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Draekon Fever: Exiled to the Prison Planet

Page 6

by Zander, Lili

  This is bad. Very bad. Hurux seems like a decent guy, but he’s determined to send us back home. I lift my chin defiantly. “You might have me trapped here,” I tell him. “But the others will be more difficult to find. And before you think about torturing me for information, remember that I’m an honored guest of your High Emperor.”

  He gives me a faint smile. “Eight of your fellow humans are holed up inside a mountain due west of here,” he says. “I don’t need to torture anyone. A squad of my soldiers are already on their way. Their instructions are to lay siege.” He gives me a hard look. “No one will be harmed,” he says, and I can hear the steel in his voice. “But I will not fail.”

  This is worse than bad. This is catastrophic. We thought we’d be safe inside the mountain, but whatever technology these guys have, it’s vastly superior to anything the Draekons have ever encountered before.

  Everyone I know is trapped. Soon, they’re going to be surrounded by Zoraken. I think about the others. About newly pregnant Viola. About Felicity, who is going to give birth any day now. About Harper and baby Kaida. What’s going to happen to the child? Do the Zorahn care? I doubt it. I saw the way they beat Dariux. I heard what they called him. Abomination. Mutant.

  There’s no way out. There’s no way to warn them. No way to save Rorix and Ferix, who will now be overcome by the fever, all alone, believing that no one cared about them enough to try and help.

  Despair fills me as I’m taken to another building and locked up inside a room. I ignore the syn-generated spread of food. Even the smell of pizza can’t cheer me up. I sit slumped in a corner, tears rolling down my cheeks.

  Then I hear a roar. A bellow of rage so loud that the ground trembles under my feet.


  Screams fill the air. Someone’s shouting out for guns. I run over to the small window and press my face against the clear pane, trying to see what’s going on. I catch a glimpse of one giant, silver wing, and then it’s gone.

  Silver? I strain my memory, trying to remember which one of the Draekons is silver in color, but I come up short. Who is it? Who’s attacking the Zorahn soldiers, and why?

  The smell of sulfur fills the air. Black smoke curls up from the trees. The forest around us is burning, and the soldiers scream as flames trap them from all sides.

  One of the dragons roars again. I hear the thump-thump of wings flapping through the air, and then, a claw pierces the roof of the building and tears the metal as if it were paper.

  I shrink back against the wall, my heart pounding with fear. Then the door is flung open, and Hurux and Dariux are there. “Come,” Dariux yells out. “You’ve got to get out of here.”

  I stumble out, looking at the smoke-filled sky. Two giant silver dragons swoop toward the clearing, mouths open wide to blow fire. “They’ve gone rogue,” Dariux gasps. For the first time, he looks afraid. “They sense that you’re in danger.”

  “Me?” My breath comes in little gasps as we run for cover. One of the dragons grabs a soldier in his claws and flings him into the trees. The man screams in desperate fear as he hurtles through the air, and I avert my gaze.

  Dios mio. These dragons are Rorix and Ferix. They’re doing this for me. My nails dig into my palms. “What can I do?”

  But I know the answer. I’m their mate. If there’s to be any hope for them to return to who they were, I have to act. I am the only one who can stop this.

  “Take this,” Dariux thrusts a communicator into my hands.

  Hurux isn’t running with us. He’s in the middle of the camp, shouting out orders and encouragement to his soldiers. They’re mounting guns now and aiming them at the dragons.

  I’m out of time. I pivot and set off in a run toward Rorix and Ferix.

  “Dios mio,” I whisper as the guns fire, and the silver dragon nearest to me lets out an anguished cry. Heat hits my face as I push through the brush. Singed leaves and ash float down, and I know I’m getting closer to them.

  The land starts to rise, and I pick up speed, ignoring my burning muscles. Gotta get to the hill where they can see me. The two dragons are circling, blowing short bursts of flame at the soldiers, but staying out of reach of the weapons.

  I’m coming, Ferix. Rorix.

  The closer I get to them, the more the air is acrid, filled with smoke. Coughing, eyes streaming, I blunder into a bush. The thorns catch my shirt, and I cry out.

  The dragons bellow again, circling faster overhead. I duck as gusts blow over me. Something tells me to hurry.

