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Tall Dark Handsome Lycan

Page 12

by Anastasia Maltezos

  Leo’s gut clenched. She was leaving next week. What the hell was he going to do?

  He couldn’t let her leave. Something had happened to him, since the first moment they met, and he realized he was as charmed and beguiled by Sam’s magnetic energy as everyone else was.

  He closed his eyes, his mouth drawn in a tense line, and thought of the beautiful woman getting ready for bed upstairs. Everyone was drawn to her. Children loved her. His parents loved her. Alek and Elena loved her. He loved—

  An invisible hand punched him in the gut before he could finish his thought.

  He swore roughly under his breath and took a deep swig of his drink.

  He loved her.

  * * * *

  Sam spent most of the next day alone as she went to the beach and stopped in town to do some shopping. She carried her bags up to her room and smiled as she thought about all the toys and souvenirs she had bought for the kids back home. She had even found a beautiful, silver bracelet for Toni and a very stylish pair of sunglasses for John.

  Sam knew she spoiled the kids at Somerset, but she didn’t care. They deserved to be spoilt. She pictured Elizabeth opening her gifts, squealing with delight at the pretty clothes and dolls and Sam grinned.

  She was packing away her gifts when Maria came to the door.

  The older woman smiled as she waved the portable phone she carried. “Toni is on the phone for you.”

  Pleased, Sam took the phone. “Hi. Twice in a couple of days. I’m touched. How are you and John?”

  “We’re both great and we miss you,” Toni said, her tone sounding strange. “Are…are you enjoying yourself?”

  Sam grinned. “It’s so beautiful here, Toni.”

  Toni laughed, but it sounded hollow. “Did you see the library?”

  “I love it.” Something was wrong. This wasn’t the Toni she knew. “Hey, it must be past midnight there? What are you still doing up?”

  “I wanted to tell you to check your email. Elizabeth drew a picture of you lying on the beach and she asked me—begged me, actually—to send it to you right away. I scanned it and sent it to your email.”

  Sam’s spirits soared. “Okay. Please give Elizabeth a big hug and kiss from me, and thank you so much for checking in on her for me.”

  “Um, Sam? There’s something I need to tell you.”

  “Okay,” Sam replied slowly, tensing. Something was definitely wrong.

  “I bought the bike and…and…”

  “Toni, what is it?”

  “Sam, I had an accident. I just got back from the hospital. I’m…I’m wearing a cast on my arm.”

  Sam’s blood drained from her head. It couldn’t be. Her cards were never wrong. “Toni, I’m so sorry,” she whispered tremulously. “Are you all right?”

  “This isn’t your fault. I was careless and you warned me of that. John was okay when I bought it, but when I called him from the hospital, he hit the roof. He…er just got off the phone with Leo.”

  Sam froze. “What?”

  “Oh, Sam. What a mess I’ve made of things,” Toni wailed. “I’m so sorry. John called to speak to you and Leo answered the phone. They got to talking and John told him everything.”

  Sam couldn’t speak. Oh my God! Leo must think she was the most irresponsible, careless, stupid woman alive. How was she ever going to make amends with him now? She was the one directly responsible for placing his sister’s life in danger.

  “Anyway, I called to warn you, Sam, because I know how my brother can get. If it’s any consolation, I think John and Leo bonded.”

  “They have their mutual disappointment in me in common,” Sam said miserably.

  “Sam, it wasn’t your fault. You even warned me to be careful.” Toni paused, sighing wearily. “Okay, now that we have that out of the way, why is Leo staying at the house? It was supposed to be empty.”

  “He’s here on business for the two weeks. He picked me up at the airport.”

  “Is he…is he being a….beast to you?”

  Her heart skipped a beat. “Not at all.” He will be, however, she thought miserably. “He’s actually been very nice.” She paused. “Your parents are great, too. I met them twice. They came over for dinner and the second time they came with Katina, Elena, and their parents.” There was dead air on the other end of the line. “Toni, are you there?”

  “I’m here. Did that witch say anything rude to you?”

