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Revealed (The Found Book 1)

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by Caitlyn O'Leary

  “Are you kidding? I think you’re beautiful.”

  “I know I have a pretty face, but seriously Noah, have you not looked at me? Right now I look like a boy, not a woman. I’ve never been on the voluptuous side, but now I barely have hips and my ass is nonexistent!” she wailed.

  “Not pretty, beautiful. Everything about you, including this slender body is beautiful, and I’ve been imagining every inch of it pressed against me since I’ve moved in here. Don’t you understand my life? I live everyday where it’s hard and dangerous.”

  He looked at her reverently. “The idea of someone as soft and warm as you,” he said brushing a kiss against her temple. “Makes my heart melt.”

  “Looking at your tender curves,” he said breathing a caress down her cheek, towards her mouth. “Makes me hard as stone.”

  “Having a woman as kind and beautiful as you in my arms,” he said tasting the softness of her lips. “Makes me believe dreams really can come true.”

  His lips sought hers, and she welcomed him, seduced by his words and the emotions conveyed. She didn’t even notice as he began teasing the silk and lace off her body. It wasn’t until his lips started drifting downwards, and he took a slow long lick across her right nipple she realized she was naked.

  She raised her startled gaze to his satisfied eyes. “Kali, let me show you, please.” Noah waited a beat, and finally she nodded. He bent to his task, lapping at her sensitive nipple, delighting in how the blood flowed to it, and it puckered and engorged at his ministrations. When Noah brought his hand to play with her other breast he was amazed at how it covered half of her chest. He hadn’t been lying, there was no part of her he didn’t desire, no part of her that didn’t set him on fire, but her body’s fragility did concern him, and he was determined to make sure she regained her health.

  Lightly brushing his calloused thumb around her areola, he continued tasting the sweetness of her skin, drinking in the scent of her, and enjoying her sighs of pleasure. When she was shuddering and arching up, he took her into his mouth and suckled her, but winced from her nails in his scalp.

  “Oh my God, you’re good at this. Stop, let me roll over, please.” Noah kept her where he wanted her, and switched sides, releasing her breast with an audible pop. Before focusing on the left side, he took a moment to see Kali’s pale skin flushed, her eyes at half mast, glittering at him, promising retribution. Noah bent down to the tantalizing swollen pink bud of her nipple, taking it between his lips and laving it with his tongue. Never had a more responsive woman been in his arms, it was intoxicating. It was also tough on his self-control. He couldn’t roll over and let Kali have her way with him, because he had a damn short fuse where she was concerned. He had a plan, he was going to make Kali come a half dozen times and then she could play.

  He left her breasts and headed south towards her pussy, but as soon as he lowered his head he felt her begin to tense. He looked up and he could read her like a book. Instead of seeing the cute little inny belly button, he saw what she did—a concave stomach and her hipbones sticking out. This thinking needed to stop. He wanted the woman she could be, and it was up to him as her lover, to reassure her she was everything he wanted.

  Noah shot off of the bed. “I’ll be right back. I expect you to be right where I left you, if you move an inch, there’ll be hell to pay.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Kali watched him leave the room. The man was certifiable. What the hell? They were just getting to the really good part. Granted, she was a little tense because he was up close and personal with a stick figure, but she was handling it. Maybe he was sick of her insecurities and had decided to go back to the guestroom? But then why did he tell her to stay the way she was? Why should she listen to him anyway? Maybe now was a good time to say this experiment wasn’t working and to get back into her clothes. Kali looked around for her underwear, and it’s where Noah found her when he returned, maneuvering the big decorative mirror that had rested against the wall in the living room.

  “What are you doing?”

  This did not bode well.

  Noah leaned it upright against her dresser and turned back to her. “The better question is what you are doing holding your clothes?” He tipped his chin towards the bra and panties in her hand. “I specifically told you not to move.” His voice lowered an octave and it did funny things to her nervous system.

