Stairway To Heaven

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Stairway To Heaven Page 2

by Shannon Leigh

Her gaze shifted to the retreating backside of a rather large, half-naked Indian man who was disappearing down the trail with two crates of supplies balanced on his thick shoulders. A sparkle of interest glittered in her lovely green eyes and her full lips curled into an interested smile. “Please tell me we're following him ... er, I mean them."

  As though knowing he were the topic of conversation, the dark-skinned man suddenly turned to look back at them. His gaze first went to Ashley, which didn't surprise Rhea. That's how it always happened. Look at how Jon was behaving!

  But when his stare shifted to her, Rhea felt her knees grow weak. His dark eyes were like two pools of melted chocolate. And although Rhea had never been real big on eating a lot of sweet confections, she found herself wanting to dive in and gorge herself to oblivion.

  Then his lips pulled back into a devastating grin and Rhea could only stare at him in appreciation. He had a smile that could melt steel. Heat instantly spread through her limbs, moisture between her thighs, and her face grew warm.

  "Uh, Rhea?” Ashley tugged on her arm. “Earth to Rhea."

  Rhea blinked. Then turned to look at her friend. “Hmm?” Her voice was a dreamy purr.

  "I told you they had princes here.” Ashley lifted her shapely brows up and down, then glanced back down the trail. “I hope they all look like him."

  Rhea returned her attention to the lingering man. He looked as though he could stand where he was all day, like the heavy crates he carried were no burden at all. She quietly studied him, while he in turn did the same, each sizing up the other.

  Once she absorbed the shock of him actually affording her more than just a casual glance—especially since Ashley was standing next to her—Rhea began to notice that he really didn't look like one of the natives at all. Sure, he wore the typical skirt, which she noted scarcely left much to the imagination, and he had the same beautifully bronzed skin, but his build and features were definitely different than any of the other natives passing around him.

  He was tall, around six-foot-five, and his frame was well stocked with fully formed muscle, unlike the other natives who were considerably shorter with thin arms and legs, narrow shoulders, and protruding bellies. The bangs of his mahogany hair were pulled back out of his face in a thin ponytail at the crown of his head, while the sides and back hung freely in cascading waves around his face and neck. Strangely, Rhea's palms itched with the desire to bury themselves within the silky locks.

  His facial features were sharp and distinct, like God himself had carefully sculpted him from granite. His broad chest and washboard abs were smooth like melted caramel, void of hair. And his wide-legged stance was proud, as though he owned the very ground upon which he stood.

  Unlike the other natives, who would scarcely make eye contact with her, he hardly seemed shy or inhibited as he boldly raked her body from head to foot, obviously scrutinizing her as intently as she were him. If she were to guess, Rhea would say this man didn't have a bashful bone in his entire gorgeous body.

  In fact, she was starting to feel a little self-conscious herself. It was almost as if he were mentally undressing her, right down to her pink push-up bra and lace trimmed, satin panties. The sensation was a bit disturbing.

  The man smiled once again. But this time, there was a cocky, arrogant tilt to his sensual mouth, as though he knew his bold appraisal was unsettling. Rhea felt the prickle of annoyance. Then a strange tingle worked its way down her spine.

  "Who is that?” The question was directed to Jon, who had adjusted the straps of their bags, one on either shoulder, and was starting down the trail, right toward the man in question. He stopped in his tracks and looked back at her.

  "I don't know,” Ashley butted in before he could respond. “But he seems to like you."

  Jon frowned, glanced down the trail, then back to Rhea. “Which one?"

  Rhea lifted a brow in question. Which one? What's he mean “which one?” How could he not know “which one?"

  "The big guy.” She gave a quick nod of her head, indicating the direction in front of him.

  "Yeah, the one with all the muscles,” Ashley chimed. “The one with the hot bod—"

  Rhea gave her a stern glare.

  Ashley shrugged. “Just tryin’ to help,” she said cheerily, then started down the trail behind a couple of young boys who were lugging armfuls of journals and various other books. As she passed by the out-of-place Adonis, she glanced up at him and smiled. He briefly grinned down at her, then returned his attention to Rhea.

