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Stairway To Heaven

Page 4

by Shannon Leigh

  If Juanita was right, then this Guardian would likely come after one of them. But which one? Or does he want us both?

  Rhea hadn't considered that possibility. The old woman said he only appeared to those who needed something he could give. So why had they both seen him? Was he confused? Trying to pick between the two?

  Juanita had also said he wanted one. So maybe that was it. He was trying to decide between them.

  Rhea's lids felt heavy. Thirteen hours on a plane had finally caught up with her. As her mind began to drift off into sleep, a final question stuck in her brain. Only, it seemed as though someone else was asking it.

  Would you have believed what you saw, Rhea, if you were you the only one to see it?

  Rhea struggled to stay awake and dispute the matter. Every logical fiber of her being demanded it of her. But logic couldn't win over exhaustion. And before she could offer up some reasonable contradiction to the galling accusation, she fell asleep.


  Rhea jumped in response to the first touch of his fingertips against her arm. Her eyelids flew open and she sat straight up.

  "Where am I?"

  "You're asleep,” came the man's deep-voiced reply.

  Rhea glanced about her surroundings. White billows blocked her view on all sides. She felt as though she floated on a cloud.

  She held her hand out before her. Her fingers look fuzzy, as though her vision weren't quite clear. She turned it over, brought it a little closer to her face, then gently placed it down next to her hip. Her palm contacted smooth satin.

  Rhea's gaze dropped to the strange surface upon which she sat. She pressed downward with her palm. Ashen puffs of smoke swirled into the air and the surface gave, letting her hand sink into a shimmering pool of silk.

  She jerked back her arm, quickly studied her hand, then dropped it into her lap. “Am I dreaming?"

  Another brush against her shoulder caused her to yelp in alarm. She whipped around, but no one was there, just another poof of iridescent vapor that roiled toward her, then faded out until it dissipated into the hazy background.

  "Show yourself!"

  A wave of heat washed over her face as his masculine chuckle warmed the air. “Are you sure you're ready for that, Rhea?"

  Rhea struggled to her feet, fumbling and veering as the surface beneath her bounced and rolled. She felt like she was inside once of those gigantic moonwalks at the carnival, much like the ones she used to love as a kid.

  Only, this was no amusement park. There were no rides, no balloons, no booths of greasy foods fit to clog your veins with cholesterol galore. No, this was an unearthly place, harboring something strange and inhuman. And Rhea didn't much like it.

  Not knowing what else to do, but unwilling to wait until the thing that brought her here tired of his game, Rhea started to walk. She'd only made it a step or two when the swaying surface beneath her feet welled up into a big wave and tossed her backward. She cried out in alarm before landing on a pallet of downy pillows. More puffs of ashy smoke escaped into the air above her.

  Rhea scrambled to her hands and knees. “What do you want?” Her breath hitched in her chest as fear gripped her innards.

  A chilling silence surrounded her.

  "What do you want?” she repeated, trying to sound braver than she felt.

  She felt movement through her hair. Fingers started at the base of her skull and slowly slid up her scalp to the crown, then slipped free. Rhea held her breath.

  "The question is, what do you want, Rhea?” His voice was next to her ear. She felt the sweep of his breath upon her cheek.

  Rhea spun around, but he was gone once again in another puff. Glittering sparkles briefly hung in the air where his form had been, the only proof that someone or something had recently fled. She reached out to catch some of the shimmering dust within her palm.

  Ever so slowly, she opened her hand. As though the twinkling particles were alive, they spilled over the edges of her fingertips and crept up her arm, leaving a tingling trail in their wake.

  Rhea squealed and tried to shake them free. But like a marching army of militant ants, they continued to swarm her skin until she felt their invasive tickle on every inch of her body. As the strangely enticing sensation moved down to the juncture of her thighs, Rhea panicked.

  "Stop it!"

  The feeling instantly ceased and the sparkles disappeared. His amused laughter filled the air once again. Taunting. Teasing.

  "Why did you bring me here if you're merely going to hide behind a shroud of smoke and play these childish games? Guardian? Is that who you are? Or do you have another name?"

