Le Morte Darthur: The Winchester Manuscript (Oxford World's Classics)

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Le Morte Darthur: The Winchester Manuscript (Oxford World's Classics) Page 79

by Malory, Thomas

  thereagainst] in return

  Steven] assignation

  of his counsel] in his confidence

  halsed] embraced

  raging] passion

  green] fresh

  bow draught] bowshot

  But if] Unless

  askance] hypocritically

  appealed] accused

  simply purveyed] ill-equipped

  halsed] embraced

  that and ye should have ado] even if you had to fight

  forjousted] overthrew

  loath word] i.e. of yielding

  razing, foining, and dashing many sad strokes] slashing, thrusting, and striking many grievous strokes

  treatable] co-operative

  that is me lievest] that is what I would most like

  flacket] flask

  by that drink] by the time that that drink

  message] business

  most cause why] in particular because

  unadvised] without thinking

  devoured] destroyed

  Grantmercy°] gramercy, thank you

  deserve] reward

  recked not of] did not care about

  stilly] silently

  devour] destroy

  unless that he were manhandled] without being given rough treatment

  mean] ordinary

  can thee no thank] owe you no thanks

  forjousted] overthrown

  cause why] good reason

  unwrast] wrenched free

  naked] unarmed

  towels] i.e. a rope made of cloths tied together

  lazar-cote] house for lepers

  Isode les Blanches Mains] Isode of the White Hands

  clipping] embracing

  do you to wit] inform you

  I cast to prove or that I depart] I intend to undertake before I leave

  hoving] passing

  Glatissant] baying

  no maker can make it] no poet can describe it

  to spere what tidings] to find out what was going on

  shrewd] troublesome

  at his large] wherever he pleased

  blew and straked] blew the call for the end of the hunt

  leres] cheeks

  warison] reward

  answer] take on

  let] held off

  shrewd harbour] a wretched place to stay

  pursuivants] heralds

  abode] i.e. stayed in the lists

  made a countenance to amend his horse] pretended to check his horse’s harness

  do his utterance] i.e. kill him

  would reprove Sir Tristram of old hate betwixt them] would say how he blamed Sir Tristram for the long-standing hatred between them

  skift] settle

  maugre] ill will

  and I dread … should be skift] if I did not fear him more than you, it would soon be settled

  might not do withal] could not avoid it

  puissance] might

  degree] recognition of victory

  done] gift

  it shall be hard and ever he escape our hands] he shall escape us only with difficulty

  appeal] accuse

  impeach] accuse

  return again] bring back

  fine] pure

  withheld] kept with him

  degree] prize

  stiffly] boldly

  avoid] part company with

  slyly and marvellously] so as to attract remarkably little notice

  let see devise] consider

  amazed] beside himself

  do withal] act otherwise

  after he was] according as he was

  houselled] given the Eucharist

  privy postern] secluded gate

  service] homage in love

  forecast] malice aforethought

  let] prevent

  bourder] joker

  wrote goodly letters again] wrote letters back

  advised] prepared

  entermete with] look to

  could it] knew it by heart

  be thy warrant] guarantee your safety

  curious] skilled

  go quit] get away with it

  range] lists

  let make a cry] had it proclaimed

  shift] dealing

  mickle] much

  simple] trivial

  duras] affliction

  shake] pace

  shrew] menace

  coast] border

  ordinance] martial preparations

  cleanest-mighted man and the best-winded] strongest and fittest

  Iwis] indeed degree] prize

  endlong and thorough] riding its whole length

  weeds] clothing

  namely] especially

  forceth] strains

  hoveth] waits

  I held him reasonably hot] I was giving him a hard enough time

  deliver] deal with

  my voice and my name] my vote and support

  recover] way out

  false leeches] medical malpractice

  No force] no matter

  beset] suited

  largesse] generosity

  passed] passed judgement

  maker] poet

  deemed] sentenced

  a rout which seemed knights] a company that appeared to be knights

  borrow] ransom

  play] pass the time

  had a grant] received the consent

  defaded] pale

  hart of grease] fat deer

  guerdonless] without reward

  rejoice] enjoy

  keep] care

  ride or go] ride or walk

  bruit] fame

  but if he be] without his being

  stew] heated bathhouse

  loving] praise

  lewd] uneducated

  pucel] i.e. boy (see note)

  as were about Queen Guenivere secret] i.e. her confidential servants

  let] delay

  undern°] about 9 a.m.

