The Devil Wins: A History of Lying from the Garden of Eden to the Enlightenment Page 42
uncertainty. See skepticism
Vincent of Beauvais: on ancient custom, 224; on Eve, 207–8
Voragine, Jacobus, 207
Walker, Nathaniel: and civility, 183, 188–90; on flattery, 183–84; on lying, 188–90
William of Auxerre, 78
Woman, the. See Eve
women: and adornment, 208–10, 230–35; Aristotle on, 211–12; Bartholomew the Englishman on, 213; Boccaccio on, 221–24; Christine de Pizan on, 21–25; and Eve, 202–3; and marriage, 236–37; as natural liars, 200–204, 215–16; Tertullian on, 203, 208–10, 232. See also misogyny
Women’s Secrets, 216
Wyclif, John, 85–88