  The hand tangled in her hair once again, only there was no tenderness in the way it yanked her head back. Rhea screamed, more in shock than pain. Then she slung her fist upward and back.

  Her knuckles slipped through the mist like a knife through melted butter, contacting nothing but air. When he seized her wrist to prevent any more blows, Rhea let out a terrified yelp. Helpless, she could do no more than lay there, imprisoned within an invisible, yet steely grasp.

  "You wouldn't like me in this state, Rhea.” His voice was suddenly angry, harsh. Too frightened to look upon the thing that held her, Rhea squeezed her eyes shut as the shimmering particles returned and slowly began to take shape.

  She felt his mouth hover above her neck. A sweep of heat. Then a quick searing sting that was gone almost as soon as it started. Rhea inhaled sharply.

  "What ... do you ... want?” she choked out.

  He released her wrist and his fingers loosened in her hair. “Only to give you what you need."

  Rhea immediately pulled away. Her hand went to the side of her neck. But there was no evidence of injury, no blood, no cut, no pain. Only a strange prickling remained.

  "What did you do to me?"

  "Nothiiinnng...” His voice trailed off, as though he were walking away.

  "You're lying! What did you take from me?"

  He chuckled in response. “Beauty and brains, such a lovely combination.” The words came at her from varying points within the mist.

  "What did you take from me?” Rhea screamed, a new sense of panic overriding her fear.

  "Nothing you'll miss. Just a small token that I require in return for my services."

  Rhea clenched her fists. “I didn't agree to your services!"

  "Yes you did.” His words were spoken matter-of-factly, as though sure of his claim.

  "No, I—” Rhea felt a finger lay gently against her lips.

  "Shh ... Lie back, Rhea. Lie back and enjoy."

  Rhea jerked away from his touch, shaking her head with vehemence. “No!"

  "Are you afraid?"

  She bit her bottom lip to still its trembling. There was no point denying it. She was terrified. And he likely knew it.


  She felt warm palms push against her shoulders, pressing her down upon the pillows until she was lying on her back. Despite her attempt to be brave, a tiny squeak escaped her throat. The sound was her undoing.

  "Please, don't,” she begged, struggling to sit back up. He held her in place.

  "Don't what?” he asked with a lazy drawl, as though he were slowly inspecting her from head to foot.

  Rhea imagined she could feel his careful gaze moving along her flesh, looking for the most vulnerable point of attack. “Don't hurt me.” Her voice was a tremulous whisper.

  "Oh, I've no intention of hurting you, Rhea. On the contrary, I plan on giving you pleasure unlike anything you've ever known."

  Rhea felt the air leave her lungs and the color drain from her face. As though seconding his intent, her body shuddered violently in response. Then a strange heat crept along her lower limbs toward her thighs, and she realized it was his hands.

  "No!” She tried to scoot away, but his fingers gripped her calves, preventing her escape.

  "No? Why do you deny what your heart desires, Rhea?"

  Rhea shook her head as she stared into the
glittering haze hovering above her. “No, you're wrong. I don't desire anything from—"

  "Rheaaa ... don't lie to me. I know what longings lurk within your soul. I only wish to fulfill them."

  Rhea tried to push herself up once again, and this time, he let her go. She scrambled back a few feet while her gaze darted about, desperately seeking some indication as to where he might be. But the churning clouds kept their secret, skillfully hiding their mysterious master within their billowing depths.

  Rhea felt movement behind her. The soft brush of a hand against the back of her neck. She let out a startled scream and quickly moved away. He chuckled softly, seeming to mock her once again.

  "What are you?” Rhea demanded, feeling like a terrified rabbit being hunted by its prey.

  "A rabbit? I think not, Rhea. You're a seductive tigress. You just don't know it. Yet."

  His words seeped through her skull to caress her mind. It felt as though a million bees were let loose in her brain. Rhea clasped her palms over her ears.

  "Stop it! Get out of my head!"

  The invader immediately retreated; the buzzing stopped.