  Jon took off his specs, rubbed both lenses with the hem of his shirt, then replaced them on the bridge of his nose and looked once more down the trail in the direction the rest of the group was heading. After a few seconds, he shook his head with bewilderment.

  "Rhea, honey, I don't see any big guy. All I see is a group of native men, some young boys, and your lab assistant, who seems to be enjoying the canopy."

  Rhea hated to point, because she knew it was rude and the guy would obviously know she was talking about him, but she couldn't believe Jon didn't see him. Who could miss him? Ashley was enjoying the view, but it certainly wasn't the treetops that had her beaming like a foolish schoolgirl.

  "That one right—” She looked past Jon to indicate the man in question, and he was gone. But ... he was just there. Rhea blinked with confusion.

  "He was there, Jon. I saw him.” She walked toward him, her hand still held out before her, pointing to the spot farther down the trail where her mysterious man had just been.

  Jon's brows furrowed even deeper, and his lips pursed together into a tight line of concern. He stared at her in silence for a few moments, seemingly pondering her sanity. Then he placed a reassuring palm on her shoulder.

  "You've had a long trip, sweetheart. Have you eaten anything?"

  Rhea looked up at him. “What?” Her mind had lapsed into a dazed stupor. She was tired. Hell, she was exhausted! And, no, she hadn't eaten in several hours.

  Maybe I imagined him. The biologist in her desperately wanted to bring some logical reasoning back into the situation. But ... Ashley had seen him too. Hadn't she?

  Rhea glanced back down the trail. Jon was right, there was no giant, tanned man with bulging muscles and decadent eyes. Just a group of typical natives—none of which could even mistakenly be construed for the man she thought she saw—and Ashley's retreating backside.

  She closed her eyes and rubbed her temples. She'd just spent what? Twelve, thirteen hours on a plane? With no food. No sleep. Her nerves were frazzled and she was starving. It seemed very likely she was seeing things as well. Rhea was surprised her brain hadn't concocted a giant smorgasbord instead of a man. Of course, she'd take him as the main course any day.

  Stop it, Rhea! You're imagining things. There is no mystery guy.

  But she knew she'd seen someone.

  "You know, you're probably right, Jon. I'm bushed. And I haven't eaten. I'm practically delirious right now.” She gave him the most reassuring smile she could muster, even though her instinct belied her concocted logical reasoning.

  Besides, whoever she saw was carrying two of her crates. Surely he was going the same place they were. And when they got to the village, she'd point him out to Jon. Then they'd see who was hallucinating.


  Rhea was pleasantly surprised when they entered the village. Unlike the dilapidated shacks at the “airport,” the Huitoto lodges were seemingly well built with sturdy materials. The huts were placed haphazardly, as though each new addition was simply erected where room allowed it. Central to the community stood an enormous structure without walls or doorways—a community gazebo perhaps, where the society members could get together for meetings or fellowship, or whatever entertainment they cared to enjoy.

  A large fire-pit, surrounded by what looked like log benches, was cut into the ground at the foot of the massive pergola. Rhea couldn't help but picture a dozen half-dressed Indians, painted with various colors, dancing around a roaring fire ben
eath a moonlit sky. She smiled at the image in her head.

  She hoped to observe some of the Huitoto traditions while she was there. Her projected length of stay was six weeks. But if the recent lab results were accurate and these people had truly stumbled onto a potential new drug for cancer, then she'd remain as long as necessary. Especially now that she knew she'd be working directly under Jon. She couldn't ask for a better adviser.

  A middle-aged Indian man approached them, with two women trailing closely behind. He yelled something in his foreign tongue, and held his hands out before him.

  Jon leaned close to Rhea's ear. “This is Victor, chief of the Huitoto. He is welcoming you to his home. Bow your head with acceptance. He'll be pleased by the gesture."

  Rhea did as Jon suggested. “Thank you. We appreciate your hospitality.” Even though she knew the chief probably didn't understand her words, she hoped the sincerity in her voice would serve to portray her gratitude.

