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The Mystery of the Lone Wolf Killer

Page 30

by Unni Turrettini

  Dr. Puckett believes, after having worked the most difficult homegrown terrorism cases, that it is possible to free our citizens from the threat of terrorism without depriving them of their personal freedoms. A strong law enforcement and an aware public who know what to look for are crucial.

  Again, assessment comes back to community. Identifying the lone wolf is not a job for profilers. The huge amount of money being poured into NSA and the increasing manpower used to collect intelligence from citizens is not going to stop these killers. They are too subtle.

  “The analysis will not be done unless someone in the community realizes what’s going on,” Dr. Puckett said. “Bring it to the community level. Don’t expect institutions to take care of your society and yourself.”

  Government is not responsible for our lives. We are responsible for our lives and for each other.



  Breivik, Anders B. 2083: A European Declaration of Independence.;


  Sorrano, Richard A. One of Ours: Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City Bombing. New York: W. W. Norton, 1998.

  Michel, Lou, and Dan Herbeck. American Terrorist: Timothy McVeigh & The Oklahoma City Bombing. New York: Regan, 2001.

  Chase, Alston. A Mind For Murder. The Education of the Unabomber and the Origins of Modern Terrorism. New York/London: W.W. Norton, 2003.

  Stickney, Brandon M. All-American Monster: The Unauthorized Biography of Timothy McVeigh. New York: Prometheus, 1996.

  Johnson, Sally. “Psychiatric Competency report of Dr. Sally C. Johnson. September 1998. In The United States district court for the Eastern district of California. United States of America, plaintiff, v. Theodore John Kaczynski, defendant.” CR. NO. S-96-259 GEB ORDER.

  Christensen, Marit. Moren: Historien om Wenche Behring Breivik. (Aschehoug, 2015), EBOK.NO Kindle edition.

  Seiersted, Åsne. En Av Oss: En fortelling on Norge (Kagge Forlag, 2015), EBOK.NO, Kindle edition.


  Michel and Herbeck. American Terrorist.

  Borchgrevink, Aage Storm. En Norsk tragedie: Anders Behring Breivik og veiene til Utøya. Gyldendal, 2012.

  Sandemose, Aksel. En flyktning krysser sitt spor. Oslo: Aschehoug, 1988.

  Johnson. “Psychiatric Competency report.”

  Chase. A Mind For Murder.


  Michel and Herbeck. American Terrorist.

  Stormark, Kjetil. Massemorderens Private E-poster. Oslo: Spartacus, 2012.

  Stormark, Kjetil. Da terroren rammet Norge: 189 minutter som rystet verden. Oslo: Kagge Forlag, 2011.

  NRK Brennpunkt. “Fedrene.” December 21, 2011.

  Borchgrevink. En Norsk tragedie.


  Breivik. 2083: A European Declaration of Independence.

  Stormark. Da terroren rammet Norge.


  Stormark. Da terroren rammet Norge.

  Michel and Herbeck. American Terrorist.

  Seiersted. En Av Oss.

  Obertone, Laurent. Utøya: Norvège, 22 juillet 2011, 77 morts. Ring Editions, 2013.


  Breivik. 2083: A European Declaration of Independence.

  Michel and Herbeck. American Terrorist.

  “The Failure of Multiculturalism: Community Versus Society in Europe.” Foreign Affairs, March/April 2015 Issue.


  The July 22nd Commission Report, NOU 2012:;


  Michel and Herbeck. American Terrorist.

  Christensen. Moren.

  Seiersted. En Av Oss.

  Lippestad, Geir. Det kan vi stå for. Oslo: Aschehoug, 2013.

  Finnøy, Ellen Kolsrud, and Pelle Finnøy. Den misunnelige morderen. Frognerforlaget, 2012.


  Breivik. 2083: A European Declaration of Independence.

  Michel and Herbeck. American Terrorist.


  Breivik, Jens. Min skyld? En fars historie. Oslo: Juritzen forlag, 2014.


