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Outbreak of the Deceased (Book 1): Immediate Survivors

Page 49

by Barone, Cenz

  After some time Melissa became teary eyed as she randomly said “I am scared to think what it’s like in other parts of the country” mainly thinking about her family, like the others were conscious of their own family, but all were aware that if they tried to get to their loved ones they would risk themselves. And besides the fact everyone was from all over the country, so the only way anyone could try to reach their loved ones would be if they went alone, and after everything they individually and collectively experienced, all of them wanted to stay put.

  “At least out here, in the forest it’s more secure, I just feel safer” Kenny said studying the beautiful scene. Laura agreed and answered “Yeah me too. It is peaceful here isn’t, the quieter it is the better we are. Those things, why the hell are people killing people, it’s crazy but this is probably the best place I have been in since it started, and it’s amazing to think that because we are outside” forbearingly Cherie said “The peace and quiet should not make us complacent”. Laura understood what Cherie alluded to as Laura smiled hopelessly and answered “Just let me enjoy what I feel right now, please”. Cherie just nodded with a smirk and finding her comment harmless but dangerous, yet Cherie was aware that all Laura wanted to do was just feel like everything was alright.

  Behind the mountains now the sun was glowing and rising still higher as Laura now asked, as she studied the sun “Does anyone have any killers” Kenny without a word went towards a bag near the camper van and rifled through it, and he pulled out a package of ibuprofen, he tossed it to her as she caught it and thanked him with a smile, he then said “It is a good thing supermarkets have their own pharmacy, most of the stuff we took from there I don’t know what they are for but I grabbed it as we all did, but even I know what ibuprofen does”. Nancy used a spoon to scope up some beans she was cooking and after taking a few swallows, Nancy said “After this we will work from the centre of the camp and go outwards. I have an idea to try and cover up any access to this place”. Kenny questioned her and asked “You mean cutting down trees and covering up access, right?” Nancy instantly replied “Unless you have any barricades in the back bags?” Kenny snickered and answered “I don’t think supermarkets have those yet”.

  The fact they were settling was a comfort to the quieter members of the group, it was just nice having a plan, but what more was there to say as the strangers who had become closer handled their drinks and their food, and tried to make the most of this relaxing period of what could be a very long stay in the woodlands. Everything had already been said about how long this would take and so the conversations went on, even if it had a repetitive tone.

  Kenny stared around at the group and then back towards Nancy who was watching him, waiting to hear what he had to say as he looked lost in thought and seemed pensive. Kenny then said as Nancy remained with her hands on her hips “We have done really well up to now, but we all have to accept that the chances are as difficult to think about it as it is that our families and all our friends, and everyone we have known is dead” why was he saying this wondered Elise. Kenny added to them all “Our lives have been changed forever and we are all that’s left. Out here in these woods, this is home. If anyone wants to try and make it to the city or go to their homes, then go, I know many of you are thinking about it, because I am. Only I am staying put, because the idea to come out here, into these woods was the correct one in my mind”. Kenny had all their attention as he now added over their awkward glares to him “What I am trying to say is that staying out here is going to be permanent because if you look around and think about it, it’s the safest option”.

  Silence engulfed the group. Kenny making it clear if anyone was tempted to run they should go. And so Kenny for added affect said “There is no more running, no more fearing, at least I hope no more fearing but for me personally. I am happy to stay here as long as it is safe. Hopefully we will just forget about it all, and those things we cannot control, even if we have struggled to control what is in front of us. And in two months time, it will all be over. Two months isn’t so much to ask for, right” an optimistic Kenny then added “If the time comes when we have to run, we can run, we have enough petrol and spare tents in the vehicles. I still think we should bring up more vehicles, surely we can find a nearby town, but just in case something happens to the others vehicles, it would be wise to scout around this area”.

