Le Morte Darthur: The Winchester Manuscript (Oxford World's Classics)

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Le Morte Darthur: The Winchester Manuscript (Oxford World's Classics) Page 78

by Malory, Thomas

  worm] serpent

  sough] blast of wind

  ridge] line of the spine

  the sot never ceased] the glutton never satisfied

  knave] boy

  cleight] seized

  bachelors] young knights

  hend] noble

  freke] creature

  pain] utmost

  ken] tell

  carl] churl

  carp] speak

  in counsel] privately

  jesseraunt and his basinet] mailcoat and helmet

  busked] hastened

  on the bent hoved] wandered over the grass

  hent] seized

  stilly] quietly

  that none nigh] so that none can get near

  careful] sorrowful

  carps overloud] speak too loudly

  mild] sweet lady

  dured] existed

  at supper with six knave children] supping on six boys

  broach] spit

  or the filth is fulfilled … flesh asks] before his foul sexual requirements are satisfied

  baked] i.e. warmed

  freke] creature

  meed] reward

  dress thee] prepare yourself for combat

  wight] creature

  five fathom] i.e. thirty feet (ten metres)

  clean] solid

  swapped] struck

  kid] notorious

  reached a box even-informed] aimed a well-directed blow

  slipped] moving

  shaped] aimed a blow

  shunted] dodged

  swarf] earth

  baleful] wretched

  forfeit] lost

  overfallen with] overwhelmed by

  this corsaint … doughs] I have seized this saint’s body from the ravines up there

  let brace it on a barbican] have it set over a gate of the city

  gart lift him up lordly] caused him to be carried like a lord

  let lap them in sixtyfold of sendal large] had them wrapped sixty times round in broad silk

  for chafing or changing] because of abrasion of the silk or corruption of the corpses

  I take no great force … my message] I have little concern, unless you bear my message

  bourde] jest

  sued] followed

  raked] went

  us is foul happed] evil has befallen us

  laught up] seized

  kept] resisted

  strait passages] narrow ways

  cunningest] most learned

  proffered him full large] made generous offers

  kindly with chrismed hands] fittingly, with hands anointed with holy oil

  deem for] acknowledge

  Rood] Cross

  seisin] possession

  alledged with] reduced by

  stuffed] provided

  trussing of harness with carriage] packing up and transport of war-gear

  dyked] moated

  latten] brass

  in fewter cast] lowered for combat

  do my advantage] seek my own good

  but if Sir Lancelot] unless Sir Lancelot

  dight] prepared

  well beseen] beautifully adorned

  maugre° my head] against my will

  slade] valley; dell

  sendal] silk

  sadly] soundly

  leman] mistress

  and he prove him doughty of his hands] if he proves himself a powerful fighter

  taught] directed

  forfared] destroyed

  scaffolds] platforms

  arson] saddle-bow

  to-brast] shattered

  gree] prize

  betaught] commended

  I take no great force] I do not greatly mind

  falleth for thee] belong to you will not be overmatched … overmatch him] who will not be overcome by any man I know of unless you overcome him

  journey] day’s work

  endlong] to and fro before

  But if] unless

  avoided° their horses] dismounted

  tracing and razing] pursuing and slashing

  beaver] lower face-guard

  seethed] boiled

  warn] forbid

  in principal] above all

  unhappy] unfortunate, doomed

  had strait lodging] was poorly lodged

  meat] food

  marches] territorial borders

  betaught] commended

  him happened against night] he chanced at nightfall

  curtilage] house with a courtyard

  partner of] jointly responsible for

  and we be men living] if we survive

  guest] stranger

  feute] track

  searched] probed, cleaned out

  more by a yard] three feet (a metre) taller

  hilled] wrapped

  Anon as ever] as soon as

  cered] wrapped in waxed cloth

  clipped] embraced

  lunes] leashes for a hawk’s feet

  boot°] remedy

  waited] looked

  awaited] noted

  took] hit

  more receit] receiving more injury

  most plenour] i.e. with the full number of knights

  marched nigh] bordered

  might not go] could not walk

  conceit] opinion

  betook] entrusted

  finding] provision

  ate sadly] ate his fill

  for no proffer] not for any invitation

  and he might] if he could

  masteries] contests of strength or skill

  cast … to him] throw … as far as he did

  foin°] thrust

  mountenance] extent

  durable] well-sustained

  the utterance] my utmost

  doubt] fear

  Hope ye so … a proved knight?] Do you believe I could withstand a tested knight for long?

