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Sexy Lips 66

Page 27

by Dakota Cassidy

  Brian’s cheek rested against her head. “So what do you suppose we can do about that, chicken shit?” he teased.

  Callie shook her head as her throat clogged up again. Christ she didn’t have trouble at all writing what she felt, why was saying it such a damn production? “You could give me lessons?” she offered tentatively, her words shaky and awkward.

  Brian’s lips worked over her hair, down along her cheek until they rested against the side of her mouth. “I could. I’d be willing, you know, but you taught me something too, Callie.”

  How to be a freaked out, fucked up mess of scarred baggage in two months or less? “And what could I have possibly taught you, Brian Benson?”

  Brian traced the outline of her mouth with his tongue. “You taught me that I needed more in my life than just an adventure. I always knew that I couldn’t make my living like this forever, but I was going to try to help who I could, for as long as I could. But when I met you, I realized I was tired and I want a life with you more than I want to work on the front lines. I can work behind the scenes right here in the states. Loving you is all the adventure I’ll ever need. It’s time for me to lay down my weapon, Callie, because you showed me what I’ve been missing. I always knew I couldn’t save the world, but I was going to try one person at a time and then I met you and even if you don’t think you need saving, I do need to be saved.”

  Callie caught his tongue with her own, caressing it as her nipples tightened against the silk of the poncho still wrapped around her. “I understand why you do what you do, Brian. I would never ask you to give it up. Not even if it means sweating every second you’re gone. I’d wait if—well, if—you wanted me to.” Now there was an honest to God, laying your heart on your sleeve emotion. Yay, me, Callie thought.

  Brian’s hands found her ass, clutching it and lifting her to wrap her legs around his waist. “But giving it up means I get to have you instead and I’d rather have that now. I’m tired, Callie and finding you was the catalyst to figuring it out. It just is, you and I. From the moment I saw your big, black eyes staring me down on that date site, I knew. It didn’t make a shit’s worth of difference that you lived six hours away or that you didn’t want to date long-distance, nothing mattered but finding out about you because your eyes said something to me that I have no words for. Your voice on that phone for hours at a time did things to me that nothing else compares to. Meeting you, seeing you, holding you, making love to you made everything fit, ya know? It was the last piece of the puzzle. Everything just made sense again with you and I knew I couldn’t take another contract again. You remind me that I’m human, that wanting you, loving you, is the most basic human need I had left to fulfill.”

  Callie did know. She just didn’t know how to say it. She nodded wordlessly against his neck.

  “I know you don’t know how to say it, Callie, but I will for you and I’ll keep saying it until you can too,” the lilt in his voice sent shivers along Callie’s spine, soft and like a warm ripple of honey. Callie curled herself into his big frame, absorbing every last inch of him, letting her hands roam over his muscled back, consuming all that was Brian.

  Brian’s lips skated over the hollow of her neck and Callie gripped his neck, leaning into him as she breathed the first sigh of relief she’d had in two weeks. He nipped at her jaw. “Know what that is over there, sweet pea?” He nodded toward the smooth surface of rock, rather like a ledge.

  Her heart raced and her blood simmered, hot and thick. “An altar?”

  “Yes’um,” he teased in that southern way only Brian knew how to do.

  “So what are we waiting for, Rambo?”

  Brian held her closer and moved toward the slick rock surface as Callie let the poncho fall off her shoulders and onto the altar. Brian set her down gently on it, standing between her legs and cupping her jaw with one hand. His finger traced her cheekbones as his lips lowered to meet hers.

  Callie held her breath, caught in her throat as Brian explored her mouth with insistence, an urgency that had her clinging to his waist, pulling at his shirt to remove it from the waistband of his pants. Her hands found the hard surface of his belly, clutching at it, kneading it as she skimmed her fingers through the crisp hair on his chest.

  Brian moaned against her lips and Callie knew she’d found what pleased him most.

  Her hands on him.