  Nancy was happy Kenny had said that, she was soon about to make this speech, or something along those lines. Nancy did not want to be distrusting of the people around her, and her having to guard the key to the camper van, even though it was not her who found it but Baxter. But she knew if someone took the camper van and left the group stranded they would be sure as dead. Nancy watched them all for their reaction to Kenny’s words, all seemed ashamed to think it was the best option when they had family out there but they all knew they could not do anything for them. Nancy added over this “I feel the same Kenny” Kenny felt the tension from them all, but knew if someone had something to say they could say it now and this was an opening which none took except Nancy. Nancy now said “Right, as I said earlier, best plan of action is to reinforce this area, building those natural defences and putting up barricades around us, seems like a cramped forest so if we play it smart we can make it impossible for those things to come, at least along any of the small paths leading into this area. You know those nature walks we need to blight out. The only people I imagine who come this far into the woods are joggers and dedicated dog walkers, this doesn’t seem like a camp site but it is now, afterwards, we can scout around and use the map we have to locate a nearby town or village”.

  Melissa now stood up and stretched her hands as she said “Well that is all well and good but until then, does anyone have an idea about how we are going to pass the time. I mean after we have done all you have just said”. Melissa trying to look on the bright side as Melissa walked around the camp fire and amusingly said “We can just sit back and relax, look on the positive side, no work, no university, no bills, no nothing, we are totally liberated”. Laura found Melissa’s upbeat attitude encouraging, it was typical Melissa thought Laura.

  A smiling Kenny said watching Melissa “No more worries, apart from the crazy people out there who want to kill us” as Melissa playfully replied “Well bar that”. Laura studied around her and said “I never imagined we would be safer in the woods”. “At least there are none of those things” reaffirmed Nancy, but Laura now shot back and said “Well so far at least”.

  Nancy was eager not to let the group descend into second guessing when it had taken so much work to get them to a point of feeling relaxed enough to entertain this place, now the adrenaline had worn off from heading to the spot they chose. Nancy interrupted her and said “Which is why we need to eat up and work together to put up the barricades, make it so this place cannot be found, I think working out 5 miles all around us, it might be a lot of work but just cover up paths, we are really deep into the woods Laura. The downs are massive and we purposely drove to this point to be as close as possible to the heart of the forest. Nearby towns and villages, we can access to by foot”. Baxter stood up shocked by this as he said “By foot that doesn’t make...” but Nancy interrupted him and said “It is wise to become familiar with this entire area Baxter. These vehicles we have should only be used in an emergency, or if we have to pick up things but before that we need to go by foot”. It made sense did her reasoning but before anyone could say anything else, they heard the sounds of twigs crackling to the side. Someone was within their camp that was not part of their group.

  Chapter 30 - Deep Into The Woods

  There standing about 10 yards from the congregated ground around the fire was a lone figure holding a rifle by his side, he was standing perfectly still, and in a gruff voice he said “There is still danger out here, you aren’t wrong about that”. Everyone flinched and Baxter picked up his weapon, so did many of the others, the lone figure said without aiming his weapon at any of them “Please, don’
t be alarmed, I am like you all. I am a survivor”. He walked closer towards them and had his hands facing towards the group. His hands rose as he walked forward a few paces to indicate he was no threat. He had a weathered wrinkly face, unshaved but not heavy facial hair, he had hair on the sides of his head and hardly any hair on top, his bodily condition was small, pudgy and quite chubby, a beer belly could describe his body shape.

  Nancy kept her pistol trailed on this stranger, and she demanded “Who the hell are you?” the rest of the group the man could tell were agitated and looking around the camp perimeter to see if he was with anyone else. The man despite his appearance not being pleasant on appearance had a friendly tone to his voice as he said “I am alone, please don’t be alarmed. I am so sorry for creeping up on you like this. I really did not mean to startle you. I smelt food cooking and followed the smell, I wanted to introduce myself. My name is Royce but everyone calls me Roy” he smiled at them but none smiled back. He then sounded anxious “You are the first group of legitimate survivors I have seen in a while. Please don’t be alarmed, look” they watched as he stood back from his rifle and placed it on the floor, but still they trailed their weapons on him and he now stood up and said “I am not armed” still they kept their weapons on him as he said “Can you stop pointing those things at me” he was impressed by the calibre of their weapons. All were military issue he could tell but they did not look like military personnel.

