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My Lucky Charm

Page 10

by Wolfe, Scarlet

  “I can’t believe this is happening,” I say.

  “I hadn’t planned on the paparazzi finding me, so I was going to tell you today and then Parker and Sierra tomorrow but that blew up. Sierra, I’m so sorry. I did lie to you but only about a couple of minor things.

  “Paul is not my big brother; he’s my bodyguard. Also, my stylist, Casey, she’s my cousin. I had the money to pay for your hair because I have an endless amount of it.”

  “But why in the world are you living in Boulder?” I ask.

  “Because Maxwell Lane is scandalous,” Parker says, holding his hand out. He’s really loving this.

  “What does that even mean, Parker?” I ask, running my hands down my face.

  “Her dad cheated on her mother with a seventeen year old. Well, she was eighteen when it came out. That’s pretty much it.”

  “Remember when I told you about my father? Well, it was in every paper, on every television station, and all over the internet. My mom and I were humiliated. She divorced him, and in July, we moved here to start over.”

  “I remember hearing about that, but how is it no one recognized you until now?”

  “Because she doesn’t look or act the same,” Sierra says. “Why did you even want to hang out with me?” she asks, pointing to herself. “You used to hang out with … I don’t know, people more like Brandon.”

  “That’s not who I was inside, Sierra. It was forced on me because of our wealth. I really like you and feel more real with you than I have with any of my old friends. Same with Parker.”

  Leah has a pleading expression on her pretty face as she tangles her fingers in front of her and moves nervously around my family room. This is too much, and I have a bad feeling my heart is getting crushed. I’m beyond confused.

  “Can I talk to you alone in my room?”

  She nods, so I take her hand and begin to walk, but she stops us and throws her other hand out, pointing at Parker and Sierra.

  “Whatever you do, don’t open that door for anyone. I mean anyone, and don’t peek out the curtains. They will get pictures of you.”

  Sierra and Parker both hold their hands up in surrender. “Oh, and don’t tell anyone on your phone where you are.”

  Sierra scrunches her forehead. “I’m sorry, but I texted Gabe. I knew he would worry.”

  “No one else,” Leah says, still pointing.

  A True Troublemaker


  Brandon pulls me up to his room by the hand. It’s dark since the blinds are drawn, so he turns on a light. Letting my hand go, he turns around and stares at me. He stares hard, and I want to look away, but at this point, he deserves some answers.

  “I’m sorry you had to find out this way. I swear I was going to take you to my home tonight and tell you everything. My mom wants to meet you. I actually only live about two miles down the road.”

  His eyes widen. “Where?”

  “Do you know the colossal home that was for sale on 75th St.?”

  “Yes, and I don’t know what to say.”

  “The only thing different about me than what you knew before is that my family is extremely wealthy and well known, the paparazzi have invaded this town, and my first name is different. I’ll always feel like Leah with you, so I don’t want you to call me Leeza.

  “I’m still the person you fell for. My interests and the way I look are the true me, and the way I feel about you is real.” I take hold of the front of his sweatshirt at his chest and grip it tight with both hands like I have before.

  “Please believe me, Bran. I really care about you, and I don’t want to lose you.”

  He clutches my shoulders and kisses me with so much force. I slide my hands up around his neck and push my body against his, unable to feel close enough, terrified it’ll be our last kiss.

  Groaning, he wraps his arms tight around me, embracing me in his wide chest, and I want to melt into him. He releases my lips and gazes down at me.

  “Yeah, you’re still the same,” he says, giving me that boyish grin that makes me a puddle of goo.

  I sigh loudly with relief. “You need to understand, Brandon. I had no intentions of falling for a guy here. I wanted to graduate under the radar and go to Europe, but by changing my appearance, I drew a lot of attention at school, and then I fell for you.

  “Everything has happened fast, and I’ve been trying to figure out what to do. I’m going to a public school, too. It’s not safe for someone whose family has so much money. For my own safety, I had to be careful.”