  wite] blame

  hold you still] stay calm

  kindly] natural, loving

  clatter] chatter

  hemming] clearing the throat

  wood] mad

  if ye were not] if you did not exist

  araged] frenzied

  hete] rebuke

  and but by miracle] even if only by miracle

  make it good] prove it in combat

  dawed] revived

  spere] enquire

  knowing] experienced

  witting] knowledge

  showers] troubles

  wild wood] mad as a wild man

  minever] fur trimming

  Castle Blank] i.e. the White Castle

  fair faren] well treated

  brade] great puli

  wrothe] twisted

  happy] blessed

  overget] overtake

  might not find him his sustenance] could not provide him with enough food

  unhilled] uncovered

  mazed] deranged

  counsel] secret

  beclosed environ] enclosed around

  rude] strong

  cantles] pieces

  defended] forbidden

  cast me] intend

  that I sought] what I asked for

  bruit] fame

  senship] disgrace

  suffragan] bishop

  sendal] silk

  sueth] follow

  haut] high

  for there sat … he were mischieved] no one but he ever sat there without coming to harm

  worship] bring honour to

  hoved] floated

  that is the change of your name, and leaving] i.e. that shows you have lost the title of best knight of the world

  jesseraunt] coat of mail

  avised] looked in the face

  estates] people of rank

  to-drive] shatter

  of the strain of all parts of kings] of a royal line by all his ancestors

  all betimes] soon enough

  and it might be] if it could be bro
ught about

  escape hard] hardly escape

  paynim] pagan

  deadly bed] deathbed

  took] gave

  conversant] conducting their lives

  defend] forbid

  covin] conspiracy

  bate] quarrel

  servage and truage] servitude and exactions

  devoured] destroyed

  suppose well] can well believe it

  toward and forward] one way and another

  sue] follow

  flemed] put to flight

  betaught] commended

  new disguised] i.e. carrying an unfamiliar shield

  rove to the coif of steel] cut through to the inner steel cap

  spere] ask

  I have endured thus long for little trespass] I have suffered long on account of only a small sin

  rise against] stand up in honour of

  discover] reveal

  wite] blame for

  made nesh neither by water nor by fire] softened by water or fire, i.e. baptism or grace

  given thee to work so largely] so generously endowed you with capacity for action

  assoiled] absolved

  help you or tomorrow at even of a horse] provide you with a horse before tomorrow evening

  It sore forthinketh me] I regret it bitterly

  sacring] consecration (of the Eucharist)

  perclose] enclosure

  dressed] sat

  unhilled] uncovered

  used it] i.e. taken the sacrament

  erst] before that

  inly] entirely

  doubted] feared

  made him all the cheer that a beast might make a man] showed him all the goodwill that an animal could show to a man

  chafed] heated

  trussed] bundled

  thou shalt not be quit for losing of any of thy members] you shall not get away with losing any of your limbs

  without keeping] unguarded

  travailed of] troubled by

  doubtful] fearsome

  baptism] i.e. Christian faith

  benome] taken away from

  chafed] heated

  pousté] power

  long on] due to

  hair] hair shirt

  he weened never to have borne arms] he thought he would never be able to wield a weapon again

  bobaunce] boastfulness

  in waste of all the remnant] wasted time for all the rest of us

  sieges] seats

  rack] a number sufficient for a feeding-rack

  trowed] believed

  it shall not then forthink me] I shall not mind

  my Creator] i.e. the last rites

  No force] No matter

  curtilage] enclosed yard

  worts to his meat] green plants for his food

  quick] living

  rind] bark

  betook] entrusted

  without] unless

  doubted] feared

  more availeth my blackness] my blackness is of greater use

  the one would have benome the others] [the tree] would have taken away from [the flowers]

  might not avail] is good for nothing

  rejoice] enjoy

  raundom] violence

  held the stour] maintained the onslaught


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