  My shirt rips as I wrench free. There are little thorny burrs caught in the fabric, and my skin is streaked with blood. Hissing in pain, I tear off the rest of my shirt and break into a dead run. The singed hilltop is just ahead. Branches hit me, and I barely feel them. I have to reach the peak. They’ll be able to see me there.

  When I burst from the woods, I’m soggy, drenched with sweat, clad only in a bra and shorts. Small red cuts stand out on my arms. My hair is sodden, clinging to my neck.

  I race up the hill, panting in exertion. “Ferix! Rorix!” I shout, waving the ragged remains of my shirt.

  Will they recognize me?

  My voice is hoarse from all the smoke. For a minute, nothing happens, and then, the dragons wheel, great wings pumping as they turn. Long necks curve in my direction.

  They see me.

  Then they bear down on me, eyes glittering, smoke streaming from their snouts.

  Their dragons are in control. I’m about the size of one of their claws. If they decide to eat me, I won’t make a very filling snack.

  And I just waved them down.

  This might not be my smartest decision.

  The ground shakes, and the sun’s blotted out as two long bodies the size of skyscrapers fly overhead. I crouch, shielding my head as a silver dragon wings closer.

  With surprising grace, it lands. It settles on its haunches and lowers its wedge-shaped head close to the ground. I stare at an eye the side of a monster truck wheel. The slitted pupil is almost as tall as me.

  “Rorix?” I whisper tentatively. “Is that you?”

  Dust and gray ash puff around me as the dragon huffs. A giant claw reaches for me. The scales are hot against my bare skin. The talons close tight around me, and we launch into the air.

  I do my level best not to scream. I don’t succeed.

  What have I got myself into?



  When I regain consciousness, Rorix and Ferix are looming over me.

  No. Not really. The two people watching me with hungry, possessive eyes aren’t the Draekons I’ve come to know. Their pupils are slitted like a cat’s. These are the dragons. Not the men.

  Your mates will not treat you the way the other Draekons treat their human women. They will not be kind or gentle or reasonable, not when the dragons have taken over. You will be their captive. Their possession.

  “Sofia,” Ferix growls. “Did they hurt you?”

  I shake my head wordlessly and clamber to my feet. “Where am I?”

  They ignore my question. Rorix moves closer, and takes a deep breath, breathing me in. “Mine,” he says. “Mate.”

  A million thoughts dance through my head.

  Everyone insists that the Draekons can’t be cured.

  That the fever is all-consuming.

  But I’m their mate.

  And I have to try. I’ll never be able to live with myself otherwise.

  The men reach for me. Ferix’s hands close over my bra-clad breasts, and he squeezes. “Sofia,” he repeats. “Mine.”

  Should I be afraid?


  Should I use Dariux’s ring to stun Rorix and Ferix and flee to safety?

  That would make sense.

  Should I stand here, desire twisting inside my gut, waiting impatiently for them to take me, ravage me?

  No, of course not.

  And yet, here we are. I don’t know what it says about my sanity, but I’m not afraid. I’m not scrambli
ng away from them. I’m not reaching for the ring.

  I know what’s going to happen. I’m going to lose my virginity. They’re going to take me the Draekon way. Both of them, at the same time. One in my pussy. One in my ass.

  And I hope it’s enough to bring them back.

  “Yes,” I whisper, making my decision. “I’m yours.”

  Ferix runs his hands over me. His hands still have curved claws. They brush me lightly, making me shiver. A slight tug and my bra falls away in pieces, cut by the sharp talons. I bite my lip. I could protest the loss of my best bra, but I doubt the creature holding me would understand or care.

  A few more seconds of him touching me, and I won’t care either.

  His thumb swipes over my nipple, and my knees almost give out. I grab his strong arms to steady myself, and he makes an approving grunt, tilting his head to study my face with those eerie dragon eyes. His skin heats under my hands. It still bears a shimmer and, at a certain angle, the pattern of scales.


  Ferix darts his head forward, sniffing my hair. He smells a bit like burnt marshmallow, and it’s yummy, but I hope I don’t smell as good. I’m still not entirely sure the dragons don’t want to eat me.