  “You drew attention because you’re beautiful. Girls like Nicole and Amber don’t like you because they feel threatened. You’re gorgeous and kind and they know it.”

  “You’re sweet, Bran. So, you really forgive me for not telling you?”

  “Yes, I get it, but this whole thing is jacked up. What happens now? Will those people outside go away soon?”

  I shake my head swiftly. “No. They’ll camp out if they don’t see me leave. Unfortunately, I just brought a lot of attention to your family. They’re going to hate me.”

  “They won’t hate you. This isn’t your fault.”

  “We better go downstairs and get a game plan before Parker parades himself around the front yard. His biggest dreams are coming true,” I say with a giggle.

  Back in the family room, I barely lift a slat of the blinds and see that there are now four vehicles at Brandon’s and several cameramen standing around them. There are also a few people on their phones, probably doing research, trying to find out who lives here.

  “Oh, no. Brandon, you have to call your parents and tell them what’s going on. Tell them I’ll do my best to get the reporters away from here before they come home. I’ll go to my house, and they’ll follow me there.”

  “I’m going with you,” he says.

  “So am I,” Sierra chimes in, holding her hand up like she’s in class. She’s still really freaked out.

  Parker wraps his arms around my shoulders.

  “Well, you know I’m going. I can’t wait to see your place.”

  “Brandon, I have a plan to get the paparazzi out of here, and it’s a way to pick up Tyler.”

  He walks over and wraps his arms around my waist, his intense gaze locking with mine.

  “Since we’re leaving here, you now owe me a whole lot of trouble in your room, and I plan on collecting.” His voice is low and demanding before he dips his head and plants a–long–drugging–sensuous kiss on my lips.



  I let Leah’s lips go and see her eyeing mine. Every minute, the sexual tension between us rises. Not touching her is next to impossible, so I’m giving up trying. “Let’s here this plan.”

  “Whoa! That was hotter than Adam Levine butt naked,” Parker says from behind Leah, fanning his face. I have to laugh. He’s still funny like he was when we were little kids.

  She swallows hard. “OK, um, I need to call Paul.” Her deep blue eyes still stare at my lips, and I have to fight a smile as I let her go.


  “Are you ready? Paul said he’s almost here.” Leah is peeking out as the four of us stand near my front door. We’ve been killing time, waiting for the school day to end. Paul is taking Leah and me back to her house.

  Parker is going to drive her car to the school, arriving right as it lets out. The plan is for Sierra to go in and get Leah’s purse out of her locker where Tyler is going to meet her. She’ll lead my brother back to the car, and then they’ll drive to Leah’s.

  Tyler is pissed at me. He said he’s heard all kinds of rumors and wants answers. I told him I couldn’t tell him anything until I see him. He doesn’t know Sierra, so he’s not happy about meeting her at Leah’s locker and riding with her and Parker, but he’ll have to get over it. He won’t be upset once he knows the truth.

  My parents were tripping worse. My mother is an administrator of a hospital, my father an attorney. They were happy when I first told them the news about
Leah, but after they remembered what her father did, they worried it could hurt their reputation if I’m with her. It doesn’t matter since I refuse to give her up.

  Paul slowly pulls into my driveway since the cameramen are swarming the car. I guess they think this gives them permission to come onto my property because they follow him on foot up the drive.

  As soon as he gets to the door, we go out. Pulling Leah into his arms, he shelters her the entire way to the car. It pisses me off. I could protect her on my own.

  People are yelling at us, throwing out questions. They want to know who I am, where she’s living, and why she looks different, among many other inquiries. After she’s in the backseat, I get in and slam the door. I look ahead and see that Parker and Sierra are in Leah’s car.

  “This is nuts,” I say.

  “I’m sorry, Brandon.” Leah takes hold of my hand.

  “Stop apologizing.”

  “No. If you had known who I was from the beginning—”

  “I still would’ve wanted you.” I hold my finger over her lips, trying to silence her. “You’re mine, Lucky Charm.”