  She slowly lowered her hands, searching the billows once again. “You took my blood, didn't you? You're a ... a vampire."

  He roared with laughter, apparently finding her accusation amusing. The deep sound filled the air with echoing waves, causing the satin to roll and vibrate beneath her. Rhea struggled to keep from being unseated by the undulating waves.

  "No, Rhea. I didn't take your blood. And I'm not a vampire. At least, not in the sense you think."

  The clouds began to thicken a few feet before her. Then the satiny ground weighed down, as though someone were walking toward her. Rhea hurriedly got to her feet and backed away.

  "Then, what are you?” she demanded, throwing out her arms for balance as another wave threatened to tumble her over. “And what did you take?"

  The bouncing stopped, his approach momentarily halted. “I am ... the Guardian of the Stairway to—"

  "I know that!” Rhea felt on the verge of hysterics. His mind games were driving her crazy! “But you took something from me. I feel it. What was it?” She was nearly screaming.

  "Your essence, Rhea. I took your essence."

  The satin sunk down a few feet away, then bulged upward, as though he'd just jumped into the air. Rhea let out a shriek of distress as the residual wave threw her backward. But she didn't fall as expected.

  "Why?" Rhea cried, as she felt his arms encircle her from behind. "What do you want with it?"

  He held her effortlessly above the shifting satin before gently placing her feet down. But even though she now stood safely on the surface, he didn't let go.

  "I am bound to my duty as Guardian. And I can only gain freedom through the essence of another. So in exchange for my services, you shall give me a doorway to the living."

  Rhea's insides turned to ice. “No ... please. I don't want to—"

  "Shhh ... I am not the monster you think me to be, Rhea."

  His arms tightened around her, hugging her even closer. Rhea looked down to where she knew his limbs encircled her. But a band of smoke speckled with glitter was the only visible indication to his presence.

  "You will see me, when next we meet, Rhea. But you must not tell anyone about the stairway. Do you understand? When you find it, you must not tell. Very few are allowed to see it. And I am offering it to you. Do you know where the stairway leads, Rhea?"

  Rhea shook her head, overwhelmed with all he was telling her. She didn't understand what he meant by a “doorway to the living.” And she wasn't sure she wanted to, either.

  "Whoever ascends the stairway shall find their own personal Heaven.” His voice caressed her earlobe.

  "And what part ... do ... you ... play?” The question came out in choked gasps as she felt his mouth move along the curve of her neck.

  "Why, I'm the ... tour guide."

  Although she couldn't see his face, or any part of him for that matter, Rhea could sense he was smiling. Before she could respond, he swept her into his arms, then carefully laid her back down on the pile of downy pillows.

  Rhea held her breath when she felt him drop down beside her. There were so many questions she wanted to ask. Clarifications that needed to be made. Her mind demanded she not fall prey to this ... Guardian. Yet, her body seemed inexplicably drawn to him.

  His fingertips stroked along her jaw line, then moved down to her collarbone. When his palm closed over one of her breasts, Rhea's calm gave way. She sat up and scooted a few feet away.

  "I have to know some things first."

  "Ask,” came his reply.

  She could just make out his form, lying casually across the pillows—if one could consider a thick mound of sparkling mist a form. Rhea instantly thought of the man she'd seen earlier on the trail. Was that what her mind wanted her to see? Was that what she desired?

  "Yes,” he answered, even though she hadn't asked him anything at all.

  "Stop that!” she snapped, feeling rather than hearing the return of the buzzing she'd felt before.

  "Stop what?” he asked innocently.

  Rhea huffed with annoyance. “Stop reading my mind."

  He chuckled. “As you wish, my love. As you wish."

  "What do you mean by ‘I'll be your doorway to the living?’ Juanita said she only went to you once. It's ... not going to be the same for me. Is it?” The last words were more a declaration than a question, for Rhea already sensed the answer.

  "It was different for Juanita. She happened upon the stairwell, I fulfilled her need, then set her free."

  Rhea felt a jolt to her insides. “You're not going to set me free, are you?"

  The sparkling mist seemed to thicken, the glitters intensified. “Will you want to be freed?"

