."

  Drew nodded. "I'll let you get back to work."

  * * * * *

  After tossing and turning half the night, Drew got up at five. Recollections of his years with Luis wove their way into his dreams, leaving his mind in confusing disarray.

  He paid extra attention to his grooming. Even though he'd be wearing his uniform, looking good added to his confidence level. And to Drew's way of thinking, he needed all the confidence he could get, whenever he was near Luis.

  An hour later, he locked the apartment door behind him and drove into town.


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