  “You were taking too long, I thought you’d changed your mind.”

  Noah nodded his head as if he had made a decision. He walked over to the bed and took the underwear from her hands and calmly tore the panties and bra and dropped them to the floor.

  “I…” Kali gulped. “I really liked that lingerie.”

  “Then maybe next time you’ll listen to me.”

  She couldn’t read him to save her life. He didn’t look mad, he looked calm. He looked determined, even satisfied.

  “I like you naked. You’re beautiful. Every part of you, inside and out, is beautiful Kali. You’re a teacher right?”

  “Yes, but you know that.” It was tough getting words out when he was looking at her like that.

  “This afternoon’s class is, Kali is Beautiful 101. You’re not leaving this room until you get an A+.”

  Suddenly Kali was very scared of the mirror, and Noah must have seen or picked up on her fear.

  “Love. How can you even doubt yourself the slightest bit, when you have men dropping to their knees in your wake?”

  Kali couldn’t stop the snort of laughter.

  Noah gently wrapped his hands around her rib cage, right under the slope of her breasts and easily lifted her to stand on the bed. Suddenly she was towering an inch or two above Noah’s six foot three frame. She liked this new view on life, until she realized how much easier he could see her body. Noah’s hands slowly drifted downwards, caressing her belly, her hips, and squeezing her butt before sliding down to her thighs.

  Kali couldn’t stop the tremble. She looked at Noah’s face, wanting to see his expression, wanting to see just how beautiful he was finding her now he could see and feel how she really looked. But what she saw on his face took her by surprise. He looked like a starving man who just found food.

  His hands continued their descent to her calves and then to her feet. She watched as he bent down and swirled his tongue in her belly button. He looked at her and smiled. It reminded her of when they were children and they shared treats from Nana’s kitchen. He always had that expression, because he was always snitching an extra cookie from Nana’s cookie jar.

  “This is what started the problem. I wanted to play with your belly button and you tensed up. Will you lie down for a little while and let me play? Please love? I promise not to be good. I really want to play, and you are the best playground I have ever seen in my life.”

  Kali couldn’t stop giggling. She still wasn’t convinced of a damn thing, but obviously he was willing to have sex with her, and God knew she wanted to make love with him, so what the hell right?

  “Make love.”


  “I want to make love with you.” She smiled up at him. Whatever.

  Noah eased her down onto the bed, but he was frowning. Kali got the feeling he once again figured out she didn’t totally believe the beautiful thing. Or the making love thing. Well he was going to have to cope. He was getting sex out of the deal, it was going to have to be enough.

  “You don’t believe me, do you? Let’s see about that.” He flipped her over onto her stomach as if she weighed nothing—to him, she probably didn’t. He brought her to her knees, her butt resting on her calves. His big body enveloped hers, resting over her, and she felt his cock nudging against her bottom through his sweat pants. He was huge everywhere.

  “That’s it Kali, feel what you do to me. I’m seconds from coming, just from feeling you against me.” His hands cupped her breasts, then skimmed down to her stomach, his fingers barely brushing the sensitive skin, making her tingle. Her tummy trembled at his touch.<
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  “That’s my girl,” he said, kneading the fragile flesh, grinding his hips into her ass. “God is every part of your body soft and tender?” In a flash he had her on her back again, her hip cupped in his big hand, his mouth open and sucking on her belly. She felt his tongue licking and she couldn’t help but arch into his caress. She never realized how sensitive she was there, how the slightest sensation lit up all her senses and shot right to her sex. He moved to the bottom of her breast, and suckled some of the flesh, bordering on pain.

  “More. Harder.” Noah complied, increasing the pressure and Kali realized he was going to leave a mark and she didn’t care. Sparks were shooting from that spot up to her nipples, down to her clit. Oh, God. Her legs were wide open around his chest, she couldn’t push like she wanted. He was too broad. She rubbed side to side, trying to get the friction her clit she desperately needed. Her juices were leaving a trail of wetness on his chest, but she was too worked up to be embarrassed. He had to help her. Finally he released her flesh, but then he trailed tiny bites downward, until his tongue was swirling in and out of her belly button, almost as if it was his cock working its way into her pussy.

