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The Naked Truth: Shall Set You Free (NEW ALBION Book 2)

Page 10

by Wallace Greensage

  ‘I hope by then they’ll realise we like to do more than skinny dip, Angel.’

  ‘Step-by-step, please Todd.’


  ‘OK, let’s do it. I’ll put it on speaker’ Todd said, as he reached for the landline and dialled. ‘Then all we have to do is let the neighbours know,’ he added, as it rang at the other end and Fraser Duffy picked up. Charlotte was horrified and made to say something but Todd put his finger to his lips and began to speak.

  Charlotte’s mind was in turmoil, trying to follow the phone conversation and take in Todd’s last comment. Tell the neighbours? That wasn’t part of the deal. In fact, that was a whole new topic they were about to have after this call!

  But the phone call quickly occupied her complete concentration as it took a direction neither of them had anticipated.


  ‘Hi Fraser,’ Todd said pleasantly when Fraser answered his mobile. ‘It’s Todd. Sorry I wasn’t in this morning when you visited.’

  ‘Hello Todd. No problem. I didn’t actually do much this morning without you there. But of course it was good to see…to see Charlotte.’ A vision had popped into his mind that he preferred to block out.

  ‘That’s what I wanted to speak about as well as apologising for not being here. I know you talked to Charley about the location of the pool and I wanted to get your views.’

  ‘I don’t really have any views, Todd. Actually, I was wondering why this is an issue at all. Why does it matter where it is?’

  ‘It doesn’t matter too much. It’s just that if we put it nearer to the deck it’ll be easier to get to and, of course, it’ll offer more privacy.’

  ‘Privacy? That again? Charlotte mentioned that this morning too.’ Todd glanced at Charlotte who was biting her bottom lip, eyes closed.

  ‘Well, you know how it is, Fraser. Between us men, I quite like to skinny dip and don’t want to scare horses and small children.’ He gave a short laugh.

  ‘Skinny dip? You mean without clothes?’

  ‘Well, yes. That’s how people skinny dip.’

  Fraser paused. ’So this is something you both do, is it?’ Right on cue!

  ‘We’ve been known to…’

  Fraser interrupted. ‘Todd, is it possible that I saw my daughter this morning through your front window? Was she…was she naked?’ he blurted out. Charlotte’s face drained of colour. Her hand went to her head in consternation.

  ‘Naked? Well…’ Todd wasn’t able to lie and his words died on his lips. This wasn’t on cue! He wasn’t immediately sure how to handle this.

  ‘I’ll take that as a “yes”, then, Todd.’

  Todd and Charlotte clearly heard a voice in the background. ‘What’s going on, Fraser?’ Patience asked loudly.

  Fraser took the phone from his ear and spoke to his wife. ‘I was right, she was naked when I looked through their window…’ That didn’t sound quite right, he thought. ‘For my toolbox!’ he added. They could still hear him clearly.

  ‘Todd, put Charlotte on right this second,’ Patience yelled down the phone that she’d snatched from her husband.

  ‘I’m here, Mum,’ Charlotte whispered fearfully.

  ‘Charlotte, tell me this isn’t true. Tell me that Dad’s got it wrong and he didn’t see you…nude!’ Her voice broke on the last word.

  Charlotte couldn’t bring herself to admit it. Todd stepped in for her. ‘Hello Patience,’ he said quietly. ‘I’m sure you’ll both understand that in the privacy of our own home, and because we enjoy it, sometimes we don’t wear clothes. I know that you…’

  ‘You know nothing about me, young man. I guess that this is all your influence, isn’t it? You’ve forced her to become a nudist, haven’t you? Charlotte would never ever do this unless you…’

  Charlotte found her voice. ‘Mum, Mum, calm down,’ she told her mother, gaining strength by the second. She no longer had anything to hide. ‘It’s not Todd’s influence, it’s simply that we choose to live our lives as we do and sometimes that means we’re naked together.’

  ‘But Charlotte, how could you?’

  ‘And we both like it very much, Mum.’ There! It was out!