  "Stop talking in riddles! How am I supposed to know what I'll want? I don't know what the price is."

  "There is no price, Rhea. Only a mutual agreement.” His form sat up.

  Rhea crossed her arms over her chest. “Which is?"

  "No matter where you are, I can be with you, if I want—walk among the living in human form, dine at an expensive restaurant, dance on the veranda, live as I so yearn to live."

  "And what do I get in return?” she asked, hating the question even as it left her lips. She'd never cared about getting her share of anything. In reality, she'd always been the one to give, and the one who ended up being used. A picture of Steve flashed through her mind.

  "The thing you need most, a loyal companion, a giving lover, a..."

  He hesitated, as though not sure he should say the next word.

  "A what?” Rhea asked, although she felt an intuitive sense of unease. His arms encircled her from behind once again. But this time, the action was strangely inviting. Before logic could kick in and remind her to be rational, she leaned back against him.

  "A husband."

  Rhea closed her eyes. This was crazy! She could never agree to this. How could she even consider being joined to a ... a ... a what? What was he?

  "Guardian,” he supplied.

  "But what is a Guardian?” Rhea insisted, pulling away and turning to face the sparkling cloud behind her. “And what of your duty? How can you be with me all the time, and still guard the Stairway?"

  "I won't have to any more."

  Rhea felt all her strength give out from beneath her; she collapsed down onto her butt on the satiny cushion below. “You want to use me to be free of your responsibility,” she said softly, her voice barely audible even though there were no other sounds around them.

  "I've no intention of using you, Rhea. I've guarded the Stairway for five centuries. I'm tired. I want a life of my own now. With a wife and children."

  "Children? You didn't say anything about children before."

  He laughed, apparently finding her distress at this new suggestion amusing. “Let me put it into to terms you're likely to understand. The rules of Guardianship state that a Guard
ian may relinquish his obligation to the next chosen one in line, when he finds his mate."

  "That's it?” Rhea asked incredulously. “You just find the woman you want, and she becomes your ... mate? And what if she doesn't want to? Doesn't she ... don't I have a say so in this?"

  His form dispersed. Silence enveloped her. Rhea glanced about, but there were no glittering sparklers, no thickened clouds. It appeared as though he'd left.

  "Isn't that like a man,” she harrumphed. “To leave when things aren't going his way."

  "I haven't left, Rhea."

  She squealed in response and nearly leapt to her feet. “Don't do that! It's really unnerving."

  "I'm sorry.” The apology was a silken purr. “Would you prefer I did this?"

  She felt his hands grip her shoulders, pull her forward, then his lips gently pressed against hers. Rhea didn't struggle, didn't fight. She wasn't sure she wanted to. She wasn't sure about anything at the moment.

  Her eyes fluttered closed. It was strange indeed, to be kissing someone who ... wasn't there. Perhaps if she could imagine him in her mind, give him a form. When he pressed her back down onto the satin, Rhea didn't resist.

  "That's it,” he whispered next to her cheek. “Close your eyes and see me as you did before. See what you want, what you desire."

  Rhea inhaled sharply as his mouth moved along her jaw and down her throat, leaving a tingling path in its wake. “You'll never be alone again, Rhea. I won't allow it."

  She arched her back, pressing herself more fully against his palm as it closed over her breast and began to knead. A soft moan escaped her parted lips. “Oh, dear God. Is this only a dream? Will it end?"

  His tongue flicked against her erect nipple, making her gasp in response.

  "Not if you don't want it to,” came his heady reply.

  Then his lips closed over the taunt bud and drew it more fully into his mouth. Rhea longed to tangle her fingers in his hair, but when she reached to do so, they merely passed through the mist, as though nothing were there.

  His hands and mouth moved downward, across her abdomen, and along her thighs, leaving a tantalizing trail of devastation behind. Rhea knew she should stop him, demand he not follow through with his obvious intent, but the words refused to come. And as she felt him carefully spread her legs and position himself in between, she knew she couldn't stop him even if she wanted to. Not now. No, it had gone too far.


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