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Sheikh's Desire

Page 7

by Leah Leonard

  Double doors on the farthest wall were opened and Kelley noticed a staff of people standing at the foot of a bed.

  An eerie silence filled the air and for the first time, she realized Khalil was right. Something was terribly wrong.

  She felt bad for ever doubting him, worse for ever coming here in the first place.

  She silently followed Khalil through the doors and got her first glimpse of the patient. Poor Oma lay in an enormous bed with thick coverings on top of her. She appeared a mere shadow of the angry woman who she’d seen the other day. Unrecognizable. A physician stood to the right of the bed, hovering over her with a stethoscope.

  An IV bottle attached to a pole was connected to Oma’s right arm, which was the only part of her body exposed to the air. A thin layer of perspiration covered her face, making it appear shiny over the grayish pallor of her skin.

  She noticed a few ladies hovered nearby, all with their mouths covered with masks.

  There was a deep feeling of foreboding, and Kelley knew that Khalil did not lie to her. This poor woman was likely knocking on death’s door. She tapped Khalil on the shoulder. “Is she contagious?”

  He shook his head. “The nurses wear this to protect her from their germs. Out of respect.”

  She certainly hoped that was the case, because this looked incredibly bleak. Khalil did not wear a mask, nor did the doctor. She wondered if this was yet another chauvinistic attitude, or simply a coincidence. She would have to trust him. He had not given her any reason to believe he lied about her condition. She said a silent prayer that Oma would recover and that she herself, as well as Khalil and everyone who attended to Oma would also continue to remain in good health.

  Kelley had no idea what to do or why she was even needed here. From what she could tell, there were at least a half dozen people attending her, and more outside. While it was a very sad scene, Oma was hardly alone.

  “Come.” Khalil placed his arm around her shoulder and ushered her toward the bed and into a seat beside the dying woman.

  “Are you sure I should be here? Aren’t they enough? I don’t want to upset her.”

  “You won’t,’ Khalil said. “They are staff. Oma has no one in her family to help her.”

  “She has you,” Kelley reminded him.

  “Not the same. Please, hold her hand. Watch her. I shall be back shortly.”

  Oma was completely unconscious.

  Kelley prayed she wouldn’t wake her, but she reached to her free hand, careful not to bump the tubes or agitate her and held her hand.

  Her icy fingers felt lifeless. Oma appeared to have a fever, but now Kelley could confirm she did not. Her breathing was especially labored. Poor lady! Her eyes were circled in black and her brown complexion turned ashen grey.

  Khalil pulled the doctor to the farthest side of the room. The two spoke in hushed whispers.

  All Kelley could hear was, “through the night,” and, “prepare yourself.” Whatever it meant, one thing was for certain. Things here were far worse than she ever imagined.

  Kelley had a deep faith and believed all things happened for a reason. Through all the strange circumstances and beyond her incredible attraction for Khalil, as she sat in vigil with poor Oma, she truly believed God brought her here to assist this poor lady in her final hours on earth.

  That idea gave her peace. No matter what else happened, this moment was as it should be. Kelley would do her best to perform honorably where Oma was concerned and if needed, would stay with her until the bitter end.


  Khalil had never been more humiliated in his life than he was by the actions of Safina this morning. How dare she leave him! How dare she disrespect his family! He would have taken matters in to his own hands, forced her return and called an end to whatever nonsense she pulled, however the arrival of Miss Jones Smith and the illness of Oma tempered his anger. For now.

  When he first saw Kelley, he wanted her more than ever. She was right to feel concerned about his motives, but he wanted her. He had to have her.

  And the kiss! The feel of her body against his, the smell of her skin…once he touched her, his anger toward Safina turned into something he could only describe as gratitude. If not for her, Kelley would not be here.

  He realized in an instant what a lie his life was, how he did everything to honor his family. He was about to marry someone he had no attraction to and did not love as more than as a sister. His only true desire in life was to find a real love, a real passion. Kelley Jones Smith provided this feeling for him like no other woman he had ever been with before. He wanted her more than any acquisition he ever thought about taking. Somehow he would find a way to make her his own.

  But in the interim, he had to find a way to get her to stay. She had been correct to presume Oma wanted for nothing. The ladies who cared for her had known her for years and had come to love her as family. They were deeply saddened by the fact that none expected poor Oma to survive the week, let alone the night.

  Khalil questioned his motives. Perhaps he was testing Kelley. He was curious to see if she would put her own self-interests aside to assist him in his dark hour. She had proven already that she was dependable, trustworthy, and sadly, seemed to show him more respect in this one moment than his former fiancé had the entire time he’d known her.

  Safina had been a childhood friend, someone Khalil knew his whole life. To think how she turned on him at this horrible time shocked him.

  He spoke to Oma’s physician and watched Kelley out of the corner of his eye. She spoke quietly to his wife, held her hand, brushed her hair. She was a kind woman. This made him want her all the more.

  “Sheikh? Did you hear me?” the doctor interrupted him.

  Khalil turned his gaze from Kelley back to the doctor. “Of course.”

