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Page 4

by Kelly A Walker

  Rachel slaps her napkin on the table and stands up. I guess she's done eating, or maybe she's getting ready to hurdle the table and come after me. The thought makes me chuckle. Bring it on evil stepmother. Instead of coming after me, Rachel looks to Arthur. "If you will excuse me. I have a headache so I'm going to go lay down." She cuts her eyes to me. "It was nice to meet you, Memphis." I watch as she walks out of the room then take my time looking at everyone else left. I stop when my eyes meet Jim's and he gives me a simple nod of his head. I can see me and Jim having some sort of relationship away from all these other people. I'm almost certain I can scratch all three of the half-sisters off of that list. The only questionable person left is Arthur. He's a hard man to read and I'm honestly too exhausted after this trying meal to even attempt to deal with him tonight.

  Scooting my chair back, I stand and politely address the table. "Thank you very much for dinner, but I need to head back to the hotel. It's dark and I've found that Memphis drivers scare me, so..." I'm cut off when Tanner speaks up.

  "I can drive you back to the city."

  Gretchen and I both whip our heads to look at Tanner. "Why would you offer to drive her? She has a car. She doesn't need you to help her."

  Good old Gretchen. "Thank you, Tanner, but she's right. I can get back on my own. Besides, didn't you say you had plans tonight already?"

  Jim chooses that moment to finally speak up. "Where exactly are you staying, Memphis?"

  I give Jim my first real smile of the night. "I'm staying at the Regal downtown."

  "That's a nice hotel. An old friend of mine owns it."

  "Really? It is nice. I'm tempted to take the sheets off the bed and pack them in my suitcase before I leave."

  Jim lets out a loud laugh. "I bet we could get you a set without having to commit any crimes."

  Tanner stands and catches my attention again. "My buddy's place is only a few blocks from where you're staying. I would feel better if I could drive you. It’s dark, and starting to rain. If Memphis drivers scare you when it's dry and sunny out, you'll never make it back downtown." I look over to see Gretchen even angrier than before. Just when I'm about to refuse again, Tanner’s words stop me. "Please, Memphis. I can bring you back first thing in the morning when I head in for work. It won't be any problem at all."

  I nod my head. "Alright. Thanks, Tanner." I walk away from the table and stop to look back one more time. I have no idea if I'll ever see any of these people again. "Thank you again for having me over for dinner. It was nice to meet you all."

  Jim's voice stops me before I can open the front door. "Memphis!" I look over my shoulder to see him hurrying to me so I turn to face him. "You look so much like your mother."

  Those were not the words I was expecting to hear. The surprise I feel must be showing on my face because Jim smiles and answers my question without me having to physically speak. "Yes, I knew who she was. My son may have thought he was hiding her that summer, but I knew exactly what was going on."

  "Wow. I had no idea. She had no idea."

  "I know she didn't. Look, I know this is all new to you, and not everyone is being open to the idea of you." I snort at his observation. "I want to get to know you, Memphis. Give this old man a chance. What do you say?"

  Truthfully, he's the only one I can even see myself getting to know. But, will this decision to see him again come back to bite me in the butt? I guess I won't know unless I give him a chance. "I'd like that, Jim."

  My answer must not have been the one he was expecting because as soon as I agree, his shoulders drop and the sparkle I saw earlier in his eyes is suddenly back. "How about a late breakfast tomorrow? If Tanner is bringing you back here anyway?"

  "I don't know about that, Jim. I don't think anyone else here wants to see me back at their table anytime soon."

  Jim leans forward and kisses me on the cheek. "I wouldn't put you through that again, my dear. I'll take you to Sunny's. He has the best breakfast in the city. What do you say?"

  I lean up and return his kiss on his weathered cheek. "I think it sounds like a date, Jim."

  "Perfect. I'll see you in the morning."

  Tanner steps up to open the door and guides me outside by my elbow. I walk with him to what has to be the biggest truck I have ever seen. "Please tell me this isn't yours?"

  He slaps the hood as he walks me to the passenger side. "What's wrong with my truck? It's a great truck."

