Stairway To Heaven

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Stairway To Heaven Page 1

by Shannon Leigh

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  Amber Quill Press

  Copyright ©2005 by Shannon Leigh

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  NOTICE: This work is copyrighted. It is licensed only for use by the original purchaser. Making copies of this work or distributing it to any unauthorized person by any means, including without limit email, floppy disk, file transfer, paper print out, or any other method constitutes a violation of International copyright law and subjects the violator to severe fines or imprisonment.

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  ISBN 1-59279-414-9

  Amber Quill Press, LLC

  Also By Shannon Leigh

  Chinatown Buffet

  Greenwood Manor

  More Than Prophecy


  For my friends at work, who put up with my crazy ideas!


  Rhea shifted uncomfortably. They'd been on the plane for several hours now, and her rear end was protesting. As she glanced over at her friend in the seat next to her, she wondered how Ashley could possibly manage to sleep through all the turbulence their little commuter plane had suffered. But somehow, her lab assistant had slumbered through it like a baby.

  As though sensing Rhea's stare, Ashley yawned and opened her eyes. “Hi."

  Rhea smiled. “You've been out a long time."

  Ashley stretched her arms above her head. Her layered, blonde curls bobbed around her ears as she tilted her chin up and opened her mouth in another wide, unladylike yawn. “We almost there?"

  Rhea glanced out the plane's tiny window. The glass was hazy with age, and moisture from the warm air outside had collected along the edges, blurring the view outside. “Yeah. We're flying over the jungle now. I think the airport is just a short way ahead."

  There were only ten other passengers on the small plane—ten passengers and one pilot. Rhea had never liked flying. And when she found out her company had booked passage for her and Ashley on something smaller than a 747, she'd almost refused to go.

  Providian Pharmaceuticals had one of the largest drug research labs in the world. She knew they could afford to send her and her lab assistant to the Amazon on nothing less than the best airfare, and secure them with the most luxurious lodging available.

  But as Rhea stared out the foggy glass at the wispy billows of humidity rising up from the treetops of the mighty rainforest below, she couldn't help but wonder if this hadn't been the best airline there was to offer. The world below them was totally unlike anything she'd ventured into before. And she wasn't too sure if the realization was exciting or scared her to death.

  This trip was important. And Rhea couldn't help but feel a small measure of self-pride in the fact that she'd been chosen to go—chosen over Lydia MacDonald. Rhea giggled.

  "What's so funny?"

  When she turned away from the window to look at her friend, a lock of brown hair fell across her forehead and into her eyes. Rhea swiped the irritating swatch away. Then she smiled at Ashley. “Oh, I was just imaging the look on Lydia's face when she found out I was going to Peru instead of her."

  Ashley's green eyes lit up with mischief. “Ha! I bet that heifer nearly blew a gasket! She didn't deserve it anyway. You've done most of the work on this project, and she always seems to get recognition for it."

  Rhea swished her hand through the air. “Aw, Ash. I don't care. All that matters to me is finding a cure for cancer. This is the biggest break we've had in five years. I'm just glad to be a part of it."

  Ashley's eyes narrowed with skepticism. Her full, peachy lips curled into a perceptive smile. There was no mistaking the amusement in her knowing grin.

  "Yeah, but I bet that back-stabbing, over-made-up whore nearly fell out of her chair when Steve gave her the news. You think it was before or after he decided to quit sleeping with her."

  Rhea hid a stab of jealousy behind a low chuckle. The whole department knew about Lydia's affair with the lab manager. And Rhea's past association with him wasn't a secret either.

  Steve had been her first true love. Or so she'd thought. That was, until Ms. MacDonald came aboard the lab crew.

  Rhea chewed the inside of her lip, willing the painful memories of deceit to disappear. She didn't know why finding him in bed with Lydia had been such a surprise. The signs were all there—unreturned phone calls, unexplained late nights at work, the lingering smell of women's perfume on his coat. And yet, she'd been the last one to find out about his affair.