  ‘Ooh!’ Patience wailed. ‘Charlotte, the shame of it! Oh, I can’t talk any more. Here’s your father.’

  ‘Mum, Mum, don’t go like this…’ Charlotte cried down the phone.

  A very quiet Fraser Duffy spoke. ‘Well, both of you, I don’t really know what to say…’

  ‘Fraser,’ Todd said, ‘maybe we should get together about this. We don’t want to upset you both and we don’t want this to come between us.’

  ‘Yes. Yes, I agree that we should get together to discuss it but let’s wait for a few days. Let mother try to get used to the idea. This is a shock for her, for us, but I’ll try to talk her round. Try to explain that you’ve your own lives to live, that you may not live by the same rules that dictate our lives. In this case, it’s a far cry from the way we…’ he didn’t finish but he it was obvious he was referring to their newly-divulged way of life and the way Charlotte was raised. ‘Maybe one evening midweek we’ll get together.’

  ‘Yes, let’s do that, Fraser. We’ll phone you on Monday or Tuesday to arrange it.’ Todd paused. ‘So, how do you feel about this, Fraser?’ Todd asked meekly.

  Fraser unexpectedly gave a slight chuckle. ‘I reserve my judgement for now but maybe I shouldn’t be surprised. Perhaps it’s all in the genes. I’m disappointed that Charlotte didn’t confide in me when I told her of the rumour I’d heard but I think I understand why she didn’t. Enjoy the beach tomorrow. I won’t ask which beach you’re going to. That really would be too much. Bye for now.’ He cut the call.

  Charlotte and Todd eyed one another in silence, gauging each other’s reactions, unsure of their own feelings. Tears filled Charlotte’s eyes.

  Todd gave a small smile that he hoped seemed encouraging. ‘Well, it’s out there now although not in the way we planned. Nothing we can do about it now. This will take its course but I think your dad will do his best to calm things down in the fullness of time. Hopefully he’s right and your mum will adjust to this.’

  Charlotte couldn’t speak. She rose quietly, still dabbing her eyes with a tissue. She gave Todd a weak smile and headed to their bedroom. She was drained. Todd wisely left her to it.


  Amongst the thoughts churning through her mind, Charlotte pondered the aside from Fraser that nudity was in her genes. It would be a long time, however, before she and Todd learnt its true meaning.

  Chapter 38

  As they walked the short distance next door to Freya and Sven’s home that evening, Todd knew that, after the stressful events that afternoon, it was far too soon to think about letting their neighbours know. He knew though that if they didn’t let them know by the time that the pool was finished, heads would be popping over the fence sooner rather than later to see what was going on. Better to be upfront about it. But Todd realised that this was a discussion for the future; it would be more than Charlotte could handle right now. No rush; cooler weather was approaching and they had time to develop a strategy.


  ‘Hi Charlotte, Todd,’ Freya exclaimed smiling, opening her front door to them. She was dressed casually, as they were. ‘Come on in. Todd, you didn’t need to bring wine but thanks anyway. I’m sure we’ll put it to good use this evening.’

  They went through the comfortable house to the homely deck, strewn with so many potted plants it resembled a jungle. There they found Sven entertaining two friends recently arrived from Sweden. They switched immediately to English and Freya, a handsome tall Swedish blonde in her early forties, joined them with a plate of snacks.

  ‘Charlotte,’ Freya said after the introductions, ‘I have to apologise to you for my husband this morning.’

  ‘Apologise? For what?’ she asked puzzled, afraid for a moment that he’d discovered her secret. Not again. Not after her father.

  ‘For my husband bothering you over the fen
ce like that.’

  ‘I wasn’t at all bothered. It was good to talk to Sven, even if it was over the fence.’ Charlotte replied, trying to sound confident.

  ‘It was lucky that the fence was between you then,’ Freya continued. Oh ye gods, they knew she was naked! OK, well her it comes again. She was speechless, sure in the knowledge she’d been found out. Yet another revelation – what a day!

  Todd took up the conversation for her. ‘Why was it lucky that the fence was between them?’ he asked.

