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Sheikh's Desire

Page 14

by Leah Leonard

  They kissed and embraced, not in the passionate way they did the other night, but in a deeper way, as though these two souls had indeed been brought together through some higher power.

  “I love you,” Khalil gazed into her eyes.

  “And I love you, so much!” She kissed him again, pressed her body against his, the fevered heat rose within her center and she never felt surer of anything in her life.


  The car pulled into the drive and the two did not wait for the driver to come around to let them out of the car. Khalil rushed across the seat, opening the limo door, he reached out for Kelley’s hand, admiring the ring on her finger. He had not planned his proposal to be this way, but the passion he felt for her overtook him. Never in his life had he wanted anything as much as he wanted her.

  They pushed past the line of servants, ran through the ballroom through the doors leading into Safina’s old part of the palace. Running like teenagers down the hall, they finally arrived at Safina’s old quarters. Kelley’s bags were already inside.

  Khalil pushed the door open, allowing Kelley to pass him, but before she could ask about her newly upgraded accommodations, he turned and locked the deadbolt behind him, rushed to her, and took her in his arms, kissing her forcefully.

  Kelley melted into his arms and willingly allowed him to throw her abaya robe into the floor, more than pleased to see that underneath the traditional gown, she wore her Americanized tank top and shorts.

  Her tanned legs were long and muscular, and how he longed to have them wrapped around him! He ran his hands appreciatively over her lean arms, and began kissing her neck, smelling her fragrant scent as his hands eagerly removed her clothing until she wore nothing but a bra, panties, and her huge diamond ring. He cupped her breast in his hand, hungrily kissing her and lifting her off the floor. He placed her in the center of the bed, appreciating every single inch of her, taking in all details, never wanting to forget a single moment of the day his life finally turned out the way he wanted.

  Kelley sat up and reached for him, helping him out of his pants.

  He fell on top of her, pressing himself into her thighs and stomach, hardening more with kiss. “I want you.”

  “And I want you,” she whispered into his ear while kissing his neck and running her hands down his torso, over his chest and settling her palms on his buttocks, she gave him a squeeze and pushed him closer to her, removed his underwear.

  He unhooked her bra, slid his mouth down her breasts, to her stomach, teasing her as he removed her panties. He grabbed her hips in his hands, spread her wide and slid up her body, brushing his lips against every part of her. He gazed into her eyes, holding his cock in one hand, propping himself up with the other. “Ready, my wife?”

  “Uh huh,” Kelley breathed, spreading her legs wider.

  He slid in her easily, thrusting himself into the hilt.

  She moaned out in ecstasy, arching her back to meet his every move.

  He slid his hand to the small of her back, lifting her body so he could put all of himself inside her. He moaned out with every stroke, wanting her more than ever, he slid his hands under her, grabbing her bottom and tilting her body so they fit together like a hand in a tight leather glove. He stroked and plunged, slowing at times to savor her, quickening his strokes at others, based on her wet response and eager body. He flipped her over, squeezing his hands around her small waist, relishing in the view of her muscular back and perfectly formed bottom. He sank himself deeper, stroking, wanting her, pounding, and just before he released, he slowed down yet again, tenderly putting her on her back, gazing into her eyes. “I love you.”

  She tilted her head back, whispered, “I love you.”

  This sent him over the edge and a long, drawn out orgasm emptied him deep within her, as he felt the pulsing sensations and heard the moans of her mutual pleasure. He thought of the children she would bare him. The empire they would build together, and nothing ever turned him on more. They fell together in a heap. He lay on top of her, panting, breathing, relishing in the beat of her heart against his and the feeling of their connection as one body, one soul, one mind. When calm had come over them both, he rolled to the side, holding her in his arms, staring at the ceiling. “You are the most amazing woman I have ever known.”

  Turning to her side, Kelley leaned into the crux of his arm, running her fingers slowly through the hair on his chest. “I love you.”


  After a deliciously brief nap in the middle of the afternoon, Kelley woke some time later. The afternoon had been a blur. That’s when she saw her ring finger and remembered the heated proposal, the amazing round of lovemaking. Life had never been sweeter than it was at this moment.

  Khalil was still dozing. Poor had been through so much these past few weeks with Oma’s illness and death, the funeral and now all the drama with Safina. He was probably tired, and certainly deserved a little rest.

  She thought about all he had done to help her and everything he told her in the car on the way here today. Destiny was undoubtedly at play in their lives. Too much had happened for this to be random.

  “Hello,” Khalil purred sleepily, rolling to his side, he pressed his hardening center against her thigh.

  “I see you’re awake,” Kelley teased.

  “I am…” he groaned.

  “Part of you is, anyhow,” she giggled.

  He rolled on top of her again, and easily entered her, taking her slowly and gently, until he released inside her and rolled to his side, holding her in his arms.

  “I’m awake now,” she kissed his cheek, rolled on top of him, kissing his neck and placing herself on top of his stiffening center yet again.

  “I can see that,” he met her every stroke evenly until they both released yet again, and rested, tangled in each other’s arms.