  I take a half-step back and hit a solid body. Rorix growls and his arms band around me, holding me captive. With my arms pinned, Ferix takes the opportunity to return his attention to my breasts. He plumps and cups them in his hands, strokes my nipples with those claws. My skin erupts with goosebumps, and pleasure shoots from the peaks straight to my pussy. I whimper with need and arch against Rorix, offering myself up to Ferix’s touch. With a pleased sound, he dips his head and licks around my areola, then closes his hot mouth over the nipple and sucks, hard.

  My legs give out completely. Fortunately, Rorix is holding me up. I struggle to free my arms so I can pull Ferix closer and kiss him, and Rorix rumbles a warning.

  All right. Okay. The big guys are in charge. I can roll with that.

  I let myself go limp and enjoy Ferix’s attentions. My nipples are swollen and engorged, hot and throbbing. Lips, hands, tongue—he worships every inch of me until I’m whimpering and writhing with need. Meanwhile, Rorix’s tongue runs along the edge of my ear, his teeth catching the lobe and nipping gently. I can feel the hard bar of his cock press against the curve of my ass, and I grind back against him, restless for more. My insides heat and twist and my stomach clenches with desire. I’ve waited so long for this. For them.

  Rorix removes one arm from around my waist to sift his claws through my hair. I shudder at the sensation, prickles running down my legs and spine. When I bow my head, he tugs it back and fastens his mouth on the tender spot between my neck and shoulder.

  I’m moaning now, my feet digging for purchase, trying to stay grounded as the sensation sweeps me away. They hold me fast, firm yet gentle. They don’t speak, but they don’t need to. Their need comes through, loud and clear. Their eyes are hungry when they look at me, their touch hot and possessive.

  It’s impossible to resist.

  Ferix drops to his knees and drags off my shorts. I kick to help him, and his big hands catch a leg each, claws digging in a little as he holds me still. His mouth trails feather-soft kisses up one leg until he nuzzles the apex of my thighs.

  “Oh God yes,” I hiss, jumping at the sensation. His claws dig deeper, but the slight twinge of pain only amplifies the delicious feeling of sinful pleasure roiling through me. He nibbles along my pussy, making me twitch and moan as a surge of arousal crashes over my body.

  “Ferix, please,” I pant, my fingers digging into his hair. Growling possessively, the Draekon holds my legs apart and feasts, his tongue flicking along my folds. He takes each pussy lip between his teeth, and I shiver in response, groaning and throwing my head back. He teases my clit, his tongue curling over that oh-so-sensitive spot, again and again.

  Oh God, what is happening? My toes curl and my nerve endings tingle. I push my hips forward insistently, and Rorix reaffirms his hold, locking me against his great chest as his teeth scrape over my pulse. “Rorix,” I groan, and his deep purr rumbles through me.

  The pressure between my legs builds until I’m twisting in Rorix’s grip, my head tossing back and forth, my mouth parted in silent denial as my pleasure mounts. It’s too much. It’s too much. It’s too much and not enough.

  Just before I break, Ferix stops.

  “No,” I cry. I thrash in protest and both dragons growl, a spine-unhinging sound. Before I can get afraid, Rorix sweeps me off my feet and lowers me gently to the ground. Ferix looms over my prone body. Before I can reach for either of them or beg for my orgasm, Rorix catches my wrists and pins them beside my head. I lie like that, naked, defenseless, aching with need, staring up into wild dragon eyes.

  “Ferix,” I whisper, pleading. I was so close. I will die if he doesn’t make me come.

  Does the dragon understand? I don’t know. He answers me with another rumbling purr. His knee nudges the inside of mine, opening my legs further to make room for his powerful body. Something hot and hard nudges between my folds. His massive, erect cock.

  A shock of pleasure runs through me, and, nervous as I am, I lift my hips and strain for more.

  This is it. Any second now, my feral mate will thrust inside me. It will hurt. He will not be gentle.

  I don’t care. I’m in the grip of raw animal heat, and the need clawing inside me refuses to be denied.

