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Sheikh's Desire

Page 4

by Leah Leonard

  Aside from the exterior view, the furniture also added to the beauty of her home away from home.

  A huge round bed stood in the corner surrounded by a white net canopy that looked like something out of a fantasy film. A closet the size of her entire apartment in Boston stood off to one side near a bathroom with a marble countertop, two sinks, and

  a hot tub that was larger than the outdoor tub near the pool. She also had her own, and enormous enclosed shower that was larger than her breakfast nook at home. The area was kept heated by a fireplace, which today didn’t have any wood in it. “Do we need this here?” Kelley gestured to the fireplace. “Does it ever get cold enough to use?”

  “Not often but it can get quite cold here occasionally, yes. The palace is very old, but the Sheikh’s family made certain to equip this with all of the modern conveniences you would find in the West.”

  “I don’t know what to say.” Kelley said. “Thank you for inviting me.”

  “I am happy you are here.”

  “Me too.”


  Kelley spent the next two hours in her quarters, resting without falling completely asleep and took a bath in the luxurious tub. Tomorrow, she planned to take Safina’s old car and drive to Ephesus to get going on the project, but for now, she needed rest.

  The servants appeared, periodically offering her beautiful fresh fruits and vegetables to eat, as well as more of the scrumptious tea she loved.

  She changed into her long sleeved white blouse and slacks and felt better knowing she was dressed more appropriately, and met Safina in the dining room within the hour.

  Safina was already waiting for her, sitting in the same seat where they ate at lunch. “Were you able to sleep?”

  “A little. You?”

  “A lot!” Safina giggled, and for a moment, Kelley thought they were back in school again.

  The servants hovered nearby, but had not yet placed a single item of food on the table, even though Kelley smelled something amazing coming from the direction of the kitchen.

  They waited, mostly in silence, for several minutes, listening to the sound of forks clinking and dishes being moved around the kitchen.

  Finally the lack of progress was getting to the point of distraction, and Safina told her, “The servants must await the Sheikh’s arrival before serving our meal.”

  Kelley nodded, but decided it would be best not to say a word about it. She was in their home, and whatever they wanted was fine with her.

  More time passed and Safina said, “I must apologize for being so rude. I do not know why Khalil is late. He is a very punctual man. He demands people are on time. I am not sure why he is delayed.”

  “Not a problem. I don’t need anything, seriously. I ate a bunch of fruit in my room earlier.”

  A few minutes later, Kelley saw Safina glancing over her shoulder and heard the palpable sounds of the feet she had come to find so damned sexy stomping quickly over the marble floors.

  “Ladies,” Khalil paused at Kelley’s chair and placed his hand on the back, brushing the tips of her hair with his fingers. “I must offer my deepest apologies to you both.”

  Ripples of heat flashed through Kelley’s head, down to her toes.

  She turned and gazed up toward the Sheikh’s face, catching a sexy tuft of jet black hair protruding from his dress shirt on the way up to his strong jaw, speckled with a sexy five o’clock shadow. He removed his jacket and tie since she last saw him, making him even more appealing than before if that was possible, and she realized that yes, he was even more gorgeous than before. He had a tantalizing musky smell to him, faint cologne mixed with his scent. Chill bumps covered her arms and legs from having the Sheikh in such close proximity. And that voice! He purred like a ferocious lion on the prowl.

  “Is everything all right?” Safina appeared worried.

  “I’m afraid I have some things to attend to and I will not be available to you, my dear.” He turned to his staff. “Please prepare the meal for the ladies as soon as possible. Get them anything they desire.”

  “Yes, master,” one of the servants bowed.

  Master? What kind of man was this that could command such respect? Then again, Kelley would be more than happy to call him master…

  “I am deeply sorry. I know our wedding is soon and I have asked the staff to prepare everything for us, but I will be detained indefinitely and I must beg your forgiveness.” Khalil kept his gaze on his future bride. There was a sweet sincerity there that made Kelley know that he really did respect her friend, even if he didn’t love her like a wife.