  To her surprise, Jon relayed her message in the Huitoto's tongue. She didn't know he could speak their language. Of course, it only made sense. How else could they hope to stay with these native people while conducting their research? Someone had to be able to talk to them.

  How long has he been here?

  As though reading her thoughts, “I've been staying with the Huitoto off and on for five years now. It's taken nearly that long to learn their language,” he said, matter-of-factly.

  Rhea nodded in admiration. Now she understood his prolonged absences. He's been here.

  Victor smiled broadly at her, then pointed to each of the women beside him and launched into another undecipherable dialog. Rhea knew he was trying to introduce them, but she didn't have a clue what he was saying. So she merely smiled in return, and tried not to stare at the two half-naked women any longer than what would be considered polite.

  "His wife and daughter,” Jon whispered. “The females traditionally don't wear tops."

  "I see,” she whispered back through her plastered smile.

  "Come,” Victor cut in, waving for them to follow him.

  Rhea glanced at Jon, her brows lifting in question.

  "I've managed to teach them a little of our language as well. Some have learned faster than others,” he explained. Then he placed his palm on her lower back and ushered her along behind Victor and his female companions.

  Suddenly realizing they were short one person, Rhea scanned the village. “Where's Ashley?” Oh, God. I've lost her already. She's been—

  As if on cue, she heard Ashley's voice float to them from a nearby hut. She turned toward the sound and saw her lab partner speaking with one of the native women as though they completely understood each other. Ashley vigorously nodded her head, then took what looked like an article of clothing from the young woman's outstretched hands.

  "I better go collect my assistant before she gets herself into trouble,” Rhea mumbled.

  Jon nodded. He called to Victor, then pointed to Ashley. Rhea heard her name mentioned, and something about bartering.

  Victor's aged features curled into a pleased grin. “Yes, go see,” he said, indicating the hut with a wave of his hand. Then he yelled instructions to two young men standing idly by. They hurried over to take their bags.

  Jon thanked them, took her by the elbow, and led her over to what appeared to be the village store. As they entered the doorless structure, Rhea could only gape in astonishment. The inside was filled with the most beautiful works of art and craftsmanship she'd ever seen. Masks, dolls, rattles, jewelry, blankets, purses, and various other items hung on the walls and sat upon multiple tables.

  "Look!” Ashley squealed with delight. “She gave me a skirt like hers!"

  Rhea's brow furrowed with skepticism. “You sure she gave it to you?"

  Ashley nodded excitedly. “Yeah! She said a gift, and handed it to me. Isn't it beautiful?"

  Ashley held the garment up to her midriff.

  The Indian woman seemed pleased by Ashley's joy. Quickly snatching a similar skirt from a nearby table, she held it out to Rhea. “A gift."

  Unsure, Rhea glanced up at Jon.

  He smiled down at her. “Take it. To refuse would bring her embarrassment. Although it's not expected, you should offer her something in return."

  Rhea smiled and nodded her head, then took the garment from the woman's outstretched hands. “Thank you."

  Ashley quickly removed her silver bangle bracelet and handed it to her. “A gift,” she said proudly.

  The woman bowed her head several times, each time muttering what Rhea guessed to be a word of thanks. Then the woman turned to Rhea, obviously expecting a token from her as well.

  Rhea nervously chewed the inside of her cheek as she racked her brain for a suitable souvenir while the young woman merely stared at her with hopeful eyes and waited. What can I give her?

  As an unexpected solution dawned, Rhea smiled. Reaching up behind her neck, she unclasped her necklace. Then she took one of the woman's hands and gently placed the chain and ruby pendant in the middle of her palm. It had been a present from Steve.

  "A gift."

  Rhea felt proud of herself. She thought parting with the piece would be a lot harder than it was. It looked as though she was truly getting over her two-timing ex. Just the excited expression on the young woman's face told her that she'd get more enjoyment out of the small bauble than Rhea ever had.

  The woman held up her two gifts, one in each hand, and grinned broadly at Rhea and Ashley. Then she attempted to put them on. She didn't have much difficulty with the bracelet, but when it came to the necklace, she obviously couldn't unclasp the lock.