  Roy’s manner was genuine in his appearance and words, and the group eased down a little bit. Laura, Melissa and Nancy were standing the closest to him, slowly the tension with which each held their weapon relaxed. Roy said “I just wanted to come over and see who you all are”. “How long have you been out here?” suspiciously Nancy asked, she did not expect to come across anyone this far into the woods, especially not so soon after setting up camp. Roy incredulously answered “You mean in the woods?” Nancy and the group remained quiet, studying him. Roy now admitted by saying “I’d say about 1 week, at least since this began. The forest it’s the safest place, far away from those things. I can tell that’s why you all came here. You did right by coming here. But like I said, there are other dangers, I feel really out of place so can I please sit down, please put down your weapons”.

  In reply Kenny lowered his weapon. “Is there anyone else with you” asked Kenny as Roy answered “None, like I said I am by myself. It is amazing to see so many survivors here. I did not expect to see another group of survivors, not now at least, after so long of being here since this happened. I thought everyone was dead” Roy now surveyed the rest of the group and remarked curiously “And so many girls have survived to” his tone was odd to a point of making some feel self-conscious but it was just an observation, as compared to the two males of Kenny and Baxter. It was clear Elise, Cherie, Laura, Nancy and Melissa dominated for the female ratio to the males.

  Over the quietness Roy said “It’s great to see other people. What are you eating, ah meat and beans. I could smell it” Roy was clearly hungry, it was obvious as he was now staring at the food, as he remarked with his eyes on it and added “I have been living off tinned corned beef and some tinned peaches. It’s easier to carry, no fires needed and no fuss. Those things get attracted to noise. So smoke and fire are a no go and I try not to set them up as much as I would like. It is okay though” again there was silence and nobody invited him to sit down. He now was unsure if he was welcome so he said nervously “Look at me being here and only talking about myself. Who are you all?” nobody said anything, it was not that they were rude or impolite but Roy’s sudden appearance and the fact he said he could smell the food from afar, and mentioning the smoke and fire attracting those things was disconcerting to them. Roy now begged as he said “Aren’t you going to say anything”.

  Kenny now made the first move and approached Roy. Kenny had no reason to judge Roy as anything other than what he and the others had been surviving for so long were, which was a survivor, so Kenny put out his hand and Roy shook it as Kenny said “My name is Kenny” Roy smiled and replied “Nice to meet you Kenny”. Kenny now turned to the others in the group, none of whom were eager to say anything to Roy, and Kenny found this strange. So Roy asked “What about the rest of you” he then laughed did Roy, trying was he to break the ice. Roy jokingly asked “Or is this some kind of guessing game”. Again nobody wanted to answer and Kenny gave them all a sideways look. Kenny felt weirdly embarrassed by their silence and he was pushing for them to speak.

  Nancy then approached Roy and shook his hand as she said “My name is Nancy, it is nice to meet you Roy” as Roy again smiled, his teeth were quite yellow but then again brushing the teeth was not as important these days as it once was. Roy replied “Likewise”. He now looked at the rest of the group and it was clear Roy was trying to be polite. It was amusing to a point because he was acting like he was a guest in other people’s houses even though it was a campsite they had more or less enforced on the woodland area. Roy wishing to overcome this awkward silence took an understanding tone and said “I understand this is a shock, how long has it been since you have seen another survivor. Especially one as old and fat like me, my fatness is a sign of a merry lifestyle, cider and beer of days gone by. If only I could get my hands on a few drinks right now. So where did you people come from?”

  Nancy spoke up “We came from the outskirts of Oxford, it was a rescue station, and it was overrun by those things. It is abandoned now. We are the only ones we know who got out alive, at least as far as we are aware”. Roy disheartened at hearing this added “God, it’s getting lesser and lesser isn’t” now Roy pressed his point, and why he wanted to approach them. It was one of the attractions as he asked, a begging tone to his voice “Please, I wonder if...” he paused and then bluntly asked “Do you mind if I have some food, I already have had something to eat but it was cold. I really cannot resist a hot meal. I have not had one for so long. If you do not mind, not that I need any more weight added to me, but I swear I have lost so much pounds hiking around these woods. In case you have not noticed, I tend to rant on and on. So, can I have some, do you mind”.

