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Shared by the Firefighters: An MFM Firefighter Novella

Page 2

by Eddie Cleveland

  “You’re right. Lesson learned. No chick comes between us,” I agree. “Look don’t touch, right?”


  Suddenly, exhaustion hits me and the already bad taste of my food just turns to ashes on my tongue. I might not be able to go for Kelly, but that doesn’t mean I can’t think about her. Maybe I should grab a shower before bed and relive how that water sprayed down over her face. I can get a lot of mileage out of how sexy she looked standing there with her completely see-through shirt, as annoyance pinched her face up so cute I just wanted to kiss it.

  “I think I’m gonna get ready for bed.” I clear my throat and stand up. Tossing my TV dinner in the trash, I quickly rinse off my fork and head out of the kitchen.

  “Sounds good, man, have a good night,” Desi calls after me.

  I walk the familiar path down to my bunk and grab my stuff for the shower. Yep, a little “me time” is exactly what I need to relax. Jerking one off down the drain is the perfect way to get Kelly off my brain. Otherwise I’ll just start obsessing over her. It would be hard not to. With her rich, brown doe eyes and long dark hair, she looked soulful and sweet. I’d be lying if I said it was her hair that did me in, though. Her damned curves were unforgettable. Her tits were gorgeous, the way the fabric clung to them, making each breath she took almost pornographic. And that ass, well, let’s just say I need that shower now.

  Wee-ahh! Wee-ahh!


  Muscle memory kicks in and I drop my towel and shampoo on the bunk. That’s the alarm. There’s no time for showers or dirty thoughts. Right now the only thing that matters is saving lives.



  Eeee-oooh! Eeee-oooh!

  The siren blasts a warning to other drivers to get out of the way as we race across town. The lights on the truck paint everything in a red hue as we blast by to the house fire that was reported on Maple Street.

  Jake easily navigates the narrow roads in the old neighborhood, making it look easy to squeeze this monster thirty-two-foot pumper in past the cars that litter the curbside, parked for the night on the edge of the road.

  As we pull up on Maple, I squint at the ball of flames reaching for the night sky. The orange blaze is huge and out of control, but it’s not the house that’s on fire. It’s the car. As soon as Jake brakes, we’re jumping out and rigging the hose. This fire is dangerously close to the house.

  I walk around the area, looking for any people who might be in danger. I make my way around the perimeter of the fireball and almost mow over a couple who is standing stupidly close to the flickering flames.

  “I swear to God, Ray, I’ll set everything you own on fire! You cheating son-of-a-bitch!” The woman with the white, cropped pants and bleach blond hair pushes him.

  “You crazy bitch, I never shoulda married you. I told you a million times it was nothing. She was nothing to me, baby. I can’t believe you fucking did this. You’re going to jail, you know. They’re finally going to lock you up!” A middle-aged man with thinning hair and a pot belly screams at her. His face is so red he looks like we might need an ambulance on the scene here soon, probably for a heart attack.

  “Listen, folks, I need you both to take this, uh, discussion, out of here. We’ve got to get this put out before it spreads to the house.” I point to the narrowing gap between the arching, hungry flames and their roof.

  “Good, I hope they do lock me up. Lord knows I’ll be happier in prison than with you. At least I won’t spend all my nights lonely and wondering who the fuck you’re out banging.” The woman’s face is twisted with fury, but in her brown eyes I can see pain flickering under the surface.

  “My poor baby.” Her husband mournfully stares at his car. Well, it was a car. Now it’s a raging fire that has the potential to threaten this whole street. “How could you do this?” The edge is gone from his voice. “You know how hard I worked for that BMW.” He slumps forward in defeat.

  “Yeah, almost as hard as I worked on this marriage,” she shoots back. “The only thing you ever loved was that fucking car. Now you know what it’s like to have your heart broken.” She turns on her heel and marches away. Even with her back to us, I can see her rub the heels of her hands over her eyes to wipe away tears. It might be from the smoke, but I doubt it.