  He’d said that once, that no one touched him like she did. If she couldn’t tell him in words that it pleased her too, then she’d show him. Callie unzipped his khaki’s, caressing the outline of his rigid cock as she did. Freeing him, she grasped him firmly and stroked him forcefully as his hands found her breasts, thumbing her nipples, tugging at them until they tightened, hard and hot.

  Wrapping her legs around his, she ran her feet along his bare calves, knowing he loved the feel of her softer legs on his. Brian groaned his pleasure as he pushed her back to lie flat on the hard stone. It was cool against her hot flesh, the tactile combination made her squirm as she lay before him naked.

  Brian pulled his shirt off, and stepped out of his pants, kicking them aside. Now he was as naked as Callie. This time she wouldn’t close her eyes, she couldn’t because she’d miss Brian between her legs, his eyes filled with desire, his hard body made ruddier by the light of the fire. He trailed a finger over her throat, straying to her breasts and along her ribcage before he skirted her bikini line. His fingers threaded through the crisp hair at the vee between her thighs.

  “So soft…” he murmured as Callie lifted her hips to encourage him to touch her.

  As he spread her flesh with his fingers, Callie bucked against the contact. He caressed her thigh with his other hand, but she didn’t look away, mesmerized by his intent study of her reactions to his skillful strokes. I want to know everything that pleases you, Callie. Every little thing, he’d said.

  Callie grabbed the hand that touched her so intimately and drew it to her mouth, placing it between her lips she licked his callused finger, savoring the texture against her tongue. She heard Brian hiss as he bent at the waist, leaning forward, covering her lower body with his. His hot skin against her own seared Callie from the inside out as her hands found his head and gripped it.

  “I want to suck on you like a sweet piece of candy,” he whispered against her.

  Callie arched against him, reveling in his words, spreading her thighs wider as his hot breath hovered over her clit. She throbbed, ached for the rasp of his silken, strong tongue and Brian wasted no time, kissing her softly, skimming his mouth over her. His whiskers grazed the lips of her pussy, delicious and rough as he latched onto her clit and wrapped his lips around it. He let his tongue drift to the crease of her ass, licking her from top to bottom, leaving a sting of pleasure as the cool air hit the moist heat he made with his mouth.

  Electricity, sharp and sizzling skewed her senses, making her slick, wet, on fire for more. Brian covered her cunt with his mouth completely as he slid a finger inside of her, gliding into her hot passage with a forceful thrust. Callie screamed, rising to meet the finger inside of her, the mouth that devoured her as her hips met his driving fingers, his heated tongue as her orgasm ripped through her. Brian rode it out, slowing as she let her hips fall and then picking up the tempo as he began to work her toward another climax.

  Brian knew every last chord in her body to strum, simply by his intuitive nature. By his need to know all that was Callie. His deep moan of satisfaction against her soaking flesh reminded her that this had never been about Brian’s needs, only about hers and it was time for that to change, she thought fleetingly as she came yet again beneath the lips and tongue that tortured her dreams, took her to a place she’d become familiar with and wanted to visit more often.

  Callie gasped, cooing her approval as she arched against Brian, pulling at his shoulders, dragging his hard body over her smaller one and bringing him to cover her completely. Callie kissed him hard, with the passion that scorched her, with the longing to keep his lips pressed to
hers forever that she no longer had the will to fight. Her tight nipples scraped the hair on his chest, rubbing against them, rigid and swollen. Callie reached between them, sliding her hands over the ridges in his abdomen before coming to rest near his hard shaft.

  “Tell me what you want, Brian…” she whispered, finally, shyly.

  Brian’s hips shifted, rotating against her hand, thrusting into the soft tunnel she’d made. “Tell me what you want, sweet pea…”

  Callie didn’t hesitate, she didn’t miss a beat as she said, “I want you, Brian Benson. Always…”

  Brian’s hard jaw clenched as she stroked him and his breath came faster. “And what will you do with me always, sweet pea?”