  “I do not expect her to last the day. Please, call your father. Make arrangements, prepare yourself.”

  With all that had happened, Khalil did not wish to talk to his father. He was scheduled to arrive for the wedding, which would no longer be happening, and he did not want to face the man. What would he tell his father?

  “I am sorry, Khalil,” the doctor said. The two had known each other Khalil’s whole life. “I know this is hard. Please let me know what I can do.”

  “You have done enough, old friend. I am afraid Oma has never been well. God will see to it she is at peace. I pray you can make her comfortable.”

  “I will, Sheikh. You have my word.”

  “Then this is all I can ask of you.” Khalil glanced back to the deathbed, and although his eyes should be on the person who he had come to love in his own way, the special friend who had been his companion over the past several years, the only thing he could focus on was Kelley. Here, his past and hopefully his future were sitting before him. “Kelley?”

  She turned toward him and he saw tears glistening in her eyes. She truly was a woman of generosity and compassion.

  “Come. We shall allow Oma to rest.”

  “Are you sure? I can stay. I don’t mind at all.”

  This was why he wanted her. He held a hand out for her. “Indeed, please, come.”

  Kelley rose, wiping tears from her eyes and took his hand.

  The searing, burning passion ripped through his palm into his body, energizing him. He would have this woman no matter what. With his entire life crashing down around him, Kelley was the sign he needed to know his future happiness was at hand.


  Kelley followed Khalil and they wandered the grounds on Safina’s old side of the house and sat at a table under an overhanging porch that looked out toward the infinity pools and the mountains.

  The staff prepared an amazing meal and they quietly gazed out at the bright sunny day, neither of them saying a word to the other. The scene was perfect in every way, but Kelley had a heavy heart after seeing poor Oma and knowing all that Khalil must be going through right now.

  “Khalil,” Kelley reached her hand out for his
. “I am so sorry.”

  He caressed her fingers, kissing the tips of each one. “This is why you are a perfect woman, a perfect companion for me. I thank you for your kindness.”

  Shivers rocketed down Kelley’s arm. She hadn’t meant this to be sexy, but sympathetic. She pulled her hands away, folding them neatly in her lap under the table and out of the reach of his magnetic pull. She took a deep breath, composed herself and tried to resume the sympathetic feeling she had for him a moment ago. “You’ve been more than kind to me, and besides, I can’t imagine what you must be going through, to have the love of your life, your wife, dying like this. I will help you however I can.”

  “Then stay.” Khalil leaned forward, gazed deep into her eyes.


  “You heard me. Stay. I should like you here with me. Be my friend, my companion and assist me in going through this most difficult time.”

  Although there was nothing more that she wanted than to be by his side, Kelley had to stay away from the Sheikh, even if doing so killed her. “Khalil, that isn’t appropriate. You’re a married man, and your family will be here soon.”

  “I understand your work brought you here, but I am asking you to allow me to provide you with hospitality. I wish to show you my city, Istanbul, and to get away from all this sickness and death. I desire the pleasure of your company. Nothing more. ”

  Something about his tone made Kelley realize he was not about to take no for an answer. “I don’t know…”

  “I insist.”

  She sighed. “How long are you talking about?”

  “Forever.” He looked like he meant it.

  “Seriously, Khalil. What about your family?”

  “My family is coming soon, yes, but I could take you to our most favorite and revered sites, important to my people and culture. This is your first trip to Istanbul, yes?”

  “Yes. I planned to visit Safina last year, but” Just as she spoke that name she was sure Khalil would never want to hear, she cringed. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bring her up.”

  “Think nothing of it. You and I were both deceived by her. We share that in common.”

  Safina aside, after what Ian did to her, Kelley realized he was right. They both knew the pain of being blindsided.

  Khalil reached his hand across the table, apparently hoping she would take it. “Please, join me. When you like you may return to Ephesus.”

  “All right, under one condition.”

  “What is that?”

  “You and I…we can’t…” Her gaze lingered on his broad chest and the angular chin she wanted to kiss. “Well, you know.”

  “Make love?” Khalil purred.

  Kelley gulped. “Uh…yeah that too, but I was really talking about kissing, holding hands…It isn’t right. It’s disrespectful to Oma.”

  “Fine.” He withdrew his arms, folding them neatly across his chest.


  He nodded. “Stay and you have my word I will try my best to keep a distance.”

  “Try?” She grinned.

  He shrugged and broke into a smile. “It is my best offer.”

  He could be so cute when he wanted to be. How could she possibly resist? “Well, at least you’re honest.”

  “Indeed,” he said as he raised his eyebrows flirtatiously.

  “It sounds like a plan.” Kelley beamed, and unfortunately the Sheikh’s smile sent those unwanted shivers down her body again. She hoped she could keep her hands off of him.

  She had work to do and would need to rent a new place near the site, but for now, she might as well make the most of things and see the area. At the rate things were going, she would likely never come to Turkey ever again.

  She assumed Safina would show her the country, but like much of this trip, things hadn’t turned out at all like she planned. In some ways, the trip was better than she hoped thanks to Khalil.