  They stared at the ceiling, holding hands, their legs tangled together like two people who had been married for years.

  “This day is perfect,” Khalil said. “Especially now that I know you are mine and we are going to be together for the rest of our lives.”

  Despite everything, Kelley realized he was right. Everything was turning out perfectly. She believed they were definitely meant to be. “So does this mean you won’t fly off to Ephesus to beat up Josh?”

  Fortunately, Khalil actually chuckled at the remark. “I want to even more now. Yet I must also thank him for his stupidity and for removing the obstacle of Safina from our lives.”

  Kelley realized that at least for now, at this moment, she had found her home away from home, here at the palace, in Khalil’s arms.


  After spending most of the entire day in bed together, the couple finally rose in the late afternoon and moved to the private courtyard, where they read books and enjoyed afternoon tea served with the most delicious homemade Turkish Delight Kelley had ever tasted.

  On the Sheikh’s orders, they dined in the private patio overlooking the mountains and the pool. She overheard Khalil telling them he wanted privacy, and as such, the staff kept their distance, except for brief encounters to freshen drinks or drop of trays of fruits and other snacks.

  Shortly before sunset, refreshing cool fruit drinks were served and she and Khalil toasted as the sun dipped under the horizon.

  “To the most beautiful day of my life,” he lifted his glass, “and the most stunning woman any man could hope to have.”

  “To a great love and finding happiness amidst sadness,” Kelley said.

  Their glasses clinked, they both took a sip, placing their glasses on the table, and Khalil leaned in and kissed her slowly, passionately. “I have never been happier.”

  “Me neither,” Kelley said as a brief vision of her past romance with Ian flashed through her mind. What a drab man he was! He didn’t have a passionate bone in his body compared to Khalil. And all they ever did was the same thing day after day.

  She knew a life with Khalil would be filled with fun, adventure
and passion, something she longed for in her life and realized before today, she had been sorely missing in all areas of her life except for work.

  Life was short. Oma had proven that. She was excited about experiencing her life with a true partner. Khalil was perfect.

  After enjoying the sunset and finishing their drinks, the couple retreated indoors to shower and freshen up for dinner. Khalil disappeared into his own part of the palace, while Kelley went back to her quarters to take a long hot bath, which the servants had drawn for her while she and Khalil were having their drinks.

  The bathroom in her new quarters was absolutely magnificent, compared with the guest room. The room was covered in marble tiles and a giant round bathtub, larger than most public hot tubs in the States, sat in the center of the room. A large walk in closet the size of her kitchen in Boston was completely empty. She wasn’t sure she would ever get used to such extravagance.

  Kelley stepped into the bath. Fresh lilac petals floated on the surface and a bottle of sea salt sat on the edge of the tub. Peaceful music played over an intercom system in the background and the warm air refreshed and relaxed her. The experience was absolutely luxurious, the oils moistened her skin, and the staff took care to light several candles around the room for further ambiance.

  When she alighted from the bath, she stepped into the main part of her bedroom to get her suitcase and try to find something to wear. She knew Khalil wanted her in her white abaya, but she wanted to wear something special for him tonight, respectful, but special, because now the two had shared the physical bond that could never be broken. It was a night she never wanted to forget.

  The first thing she noticed when she went into the bedroom was the fact the bed had been freshly made. She recalled the twisted ball of sweaty sheets there only an hour earlier and hoped the staff wouldn’t think less of her. She realized they were a conservative culture, and yet, she could not resist Khalil. When they were near each other, neither could keep their hands off the other.

  At the foot of the bed, a bright blue gown was folded neatly. A card lay on top of the item. Kelley pulled the card from the envelope:

  A beautiful gown for a beautiful girl…to match your eyes.

  With Love and Affection to my Future Bride,


  Kelley lifted the gown off the bed. Bright turquoise colored silk felt more like something she should wear in the privacy of the bedroom, rather than where people could actually see her. She slipped it on, admiring the conservative yet sleek fit and thought she would have some fun by wearing nothing underneath. She knew she could not resist Khalil, and hoped tonight they would spend the whole night together.

  She moved to a dresser where she kept her jewelry, and found another box, with another note:

  To my jewel with love

  She lifted the lid and found a bright blue sapphire necklace and matching earrings. She tried them on with the conservative gown and found they were perfect. Just like everything with Khalil had been so far.

  Despite the fact he spoiled her, she would still need to go to Boston at some point to pack. Maybe that can wait. For now.


  Khalil retired to his chambers to shower and ready himself for dinner with Kelley. He hoped to have quiet reflective time, where his thoughts could return to the lovemaking session they shared today, and to fantasies of what he planned to do with her tonight once they were alone again, however these peaceful thoughts were not possible.

  His manservant knocked and after Khalil allowed him to enter his chambers, he announced, “Sir, your father has left several urgent messages for you. He wishes to speak to you at once.”

  Khalil respected his father, however he was literally the last person he wanted to speak to right now. “Call and tell him I am busy. I am in a meeting.”

  “Yes, sir,” the servant bowed.