  “Sir?” I nod at the cheating husband, knocking him out of the trance he’s in.

  “Yeah? Oh, sure, I’ll go.” He shuffles away slowly.

  She obviously did hit him where it hurts. You can see the ache in his soul with each slow step he takes away from his burned-out shell of a car.

  With the happy couple out of the way, I rush back over to the truck and let the guys know it’s all clear. I take my place on the hose and we gush a tidal wave of water over the fire. It doesn’t take long to contain. The trickiest part is keeping it directed just on the car and not giving the house any water damage with the powerful blast.

  Once we’ve forced the fire into submission, we check to make sure there’s no chance it will reignite. A thorough check of the car is done and the surrounding area. The last thing we need is to be called back in an hour because of some electrical sparks or cinders that jumped to the garage. Finally we’re all clear and ready to go.

  The hose is coiled and the only evidence that we’ve even been here is the burned-out BMW skeleton, now dripping with foam and water. The cops have their car snuggled up behind us on the curb and this has now gone from an emergency scene to a crime scene. I glance over at the scorned woman as she gives her animated statement to the female officer. Then I check out the husband who couldn’t keep it in his pants and paid the price. He’s practically underwater, he’s moving so slow. His sole focus is still on what used to be his car. He looks at it with that same shell-shocked expression some people have when they look at a body bag.

  “Let’s head out!” Jake calls from the truck and I spring back into action, joining my team. We head back without any sirens. Without any urgency. It’s pretty late, so I think most of us are just looking forward to hitting our bunks.

  By the time we’ve put everything away and decontaminated, I’m just about ready to belly flop down on my bed and pass out. It’s gotta be getting close to three in the morning now. My bunk is singing me a sweet siren song with the promise of the best sleep. I float over, ready to give in, when a light across the way catches my eye.

  Isn’t that Kelly’s place? Yeah, of course it is. I connect the dots and stand tall, peering into her lit up window. It’s awfully late for her to be up, isn’t it?

  I try to remember if she said she’d be staying there right away. It usually takes a bit to unpack. And a moving truck parked outside a house can be a hell of an incentive for looters. Suddenly a jolt of adrenaline zaps through me and I have a second wave of energy. If someone is breaking into her place, I should go check it out.

  Heading toward the door, I pass Zach’s bunk. “Hey, man, you up?” I whisper.

  “Barely,” he groans.

  “There’s a light on at Kelly’s. I’m gonna take a quick look to make sure someone hasn’t broken in over there.”

  “What time is it?” he mumbles.

  “Almost three.”

  For a moment he doesn’t say a word. He doesn’t move or do anything. I figure he’s drifted back to sleep and start to creep out of the room when he suddenly sits up straight and hops out of bed.

  “All right, lemme grab some pants, for fuck’s sake.”



  I pop out of bed and grab my jeans, quickly tugging them on. It only takes a second to step into the pair of shoes I have stored under my bunk and follow Desi to the door.

  “Ready?” Desi looks at me like he’s not sure how much help I’ll be.

  “Yeah, good to go.” I yawn.

  “You don’t seem very awake.”

  “I’m awake enough to go knock on a door.”

  We head out of the fire station and into the warm, dark night. Desi is right, the
new girl’s place is lit up. Through the windows, it looks vacant. It’s possible she just left the lights on in there by mistake. But, then again, it could be that some kids up to no good saw the truck in the driveway and broke in to investigate.

  “Yeah, well, if there’s someone in there robbing that poor girl blind, I’ll need you to help me knock on more than just a door.” He punches his hand into his palm.

  “I’m pretty sure that’s outta our jurisdiction, man. If someone is stupid enough to rip her off, we’ll call the cops.” I look from the house to my friend. His eyebrows knitted together and his mouth twists down.

  “We’ll see.”

  The night air has woken me up fully now. Lucky for me. Because if Desi is looking for a fight right now, I need to be sharp. I can see in the way he’s tensed up that he has no plans to call 9-1-1 and back off. He won’t be happy unless he’s the big dick-swinging hero out saving the damsel in distress from the nasty bad men.