  Whatever was so stubbornly locked inside of her, whatever had kept her from freely admitting her need for Brian dislodged itself and let loose the words she’d been unable to speak without getting tangled, muddled in her fear. Callie bracketed his face with her hands and ran her thumbs over his cheeks. Callie opened her eyes and looked into Brian’s, brown and intense with flecks of amber. “I’ll love you, always…” she spoke with a fierceness she felt in the pit of her belly, in the deepest, as yet untouched region of her heart.

  Brian smiled at her, before closing his eyes as she placed his hot cock between the lips of her pussy, stroking her clit, gliding it over the slick flesh. Brian slid his arms under her and pulled her to a sitting position as she wrapped her arms around his neck and let him choose how they made this new, sweet love. He switched positions with her, setting her astride him, and she pushed him flush to the rock. Brian’s hands found her waist as she slid upward on his solid strength.

  Callie hovered over him, savoring the rough hair that scraped her clit as she rocked back and forth. She held his cock in her hand, placing it between her thighs.

  It was thick and silken, flush with heat, but she lingered over it, allowing the anticipation between them to heighten. Callie licked her lips as she lifted her hips slightly and pressed him between her thighs as the tip of his cock grazed her passage. She took a deep breath and caught Brian watching her. She refused to look away, because no matter her lack of words, Callie wanted him to know she loved him. That nothing in the world compared to Brian buried deeply inside of her. So she met his eyes and then, she drove downward, impaling him in one fell swoop.

  Thunder clapped, booming off the walls of the ruin, shaking it and mingling with Callie’s cry of satisfaction, completion. A flash of light from the opening of the ruin brought with it the vision of them locked together, their bodies as one as they writhed in unison.

  Sweat glistened in the firelight, hot and sticky, beading where their bodies met, crashing together. Callie rode his cock to oblivion, allowing no thought but Brian’s rhythm to intervene. He drove back at her, raising his hips to meet the down thrust of her own. Her palms lay flat on his chest, digging her fingers into the thick muscle as she pushed harder to ease the ache that clung to her cunt, clawed at her, demanding she satisfy it.

  Hot tendrils of sweet relief licked at her pussy as she was stretched by the thickness of Brian’s cock. She milked it, clenching it with her muscles, focusing on bringing him to orgasm with her, having the power to drag him with her drove her to ride him harder.

  Their flesh clapped together, and Callie’s ears pricked to the tune of it. Nothing mattered now, but that she was where she belonged, completed with Brian beneath her, inside of her. As she grew more slick, their strokes intensified until Callie opened her eyes and saw that Brian too was ready. It was in the tension of his muscles, the low moans from his lips and she asked, breathless and gasping, “What do you want, Brian?”

  “You,” Brian roared into the ruin, “Always you. Just like this,” his last word came out on a growl.

  They turned the corner then.

  Mercenary and small time columnist.

  Fear riddled woman and fearless warrior.

  Soft and hard.

  Scarred and battered.

  Man and woman.


  The blending of two souls.

  Mated as one.

  Callie felt the hot release of Brian’s cock as it jerked within her and her own as it ripped through her every fiber. Callie grasped the wrists that clung to her waist, throwing her head back on her shoulders and letting go. Brian reached behind her and tugged her hair that fell to her waist, forcing her to arch forward, grinding against him.

  Callie’s chest heaved as she came, tender and sweet, stinging her eyes with tears that she no longer fought, but let freely roll down her cheeks.

  Brian’s hands wiped them away, his fingers eradicating the salty bubbles with feathery strokes and pulling her to his lips to kiss them as only he knew how to do.

  Callie held his wrists in a death grip as her heart rate slowed and her tears dried in the cool air. She shook with the power he had over her and Brian stirred, sensing her fear.

  “Don’t, Callie. Let it happen. There’s nothing you can do to stop it because I’m always going to be here. It will always be like this,” he soothed with his deep, resonant voice. It washed over her in soft, sweet waves of comfort. The comfort of finally finding shelter. The comfort of coming home…

  And she did.

  Let it happen.