  "How am I supposed to get in it? Do you carry a stepstool in the back of it?"

  Tanner laughs at me while he shakes his head. "Come on, I'll help you in."

  Okay, I don't know what I was expecting to happen when Tanner said he’d help me, but using his hand on my butt to lift me up was definitely not it. Once I'm in and settled, Tanner walks back to the driver’s side and hops in like getting into a truck that’s eight feet off the ground is no big feat. He must see my narrowed eyes because his own eyes get large when he looks at me.

  "What? Did I do something wrong?"

  "How the hell did you get into this beast without any problems?"

  "Memphis," he says with a sigh, "it's not that big of a truck. Besides, I'm almost a foot taller than you."

  I smack his arm with the back of my hand and he has the nerve to start laughing at me.

  "Okay, okay. I'm sorry. It's my work truck so it has to be big to haul things all over the farm. I'm used to it being higher off the ground. I'm sorry if I offended you. Let me make it up to you."

  I can tell he doesn't really mean it. The smirk on his face is a dead giveaway.

  "What are we talking here? Making fun of someone's smaller stature isn't very nice, Tanner." I answer back with a smirk of my own so he knows I'm not really offended.

  "Well, the buddy I'm going to see actually owns his own restaurant. It's more of a bar and grill and the only reason he has food is so people will come in to try his beer. He's really just a beer brewer but he does have an amazing burger on the menu. Neither of us really ate tonight, so let me treat you to a burger and the best beer in Tennessee."

  "I can't say no to an offer like that. Alright, Tanner. Burger and beer it is."

  I catch the small smile on his face before he turns to look out the windshield and starts this behemoth truck. "Buckle up, Memphis. I'd hate to take a turn too hard and you get flung over here in my lap."

  Have mercy.

  "Oh, you have got to be kidding me."

  "What? You don't like it?"

  I glare at Tanner like he should know why I'm irritated. Did he really not know I was just here last night flirting with the bartender? I mean come on, how small is this world that this place would be the one he would bring me to for a burger? "No, actually I do. I was just here last night. I had the Memphis BBQ burger."

  "Ahh, best burger in Memphis. My buddy owns this place."

  "What's his name? I only met the bartender that was helping me last..."

  "What's going on, Tanner! You brought a girl to eat at my fine establishment that is not Gretchen. It's about time man."

  I know that voice. Dear lord, let me be wrong. When the chair beside me is pulled back and I catch the first look of its occupant I want to bang my head against the table. Instead I start laughing and acknowledge the newest member of our table. "Hey, Cain. How's it going tonight? Pushed anymore of those famous burgers and beer?"

  Tanner’s head jerks in my direction. "You two know each other?"

  "I met Cain last night while I was here. He was my bartender."

  "Your bartender?" Tanner asked, completely confused.

  "Didn't you know, Tanner? Cain here is a bartender. Isn't that right, Cain?"

  Cain's head drops down and he rubs the back of his neck. "Yeah, sorry about that, Memphis. Sometimes it's nice to just work without people wanting something from me that isn't related to my food or beer. You had no idea who I was and it was refreshing."

  I study Cain and can tell he's being sincere. "It's okay, Cain. If you give me a free Cain Brew I'll for
get it ever happened."

  I'm graced with another one of Cain's toe-curling smiles. "You have yourself a deal. One Cain special coming up."

  I look over to see Tanner studying me. "What? Did I say something wrong?"

  He shakes his head before answering. "No. It's nice to see him relax around a female. He's usually so uptight he won't even speak. In fact, he hasn't said more than five words to Gretchen.

  "Wonder why that is," I mumble under my breath.

  "What was that?"

  I wave my hand toward Tanner. "Nothing. Just wondering where Cain is with our drinks."

  "Did I hear someone say my name?" Cain drops a large, frosted mug in front of me and Tanner before sitting back down beside me. "So, Memphis, tell me how you ended up in my establishment with this guy over here?"

  "It's a funny story. See, I met Tanner tonight at dinner with my father, whom I had never met before yesterday, and his lovely family. It just happens that one of his daughters is dating Tanner. Have you met Gretchen?"