  Sam knew who she was referring to. “I don’t think I was Katina’s favourite person. Elena is a different story, though. She’s really sweet. I like her a lot.”

  “Elena is a lot like me. We…er…always felt we never quite fit in with our family.”

  “I think your visit here next month will be a success. I told you that you didn’t have anything to worry about.”

  “Sam? You haven’t noticed anything strange or out of the ordinary?”

  “Like what?”

  Toni cleared her throat after a lengthy pause. “Never mind.”

  They chatted for a few more minutes and John got on the phone. “How’s my sis?” He asked in his warm, friendly voice.

  Guilt flooded through Sam. “John, I’m really sorry about Toni. I shouldn’t have encouraged her to buy the bike.”

  “I know you are and I’m sorry I called you. Leo was quite upset about it. He said something about you placing too much credibility on those cards. I hate to admit it, Sam, but I agreed with him. I remember you consulted your cards for everything growing up.”

  They chatted for a few more minutes and Sam put down the phone, relieved that John had forgiven her. Now she just had to find Leo and apologise to him for her carelessness.

  Sam couldn’t find him anywhere and went into the kitchen and asked Maria where he’d gone.

  “He went to run a quick errand, but he will be back in ten minutes. Do you want to have dinner with me in the kitchen? Leo will be having his meeting in his office at that time.”

  “That would be great.” She paused, chewing her lower lip. “Maria, do you think he’ll let me use his computer?” She asked, remembering what Toni had said about Elizabeth’s picture.

  The housekeeper chuckled softly. “I do not think Leo will deny you anything.” Sam blushed and remained silent. “I’ll have dinner ready for us in twenty minutes. Do you like pasta?”

  Sam smiled. “My favourite. I’ll go wash up and meet you here in a few minutes.”

  She went up to her room to freshen up. After she spent a couple of hours with Maria, she helped her clear the table and placed the dishes in the dishwasher. Wishing her a good night, Sam went back up to her room around eight and waited for Leo.

  She lay on the bed with a worn copy of Pride and Prejudice and read, trying to concentrate on Elizabeth and Darcy’s dilemma, when her eyes began to droop. She had eaten too much over dinner and was having a hard time staying awake.

  She closed her eyes and, shortly thereafter, fell into a deep sleep.

  Sam woke up three hours later, disappointed when she glanced at the time. It was too late for her to talk to Leo now. She would have to wait until the morning. Sighing, she reached into her luggage for her nightgown and she saw her Tarot lying next to her tops.

  An overwhelming sense of curiosity for Carlos Ventura hit her, and she carried her cards to the bed. She was almost afraid to draw them after what had happened with Toni, but in her defence she had cautioned her friend to be careful. Slowly, she drew her cards, focusing her thoughts on the casino mogul.

  Fifteen minutes later, Sam was a mass of fear, nerves, and worry. She had to see Leo and tell him what she’d seen! She wondered if she should wait till morning, but alarm weighed heavily around her heart and she left her bedroom. She couldn’t wait till morning. Sam needed to talk to Leo now. She ran down the hall and knocked on his bedroom door. No answer.

  Downstairs, she tried his office and saw it was empty. He had to be somewhere, she thought in frustration. Sam went into the library and found him asleep on the couch. H
er steps faltered when she thought about Toni’s accident. She walked over to him and looked down at his sleeping form.

  Sam stared at his face and something squeezed at her heart. He seemed so peaceful sleeping and she looked around for a throw blanket. She found one draped over the arm of a leather chair and placed it over him.

  Sam didn’t have the heart to disturb him. She was about to turn and walk away, when he slowly opened his eyes and stared up at her. His expression shifted from surprise to determination and he reached out and took her hand. Gently, he pulled her toward him. Sam’s knees started to buckle at the tender look softening his face. She nearly fell on top of him as he slipped his hand to the back of her head, lifting his head off the couch. Without saying a word, he began to kiss her. Not an earth-shattering kiss, but soft, feathery pecks that melted her limbs and made her senses flare to life.

  “I…I was looking for you. I need to tell you something,” she mumbled against his mouth.