  She slowly nods her head as the heat between us grows stronger. I want to make out with her so bad, but I don’t know what to make of Paul. I recognize him as the same dude who was mean mugging me at Scope.

  I move my finger from her lips, and she grabs it, kissing it like I had done hers. Leah’s turning my world upside down, and I’m welcoming it, looking forward to her next move.

  She’s now more of a mystery, and we have a lot to talk about. Besides wanting to know every thought in her head, I’m ready to explore every inch of her.

  “Leeza, Casey and your aunt Dottie are at the house. The media already made the connection,” Paul says.

  As we approach her long drive, there are a few vehicles by the gate, and there are a couple of guys dressed in security uniforms waiting to keep the media from coming onto the property.

  Microphones and cameras bump the windows as we pull into the driveway. The guards are holding their arms out, keeping the paparazzi from entering behind us. I look behind me through the window and see that the vehicles staking out my home followed us here.

  Turning back around, I run a hand through my hair and blow out a deep breath. I have a feeling this isn’t going to ease up any time soon, and it’s already stressing me out.

  I’m astonished by the size of Leah’s mansion. I have a nice home, but I no longer believe I have a large home. This is insane. The property alone is incredible with its stone walkways, trees and unique plants. The front door, a colored nature scene that is hand carved, is a masterpiece in itself.

  Once inside, I notice the ceilings that appear to be thirty foot high and the floor to ceiling windows that go across the great room. Leah has me follow her into the kitchen.

  The appliances are massive and made of stainless steel, and there is a sixty inch television built into a wall. There’s an older lady cooking who turns and smiles at us.

  “Martha, this is Brandon. Brandon, this is our housekeeper, Martha. She’s more like my grandma.” Leah wraps her arms around Martha and hugs her. “She takes good care of me.”

  “Nice to meet you, Brandon.” She turns her attention to Leah. “As soon as I heard your friends were coming, I started fixing some snacks for you. They’ll be ready soon.”

  Leah beams. “I told you she takes good care of me.”

  I’m not sure where Paul disappeared to, but Leah takes me to a sunroom off the kitchen. There are two ladies there who Leah hugs. They appear to be in their forties, and for older women, they’re attractive, and both of them favor Leah.

  One is wearing flashy clothes and has a ton of make-up on. The other appears more reserved, and once my eyes meet hers, I see that she has to be Leah’s mother. “This is my boyfriend, Brandon. Brandon, this is my mother, Kendra, and her sister, Dottie.”

  “Hi, it’s nice to meet you both,” I say, shaking their hands.

  “Oh, give me a hug,” Kendra says, pulling me against her. “I’m so sorry you’re having to deal with the paparazzi. It can be a real nightmare, but I’m so glad Leeza has made friends already.”

  Kendra finally lets me out of an awkward hug, and I look to Leah. She’s enjoying this as she tries to hide a smile.

  “Where’s Casey?” she asks, looking around.

  “She’s in the restroom. Paul said there are more kids coming. It’ll be nice for you and your mother to have a houseful of visitors for a change,” Dottie replies excitedly. “Your boyfriend is handsome, Leeza.” She steps closer and pinches both my cheeks.

  “I think so, too,” Leah says with a giggle. It’s strange to hear her called Leeza.”

  “Thanks, ma’am,” I say.

  Leah takes my hand. “OK, we’re going to go. My friends should be here soon.”

  “Alright, dear. Come back and visit later. It was nice meeting you, Brandon,” Kendra calls out as we leave the room.


  I take Brandon’s hand and lead him through the house. Paul and Casey come out from the hallway as we make it to the great room. Interesting that they’re together.

  “Casey, this is my boyfriend, Brandon.”

  “Nice to meet you, Brandon,” Casey says, shaking his hand.

  “What are you up to, Paul?” I ask.

  “I ran into Casey, so I told her I’d show her the guest quarters.”

  “You haven’t seen them since we moved in?” I ask. I’m messing with them.

  “No, I haven’t, so Paul is going to be sweet and show me around.”