  Kelley now experienced what Safina had always said about Khalil – he was a good man. A very good man.

  As promised, the Sheikh arranged for a driver to take them to Istanbul that afternoon in the limo.

  Keeping true to his initial wishes, Kelley wore her abaya and Khalil dressed in traditional attire.

  “Come.” Khalil placed his arm around her shoulders to help her into the car.

  Kelley leapt.

  “Pardon,” Khalil smiled, lifting his hands in surrender.

  The shivers reverberated through her body. It was too late. He touched her. Now, for the rest of the day, she would feel him and want him, even if he sat on the other side of the car or across an entire room from her. He could be on the other side of the ocean for all she cared. He had her in his grips whether she liked it or not.

  Khalil gave Kelley the best seat in the house, with a full panoramic view of the scenic mountains surrounding Istanbul. When the city came into focus, it took her breath away. Stunning bridges and waterways surrounded gorgeous domed buildings. Kelley tried her best to keep her eyes on the scenery outside the limo, but that was tough to do. Khalil was quite a sight himself.

  He kept his eyes fixed on her and she felt him constantly. Every little move he made, every time he crossed his legs or made any motion at all, the hair on the back of her neck prickled and rushes of excitement washed through her body. Dear God! How would she keep her hands off of him? She had to, she had no other choice. “So,” she glanced at him from the corner of her eye while still trying to appear disinterested in him. “Where are we going?”

  “Ah, you must wait a few more minutes. I shall surprise you.”

  “Should I close my eyes,” Kelley giggled. Assuming that shutting out the visual world for a moment might help get Khalil off her mind, in reality, it only made things worse. She could feel his every movement, hear the sound of his robe brushing against the leather seats, and his scent nearly drove her to madness. She concentrated on her breathing and tried to relax, a nearly impossible task.

  “Yes, close your eyes and I will tell you when you may open them.”


  Khalil took full advantage of the moment. He finally had the opportunity to look at her every line, study her every feature. She really was a gorgeous woman.

  He loved the lines of her face, slightly heart shaped, full cheeks, yet high cheekbones all placed in perfect symmetry. Her eyes were aqua pools of delight. With them closed and the bright blue not such a distraction, he noticed her long eyelashes, and longed to kiss each one.

  He studied the muscles in her long neck, thought about her shoulders, which, thanks to him were covered now. Perhaps later they should share a swim in the pool and he could see them again…

  His gaze wandered down her body, the slight ripple of her breasts under the loose fitting fabric aroused him. He wanted to kiss them too. Soon, he thought. Very soon.

  Regardless of his heightened desire, Khalil realized he had to keep these thoughts to himself. He did not want to frighten Kelley and have her run away to Ephesus, or worse, abandon her work altogether and go back to the United States. He wanted her here with him, and if he had to move slow, then so be it.

  He wanted her here, needed her in fact. While the diversion was a welcome relief, soon he would need to get back to the business of Oma. For now, he wished to push all thoughts of anything but Kelley far from his mind. “May I present, Topkapi Palace, an important landmark of our culture. I believe you will find the Ottoman architecture and museums much to your liking.”

  “Thank you, Khalil, I’ve wanted to come here for years.”

  “You are most welcome.”

  “The palace was definitely on my to do list while I’m here.”

  “Oh?” he purred, raising his eyebrows slightly. “What else is on your list, my dear?”


  Kelley tried pushing the carnal thoughts from her mind, but at the moment, the only real thing on her bucket list was wrapping her arms and legs around the Sheikh. “I’m sure wherever you decide
to take me will be fine. I do want to see the Blue Mosque, though. And the old city market.”

  “Indeed,” Khalil said. “We shall visit those places tomorrow.”


  The driver opened their doors and assisted Kelley out of the limo. Khalil followed close behind her and placed a gentle and protective arm around her shoulder.

  Kelley gasped and jumped away.

  “Pardon me,” Khalil said.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean anything by that. I appreciate the gesture it’s just…”

  “Difficult,” they both said at once.

  Kelley paused, gazed into his eyes. “Exactly. I told you, I’m trying to be good, and to be honest, I find you…”

  “Irresistible?” Khalil teased.

  “Something like that, yes.” Although she tried laughing it off, the reality was she wanted him and didn’t know how long she could stand being around him without running her hands all over his body.

  “First we will go to the museum,” Khalil said.

  She hoped looking at artifacts would stimulate her archeological passion, so her desire for Khalil would simmer down a bit. “Sounds good.”

  “There is much to see here. One could spend a week or more exploring these ancient treasures,” Khalil explained.

  “I’m sure.”

  “I shall allow you to select what you wish to see.” Khalil led her into the main entrance where a sign showed a map of the museum and all the artifacts housed within. “Arms and weapons?”

  Kelley made a face.

  “I did not think so. Chinese and Japanese porcelains?”

  “I’m sure they’re lovely, but I want to know more about your culture.”

  “This pleases me greatly.” Khalil bowed. “May I suggest this?” He pointed to a description of the Imperial Treasury.


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