  Rhea took a step toward her. “Do you want me to help you?"

  Jon quickly translated for her.

  The woman bobbed her head with enthusiasm, then handed the necklace back to her.

  Rhea walked around behind her, carefully swept her thick, onyx hair to the side, then lifted the chain over her head and brought it down around her neck. After securely clasping the lock, she gently pulled the woman's hair free of the chain and stepped back around to face her.

  "There now. It looks quite beautiful on you,” Rhea said with a smile. The ruby pendant nestled perfectly between the woman's bare breasts. “I think it looks far better on you than it ever did me."

  The woman placed her hand over the bracelet, now dangling from her right wrist, and bowed to Ashley. Then she repeated the process with the necklace to Rhea.

  Rhea responded similarly with the skirt. “I shall wear it proudly."

  Just then, an elderly woman entered the hut from the back. When she saw the four of them, she began to yell something in Huitoto. Her tone was harsh, as though she were perturbed. The young woman quickly rushed off.

  "I hope we didn't get her in trouble,” Ashley said with a frown.

  "That's Uri's mother,” Jon said, waving at the older woman. “She told her to quit bothering the doctors and get back to work."

  Rhea chuckled. “They think we're doctors?"

  Jon smiled. “They're having a celebration tonight, in your honor. The Huitoto are very pleased that you have come to stay with them while doing your research, and they wish to show their gratitude."

  "Oooh! A party? We're having a party, tonight?” Ashley's eyes sparkled with excitement. “That'll give me the perfect opportunity to wear this skirt.” She held the article out before her, adoring it once again. “You must wear yours, too, Rhea."

  Rhea glanced down at the garment in her hand. She ran her palm over the strange material. “What's this made out of?"

  Jon grinned. “Tree bark,” he declared smartly, apparently knowing his answer would surprise her.

  "No way.” Ashley gawked at the item, her expression filling with admiration.

  "Yup, tree bark,” he confirmed. “You see, they take the inner bark of a palm tree and beat it until it's thin, like cloth. Then they make it into clothes or purses or whatever they need."

  "Amazing.” Ashley lovingl
y hugged the skirt to her chest.

  Rhea held the stiff garment up to her waist, pondering whether or not she really wanted to wear it. She rarely wore anything besides jeans or khakis. Even if she did, she certainly wasn't going without a top. Not with Mr. Drop Dead Gorgeous running around here somewhere. Speaking of whom, she had yet to see again.

  "Just wear a blouse with it,” Jon commented, seemingly reading her mind. “You'll honor Uri and her mother."

  Rhea nodded. “I suppose I can suffer through one night of discomfort."

  Jon rolled his eyes as though feigning annoyance. “Always a tomboy, aren't you, Rhea."

  Rhea shrugged. Growing up with five older brothers hadn't taught her much else. Besides, she didn't have time for girlie stuff. Her job monopolized most of her waking moments. And she'd already made the mistake of trying to combine love and work.

  Nope, she treasured her independence. Ashley, on the other hand, rarely went anywhere without an escort—her friend thrived on male attention. It was like she had to have it or her whole world fell apart.

  Rhea preferred being alone. It prevented her from getting hurt. Although, she wouldn't mind hearing she was beautiful every now and then. Especially from a gorgeous male who wasn't her relative.


  Rhea and Ashley sat on a log by the fire and watched as members of the tribe performed one of their traditional dances. Strong male voices floated through the air around them as the men sang out a beautiful tune in their native tongue. The women would join in every now and then for a chord, their soft feminine voices melting in with the masculine ones to add just the right amount of tenor.

  Rhea was glad she'd worn the skirt Uri had given her. It really wasn't as uncomfortable as she'd thought it would be. Ashley had hers on a well. Needless to say, they both wore tops, even though Ashley had started to leave the hut without one, and wasn't at all pleased when Rhea had stopped her.

  As the Indian women danced around the undulating flames toward them, Rhea couldn't help but feel a strange sense of awe about these people. Untouched by most modern conveniences, they seemed innocent and pure. And they appreciated everything given them by both man and nature.


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