  “Fine.” Safina didn’t look too disappointed.

  “I know we planned a trip to the city tomorrow, but I am afraid I cannot go and I will discuss this with you later.”

  “No explanation is necessary. You should do what you must. Kelley and I have much to catch up on.” Safina glanced over at Kelley, as if asking her to agree.

  “We definitely do.” The exchange made Kelley realize that the perfect opportunity she’d hoped for might be at hand. “Excuse me, Sheikh.”

  He turned his dreamy cocoa eyes toward her. “Please, I insist you call me Khalil.”

  “All right, Khalil.” Her mouth watered as she pronounced his

  name and she had to swallow to keep drool from dripping down her chin. “I wonder if you could spare Safina for a day or two? I would have her back by Monday, and if the two of you need my help with the wedding, I’m happy to help.” She turned to her friend. “That is, if Safina wants to come with me, of course.”

  Khalil kept his eyes locked on Kelley and a long moment of silence followed. Finally he said, “Yes. This is a perfect plan. I will have the driver take you both.”

  Kelley tried to hide her surprise. She was half convinced Khalil was likely a control freak who would not let his future bride out of his sight. “Actually I was thinking we would just take Safina’s car.”

  “Impossible.” Khalil insisted. “It is far too old and dangerous.”

  “We’re going to be out in some remote places where we need a car and I wouldn’t want anything new out there. It might get damaged.”

  Still never turning from her, a thin smile stretched across his lips. “For your forgiveness and understanding, you shall have whatever you wish.”

  The words reverberated through her body. Whatever she wished to take from Khalil wasn’t decent to think about in polite company, let alone in the most private rooms in the palace. She nodded silently.

  “However I should prefer to have you fly to Ephesus, rather than drive.” Turning finally to his bride, Khalil asked her, “Is this acceptable to you?”


  Kelley was half waiting for Safina to say, ‘yes master,’ but fortunately things didn’t go that far.

  “Then it is set,” Khalil paused a moment, then added, “I shall be on the property today, but unreachable. If there is an emergency, please inform my manservant and he will fetch me from my duties.”

  “All right,” Safina bowed her head slightly.

  “And also,” he glanced at Kelley briefly, then back at Safina, “I have arranged for an abaya for your friend. See that she uses it.”

  Safina lowered her gaze. “Of course.”

  “Thank you.” Khalil bowed slightly and rushed across the room, disappearing through the Oma side of the house.

  There was much not spoken between the two, Kelley noticed, but the one thing that was clear, Khalil was going somewhere with his older wife and would not return for days. Kelley could only imagine what must be happening over there. She cringed thinking about it. Was he trying to have his fill of his older wife before his new one reported for her marital duties? When he was out of hearing range, Kelley had to ask, “What’s an abaya?”

  “A robe,” Safina gestured to the covering she wore. “Khalil wants you to wear a traditional gown.”

  Kelley felt horrible. She glanced down at her long sleeved blouse that she had buttoned on her wrists an
d her full length slacks and wondered what about this had been so offensive. “I changed to come to dinner. I thought that would be enough. I’m sorry.”

  “You are fine, Kelley,” her friend told her. “Khalil is simply…conservative. That is all.”


  Khalil ran from the dining room to hide his bulging pants and wiped the perspiration from his brow.

  The sweet scent of the sultry Kelley Jones Smith lingered in his nostrils and he needed a cold shower.

  He had been pleased to see her wearing more appropriate clothing, however those pants fit her backside and legs so snugly, his gaze wandered over her curves, and the longer sleeves on her blouse only made him stare at her fingers, recalling the feeling of holding them in his hands.

  Her gold hair glistened. Oh how he longed to touch it! Her perfume intoxicated him, sending his spirit reeling into a fit of desire. He had never wanted anything more.