  Ferix pushes forward, his cock probing further. Licking my lips, I strain my neck upwards, seeking a kiss. I don’t expect the dragon to understand my wordless gesture, but to my surprise, he obliges, bending his head forward, his chest vibrating with that soothing purr. Then our lips touch and his tongue sweeps inside, filling and dominating my mouth. I open and accept it, and at the same time, his tightly muscled thighs press mine wide as he rocks forward and surges inside.

  I clench instinctively, stiffening against that painful pressure. Something inside me pops, giving way. I cry out, and Ferix stops to stare at me with his slitted eyes, his muscles quivering as he holds himself back.

  “No,” I whisper. I can feel his cock between my thighs, and I want it. Yes, that hurt, but I want to push through the pain. “Don’t stop.”

  Nuzzling my face, he eases inside me, filling my sensitive channel. I moan into his mouth, and the dragon responds, crooning in sympathy, his kiss turning soft and gentle. Rorix releases my wrists and strokes my shoulder, and Ferix slides his large hands under my bottom, cradling me as his cock stretches me to the max.

  I grab his shoulders and steady myself, my skin shining with sweat. The sting is gone, replaced by another, stranger sensation. Shivers ripple through me, intense but not unpleasant. “Ferix,” I gasp, and he smiles lazily, rolling his hips to thrust his cock even deeper inside me. I’m clawing his biceps now, not struggling, but fighting to take more of him. My legs wrap around his hips, tightening as he slides halfway, then enters me again.

  And I break, limbs spasming, head knocking against the ground. My arms fall away from his shoulders, my mind filling with firing, flashing lights.

  I might be a virgin, but I know how to pleasure myself, how to bring myself to orgasm. This… this is in a different league entirely. My muscles clench and quiver and Ferix moves into me, and each thrust sends me into a fresh spasm. I can’t think. I can’t breathe. I can only feel.

  When I open my eyes again, Rorix’s hands alternate between my nipples, rolling them between his fingers. Ferix is powering into me, one arm planted beside my body, the other snaked under me so his palm cradles my head. I smile at him, but he only growls and rocks faster, dragging his cock out before slamming inside again. As he thrusts, his cock rubs against my clit, setting off another round of fireworks.

  Then he shudders, rooting himself deep, and releases with another body-shaking growl, his face clenched, his hands digging into my sides.

  I’m boneless. Drained. That was amazing. Why on Earth did I wait so long to do this?
  Ferix slumps next to me, his bronze cock slick from my body. Before I can move, Rorix takes his place.

  Oh, I am going to be sore tomorrow.

  The big Draekon looms over me, lowering his head to bite gently at my breasts. I clutch his head, half holding him to me, half tugging him away. His growl reverberates through me, setting off sparks deep inside. He slides into me, his thick length spearing and stretching me further. He penetrates deep, and then pulls out, before slamming back in again, making me shout.

  I lift my hips for more.

  His teeth bared in a shark-like grin, he does it again. Pleasure builds again at the base of my spine, and my eyelids flutter. Another thrust and I’ll shatter.

  Then he pulls out and sits back.

  “No,” I shout, scrambling on loose limbs after him. He grabs me and flips me, propping me on my hands and knees. I look back just as he gently bites my buttock. “What are you doing?” I whine. I was so close. I can feel the quivers in my core. One more thrust and I would have been there.

  He doesn’t reply. With a low purr, he takes hold of my hips, parts my bottom cheeks, and sweeps a tongue up over my back hole.

  “What?” I gasp, and strain to get away. He lets go of my thigh long enough to crack his palm on my right cheek. My head flies up as pleasure surges through me. “What the hell are you doing?”

  Your mates will not treat you the way the other Draekons treat their human women. They will not be kind or gentle.

  Can I confess something? I really like these growling, possessive Draekons.

  Rorix’s tongue probes again, and I whimper, but stay still. It feels good but... so naughty. Up until a half hour ago, my sexual experience was limited to some kissing and heavy petting. Now I’m on my hands and knees, getting rimmed before a giant alien claims my virgin ass.

  By the time Rorix is done licking me, I’m pushing my bottom back into his face and moaning. Ferix lies beside me, lazily swiping at my hanging breasts, rolling my nipples between his hot, scaly fingers. These dragons are going to drive me mad. If their fever doesn’t cool soon, the sex might kill me. What a lovely way to go.


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