  Of course, she'd treated it as no big deal. Laughed it off with the rest of her co-workers as nothing. But deep down inside, it had hurt.

  Rhea turned back toward the hazy window. Her vision blurred with unshed tears, but she refused to cry. That had been six months ago, and there were better fish in the sea. Far better.

  "Hey, girl. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to—"

  Rhea glanced over at Ashley. “It's all right. I don't know why it even bothers me. He's a jerk and Lydia's a slut. They deserve each other. Besides, he's a terrible lover."

  They stared at each other a long moment before busting into laughter. Several of the other passengers turned to glare at them for disturbing the peace. Other than a few hushed whispers, the plane had been as quiet as a morgue the entire trip.

  Being one who didn't particularly care for tight spaces anyway, Rhea was beginning to feel stir crazy. After several hours of near silence, this little bit of entertainment was just enough to calm her nerves.

  The two struggled with a few lingering giggles before finally getting their mirth under control. Seeing that they were still receiving several disapproving stares, Rhea waved in apology.

  "Sorry,” she called, then hunkered down with embarrassment. “You're going to get us thrown off the plane!” she whispered, before delivering a playful slap to Ashley's thigh.

  Ashley slid down in her seat until her head rested next to Rhea's. “Maybe we'll land in an uncharted Indian camp, inhabited only by luscious, dark-skinned warriors."

  Rhea couldn't help but join in fun. “Yeah? With my luck in men, they'll all be gay!"

  They broke out in another round of uncontrollable giggles, which were immediately followed by a harsh “Shhhh!” from one of the others.

  Rhea clamped her hand over her mouth to stifle her humor. “You bad girl,” she whispered against her palm.

  Ashley smiled. “No, they wouldn't be gay, they'd be deprived. We'd be like goddesses. And each night, we'd have our pick of the litter. The best-hung males in the village. Yeah, dark skinned dudes with big—"

  "Ashley!” Rhea hissed.

  Her eyes widened with shock and her mouth formed a horrified O. She couldn't believe her lab assistant would even consider such a thing. Then again, yes she could. Ashley definitely liked men.

  In the five years they'd been friends, she'd seen Ashley change beaus like one would holiday decor. Every few months, Ashley would come to work with a new hunk hanging on her arm like an expensive fur.

  If there was one thing Rhea could give her friend credit for, it was her impeccable taste in the male species. Ashley only screwed the best of the best. And when she got tired of one, there was always another one waiting.

  Of course it wasn't hard to see why. Ashley was the proverbial blonde bombshell, built like a brick-shit-house. And she knew it, too. With her size D breasts and tiny waist—thanks to modern medicine and having no kids—stunning green eyes, and thick, waist-length platinum curls, she was nothing short of beautiful.

  Compared to her, Rhea oftentimes felt insignificant and self-conscious. It was likely most women did. But her friend wasn't the typica
l stuck-up snob who thought her shit didn't stink. Ashley was truly a good, fun-loving person, a real hoot to be around. And Rhea wouldn't trade their friendship for anything.

  She just wished Ashley would settle down before her loose ways either caught her with a horrible disease, or landed her in the lap of Mr. Wrong. Not all men took too kindly to being dumped for the next available stud. And Rhea feared that one day her friend would meet one who wouldn't let go.

  Shaking the unpleasant thoughts out of her brain, Rhea cleared her throat and tried to look as composed as possible, all the while hiding a grin when she turned to Ashley and asked, “You mean, you haven't already got a dark-skinned Indian prince in your collection?” in the calmest voice she could muster.

  Ashley pretended to be engrossed in her fingertips, but Rhea could see the impish smile lurking at the corner of her lips. “Oh, well, I didn't say I haven't had my share of dark skin...” She briefly held a hand full of flawless pink fingernails out before her, then turned to Rhea and wagged her perfectly shaped brows. “It can be a nice change. There really is a difference, you know."

