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My Lucky Charm

Page 14

by Wolfe, Scarlet

  He gives me a short kiss and hug.

  “I’ll see you at school in the morning, right?” he asks.

  “Yes, I’ll be there. Let’s hope it’s a better day.”

  “It will be. I’ll make sure of it.” He winks at me and exits the door.

  I’m a lucky girl to have a guy that will fight for me this much, and I believe with all my heart that whether I had money or not, he would’ve fought for me the same. Yes, I love him already.

  I go back inside and visit with Maxwell for about an hour before he needs to leave for the airport. Martha serves dinner to his entourage, so that gives us some time alone.

  Shockingly, he apologizes for insinuating that he didn’t believe me about Joseph Hartford. He also says he likes Brandon, which truly surprises me. Maybe I’ll work on forgiving him after all. I made him promise not to fire Paul, and once he leaves, Paul hugs me hard.

  “Don’t ever run off again. I wanted to hug you earlier, but I didn’t want your boyfriend glaring at me any more than he already does. I was really worried about you.”

  “I’m sorry, Paul. I’d had all the stress I could handle from this move. I won’t do it again, and Maxwell was right about it being childish.”

  “Don’t be too hard on yourself. Your father can be childish.”

  “I knew there was a reason I liked you. You’re a teddy bear inside,” I say, pointing to his chest. “I really don’t see how you were ever a marine, a Boy Scout maybe but marine, not so much.”

  “While we’re talking about the sappy stuff, do you know anything I could get for Casey? Does she like flowers or candy, or should I take her somewhere? I don’t know. She’s so friendly, and I’m quieter, so maybe I should let her find someone more outgoing.”

  “Stop, Paul. She really, really likes you. She lights up whenever she sees you. Take her to Flagstaff Mountain but at night. I can’t get over how captivating it is. It’s really romantic, too, and that makes memories. Flowers are good but more easily forgotten. Trust me on this,” I say, taking hold of his shoulders.

  “I can do that. Thanks, Leeza, I mean, Leah.” Paul smiles at me before he walks away. I’m Leah here, and I have family that loves me, a big brother and friends. Now, I need Brandon to love me, and I need to figure out what to do about his friends.

  At a Crossroads


  It’s almost lunchtime, and it’s been a drama free day. I plan on keeping it that way, so Leah and I can get into a whole lot of trouble later in what I’m now calling our special hideaway.

  In a matter of a few days, I’m not as fazed by the media, and she thinks they’ll leave soon. When we got to school this morning, Tyler told her there were Brandon fan pages on the Internet. Several photos of me have been online and in the magazines, so I now have a fun club like my little brother.

  When he said it, she scrunched her forehead and frowned as she looped her arm through mine, tugging me closer. It’s kinda sweet how she’s jealous. The other girlfriends I had made me feel like I could be easily discarded, especially Amber.

  For the first time ever, I don’t feel disposable, and now I get it. Leah’s never felt that. That’s what she’s looking for, to feel secure and wanted enough to stay in Boulder … to stay with me. I can tell her all day long, but she needs me to show her.

  I hang back a few minutes before lunch to make sure Leah will be in the cafeteria. This is difficult due to the unknown backlash I could receive but she’s worth it. I get my tray and walk past my normal spot. I see Gabe and Jarred look up first and smirk. Then Gabe taps Sierra on the arm. She’s engrossed in conversation with Leah.

  “Can I sit with you?”

  “Brandon Jennings, asking to eat at our table. Unbelievable,” Gabe says.

  Leah’s head whips around. First a look of panic washes over her face, and I watch her glance to where I normally sit. Then she looks to her friends while I stand there looking more like an idiot every second that passes.

  “Well, do I need to eat somewhere else?” I ask her with a grin. She slides her cute butt over, so I can sit down next to her on the bench. After taking a seat, she leans right over and kisses my cheek.

  “Thanks, everybody,” I say.

  Troy chuckles. “No prob, man.”