  I sigh. Loudly.

  “What’s your problem?” He turns toward me and narrows his eyes.

  “Nothing, man. Chill out, will ya? I just don’t feel like getting jumped by some little punks tonight. If the house is being robbed, let’s just let the boys in blue handle it.”

  “I thought you had my back.” He crosses his arms over his tight, black T-shirt.

  “I do. But I’m starting to think this is more about impressing that chick than anything.” I put my hands on my hips and realize for the first time that I didn’t even grab a shirt.

  “I already told you I’m not going to go for her. I don’t want another girl getting between us. For real, man. I won’t let it happen.” A bit of the tension slides free from his face. Desi finally looks like he’s more relaxed.

  “Well, I mean, if she wants to get between us, I’m not gonna complain.” I smirk. “I just don’t want her going on this secondhand ride”—I point to him—“and miss out on the main attraction over here.” I flex my muscles like a fitness model gunning for first place in front of the judges.

  Desi laughs. We both do. As we step onto the new girl’s lawn, we both stand taller and our smiles fade away. It’s business time now.

  “Hey, if you wanna go after whoever broke in, I’ve got your back.” I lower my voice.


  “You got it.”

  With that, we both stealthily move to the door and peer inside. I don’t see any signs of the beautiful woman who visited us earlier today or of anyone breaking in. Just like I thought, she probably kept the lights on by accident.

  Desi makes a fist and thumps on the door angrily. “Police, open up!” he barks.

  I raise an eyebrow but don’t say a word. He pounds on the door again and tilts his head, listening for the scurry of feet. We both stand in silence for a moment and I step down off the stairs, ready to abandon this mission.

  “There’s no one in there.” I jerk my head toward the fire station. “Let’s go.”

  “Wait, I hear something.”

  I turn back and watch as the brown-haired beauty delicately pads across the floor and opens the door for us. Question marks dance in her big, soulful eyes as she holds the door handle with one hand and her small, silk robe closed with the other.

  My feet take me back to the step without a single thought. All I can do is soak her in. From head to toe, she’s absolutely exquisite. Her features are so soft and feminine, she really is the perfect woman. It’s no wonder we’re both hot for her. And the way her robe is barely clinging to those curves, damn. It takes every ounce of determination I have not to stare. Although, with a body like that, she deserves to be admired and studied. She looks like one of those delicately chiseled Roman goddesses that’s been sculpted in stone. It’s like every inch of her curves was meant to be revealed and admired. She looked stunning before, when she came over to say hi this afternoon, but now, when she’s standing there looking like this… it’s almost too much. Heat blazes over the back of my neck.

  “Is everything okay? Are the police here?” She looks from my face to Desi’s and back again.

  “Sorry to scare you,” he soothes her. “We saw the lights on and thought someone might be robbing you.”

  “Yeah, we didn’t mean to wake you,” I jump in.

  “Oh, that’s so nice of you to check in.” She smiles and tucks her hair behind her ear. When she lets go of her robe, it gapes open. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t look at how her ample tits rose and fell with her breath.

  I’d especially be lying if I said it wasn’t driving me fucking wild.

  I glance over at Desi and he’s under the same hypnotic spell. I give him a small jab with my elbow, knocking him back to reality.

  “Well, we should get to bed too. We just wanted to make sure everything is good here.” I give her a nod.

  “Thanks, guys, I really do appreciate it.” She smiles. Her lips look so soft. They’re so full and perfectly curved. Just like the rest of her. She really is so sexy. I know there’s zero chance I’m going to get back to sleep without dealing with the growing erection pressing up against my zipper.

  “No problem, Kelly.” Desi gives her a nod and we both head back to the station in silence.

  There’s tension crackling around us as we both get lost in our own thoughts. I’m pretty sure Kelly has had the same effect on Desi as she has on me. I’m not sure how that’s going to play out. It’s going to be difficult to be neighbors with a woman we’re both so affected by. I’m not sure how we’re going to figure this out.