  Cain's gaze jumps from me to Tanner and back to me again. "Are you being serious right now?"

  "I really am."

  "Damn girl. Dinner with Gretchen and the other two bitches of the south. My heart bleeds for you."

  His expression is so serious I can't help but throw my head back and laugh until my side starts to hurt. Once I catch my breath, I tell him, "It was horrible. Between Gretchen with her nasty looks and the sly digs from Rachel, I'm surprised I got out of there with my life."

  "You know what? This calls for another drink. Tanner, run up to the bar and tell Andy to pour up a few Memphis Monsters."

  My eyebrows raise on this. "Memphis Monsters? Are you trying to get me drunk, Cain?"

  Tanner chuckles when he returns with our drinks. "This won't get you drunk. He's just trying to impress you with his signature beer he developed last year."

  I pick up the new glass from Tanner and tap it against his, then Cain's before taking a sip. "Wow. You weren't kidding about being impressed. I don't really like beer, but this is amazing."

  He bows while still sitting. "Thank you, ma'am. It took me seven months to get this recipe just right. I haven't pushed it yet, I'm holding off until this year's city beer competition. I don't want anyone trying to copy me."

  "Well, I may be biased, but I can't imagine you not winning with this. It really is incredible."

  "Thanks, Memphis. You should come to the competition. Tanner and our other friend Jasper will be there. You can even help and hand out shot glasses of the beer."

  Is he seriously giving me puppy dog eyes right now? Dang this man. "When is this competition?"

  "It's in October." Tanner answers.

  "I'm sorry, Cain. I'll be back home then." For some reason, the thought of not being here for him, and Tanner for that matter, bothers me. What is wrong with you, Memphis?

  "What do you mean you'll be back home then?"

  I look at Tanner when I answer him. "I was only planning on staying here for two weeks. Just long enough to find Arthur and maybe get to know him. I didn't know what to expect when I got here."

  "Two weeks? That's not enough time to get to know anyone, especially a dad you've never met before."

  I shrug my shoulders. "I have to get back home, Tanner. School starts in a month and I have to be there a few weeks early to get my room and everything else ready."

  "You're a teacher?"

  I look at Cain with a real smile on my face. I love talking about my kids. "I am. I teach kindergarten and I love it. Every year, a new group of kids full of different personalities. They keep me on my toes, that's for sure."

  "I guess I thought you were moving down here to be closer to Arthur."

  Turing my head back to Tanner, I catch a glimpse of what I think is disappointment but I must have been mistaken. "My job and life are back in Wisconsin, Tanner. I can't just walk away from everything on a whim. He may have not even wanted anything to do with me. I didn't know what I was walking into. Besides, after tonight I doubt anyone here will be sad if they never see my face again. Well, maybe Jim. He seems to like me, or else he was just amused at Arthur’s discomfort."

  A hand lands on top of mine and I look up to Cain. "Spend some time with us before you go."


  "You're going to be here for what? Another ten days or so? Spend it with the three of us. You need to at least see Memphis from a native's perspective."

  "Cain, I don't know. Aren't you busy? You have the bar, Tanner is working, and I have no idea about your other friend."

  "Jasper," Tanner reminds me.

  "Okay, Jasper. I haven't even met him. He may not want to waste any time with me."

  "Leave it to us," Cain informs me. "Tanner can take off, if not all day, then most afternoons. I have a manager to handle this place. I just hang out here so I don't have to sit at home doing nothing and Jasper runs his own business, too. He can do whatever he wants."

  Tanner places his hand on the one not covered by Cain’s. "Come on, Memphis. It'll be fun. I haven't done touristy things since I was in grade school and they took us to city museums and crap. Besides, I could use a break and like Cain, we have a farm manager. It'll be fine."

  "What are you going to tell Gretchen? I doubt she'll be happy with you spending your free time with me of all people."

  "Don't worry about that. Let us take care of everything."

  "What do you say, Memphis?" Cain asks me while giving me those dang puppy dog eyes again.