  Nothing would come in the way of Khalil’s pleasurable evening he planned to share with his Kelley. Especially not his father.


  Kelley finished dressing and was heading to the same dining room where she and Khalil shared their very first meal together, when one of the servants met her in the hall.

  “The Sheikh requests you join him in his private dining room this evening.”

  Kelley realized that she had never been to any of Khalil’s private quarters before and didn’t even know where it was. The palace was enormous, and during the limited time she’d been here, she hadn’t thought to check. Before she could ask where or inquire about how to get there, the servant said, “Follow me.”

  From the courtyard and fountain area, the servant led Kelley outside, past the swimming pool to the farthest side of the deck, and around the property to the back. A wide-open area with massive trees and vegetation was landscaped to the level of any of the greatest arboretums she had ever visited.

  They walked down a tree-lined path through the middle of what seemed an actual forest for a minimum of a quarter of a mile or more, when she began noticing the golden dome of the enormous structure ahead.

  The exterior kept with the white stucco theme of the other parts of the palace, however each window was trimmed in gold, to match the gold dome atop the structure, and around the gold frames, and intricate swirls of gold and blue designed tiles.

  The moment they approached the front doors swung open and two elegantly dressed gentlemen servants appeared who Kelley had never seen before. She ascended several steps and walked over the threshold of the palace. Inside, the area was covered in the finest marble floors she had ever seen, and the wall moldings were made of pure gold.

  Khalil stood directly inside the door, approached her, took her hand and bowed. “You look ravishing this evening.”

  “So do you,” Kelley said as she admired Khalil’s slim fitting jet black tuxedo. Her mouth watered a little and she wished they were back in the bedroom.

  “Our dinner shall be served soon. Come.” He took her hand and led her though a candlelit hallway into a formal dining room with an enormous table with enough seats for forty people.

  They went to another smaller room with a round table and a balcony that opened up to a perfect view of the nearby cliffs. Khalil ensured she had the very best view. “Sunsets here are marvelous.”

  “Oh this is perfect, Khalil, thank you.”

  She noticed him sitting across from her, smiling, and she realized that although the scenery was gorgeous, he was far better than anything in the natural world.

  He reached across the table, took her hand, kissed her fingers, possessively running his thumb over her diamond. “I trust you enjoyed your rest?”

  “Yes, and this,” she gestured to her gown, “is lovely. And the earrings and necklace. Thank you, Khalil.”

  “Think nothing of it. You deserve only the most beautiful things. I wanted you to wear the gown in Istanbul tonight where I planned to propose, but…” He leaned in and kissed her.

  The room was illuminated by candlelight. The staff brought in a simple yet elegant meal of braised lamb, lightly sautéed vegetables and baked bread. Everything was fresh and healthy, perfectly seasoned with regional spice.

  Khalil fed her grapes and lifted his fork to her mouth so she could try every kind of marinated meat on the platter. He seemed to revel in serving her and in between bites, he tenderly kissed her mouth, her cheek, her eyelids.

  Despite this, Kelley couldn’t help but notice that something was troubling Khalil. He didn’t seem quite the same as he was this afternoon. “Are you all right?”

  “Yes, why?” He popped a grape into her mouth, kissing her.

  She sensed the sincerity in his reply and realized at some point, despite Ian, Josh and everyone else who let her down, she needed to learn to trust him and have faith. “What is it then? You know you can tell me.”


  Khalil couldn’t believe how intuitive Kelley was. She did know him, too well, he thought, for her own good. He did not wish to worry her about anything
, especially his own troubles and dealings with his family. “Am I that obvious?”

  “Maybe I know you better than you think.”

  “Indeed.” He thought about his words for a moment. “My father shall be back soon.”

  “When will that be?”

  “I do not know.”

  “He didn’t tell you?”

  “I did not ask. He called, that is all and I refused to call him back because I know when I do, he is likely to return, and I do not wish for anyone to come between us right now.”

  Kelley laughed.

  He scowled. “What amuses you about this?”

  “You remind me of every American I know. Always wanting freedom and independence from their family.”

  Khalil chuckled. “Indeed.”

  “Well, call him back, see what he wants.”

  Khalil knew full well what the old man wanted – to marry him off to a spinster of a wealthy family, and he wanted no part of that. All he wanted was Kelley. He would marry her as soon as possible, with or without their approval. He still worried she might leave him at some point to go back to the United States. He spent the entire afternoon working on something to ensure she would stay. “I want something else first. I thought about your work, the vessel, and I knew I had heard of it before so I made a call and arranged for us to go searching for this tomorrow.”

  “I told you, Khalil, I’m done with it. I’ve come to peace about the fact that you were the reason why I came here.”

  “I insist on helping you,” he took her hands.

  “Thank you but this isn’t real, remember? There’s no use.

  Not that I don’t appreciate the gesture, I do, believe me, but it’s over. I’m disappointed, but I can accept that.”

  “Nonsense. I shall not have my future bride disappointed.”

  “Please, Khalil, hear what I’m saying. It’s over. The vessel is not real and the sooner I accept that, the better.”


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