  After spending the greater part of the day tending to Oma at her bedside, Khalil realized getting Safina and Kelley out of this house and as far away as possible would be best for everyone, especially him.

  A deep and guttural part of his manhood awakened in her presence. He wanted to bed her, he imagined tearing her pants off and lying on top of her with the full weight of his body, having her forcefully, bending her to his will. She appeared to him like a wild stallion in the field that needed to be tamed. She stirred his passion like no other woman ever had. Heaven help him!

  Once she and Safina were well out of the way, he prayed he would be freed of the spell of Miss Jones Smith. He had many important matters to attend to before his wedding, and he did not wish to have any distractions.


  Kelley was so mortified by the thought that the Sheikh wanted her to cover her body, she could hardly stand it. She wondered if he found her at all attractive. Probably not. Maybe he was repulsed by Americans in general. A pulsing electrical chemistry existed between them, or at least she thought it did. Maybe, just maybe, he found her attractive too. No. The fact he wanted her to wear the traditional dress told her otherwise.

  Khalil could have any woman in the world he wanted, and he was just as Safina described him – traditional. Nothing more. Not horny for her, not busy imaging his naked body beside hers. It was probably only her who felt the voltage between them. God help her she wanted that man! It killed her to think about! What a betrayal to her friend! What a disgusting thought to be having right now! Fortunately, she would be leaving tomorrow, and Khalil wouldn’t be around.

  The same awkward silence only grew worse once Khalil left. The two friends sat and dined in near silence for the better part of forty minutes. Kelley was so distracted by the man, she had no idea what to talk about. “Aren’t you excited, even just a little that you get to come with me tomorrow?”

  Safina sipped her tea, sat the cup on the saucer and sighed. “It will be good to leave, yes.”

  Not exactly the enthusiastic reply she’d hoped for, but it was a step in the right direction. “Look, I don’t know exactly what you’re going through, but I do know this can’t be easy.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Before Kelley could sensor herself, she turned and pointed at the door to the other side of the palace. “That.”

  Safina’s grave expression said it all. “Khalil is a good man.”

  Kelley tried not to roll her eyes thinking of the Sheikh over on the other half of the house probably bedding that other woman at this very moment, having his fill of her before he got to experience his new wife.

  “I know what you’re thinking,” Safina whispered. “This arrangement is not as it appears. Oma has not been well.”

  “Since when?” Kelley asked.

  “Ever since I have known her.”

  Kelley leaned closer and whispered, “What’s wrong with her?”

  “No one knows. She is confined to bed much of the time. Doctors are called, but no one can do anything for her.”

  “That’s terrible.”

  “Khalil has taken care of her all these years, and has stood by her side. He called in the very best specialists from all over the world to help her, but nothing helps. He is a very good man, a very loyal man.”

  “Sounds like it.” Kelley had to admit that maybe she misjudged the Sheikh. Wasn’t that really what every woman wanted, a man who would stay by your side in your darkest hour and truly live up to the old saying, ‘in sickness and in health?’ To her great surprise, Khalil was starting to seem more saint than sinner right about now, and she realized there was much going on at the palace in Istanbul that she had yet to fully understand.


  The following morning, Kelley rose before dawn and began going over her maps and plans for the journey to Ephesus.

  Once she heard stirring in the halls, she opened her door and the servants busily prepared her bags for the trip.

  She and Safina met in the dining room, each wearing the traditional robes. The conversation was light and friendly, and the two friends were busy enjoying a cup of tea when Khalil appeared.

  “Ladies,” he purred. Today he wore a traditional white robe, and Kelley couldn’t help notice he was sexier than ever. “I shall drive with you to the airport.”

  “That is not necessary,” Safina told him.

  Kelley was happy to hear that. The last thing she needed was to have to sit in a limo and try not to stare at him.

  “I insist,” Khalil bowed. “Also, I have arranged the jet for you and a trusted driver will be waiting for you at the airport to take you to the cottage.”

  “How generous,” Safina lowered her gaze.