  "Fine." I hold up my finger to stop them from speaking. "Only if you are absolutely sure that it's not going to cause any problems with your girlfriend," I look to Tanner. "Or your bar," I say to Cain. "Also, don't make your other friend do this if he doesn't want to. He hasn't even met me. He may not like me enough to spend time with us."

  Cain starts to laugh while Tanner shakes his head. "Don't worry, Memphis. I guarantee Jasper will like you. Don't you agree, Tanner?"

  "Cain is right. Jasper will like you just fine. Now, where to go first?"

  And just like that, the next ten days of my stay here are planned, minus tomorrow morning. I had to remind Tanner that I had already made plans with Jim and I refuse to back out on him. You could tell neither of them were happy, but they both were smart enough not to complain. Tanner will take me back to the Peterson’s in the morning to get my car like planned and after breakfast with Jim, we're meeting at the lobby of the hotel.

  Once I get back to the hotel, I go back over my night with Tanner and Cain. Neither of them wanted me to leave, but I told them I had to get up early and I needed my rest. It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the exact truth either. For some reason, the idea of spending the next week with them is giving me butterflies. I can't have feelings for them. Number one, Tanner is dating my half-sister. Two, I don't live here and I will be going back home soon. Third, I can't have feelings for two guys. It's been a long time since I was in any kind of a relationship. That must be the problem. It's been so long that I’ve had any male companionship that I'm getting all worked up over nothing.

  Later that night when I lay down, my head refuses to stop thinking about Tanner with his mop of dark brown hair and soft green eyes, or of Cain with his tattoos, beard, and blue eyes that make me want to agree to anything he asks of me.

  I’m in a sweet southern mess.

  I'm tying the laces on my tennis shoes when there's a knock on the hotel door. I open the door to find Tanner casually leaning against the wall across the hall. Today he is in a tight baby blue t-shirt, worn jeans, and what I assume are his work boots. I can't help the laugh that slips out when I see the green John Deere tractor cap on top of his head.

  "What? Do you find me amusing this morning?"

  "No. I'm sorry, the hat caught me off guard is all. It's very green and that tractor is, wow. It's a bright yellow tractor."

  Tanner pulls at the bill of his cap. "Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up all you want. I'm sure I can find you a matching one in the back of my truc

  Holding up my hands in surrender and attempt to look sincere. "It’s okay! I'm sorry for laughing. Please don't make me walk around with a yellow tractor on my head."

  "You are so full of crap. Come on, Memphis. You don't want to be late for your breakfast date with old Jim do you?"

  Following Tanner out of the hotel and to his truck gives me the opportunity to mentally prepare for this morning. Who am I kidding? All I did was watch his butt in those jeans. I definitely need to look at getting back into the dating scene when I return home. It's been too long and my head has been in the gutter since I met Cain.

  I didn't realize we're at Tanner’s truck until I hear him call my name. "Memphis. Are you okay?"

  "Yeah, I was just lost in thought."

  The smirk on Tanner’s face tells me that he may know I was checking him out. I am so mortified. "Come on then. Let me help you in the truck."

  With as much dignity as I can pull off, I attempt to climb into Tanner’s ridiculously large truck. Unless Tanner gets a step stool for me, I don't see this relationship going anywhere. Maybe he will agree to ride in the Bug with me? Wait. Relationship? Where did that come from. Before I can turn and run back into the safety of the hotel, I feel Tanner’s breath across my cheek and the heat from his body as it presses into my back. "Hold still, Memphis. I've got you." He places his hands on my hips and gently lifts me so my feet are on the floorboard of his truck. Once I’m seated, he closes my door and walks around, tapping the hood just like he did last night. He doesn't speak to me again until he hits the interstate headed toward the Peterson’s.

  "Jasper is on for our plans today."

  I look at Tanner in confusion. "I'm sorry, what?"

  "Our friend Jasper. He took off this afternoon to spend some time with us. Cain and I told you about him last night."

  "I remember. I just didn't think a total stranger would want to take off work to spend time with someone he didn't know. Is he not busy?"

  Tanner lets out a dry laugh. "Oh, he's plenty busy. He just knows this is important so he canceled and rescheduled the next few days. It's no problem for him."


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