  bawdy] filthy

  allow thee] give you credit

  unhappily] by mischance

  a lusk and a turner of broaches] layabout and spit-turner

  assay] make the attempt

  slade] valley

  but God reward me] unless God rewards me

  ride outer] ride further off

  parage] lineage

  let the passage] bar the passage

  reck] care

  doubt] fear

  laund] clearing, plain

  unhappiness] mischance

  full large of] very generous with

  driving] riding fast

  namely] especially

  motes] blasts

  overthwart] crosswise

  deliverly°] agilely

  kemps] champions

  danger] power

  mister] need

  wight] strong

  scaffolds] platforms for spectators

  every knight] both knights

  not so hardy, upon thy head] don’t be so bold, as you value your life

  inde] indigo (of India)

  peradventure though it list me] maybe although it pleased me

  hoved] lingered

  cost] side

  retrayed him] drew back

  despoiled her] undressed

  pucelle] virgin

  and he had would] if he had wished

  cast] batches

  betook] commended

  I account her travail but lorn] I reckon her effort wasted

  deliver] dispose of

  shent] destroyed

  shondship of harms] disgraceful injury

  fared withal] treated

  may forbear thy fellowship] can do without your company

  be ware] take warning

  paytrels, surcingles, and cruppers] fastenings of the horses’ harness

  wagging] shaking

  took their bere] got extra impetus

  amated] confused

  bought it … fighting] paid bitterly before he worked out his methods of fighting

  avoided] dismissed

  awaited him at a
n overthwart] watched for a chance to strike crosswise

  abraided] sprang

  siker assurance and borrows] safe promises and pledges

  pardie] by God

  wait] watch

  stilly] silently

  gainest] quickest

  woodness] anger

  wrack] injury

  tatches] qualities

  suffering] patient

  keep no more of] no longer mind about

  passed himself far in] lost

  bewared] bestowed

  no other cause] no reason to do otherwise

  not so privily … understood] this secret was not kept so closely that it didn’t get out

  made a clean avoidance] i.e. the hall was cleared

  clip] embrace

  giserne] battle-axe

  shaftmon] hand’s breadth

  avow] acknowledge

  keep] notice

  but if … enchantment] unless those who brought about the enchanted blow healed his wounds

  put his body in devoir] jeopardized himself out of duty

  done me to wit] let me know

  might not have gone] could not walk

  do make a cry] have it proclaimed

  with unhappiness] through misfortune

  harbingers] emissaries sent ahead to prepare lodging

  let him of his worship] deprive him of his honour

  devoir] duty

  Take] Give

  spered] enquired

  thrang] forced his way

  took] gave

  wightly] vigorously

  and ye were not my brother] even if …

  worshipped] brought honour to

  is betid] has befallen

  wild nor tame] meat obtained by hunting or farming

  liever] desirable

  stint] value

  bee] ring

  and it were better] i.e. and would do even if it were better

  sewer-chief] chief server

  umber] shade

  rejoice] enjoy [possession of]

  piece] vessel

  eft] again

  damned] condemned

  done] gift

  And it liked] Since it pleased

  measures of blowing] i.e. the different blasts on a hunting-horn

  beareth old arms] of ancient lineage

  dissever] distinguish

  villein] peasant

  tatches] virtues

  truage] tribute

  erne] uncle

  to the utterance] to the death

  did him to wit] informed him

  umber] shadow

  avised] looked at

  leechcraft] medical skill

  was he searched] his wounds were cleaned

  behote] promise

  witty] clever

  learned] taught

  degree] first place

  discover] reveal

  better-faring] more handsome

  kept] awaited

  namely] especially

  bain] bath

  at unhap] by misfortune

  eme] uncle

  meet] well-fitting

  let of] prevented from

  compare] contend


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