  It overwhelmed her. Brian overwhelmed her. The strong, silent power of him. The confident way in which he addressed her worries. The sweet words he whispered to her, that she must now whisper back with as much confidence because Brian couldn’t always be out on that limb of trust alone.

  “I love you, Brian Benson and if you’ll have me, issue laden, freaked out, neurotic and scared, then I’m yours.”

  And now Callie was out on the limb with him, it wobbled for mere moments, then steadied as he smiled at her and asked, “Got a towel?”

  Callie giggled, kissing the lips that drove her to madness.

  “Yoooo hoooo. Come out, come out wherever you are!”

  Katherine! Oh, God, they were naked! Brian’s nimble hands brought the poncho over them, covering their bodies.

  Katherine’s head poked around a corner and she grinned. “I woulda knocked, but” she shrugged her shoulders, “no door and all. I see we’re okay,” she nodded at them, her eyes smiling. “I’m just going to slink back off to civilization now that all is well in your worlds. The Cabana boys and the beach are calling to me, darling,” she said to Callie.

  Both Callie and Brian tried to speak at once, but Katherine interrupted them by holding up a ringed hand that sparkled in the firelight. “No, no, stay where you are. And yes, Callie, I cooked this up with Brian. Someone had to for Christ’s sake. Lord knows if I’d have left it to you, you’d still be back in California simpering like a babbling fool, buried in your own bullshit. I really hoped you might wade through the mire that is your therapy-needing crap on your own, but I finally gave up and told Brian you needed a big shove. If you were going to let him go, I sure as hell wasn’t. I couldn’t let that happen, baby cakes.” Katherine gave Brian a stern look. “Brian, nice to finally meet you. Sorry you had to be naked to do it. You be good to her or I’ll fuck your mercenary ass up, got that?”

  Brian chuckled, “Yes’um.”

  Katherine grinned again. “Cal? If you think I’m wearing something horrifying like a purple bridesmaid dress, forget it.”

  Callie nodded with a grin.

  “Good. I’m off, then. Don’t indulge in too much jungle love, okay?” Katherine’s giggle echoed in the ruin as she wiggled her fingers over her shoulder at them. “Bye…”

  Brian slapped her ass. “Well sweet pea, whaddya say we go find that nice hotel room of yours to be lewd and lascivious in?”

  “Wait a second. How come I pay for the Mexican hideaway and you pay for the Motel Six?” she joked.

  “Because this time I had to drive a lot further than six hours to get some nookie. It’s only fair I should think and I took the chance you might not say yes.”

  Callie mocked a sigh. “Like you had any
doubt you could steamroll me?” She nudged him and said, “Oh, alright. You get the poncho?”

  Brian laughed and kissed her hard. “Only if you get the pillow.”

  Callie kissed him back. “Er, it’s back at the expensive Mexican hotel room.”

  “Well, then get your butt off of me so we can introduce them again, huh?”

  Callie slid off of Brian and stood in front of him, fully naked. “I have no clothes,” she stated matter-of-factly.

  “Of course you do, sweet pea. I took ‘em.”

  Callie’s eyes narrowed as she fought a giggle. “I should have known. How the hell did you do that?”

  Brian bent and dug in his pants pocket, pulling out her white cotton underwear. “I was a mercenary, ya know…I’m stealthy and quiet?” he said sheepishly.

  “Well, quit with the Rambo shit and next time leave me at least a T-shirt, huh?”

  Brian pulled her to him. “Now why would I do that? I like you best when you’re naked.”

  Callie smiled against the width of his chest and looked up at him. “Yeah, I think I remember you saying something like that. C’mon, mercenary man. Gimme my clothes and then we can take them back off again at the hotel. Deal?”

  “Deal, beautiful.”

  Callie blushed at his words. For all of the men who’d written her and told her she was beautiful, for all the men who’d called her a goddess, no one mattered but Brian. “I love you, Brian.”

  Brian smiled down at her. “Yeah? Enough to stand in the door and jump, sexy lips?”

  “I thought I just did that.”


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