  Rhea rolled her eyes and huffed in feigned disgust. “You're incorrigible. What am I going to do with you?” Then she shook a finger at Ashley's dainty little nose. “Don't you be wandering off in search of men. Do you hear me? I don't want to have to go traipsing through the jungle in search of my lab assistant."

  Ashley laughed, then waved the idea away as though it were ridiculous.

  "I'm serious Ash, you might find yourself in a dangerous situation. The men of this place aren't ... civilized. If you go teasing one who decides to take a fancy to you, you might just disappear. Do you know how many miles of vegetation are out there?” Rhea jerked a thumb in the direction of the window. “Hundreds. Thousands. Really, I don't want to lose you to some sex-starved cannibal who might as well just eat you when he's done ravishing you."

  One of Ashley's brows rose with interest. “Hmm ... that might be interesting. Eat me—"

  "Ashley! I'm serious.” Rhea's voice echoed through the quiet plane. But this time, no one turned around. Everyone seemed to be as stiff as statues. No doubt listening to every word the two of them said.

  Ashley made a pressing motion with her hands, indicating for Rhea to keep it down. “Okay, Mom. I promise I won't wander off too far. Cross my heart.” She made a childish X sign across her ample breasts with one fingertip. “All right?"

  Rhea nodded. But she knew Ashley had no intention of living up to her promise.

  Mom. She snorted and turned her attention back out the foggy window. Sometimes she felt like Ashley's mother. No one else seemed to be looking out for the girl's best interest, not even Ashley herself. It was strange though, only two years separated them in age, and yet sometimes Rhea felt a thousand years older.

  The long plane ride had finally caught up with her. Rhea knew they were close to landing, but she couldn't seem to keep her eyes open another minute. Finally giving up on her battle to stay awake, she closed her lids and let her senses drift into a light slumber. Fifteen minutes later, the captain's voice boomed over the loud speaker, setting her pulse and nerves racing once again.


  When Rhea stepped off the plane, she merely stared at the dense, uncivilized scene stretched out before her for several long moments. This can't be right. Her overstuffed duffle bag fell unheeded to the ground by her feet. Dotted between the thick trunks of towering trees and tangle of climbing vines were several small, run-down wooden shacks with caved in, palm-leaf roofs.

  Ashley, equally stunned by their primitive lodgings, slowly backed toward the plane. “This is ... it?"

  Her distressed squeak nearly did Rhea in. She had the overwhelming urge to rush back up the plane's small metal stairwell and yell, “Take me back! Take me back!"

  But duty kept her rooted in place. She'd been picked for this assignment, picked over several others. And she'd be damned if she'd let little things like shoddy quarters and no running water keep her from doing her job.

  When Rhea squatted to pick up her fallen bag, she noticed for the first time that they were the only ones who'd gotten off the plane. The other passengers were apparently traveling on to another location. She stared, forlorn, as the plane's door closed, shutting her and her unhappy lab partner out of its comparatively welcome interior.

  Then, as though not caring at all that two of its previous occupants were being left behind in the midst of the mighty Amazon Forest, the plane began pulling away. Slowly, the small aircraft picked up speed. Just when she thought it would surely crash into the impenetrable vegetation at the end of the runway—which consisted of nothing more than a ridiculously small dirt road obviously forced within the heart of the surrounding forestry—the plane jerked upward.

  Several small limbs and leaves of varying sizes drifted to the ground as the bottom of the aircraft clipped the tree tops in its nearly failed effort to escape. Rhea watched as their only means of getaway disappeared into the distant horizon like a fleeting dream.

  Well, that's it. We're stuck here. God help us.

  The sound of breaking glass suddenly drew her out of her surreal trance. “Hey! Be careful with that!"

  She rushed over to snatch a large box of lab supplies from the young boy who was clearly struggling to heft it onto his shoulder. Sometime during her stupor, all of her equipment had been retrieved from the plane's storage compartment and was now being hauled off by a group of natives dressed in short, leather-like skirts—and in some cases—nothing at all. Momentarily forgetting the boy in front of her, Rhea stared at the others in silent wonder.