  “What’s wrong, Parker? I’ve never seen you at a loss for words? I ask.

  He points behind me, so I begin to turn around, and I’m surprised like the rest of them when I watch Anthony slide in next to me.

  “You guys mind if I sit here?”

  “Why not? It looks like we’re the popular table now,” Troy says, shaking his head. I don’t think the guys are as hip about this, but they don’t run us off. My friends would’ve laughed them right away from the table. I look to Anthony.

  “You don’t have to do this, man.”

  “I want to. That whole table is irritating to no end. I need to get to know my girl here, anyway. It appears she’s sticking around.” He looks to Leah, giving her a grin and a wink. I’ve always been able to count on Anthony to have my back.

  “Welcome,” Sierra says.

  “So, what’d you guys think of that band at Scope?” Anthony asks Sierra and the guys.

  I look to Leah and smile. She’s giving me the sweetest grin, and I can tell I’ve made her day and taken a huge burden off her shoulders.

  “Leeeah,” Parker chimes.

  “Whaaat?” she asks, singing back while never taking her eyes off of mine.

  “After we go out to eat tonight, I’m coming over to check out your room.”

  “Sorry, Parker. I have a date in my room. In my very, special, secret room.” She winks at me, and I’m fighting a hard-on instantly.

  “You have a special room?” Parker asks in the highest tone I think I’ve ever heard.

  “It’s special alright. I might let her show it to you, but you can’t stay in there,” I say, staring into Leah’s ocean eyes.

  Her brows lift. “You’re deciding this, huh? I thought it was my room.”

  “That’s our room now, Lucky Charm.”

  “Yeah, I think I’m going to vomit. I’ll see you guys tonight,” Jarrod says before he gets up from the table.

  I think it’s going to take a while for him to come around if ever. I can’t blame him. I’d be pissed too if I missed out on a shot with Leah.


  It’s been the best day ever. I got a kiss between every class from Brandon, he and Anthony officially joined our group at lunch, and now we’re all going out for Mexican food.

  Parker gives the cameras a good show. I think he’ll be LA bound after graduation. I know he’s wanting to do something in fashion. The other guys aren’t too comfortable with the attention but handle it well for my sake.

  “Don’t you want to sit next to Leah?” Sierra asks Brandon when he sit across from me in the large booth.

  “No, I’d rather stare at her cute face.” He winks at me, and I get the same butterflies I had the first time we went out to eat. I suddenly feel his foot glide up my calf. I have to hide a giggle.

  He took his shoes off. OK, I’ll play his game. I use my toes to slip off the shoe on each foot. Everyone’s talking, so I don’t think anyone notices. They might when we have to put them back on.

  I keep trying not to take glances across the restaurant, but I can’t help it. Since Paul had to come, anyway, he brought Casey. They look really good together.

  “I’m glad he found a distraction,” Brandon says.

  “He’s like a brother, Bran.”

  “I’m not worried about him putting the moves on you. I just want to be the only one who protects you.”

  “I know you would if needed. He’s mainly here to spy on me for Maxwell, but let him worry about whether someone’s creepin’ around. That leaves more time for you and me to get into trouble.” I rake my foot up his leg.

  “I’m ready to go to your room,” he says, his green eyes now dark and serious.

  I mouth the word “soon”
to him from across the table, and he mouths the word “now.”

  We finally leave, and the paparazzi hound Brandon and me until we’re in the car. I guess his fan club will keep growing until these annoying cameramen leave. I don’t like to think of other girls drooling over him.

  After we say hi to Mom, Brandon piggybacks me to my room and to what he’s now referring to as our secret, music, troublemaking hideaway. He’s too cute.

  We turn on Poison’s album Look What the Cat Dragged in and chillax on the beanbag. I curl up against his side and rest my hand on his chest.

  My gaze wonders to the bottom of his shirt. I’d really like to lift it up and see his abs. I can’t resist so I do it. Holy Smokes. That’s a slab of pure perfection.

  “Whatcha doing there, Lucky Charm? How much trouble are you trying to get into?”