  “Noah, it’s too much,” she whined.

  “No love, it’s not enough.” Then his head went back down. His big hands barely touched the skin of her stomach, causing her to shiver in delight. It had become one big erogenous zone.

  He reached around her, his hands finding her butt and squeezing, which only made her push harder against him.

  “Kali you feel so good. If I hear you say one more disparaging remark about this gorgeous pert ass, I’m going to paddle it, are we clear?”

  His words cleared the haze, and she looked at Noah, really seeing him past the fog of lust. He wasn’t teasing, he was looking at her with a serious expression. She stopped moving, but his hands continued to worship the slight curve of her butt, his hard cock pressed against her thighs.

  “Yes beautiful. You’re beginning to understand. I’m serious, and you would love every minute of it.”

  Noah moved, his lips meeting hers, his taste warm and comforting as his tongue slid sensuously against hers. This wasn’t just a kiss of passion, it was gift, a feeling of safety, of love, of acceptance and homecoming. Finally when she had no breath left, he lifted his body, pulling her with him. Pulling her off the bed, he stood her in front of the mirror. He towered behind her, his body dwarfing hers.

  Lifting her arms and he had her clasp her hands behind his neck, her breasts thrust out, unable to hide. He traced his fingers down her arms to the ladder of her rib cage, coming around to gently cup her breasts, thumbs teasing her nipples making her gasp. She closed her eyes, content to focus on the sensation and close out the picture her body made.

  “Open your eyes, love. See what I’m seeing. Look at the woman I see. Look at her sliding against me, so sensuous, so God damn hot I can’t take off my pants or I’d be buried deep inside her. The dainty figure that fires up every man who sees it. You make every man think of nothing but sex. Looking at those lean thighs makes think how they’ll grip me when I sink inside of you.”

  Kali looked at every part as he described them. What’s more, she could feel his sincerity, his passion, his need. Then she looked at his expression, and his hunger took the strength from her legs. Only his arm around her waist kept her from falling. She pressed backwards, grinding her ass in circles against his erection, and watched in amazement as he struggled to take a breath.

  Kali smiled at the satisfied woman in front of her, and realized she really had been looking at her body through a skewed mirror. She liked Noah’s mirror. She liked the mirror in front of her, the one showing a body causing the gorgeous man behind her to have trouble breathing.

  “I get it.” She turned around, wrapping her arms around Noah’s waist, surprised to hear him groan.

  “What is it?”

  She saw his gaze glued to the mirror behind her, and she looked over her shoulder and she saw what she normally would have considered her barely there butt. She watched as his big hands kneaded the pale round globes.

  “You kill me Kali. The things I want to do to you.” He bent down and nuzzled her neck, setting his teeth against the tendon, bit down, making her arch into his hold even more.

  “I want you naked.” She pulled at the drawstring of his sweat pants, and he quickly grabbed her hands in one of his.

  “You can’t, once I’m out of my pants, play time is over. I’ll be in you. I want this to last.”

  He spun her around and laid her flat on the bed. “Now where was I?” He smiled at her and Kali shivered in anticipation, not an ounce of insecurity ruining the moment. He trapped her hands in one of his while his other large hand skimmed her body and she caught fire. At the same time she relaxed knowing this man desired her, wanted her, and when he called her beautiful it was more than an endearment, it was how he saw her.

  As his finger traced the circle of her belly button he looked at her, his eyes intent. “Are you with me Kali?”

  “Oh yes,” she sighed, tugging at her hands.

  “None of that, this is my playtime.” His fingers drifted low, pausing at her navel, and she mewed in protest. He chuckled as he moved lower, finally tracing the outer lips of her sex and she cried out. It was as if an electric current shot through every part of her body. She gripped his hair, loving the silky texture, and pulled. “No,” his voice was the low tone and made her clench even tighter.