  “It can wait,” he said huskily as he continued to kiss her.

  Sam had almost forgotten why she was there and she gently pushed herself away from him.

  “It’s important, Leo. I need to talk to you about Carlos Ventura.” His face darkened with desire and she almost lost her train of thought. “And I need to apologise for advising Toni to buy that bike. I should have told her she should discuss it with John. I’m sorry, Leo.”

  He remained silent for so long, staring at her mouth, she wondered if her words had registered. “So you admit you’re not always going to find the answers with your Tarot?” He asked quietly, his dark gaze meeting hers. “That some things are left for logic and common sense?”

  She nodded slowly, ashamed. “Yes. You’re not mad at me?”

  “No. I know you care about my sister and wouldn’t do anything to hurt her. I spoke to her husband. I think your brother and I will get along.”

  Relief flowed through her veins. “Thank you.”

  “What for?”

  “For not being mad.”

  “I was angry for a time, but I am not now. If you had come to see me a few hours earlier, we may not have been having this conversation right now.”

  Sam frowned lightly. “Oh.”

  “Come here,” he said huskily, drawing her closer to him. “I want to continue what I had in mind.”

  She had more to tell him, and the alarm she had experienced in her bedroom returned. “Wait. I…I read the cards this evening in my room because there was something about Carlos Ventura that disturbed me.” She closed her eyes as he brushed his thumb tenderly against her lower lip. She couldn’t think straight. “Leo, you can’t do business with him,” she said in a rush, dangerously close to flinging herself into his arms. “He’s into loan sharking, and money laundering. His casinos are a front. That man’s in the mafia.” She took a deep breath as he cupped her face gently and ran light kisses over her. “Not to…not to mention the horrible things that will happen to families in the area when they develop a gambling addiction.”

  He stared at her hair and took a lock in his hand. “So beautiful. Like fire silk,” he murmured as he brought his aroused gaze back to hers. “I’m not doing business with Carl, Sam. I called it off tonight.”

  “You did?”

  “Yes. I’ve always known what kind of man he was.”

  He pulled her back into his arms and held her close. “Let’s go up to my room,” he murmured deeply into her hair.

  Sam closed her eyes and nodded slowly. She knew what he was asking her and she wanted it. She also knew their relationship would never go anywhere, but at least she could think back to this moment and treasure it forever. If she was meant to be alone, she would rather be alone with the memory of love than alone with no memory of love.

  She chewed the inside of her lip, and nodded.

  He rose from the couch and took her hand, slowly leading her out of the library to the stairs. He paused and looked down at her, his smouldering gaze making her shiver. Sam swallowed hard.

  “You know I would never do anything to hurt you, Sam.”

  “I know,” she replied. “I want to do this.”

  He looked relieved and kissed her briefly before mounting the stairs.

  Leo led her into his room and closed the door behind him. Sam was a nervous wreck as panic started to settle in.

  In two strides he stood before her and cupped her face with his hands. He lowered his head and kissed her hard. With a deep groan, he dragged his mouth away and took a step back, his hands going to his shirt front. Sam couldn’t tear her gaze away from the fierce look of determination on his face.

  As Leo removed his clothes, a tremor ran through her limbs. Nervously, she unbuttoned her blouse as she fixed her attention on his hands deftly removing his trousers.

  He undressed quickly, his dark, aroused gaze steady on her face. Sam shivered. The moon cast enough light in his room, defining his chiselled abs and his wide, muscular shoulders. He stood naked before her and she glanced down. His penis was thick and long and erect. Sam caught her breath. His arousal was as everything else was about him, big and strong. They were really going to make love, she thought. Her nerves grew. The two other men she had sex with in her life didn’t even come close to matching Leo’s virile, almost primal nature and an attack of self consciousness hit her. Was she able to satisfy him?

  Her fingers stopped on the last button of her blouse as she ignored the stab of sadness in her chest as the thought of leaving him next week surfaced in her mind. She loved him. She trusted him. And she wanted this moment to remember.