  I giggle and feel my face warming.

  “I wanted to check out your abs, and they’re even better than I imagined.” I slowly lift my head to look at him, and as I expected, he’s giving me that heated stare.

  “You get to tutor me tomorrow, and I get to touch you in the cubicle.”

  I burst into laughter. “You’re so bad.”

  “You started it.”

  “Yeah, I guess I did this time. Did your friends harass you about sitting with me at lunch?”

  “Not much. I thought Cole would, but Anthony informed me at practice that Cole’s now screwing Amber. He’s the one who told me he’d kick my ass if I took her back, but Anthony says he’s not dating her, only banging her, so that makes it OK in Cole’s mind.

  “It’s definitely time to put some separation between that bunch and me. I can still see the guys I like to hang out with at practice and games.”

  “It’s probably not right to say we’re better than someone else, but I believe you’re a better person than most of them. I can’t believe your friend would sleep with your ex that soon.”

  “He probably wouldn’t have if I was single, but he knows I’m happy with you. I can say with all honesty that he can have her. I don’t care.”

  I glide my palm down his cheek.

  “Thank you for today. I know it wasn’t easy for you.”

  “You’re more important than any of them, Leah, and I’ve realized from the little time I’ve spent around your friends that they can be mine, too. Who knows, maybe we’ll start a trend.

  “Others might see that they don’t have to only hang out with those in their cliques. If you still want to thank me though, you can give me a kiss.” He gives me that devilish grin and rolls me to my back.

  He’s on his side looking down at me and everything feels right. For the first time in my life, I truly feel wanted. Sliding his hand up along my neck and far into my hair, he presses his lips to mine and gives me a gentle kiss.

  I expect him to devour my mouth, but instead, he lets my lips go and gazes at me with deep affection.

  “I love you, Leah Lane.”

  Tears sting my eyes as I smile at him.

  “I love you too, Bran.”


  Ten Months Later


  “You’ve spent summer alone with me traveling Europe. Are you positive you want to live with me every day?” I ask, my arms draped around Bran’s neck as we stand in the living room of the house we moved into this week.

  “Are you trying to kick me out already?”

  “No, but you have to put up with all my clothes and shoes and make-up everywhere. I can be really messy.”

  “Yeah, but I get that troublemaking hideaway we created in the spare room and a wall of music to balance things out.”

  “But we have our own bedroom to make trouble in. We don’t need the beanbag chair,” I say.

  He leans over and nibbles on my neck before I feel his breath in my ear. “This way it feels like we’re doing something we’re not supposed to. We’ll be sneaking around, and it’ll remind us of old times,” he whispers.

  “Have I told you today how adorable you are?” I ask.

  “No, not yet, so you can tell me right now.” There’s that boyish grin again, the one that reminds me of all the reasons I love Bran so much. He stares at my lips before he takes hold of the bottom one and pulls it slowly through his teeth.

  “You’re too cute for words, so I think I need to show you just how adorable you are.”

  He gets an excited look on his face and begins nodding. “Yes, yes I think you need to show me.”

  We hear the ring of the doorbell and Bran frowns.

  “They’re early and interrupting this fine moment.”

  Anthony and Sierra are standing at the door. Once Bran and Anthony started sitting at our lunch table last fall, Gabe, Troy and Jarrod starting showing some reverse snobbery.

  Unfortunately, they distanced themselves from us, but something good came out of it. Sierra and Anthony got together. They’re really happy and make a great couple.

  Bran and Anthony got football scholarships to University of Colorado here in Boulder, so I decided to attend there, too. Sierra couldn’t afford college, so after a lot of convincing, she’s letting me pay for it. I mean a lot of convincing.

  Bran and I moved into our own place and are excited about our future together. We’ve decided to get teaching degrees and naturally, our parents flipped. His father wanted him to become an attorney like him, and my father wanted me to do law or medicine.