  Rhea returned her attention to the waiting child. He mumbled something indecipherable, all the while keeping his eyes cast to the ground. Then he shifted from one foot to the other, seemingly uncomfortable in her presence, before moving on to another latent box.

  "Wait! You can't take that! I need it for—"

  "It's all right, Rhea. These are the Huitoto Indians. They're taking your supplies to the village for you."

  A tall, middle-aged man with a closely cropped, salt and pepper beard, groomed brows the color of a raven's wing, and thin, wire-rimmed glasses stepped out from between two of the shacks. A light brown hat with a wide brim sat upon his head, partially hiding his long gray hair, which was pulled back into a ponytail at the nape of his neck.

  Jon! Rhea rushed over to give her mentor a hug. “Jon! I'm so glad to see you. I thought we were—"

  "Lost?” He squeezed her in a surprisingly strong bear hug, momentarily robbing her of air.

  "Well, I was going to say stranded. But lost'll work.” Rhea looked up at the older man who'd been almost like an uncle to her for the last ten years of her life, and for the first time since embarking on this expedition, she felt a measure of comfort.

  "You look good, sweetheart,” he said gently, giving her another squeeze.

  "And you look like Jacques Cousteau,” she replied, teasingly tugging on the rim of his hat.

  He chuckled. “It's quite a different world here, Rhea. Quite a different world. I think once you get used to the ... limited facilities, you'll find it to be the greatest enigma you've ever encountered."

  Jon's eyes strayed past her. “How ‘bout her, she gonna be okay? She looks a little pallid."

  Rhea glanced over at her lab partner. Ashley was still rooted to her spot, staring at the sky where the plane had disappeared from sight several moments ago. “Yeah, she'll be all right."

  Jon took her bag, then approached Ashley. “Hello there,” he said, extending his hand.

  Momentarily sidetracked from her distress, Ashley looked down at Jon's waiting palm, then up at him before placing hers within it. Rhea knew her friend was quickly sizing up the man before her for a possible rendezvous later on. Even though he was over ten years her senior, Jon was still quite attractive. Especially considering how limited Ashley's male supply would be for the next few weeks.

lo, yourself.” Ashley's voice was sultry purr.

  Rhea rolled her eyes. Poor, Jon. If he only knew.

  "Speck. Dr. Jon Speck,” he announced, still holding Ashley's hand. “But you may call me Jon."

  Ashley's eyes strayed to his mouth. “I will,” she returned, before giving him one of her seducing smiles.

  Jon stared at her a moment in stunned silence, then released her hand and cleared his throat. “Okay ... then,” he began, reaching for Ashley's bag on the ground. “Let's ... get going."

  He almost seemed to choke on the words. Rhea crossed her arms and cocked her right brow. She had to commend Ashley on her skills. Jon was actually blushing. And that was something she rarely saw.

  Of course, how often did beautiful women throw themselves at him out here in the middle of nowhere? Which was practically what Ashley was doing. Handsome or not, he's certainly no Sean Connery, she decided. Although, he did sort of favor him—minus the specs.

  "It'll be dark soon,” Jon declared, cutting into her thought. “You don't want to be away from the village at night. Stay close. The Amazon is a beautiful place, full of exotic wildlife and colorful flora. But it can also be deadly."

  Rhea nodded. “Come on, Ash. Unless you're waiting for that dark-skinned prince to come get you..."

  Jon stared at Rhea, the question already forming in his hazel eyes before he voiced it. She shook her head. “Don't ask. Secret joke."

  His dark brows arched and his chin lifted a notch, as though understanding, even though Rhea knew he didn't have a clue what she was talking about. Thank God.

  Jon had never been happy about any of her past love affairs—the one with Steve was no exception. So he was sure to be even more appalled by Ashley's. Although, in her case, he might make an exception, Rhea thought wryly.

  As though waking from a mind fog, Ashley shook her head, then glanced at Rhea. “What? You mean ... we're not staying here, at such a lovely resort?"


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