  Slowly, she slid her blouse from her shoulders, her gaze on his face. His mouth tightened as she let her blouse fall to the floor revealing her lacy, white bra.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he murmured deeply and walked toward her. He cupped her face with his hands and bent his head.

  The kiss was gentle and soft and Sam’s lingering concerns disappeared. She sighed as she tilted her head back and slowly opened her mouth. This was where she wanted to be, she realized. His tongue was warm and sweet and she surrendered to her baser needs.

  She placed her hands on his shoulders and brought her body up against his. His arousal pressed against her stomach and she felt a warm pool of tension gather in the lower region of her body. Leo groaned softly against her lips.

  “You have been driving me crazy since the first moment I met you,” he said hoarsely as he drew away.

  Leo’s hands slipped around to her back and within seconds her bra was lying on the floor. He made a deep, strangled sound in his throat as he stared at her breasts and brought his hands up to cup them. Sam nearly collapsed by the sheer pleasure his touch invoked. He bent his head and placed feathery kisses on her breasts. Sam moaned as delicious shivers ran up her spine.

  He helped her take off the rest of her clothes and she stood naked before him. Leo stared at her body long and hard, his expression tightening. She gasped when she heard the low, deep growl emanating from his throat.

  He slipped his hands around her and lifted her off the ground. Gently, he carried her to his bed and laid her down on its sheets.

  He lay down beside her and lowered his head, trailing hot kisses along her shoulders, her arms, her breasts. His mouth clamped down over one hot peak, and Sam gasped with sheer pleasure. His tongue laved each peak and heat darted from Sam’s breasts to the ache pooling in her belly. Arching her back in response, she ran her hands down the beautiful length of his strong back. Leo groaned as he ran his hand down the length of her side. Sam moaned. His touch was like heaven.

  She wrapped one of her legs around his hip and turned her body to meet his. She wanted to feel every inch of him on her skin. Leo sucked in a harsh breath and moved his body over hers, resting his weight on his elbow beside her. Sam gasped as she stared up at his face. His expression was strained, as if he was trying hard to control himself, and she felt one of his hands slip down to where her legs met. He touched the most sacred and personal part of her
body and she cried out, stiffening in response.

  He slipped a finger in her warmth and she arched her back violently. His touch sent a spasm of shock and need through her body as his fingers played with her core. Sam convulsed with pleasure.

  “Leo,” she said hoarsely.

  “You’re making me mad with desire,” he said huskily.

  Sam arched her body and bit him on the shoulder as waves and waves of pleasure rocked her. He placed his knee in between her legs and widened their gap. She felt his rigid penis against her womanhood and an uncontrollable rush of need melted her core. He cupped her face with his hands and stared deep into her eyes as he drove his penis deep into her heat. She cried out, digging her nails into his shoulders.

  Leo withdrew and entered her body slowly.

  Her breath caught, and she matched his movements, their tempo rising with each heated stroke. Her body tingled, her flesh throbbed, and Sam arched her neck releasing a heart wrenching moan at the thrilling pleasure mounting in her core. She was flying, soaring, close to reaching a pinnacle that would set her free. Leo made a guttural sound from deep within his throat and his pace quickened. His movements were almost violent in nature as he drove deep within her, his face contorted with unrestrained passion.

  With a long, deep growl, Leo plunged forward and Sam cried out in sheer pleasure at the heat coursing through her veins. Wave upon wave of ecstasy shook her book, making her convulse with delicious shivers as Leo threw back his head and roared his release, spilling his seed into her womb.

  His breathing was laboured as he lay on top of her, his elbows bracing his weight, and she wrapped her arms around his waist closing her eyes as her release subsided.

  She basked in the glorious aftermath of their lovemaking, their skin sleek with sweat, their hearts beating as one.

  Sam was content, happy, pushing away all thoughts of her imminent return back home. She wanted to stay in his arms.

  His body stiffened violently and he dragged himself out of her arms, his expression stunned as he stared down at her.

  “What is it?” She asked, frightened. She’d never seen him look like this. He was ashen. She raised her arms, reaching for him, but he vaulted from her and sat on the edge of the bed, his face buried in his hands.


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