  McFadden, Robert D. “PRISONER OF RAGE—A special report: From a Child of Promise to the Unabom Suspect.” New York Times, May 26, 1996.

  Turchie, Terry D., and Kathleen M. Puckett, Ph.D. Hunting The American Terrorist: The FBI’s War On Homegrown Terror. (History Publishing Company, 2007), Kindle edition.

  Pracon, Adrian. Hjertet mot steinen: En overlevendes beretning fra. Cappelen Damm 2013.

  Bawer, Bruce. The New Quislings: How the International Left Used the Oslo Massacre to Silence Debate About Islam. (Broadside e-books, 2012), Kindle edition.


  Turchie and Puckett. Hunting The American Terrorist.

  Spaaij, Ramón. Understanding Lone Wolf Terrorism: Global Patterns, Motivations and Prevention. (Springer Netherlands, 2011), Kindle edition.

  Stickney. All-American Monster.

  Michel and Herbeck. American Terrorist.


  Lavergne, Gary M. A Sniper In The Tower: The Charles Whitman Murders. Denton: University of North Texas Press, 1997.

  Cullen, Dave. Columbine. Twelve, Paperback Edition, 2010.

  Hobson, Jack. Drifters: Stories from the Dark Side of Delinquency. Black Opal, 2013.

  “Jahar’s World.” Rolling Stone, August 2013 issue.


  Miron, Jeffrey A. “Violence, Guns, and Drugs: A Cross-Country Analysis.” The University of Chicago Press, 2001.

  Kates, Don B., and Gary Mauser. “Would Banning Firearms Reduce Murder And Suicide? A Review Of International And Some Domestic Evidence.” Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy.

  Malcolm, Joyce Lee. Guns And Violence: The English Experience. Harvard University Press, 2002.

  Lott, John R., Jr. More Guns, Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun-Control Laws. Third Edition. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 2010.

  Lott, John R., Jr. The Bias Against Guns: Why Almost Everything You’ve Heard About Gun Control Is Wrong. (Regnery), Kindle edition.


  Sætre, Simen. Fjordman: Portrett av en antiislamist. Oslo: Cappelen Damm, 2013.

  Turchie and Puckett. Hunting The American Terrorist.

  Lippestad. Det kan vi stå for.


  “FBI disrupted nearly 150 mass shootings, violent acts in 2013: Attorney General Eric Holder.” The Associated Press, Daily News. December 16, 2013.

  “The Reckoning: The father of the Sandy Hook killer searches for answers.” The New Yorker, March 17, 2014 Issue.


  When I woke up from the numbness I felt after the July 22, 2011, massacre, I knew I had to write this book. I’ve always been a ferocious reader and loved writing, but I didn’t know how to write an actual book. The Universe must have known that I was on the right path, because some wonderful people all of a sudden appeared in my life to help me do just that. Without them, this book would not be what it is today.

sp; Bonnie Hearn Hill not only taught me how to write, she helped me discover my voice. She showed me it is okay to speak and write the truth. She taught me to believe in myself and to dream big. She is an amazing mentor and friend. I could not have done this without her. Bonnie, you are the true Rock Star and I am forever grateful.

  My agent, Peter Riva, helped me shape this book into something infinitely better. Your guidance is always spot on. Thank you for taking me under your wing and for not giving up.

  A huge thanks to Jessica Case and her team at Pegasus Books. Jessica’s vision, edits, and clarity about how and what to change was remarkable.

  A special thanks to Kathleen Puckett for helping me understand the psyche of the lone wolf killer, for your extraordinary insight, and for sharing your knowledge with me. You are not only brilliant, you are a wonderful human being, and I am honored to know you.

  My research led me to Steven Kleinman and Ali Soufan at the Soufan Group. Thank you, Steven, for your thorough and intelligent answers to all my questions. The world needs more people like you.