  “This first time you’re going to let me.”

  Kali looked into those deep dark eyes and saw both a command and a plea. This meant something to him, she didn’t understand it, but for some reason Noah wanted to gift her with his love and care, it was clear in his gaze.

  He nodded. “Yes, love, my way this time. Next time we can play together, but this time I need to show you how I feel.” He cupped her sex and Kali arched into his touch.

  She thought about what he said through her haze of passion. The silly man had been making her feel important and cherished for the last two weeks, and in the last half hour he had managed to undo years of insecurity. How he thought he needed to do more to show her how he felt was beyond her. But as Kali looked into those glittering brown eyes, she could no more deny him than she could deny her lungs their next breath. She released her hold on him.

  “Okay, I won’t touch. At least not this time,” she assured him. She watched as he relaxed infinitesimally.

  “I almost lost you before we even had this chance. I need this.” His big hands drew her thighs apart. She should breathe in, but it was beyond her. He spread her knees outward, and lifted her feet so they were resting on his shoulders.

  “Beautiful.” He smiled as his head dipped towards her mound. “You’re so wet for me, I love that,” he murmured before his tongue licked the valley of her sex.

  Kali tried to keep her eyes open, seeing Noah’s enraptured expression was intoxicating, but as he slowly thrust two fingers inside of her, her lids drifted shut. He brushed his tongue around his fingers as they pushed in and out of her core. She spiraled upwards. If only he would touch her clit. He chuckled.

  “I want my honey.” As if those words were magic she pulsed in excitement and more silky cream flowed, he hummed his satisfaction.

  “Please, Noah, I need…” Kali’s eyes opened just a fraction and saw his arousal, his pleasure, and it spiked her own. “Please…” the last came out as a gasp because he twisted and spread his fingers finding a spot sending sparks through her, keeping her on the knife’s edge.

  “Noah! Now!”

  He took her swollen clit between his lips and sucked hard, and she shot off into oblivion. Even as she howled his name in pleasure she felt his rush of satisfaction and pride through their connection. It anchored her.

  “Noah, enough, I need you with me, I need you.”

  “Oh love, I need you too.”

  * * *

  He’d bought condoms three days ago and felt like a heel. But he had hop
ed, wanted, and needed. He looked at Kali, seeing her satisfied and greedy made him harder. He sheathed himself and shuddered as she looked at him with avarice.

  “I was wrong, you shouldn’t be an underwear model. You should definitely be a nude model.” He barked out a laugh, and she grinned at him.

  Kneeling on the bed, he parted her thighs to open her wider, and placed his cock at her entrance. God, he would never forget this moment, how it looked when his flesh began to part her soft pink folds. She was so hot and tight, he made small thrusts forward, watching her face, ensuring he wasn’t hurting her.

  “Too slow,” she panted.

  “My way.”

  “Faster, I need all of you.”

  “You’ll get me.” He pressed further amazed by her heat. Her channel was a warm velvet fist, and he was breaking into a sweat.

  Wrapping her legs around his waist, she gripped his ass, her nails biting into his flesh. He surged in to the hilt, and she shouted his name, a smile on her face.

  “Again Noah, do it again.”

  He did it again, and again, and again. He felt her pleasure and she felt his, an endless loop taking them higher and higher until finally they exploded into the stars, to another universe.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Why did she have to get more argumentative after becoming his lover? Then again, who the hell really cared when he got to share the heaven of her body for the last ten days?

  “So while cops are watching me at the school, what are you doing? Is it dangerous?” Damn, and here he thought smart women were attractive.

  Kali had dressed to the nines, and they were at her favorite Chinese restaurant. She wanted a night out, a real date. She took him to one of her favorite places, a restaurant where she’d known the owners since she was a child. As a matter of fact, they were the ones who taught her Mandarin.


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