  Approvingly Nancy stated “No, not at all” Roy smiled, overjoyed as some of the group disapproved of Nancy’s invite for this strange man. He sensed this as he said sorrowfully “Hey, I don’t want to cause any trouble. If you want I will go”. Nancy stepped forward and she was annoyed at the others in her group as she said politely to him “No, it’s no trouble at all Roy. We have plenty of food. People have offered us kindness and we offer you kindness” she glared around at the group she was with. Nancy wondered in her mind about the doctor in the private hospital who offered them surgery and medication, and now the others were in the majority not offering a fellow survivor hot food.

  Nancy now brought her gaze back onto Roy and in her mind, if Roy had survived so long in the downs it would be helpful to learn about his experiences, so she said “You are more than welcome to join us, besides I would like to hear about your story” perhaps her sense of duty as a policewoman was ruling her thinking as well, but the group were still unsure of this man. Again Roy sought to appease them as he answered “I can tell you are all shaken, but look I am not one of those things. I am not growling or trying to bite you. I have no marks, no bites, though I am a little pale and grouchy but that’s just me. I am sure my slight baldness is not contagious” he laughed. Roy was laying it heavy with his self-deprecating humour, mentioning all his own self-conscious physical flaws at least as he saw it, it was still though so tense.

  Laura asked him suspiciously “You said you have been out in these woods all by yourself” and Roy nodded at her and said “I have” was all he said. Nancy now sat down and pointed to a tree stump as Roy and the others sat down, Roy replied to Laura again and said “Yep, all alone, doing what you people have been doing, laying low. I have also been going into the surrounding towns and villages to get supplies but staying well clear, you know not spending too long there and moving as fast as I c
an. You can rest assured that I have not seen any of those people for a while, at least for four days and never this deep in the woods. It is why I prefer it in these parts. And it is so vast is the area. The only time I saw those dead things was in a nearby town called Gractor”. This was a comfort to Nancy and the others, learning he had not seen any of those things in the place they had settled. Nancy now asked Roy, eager to pick his brains as she said “How long have you been watching us?”

  Roy without asking went towards the trays and lifted up one with beans and sausages, he then helped himself in putting the food into a spare tray and took a spoon that he used to scoop up the beans and cut up the meat with, he ate shamelessly, without any consideration of manners but he was starved. Roy now spoke to Nancy but did not answer her question directly as he said “I had to judge if it was safe to come out to you. I needed to know if you were all okay”. Everyone was curious by this “What do you mean by okay” asked Nancy and between bites and chewing with his mouth open Roy answered and said “You know, if you were legitimate survivors” Nancy and Baxter noticed he mentioned the term legitimate survivors earlier on, it was such an odd term to use.

  They were thoughtful at his words and Roy could tell they were unaware what he meant, that they had luckily for them not bumped into any of the unsavoury characters who were taking full advantage of the lack of law and order. He had seen a lot of bad things which he knew he had to tell them about and this was one of the reasons he approached them, which was to inform them of the goings on around the downs, and around the area they were in.

  “Legitimate survivors, what does that even mean, you mean legitimately surviving as in sincerely looking for help” asked Baxter. Melissa added “Who would not be looking for help in this mess” Melissa was as confused as the others. Roy looked at the group individually through the crisp of the fire as he munched on the warm food, salivating and making the most of every bite. He now asked them “How long have you been running for exactly?” “Since this began obviously, I forget how long” replied Baxter. “And in all of that time you have been where?” Roy probed to which Kenny this time answered “Mainly in and around the city of Oxford, the rest of the time has been road travel”. Roy stopped eating and placed down the tray with the spoon inside as he sat back studying them, they wondered what was wrong, and he enlightened them by saying rhetorically “So you have never encountered the death squads”. The name sent shivers through the group and Roy’s tone of voice did not help. He appreciated their worry, and with dread Nancy repeated “Death squads” Nancy was wise enough to know what he meant.


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