  Thank you, Jack Hobson, for sharing your experience and knowledge about the psychology behind juvenile delinquents and school shooters.

  Cristina Buffon has accompanied me through this whole process and helped me attain a better understanding of humanity, myself including. Violence comes from a place of deep suffering. Wounded children do not stop loving their parents; they stop loving themselves. With your guidance, I’m learning to feel compassion and be less judgmental. You taught me how to write from my heart. Thank you.

  Finally, I express gratitude to my husband, Samuel, for believing in me and for your encouragement despite all the late nights, weekends, and holidays spent writing and re-writing. Thank you for being such a wonderful husband and father, and for accepting me as the free spirit I am. Thank you for your edits and valuable input in every aspect of my new career. Without you, this journey would not have been possible. I love you.


  1. Anders Behring Breivik’s résumé

  2. Diagram of the center of Oslo in relation to where Breivik parked and where the bomb exploded

  3. Map of Breivik’s route on Utøya

  4. Timeline of events, July 22, 2011

  5. Breivik’s private e-mails

  6. In Memoriam: The Human Price



  “I was considering pasting in my complete and updated CV,” Breivik wrote in his manifesto. “However, I don’t want to make my past network public and I don’t think it would be that relevant.”

  He then must feel that the nine-page CV included in his manifesto is relevant. Contrary to what he states, it is extensive. A resume is a normal tool normal people use to find employment. Breivik uses this form to balance out the crazy-sounding rants in his manifesto. It is another tool he uses to attract followers by attempting to appear reasonable, a leader. I’ve included it in its entirety because it shows how potentially dangerous Breivik is, even behind bars.

  • 6 years Primary School

  • 3 years Secondary School

  • 2.5 years High School (last 6 months underwent complete curriculum).

  • An informal education, consisting of the equivalent of eight university years (or equivalent to two bachelor’s degrees and one master’s degree), consisting of the following: Approximately 16,320 hours of study (one year at the University = 2,040 hours of study per year: 8 hours per day, 5 days per week, 51 weeks per year) on various fields:

  Approximately 8,000 of these hours were dedicated to the study of fields relating to Small Business Management, Business, Marketing/Sales, Economical/Financial Analysis (including stock/commodity/currency analysis), Business Logistics. The rest was dedicated to Political Science, World History, and Language: English/Norwegian and various other subjects (everything from cryptography to biochemistry).

  Not included: daily reading/reviewing/watching: Newspapers, Scientific/Cultural/Economical—magazines/papers/articles: Approx. 10,000 hours +

  Not included: 12 years work experience, Project Management, practical work experience, project analysis, stock/commodity analysis/trading.Approx. 10,000 hours +

  Not included: Relevant social experience/interaction related to business/culture/science/economy (3 specific mentors), various forum discussions/exchange of knowledge, travelling to 25 countries + interaction with thousands of experienced professionals or other individuals with vast knowledge on multiple fields.


  Name: Andrew Berwick [his name in English]

  Nationality: Norwegian

  Born: February 1979

  Height: 183 cm

  Weight: 80 kg

  Ethnicity: Nordic/Norwegian

  Address: Oslo, Norway

  Personality: Optimistic, pragmatic, ambitious, creative, hard-working

  Political view: Cultural conservative, revolutionary conservative, Vienna school of thought, economically liberal

  Religion: Christian, Protestant but I support a reformation of Protestantism leading to it being absorbed by Catholicism. The typical “Protestant Labor Church” has to be deconstructed, as its creation was an attempt to abolish the Church.