  All I know is two things. The first is that we won’t fight over Kelly. No matter how much we want her. The second is that I need to take care of the ache building in my balls by stroking my cock and letting myself think about that tiny, thin robe dropping from Kelly’s shoulders and pooling on the floor.



  The sky outside is bright and cheerful. The way the gentle wind tickles the tree in my backyard, making the leaves rustle, makes me smile. It’s so peaceful. So inspiring. It’s like Mother Nature herself is smiling down on me and giving an approving nod to my decision to move here and start over.

  My gaze falls from my kitchen window down to the counter. I’m in the middle of carefully measuring out the dry ingredients for some cookies, that is if I can stop myself from daydreaming so much. I want to bring them over to the fire station later as a way to say thank you to the guys for checking up on me last night. With two of the sexiest men I’ve ever met working right next door, it’s hard to keep my naughty thoughts contained.

  Especially when they’re so strong and protective and sweet. The way they banged on that door last night, it gave me a scare at first. I nervously hustled into my bathrobe and was surprised to see the two of them. After I got sprayed with the water, I didn’t think I’d ever see them again except in passing.

  But there they were, Desi in a tight shirt that hugged his broad shoulders and burly biceps and Zach leaving nothing to the imagination with no shirt on. The way his unbelievable abs stretched across his stomach and those cut, long lines that formed a perfect V leading down to his bulging package, well, I’m overheating just thinking about it.

  I fan myself and get a bit of flour across my cheeks. I’ll have to try not to get overwhelmed by them when I stop by to say thank you. I bite my lip and my pussy clenches as I imagine myself inviting them in last night.

  I’d never be brave enough to do that. Just open the door and step to the side, giving them my best sultry stare. I can imagine my voice, husky with the need that was aching through me as I asked them to come in.

  More like cum in. Like, cum inside me. I can just imagine how cute our little babies would be. With my round cheeks and their eyes. I wouldn’t care if we had boys or girls, it would just be amazing to get the chance to be a mom.

  My lips pull down and I stop what I’m doing, just sensing that black cloud hanging over me again. It’s oppressive. When the doctors told me I have endometriosis, I was shocked. I’m o
nly twenty-seven. I’m too young to be worrying about whether or not I’ll ever be able to have children. And I do want them. Ever since I was a little girl, I wanted to be a mother one day. To give a child the relationship I never had with my own mom. I want so badly to give my own kids the love my father only ever had for the bottle. I have so much love to give to a child. It tears me up inside to think I may never get that chance.

  Sniffing, I wipe away the tears blurring my vision and take a deep breath. No. I’m not going to let myself think like that. The doctors didn’t say I couldn’t have kids, they just said it would be harder. They also warned me that if that’s something I want, I should act on it sooner than later.

  Who knows? Maybe either Zach or Desi and I really will end up together. They must care about me a little if they went out of their way to check in on me last night. My mind flashes back to how good they looked. I could barely keep my eyes off their tight bodies. It’s easy to imagine one of them pressed into either side of me. I close my eyes and can almost feel their big, rough hands roaming my flesh.

  I can imagine them holding me between them. My legs wrapped around the bulge that was teasing me in Desi’s pants. Zach would be pressed up behind me. I could feel his hard cock pressed against my ass, their breaths billowing over my skin. Their strong arms holding me tight. Their lips devouring me.

  My eyelids flutter open and I realize I’m clinging onto the counter so tight my knuckles have bleached out white. My breath is coming in little puffs and my pussy is absolutely flooded. If I keep thinking like this, I’m never going to get these cookies made. Forcing myself to focus, I get back to work. I shouldn’t really let myself get so carried away with this little fantasy. If I told either of those guys how much I want to have a baby, I’m sure I’d scare them away. The last thing I need is to get some kind of reputation as the crazy girl who’s looking for a sperm donor.


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