  ‘Because,’ Freya said pointedly, glaring hard at her husband. ‘He was still in his nightwear! And he doesn’t wear nightwear!’

  ‘We never have,’ Sven laughed.

  ‘You mean that you were speaking to my wife while completely naked?’ Todd asked mischievously. ‘Did you know that, Charlotte? No, don’t answer that!’ She couldn’t have answered anyway.

  ‘He was!’ Freya replied. ‘Oh. Charlotte, I’m really sorry. You seem so shocked. Have we offended you?’

  Charlotte’s relief was short lived as Todd laughed. He wasn’t about to let this wonderful opportunity slip by too. ‘I doubt it. Although you didn’t know it, she was naked too!’

  Charlotte closed her eyes. Ground, she commanded, swallow me up!


  Todd was of course in trouble from Charlotte that evening as soon as they returned home, even though she reluctantly realised that he’d recognised the perfect opening and said the right thing. What Todd had told their neighbours was too good a chance to miss but Charlotte only let him off the hook when he buried his face in her neck, biting gently, crooning for forgiveness.

  So, as a result, there would be no issues next year with Freya and Sven when they happily romped in their new pool. Who could tell? Maybe their neighbours would join them. That left only the neighbours on the other side and he was confident that they would find a way to let them know too over the winter.


  Chapter 39

  CHARLOTTE’S stressful Saturday took a back seat once, with Todd, Lucy and Jake, she arrived at Serendip Beach. She was able to put her disturbing memories to one side as she took in the beautiful beach and surrounding scenery. How, she asked herself, had they never discovered this place? It was gorgeous.

  The day raced past as they swam, sizzled under the late summer sun, picnicked, strolled, chatted and laughed the day away.

  It was only on the way home in their car that she wondered if she had been seen again by the mysterious gossip that alerted her father last week to at least one visit to Barcelona naturist beach during their recent holiday. But did it matter now? She would have to ponder that. But she knew it mattered less.

  Chapter 40

  IT must be the stress of recent events and the travel to Pereval, Molly thought to herself. She was never ever late but her period had been due on Saturday and now, on Monday morning as she unpacked her overnight bag in the spacious sea view suite Justin had arranged at Pereval Beach Hotel, still nothing had happened. If nothing happens before I get back to Wellingbury, I’d better…what? Buy a pregnancy test kit? Oh God!


  Justin had arranged everything for her, changing his free weekend to match her time off from the restaurant. He’d met her at the railway station and whisked her through the hotel check-in. He was solicitous and charming. That could become irritating, she thought.

  Justin genuinely had no expectations other than to spend time with Molly. He gave her time to unpack and freshen up and then, after a lazy lunch on the terrace, they strolled to Barcelona naturist beach. Even though they’d spent several naked days in each other’s company while Molly was on holiday at SimpliCity, they were both now bashful about stripping.

  ‘How about a swim?’ Justin suggested, to break the ice. Here they were, both dressed on a nudist beach, saying little, with Molly absently drawing circles in the sand with her finger. Both were new to naturism that year, Molly introduced by Phillip Stelt and Justin seamlessly discovering its pleasures through both local beach opportunities and by a previously-unrecognised innate attraction to the lifestyle. At twenty-six, Justin was three years older than Molly.

  ‘OK,’ Molly replied, standing. She and Justin whipped off their clothes in an instant and ran together side by side to the welcoming waves. Justin’s tanned, slender body contrasted with Molly’s eye-catching curves as they ran together towards the waves. His short business-like hair was as dark as Molly’s long, flowing, dark waves.

  Fifteen minutes later, they were once more comfortable in each other’s platonic company. During the late afternoon stroll back towards their hotel, they’d crossed the midpoint river before even contemplating covering their nudity.

  Chapter 41

  ON Tuesday evening, Charlotte picked up her phone three times to phone her parents before actually dialling. She of course anticipated a difficult conversation. Todd had offered to make the call but she felt that it was right that she made it. They were her parents after all.

  Patience answered. She’d seen the caller ID and knew it was her daughter. She said nothing as she connected.