  Religious: I went from moderately to agnostic to moderately religious

  Education: Non-formal equivalent to 7 years + at university level

  Professions: Investor, Director, Manager—founder of several companies, small business management (including organizational development), political analyst, author, stock analyst/trader. I’m unsure whether resistance fighter (Justiciar Knight Commander) and martyr counts as a profession. :)

  Nicotine: Yes

  Alcohol: Occasionally

  Drugs: No

  Tattoos: No

  Sports: Snowboarding, fitness (body building/spinning), running

  Watch sport: Only women’s sand volley ball. :P Perhaps I would if Norway didn’t suck so hard in football

  Name of your primary weapon: Mjöllnir

  Name of your sidearm: Gungnir

  Hobbies: Political analysis, studying new topics, Freemasonry, Heraldry, Genealogy, gaming (MMO or Modern Warfare 2), traveling—learning about new cultures, music, friends. I have had the privilege of experiencing the following countries:

  Sweden, Denmark, UK, Germany, Poland, Belarus, France, Austria, Hungary, Austria [sic], Croatia, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Spain, Cyprus, Malta, US, Turkey, Mexico, China, Nigeria, Cote d’Ivoire, Liberia.


  Key qualifications:

  Organizational/business development—Experience with the establishment, development, and management of smaller businesses related to the fields; organizational/business development, small business management, marketing and sales.Financial analysis—stock/currency analysis relating to the fields/indicators; candlesticks, RSI, stochastic, MACD, Bollinger bands, DMI, momentum.

  2005–2007: Managing director of E-Commerce Group AS (part investment company—50%, part sales/outsourcing company—50%). I converted ABB ENK to a corporation (AS). Total of 7 employees: 3 in Norway, 1 in Russia, 1 in Indonesia, 1 in Romania, 1 in the US. Distribution of outsourcing services to foreign companies, sold software/programming solutions. Worked part time with day trading (stocks/options/currency/commodities). This was a front (milk cow) with the purpose of financing resistance/liberation-related military operations. The company was successful although most of the funds were channeled through a Caribbean subsidiary (with base in Antigua, a location where European countries do not have access): Brentwood Solutions Limited with bank accounts in other Caribbean nations and Eastern Europe. E-Commerce Group was terminated in 2007 while most of the funds were channeled in an “unorthodox manner” to Norway available to the coming intellectual and subsequent operations phase.

  2002–2004: Director of Anders Behring Breivik ENK (part time from May 02, shortly after my inclusion in PCCTS)—Dec. 02, full time from March 03. Same
emphasis as E-Commerce Group. This was a front (milk cow) I established and focused on shortly after my inclusion in PCCTS, Knights Templar with the purpose of financing resistance/liberation-related military operations.

  2002–2003: Supervisor/internal adviser for Bankia Bank ASA (Apr. 02–March 03).

  2001–2002: Customer service representative for Bankia Bank ASA (Nov. 01–Apr. 02).

  2000–2001: Managing director of Media Group AS. Development and sales of outdoor media solutions (primarily billboards). My company was partially acquired/bought by Mediamax Norway AS after I (and my employee, Kristoffer Andresen) had built a billboard portfolio from scratch in the Oslo area which was then sold to Mediamax Norge AS (which was later bought by JC Decaux Norway) and Clear Channel (July 00–July 01).

  1999–2000: Team leader for the customer service rep. dept. for Enitel Telephony/mobile/internet/support division (March 99–July 00).

  1998–1999: Director for Behring & Kerner Marketing DA. Implementation and sales of telephonic services (part time from Aug. 98–Feb. 99).

  1997–1999: Corporate customer care rep. for customer care/internet support for Telia Norway AS (Nov 97–Feb 99).

  1996–1997: Part time as a sales rep. for ACTA Economical Counseling (Feb 96–97).

  Education: Non-formal studies/degrees: Bachelor of Business Administration (major: small business management), part time studies using the curriculum/online study courses from AIU, American InterContinental University (98–02), Bachelor of Political Science (major: political science and history) part time studies (00–05), Master of Political Science, full/part time studies (05–10). See other chapter for specification.

  Other professional activities:

  2005: Was coached by my friend, former mentor and independent stock analyst, Xun Dai over a 6 month period on the areas: technical stock analysis: candlesticks, RSI, stochastic, MACD, Bollinger bands, DMI, momentum.


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