  “Of course,” Khalil said. “I insist on your comfort and safety.”

  “I am so grateful for your generosity,” Kelley said. “I have some equipment arriving soon, and this flight will save us so much time. Thank you.”

  Khalil turned and looked deep into her eyes. “My pleasure.”

  Safina stood. “I must tend to a few things before we go. Khalil, do you have a moment?” She gestured at Kelley as though Khalil would now need to babysit her while Safina got ready.

  “Indeed.” Khalil pulled out the chair next to Kelley and took a seat while the servant poured him some tea.

  Kelley sucked in her stomach and held her breath, still unsure of what to say to the man. Today there was far more tension than when she and Khalil first met. It was her, she told herself. She needed to relax! But how? Gazing into the man’s eyes made her dizzy.

  He lifted his cup to his gorgeous lips. “I trust you slept well?”

  “I did, thank you so much for everything.”

  “You are like family,” he stared right into her eyes.

  Clearing her throat, Kelley sipped the remaining drops of tea, trying not to drool on herself. “Safina has been like a sister, for sure.”

  “Shall we?” Khalil finished his tea, rose and helped her with her chair. His arm brushed against her robe.

  Kelley rather liked the robe. It was comfortable and would be very useful against the blazing heat and elements. Also it served as her only shield at the moment to keep her bare skin from brushing against his.

  They walked outside and watched while the staff gathered their belongings and piled the luggage into the trunk of the limo.

  A desert breeze picked up and blew Khalil’s dark curls around his head. A faint whiff of his cologne caught her nostrils, filling her with desire again.

  She moved toward the car, started to climb inside so she could put some distance between them.

  Khalil touched her shoulder as he leaned in and opened the door for her. “Allow me.”

  Goosebumps covered her arms. Dear God she hoped he hadn’t noticed! “Thank you.” She slid over the seat and scooted next to the window farthest away from him.

  Khalil immediately followed and sat across from her, his knee accidentally brushed hers. “Excuse me.”

  “Oh,” Kelley said breathlessly. “You’re fine.”

  They sat in awkward silence for a minute. Kelley wanted to be polite, ask him about his other wife, but she wasn’t sure she should.

  Before she could decide on what to say, Khalil broke the silence. “My…wife…” he said the word awkwardly, “…has not been well. I do appreciate you taking Safina with you because regretfully, I am needed here.”

  “Yes, she told me about Oma. I am so sorry to hear about her illness. I will keep her in my prayers.” Once she said that, she realized prayers might not be a good thing to bring up. Hers were Catholic prayers, his were different, yet the spirit of her caring was the same, regardless of the culture.

  “Indeed, I do appreciate your concern.” His knee bumped her again. “I am sorry.” He scooted over a bit to put more space between them.

  Before she could answer, Safina appeared. “Thank you for waiting.” She climbed in and sat next to Kelley. “It is not necessary to join us, you know.”

  “I have business in town, so it will be my pleasure to accompany you. That way I can ensure you arrive to the flight and are perfectly cared for.” Strangely, instead of telling this to his soon-to-be wife, Khalil stared straight at Kelley.

  She averted his gaze, staring out the window of the limo for what she assumed would be over an hour’s drive to the Istanbul airport. To her surprise, they drove down the mountain, through the middle of the surrounding cliffs and into a gorgeous valley. , They turned down a one lane paved road. A small white metal building and tower stood off in the distance. This was no abandoned shack, but a small airport.

  As they got closer, Kelley saw the jet parked around the corner of the building and a small staff busily stocking the craft with supplies.

  Khalil’s phone rang. “Khalil here.”

  He listened and faint lines in his face deepened. “Understood.” He hung up just as the car pulled next to the jet. “Ladies, although it was my intent to accompany you to Izmir, I am afraid the situation at the palace is not so good and I must go back now. I welcome you to my jet. The pilot is excellent. I trust him with my life and he shall take very good care of you both, as will my staff.”


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