  Bran wants to teach P.E. and eventually coach football. My goal is to become a school counselor, so I can encourage teens to express their individuality, and I’m also starting a foundation to provide more research and education on dyslexia.

  Parker moved to Los Angeles to attend the Otis Arts and Design school for fashion, and I used my connections to hook him up with some new friends in the industry. I already miss him since we grew close over the last year, but he’ll be home for holidays, and we Skype a lot.

  I realized from his friendship and reconnecting with Maxwell that some aspects of my old life were a part of my personality, and it was OK to embrace them, so Parker became my “billionaire buddy” as he likes to call it. He’s the one I can talk to about all things extravagant.

  “You two ready for the concert?” Anthony asks.

  “Yep, we just have to wait a minute for Sal. He’s going to follow us.”

  The four of us are going to see Burning Midnight. They’re one of Bran’s favorite bands. Sal is now my bodyguard but only when we’re at busy public places. I agreed to it, appeasing Maxwell Lane, OK, Dad. I’m still working on forgiveness, but it’s coming along.

  Paul and my cousin Casey are already engaged, and he’s attending University of Colorado for film study. He’ll be family soon and that’s pretty cool.

  Mom’s dating Frank. They met at the Country Club, and it’s been great for her. She’s playing golf and has made several friends. He was staying over a lot before I graduated, so it was another reason I thought it best to move out.

  We park at the stadium for the concert, and once inside, I give my name to someone at the will-call booth.

  “Why are we waiting here? We have our tickets,” Brandon says.

  “You’ll see,” I reply.

  After a few minutes, a middle aged man approaches us. “Ms. Lane, this way please.”

  “Oh, baby. Do we get to sit close?” he asks.

  “Yes, you could say that.”

  We get to a long hallway, and once we’re halfway down, the man opens a door. Bran looks at me. Inside are all the members of Burning Midnight.

  “I thought you’d like to meet them first,” I say.

  His arm is around my waist as he leans down and kisses my temple. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  “I can’t believe you did this for us, Leah,” Sierra says excitedly.

  “Yeah, you rock, girl,” Anthony adds.

  Bran grins like crazy as he meets the band, and after he and our friends gather a lot of signed merchandise, we’re escort
ed to the center of the front row.

  Sal’s at the corner, eying the crowd around us. Bran wraps me in his arms, and we watch the concert. There’s never a day I don’t enjoy my time with him.

  After we get back to the house, Brandon pulls me to our hideaway. I can’t help but giggle the whole way.

  “I find it humorous you want to mess around in here instead of our room.”

  Without a word, he picks me up and lays me on the beanbag. We make out, and it’s heavenly like every time. We’re staring at each other between kisses, and he’s playing with my hair.

  “I still can’t believe I didn’t know you were a brunette until a month ago when we were in France, and you couldn’t get your hair done on schedule. But I like the new look. Sometimes I miss the pastels, but the dark hair and red streaks are hot.”

  “To show my support for your team, I was thinking of putting some gold in it when the games start.”

  “That’ll be cool. I have something for you.” Bran reaches behind the beanbag and picks up a tiny, white box that has a pink bow tied around it.

  Grinning, I take it from him and open it slowly. Inside is a silver locket.

  “Oh, Bran.” I take it out and study it. The words “Lucky Charm” are inscribed on the front.

  “I hope you won’t get angry when you see what’s in it. I thought you could put it on one of the necklaces you’ve made, or you could make a new one for it.”

  I carefully pull the locket open, and underneath glass is a piece of my pastel hair. My eyes widen and water. “How did you get this?”

  “One night when you were sleeping, I carefully cut a small piece underneath the back. It was right before you told me you were going to change it. I was so afraid you were going to wake up. You would’ve freaked if you saw me holding your hair and a pair of scissors.”

  He chuckles loudly before he cups my face and strokes my cheek with his thumb. He gazes at me and now looks serious.

  “Since I’m a dude and will never totally understand women, it’s inevitable that I’m going to screw up sometimes. When I do, please look inside this locket and remember how much I love you.”


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