  He shoots me a warning look, and I can’t help but giggle. “OK, we can chat later.” I wave the peace sign in front of me. “Peace out, Boy Scout.”

  Paul shakes his head and walks away with Casey following behind him. I think it’s cute they like each other, but he didn’t find that funny.

  Right when we’re about to sit, the doorbell rings. I run to the door and see that it’s Tyler, Parker and Sierra. The three of them have wide eyes, and Parker is grinning.

  “Girlfriend, this is like Beverly Hills meets the wilderness. What is it, like ten thousand square feet?” Parker asks, looking around.

  “Close, I think. Follow me.” We walk to the great room and take a seat.

  “What the heck’s going on, Brandon?” Tyler asks. “You’re two friends here filled me in some.” He glances to Sierra and Parker with a look of irritation. “But what’s gonna happen now?”

  “I don’t know, Tyler. We haven’t had a chance to discuss it.”

  Tyler stares at me. “I can’t believe you’re Leeza Lane. I don’t know why you’d want to date my brother.” He smirks at Brandon.

  “Don’t start, Tyler.”

  “Do you have any attractive sisters, cousins or friends?” he asks.

  “Tyler, really?” Brandon asks angrily.

  “Fine, I’ll shut up, but this better help my reputation, not hurt it. You two are majorly disrupting my world.”

  “Because we know you live such an exciting life at fourteen,” Brandon says.

  “OK, OK. I want a tour,” Parker says, looking around the room.

  “Let’s talk a minute first. Once your parents are home, Paul will drive all of you there. I’m going to go out and keep the media distracted, so they won’t follow you home.”

  “You’re going to give them photos just to keep them from following us?” Parker asks.

  “Yes. They’ll get them before long, anyway, and the sooner they get them, the sooner I become an old story.”

  “Then I’m staying here with you. I can’t leave knowing you’re out there with those pushy cameramen,” Brandon says protectively.

  “We’ll see. If no one follows Parker and Sierra, they should be free of the paparazzi after today, but for you, Brandon, they’ll probably be creeping around your house for a while. They know I was there, so they’ll be trying to get photos of you and a story.

  “Tyler, I’m sorry you’ve been brought i
nto this, but it’s important you don’t tell them anything. It might not be aired the way you say it, and I don’t want your family getting bad press.”

  “Just for you, I won’t talk to them,” he says with a wink. He’s a menace.

  Martha comes in to tell us the food is ready, so we go to the dining room. There is a full spread of every kind of soda and snack imaginable. There is queso and chips, pizza snacks, chicken wings, a veggie and fruit tray and cookies.

  We eat and talk, and Parker keeps us laughing most of the time. Sierra doesn’t say a lot. I’ll have to talk to her alone soon. She does laugh and eat, so that’s good.

  Parker gossips about people at school and asks me a ton of questions about the other celebrity teens I know and attended school with.

  After a couple of hours, Brandon calls home. His parents inform him that there are no paparazzi lurking around, but he refuses to leave. It makes me feel good that he wants to be sure I’m safe.

  I text Paul, and he agrees to take Tyler, Parker and Sierra home, so I give everyone a tour of the house while we wait on the Boy Scout to finish doing whatever it is he’s doing with my cousin. Yuck.



  Leah and I follow Paul to the end of the drive in what I found out is her BMW. She’s been driving her housekeeper’s car. This whole situation keeps getting more bizarre by the hour.

  I hate that she’s going to speak to the media to spare her friends the chaos, but it makes sense. Leah’s sweet and considerate. I know she’s worried about this publicity hurting each one of us.

  She insists I stay in the passenger seat, so as Paul starts to pull out of the driveway, Leah steps one foot out of the driver side and stands with the door of the car open.

  As soon as the paparazzi see her, their cameras turn to Leah. The two security guys keep them away, but they’re close enough to ask questions.

  Leah tells them she moved here to start a new life. They ask her about her mom and her relationship with her father, but she refuses to comment. Then they ask her about her change in appearance, and she tells them this is how she wants to look and dress.


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