  ‘Hello Mum,’ Charlotte began. ‘We’d like to invite you and Dad to join us for dinner at La Grande Large this week? You know, the seafood restaurant by the river. Dad said that…’

  ‘I know what your father said, my girl. This is so that you can try to make excuses for the disgusting way in which you now lead your lives.’

  Charlotte’s heart sank. ‘Mum…’

  ‘Yes, we’ll come, but don’t you dare try to persuade me that what you’re doing is proper! I don’t want to hear another word about it!’

  Charlotte was relieved that they would meet but knew that her mother couldn’t possibly resist bringing it up on the night, regardless of her apparent insistence that she didn’t want to hear another word. She knew her mother would go on about it for months.

  ‘OK good. Let’s say seven thirty on Thursday evening. How’s Dad?’

  ‘He’s fine, but of course he’s terribly upset. No, I don’t want to speak about it!’ This was typical of her mother, dispensing one-sided opinions and disallowing response.

  ‘Can I talk to him as you don’t seem to want to speak to me,’ Charlotte asked sharply. It was the only way to deal with Patience.

  She heard the tap of the phone receiver as Patience laid it on the table. ‘Fraser! It’s your daughter on the phone. She wants to speak to you. Fraser!’ “Your daughter” was another indication of her mother’s displeasure.

  Within a minute, Fraser Duffy came to the phone. ’Sorry, Charlotte. I was outside. How are you?’ At least he was affable.

  ‘Fine thanks, Dad. Mum says she’ll come on Thursday evening to La Grande Large for dinner. OK?’

  ‘That’s a relief,’ he admitted in a whisper. ‘I wasn’t sure what she’d say.’ He clearly didn’t want Patience to hear him.

  ‘OK Dad. We’ll talk at work tomorrow. I’ll call by your office sometime.’

  ‘Yes! Yes, do that. Bye for now.’

  Chapter 42

  THEIR two days at Pereval had raced past. All too soon it was Tuesday evening and Justin was waving goodbye to Molly’s departing express train as it accelerated smoothly northwards. He turned towards the hotel car he’d borrowed, a smile of contentment on his face. It had been every bit the success he’d dreamed it would be. If she didn’t know it yet, he did. She was the girl for him. OK, although she was friendly and warm, she’d seemed distant at times during their two days together, but perhaps it was simply that she didn’t want to rush things. I’ll win her round in time, he decided.

  Molly’s late period had been consigned to the back of her mind for the past two days but as she sat on the train watching the scenery speed past, it all came flooding back. Her stomach churned. She simply couldn’t be pregnant.


  On her way home from the station Molly bought a home pregnancy test kit at a late night pharmacy.

  Chapter 43

  MOLLY had res
isted the temptation to use the pregnancy test kit as soon as she reached her apartment. She had told herself that she wanted a good night’s sleep and if she was positive, there would be no chance of that. She’d also heard somewhere that morning tests are best but she had no idea if that was true.

  Molly woke early on Wednesday morning. She’d not slept well; the pregnancy test had been preying on her subconscious after all. She sat on the edge of her bed and read the test kit instructions twice. When she was sure that she knew what to do, with great trepidation she made her way to the bathroom. God, this is stressful, she thought. What if I am? How will I handle it? It will change my life completely! All my plans up in smoke, my career in tatters, my chances of a loving relationship further away than ever…Oh God!

  As she waited the required five minutes for the test to finish checking whether her urine contained the pregnancy hormone hCG – suddenly she was an expert – she went to her small tidy kitchen to make coffee. She lingered over this, too nervous to return to check the results. She opened the blinds and stared out of the window, oblivious to the risk of someone glancing in from the street and seeing her naked top. Nursing her coffee mug, she hesitantly returned to the bathroom and stared at her own face in the mirror for a long time, mustering the courage to check the tester. In her heart of hearts, she knew the result already. She was never ever late…

  Molly put the coffee mug on the sink counter and snatched up the tester.

  Plus! Fuck, fuck, fuck! Check again. Definitely plus. Holy crap! I’m fucking pregnant!


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