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His Eternal Flame

Page 39

by Layla Valentine

  Usually, it’s Frank’s body that I think about. When it comes to Sean, it’s everything… His laugh. His smile. The tender way he always touches me.

  “Stop.” I point at myself in the mirror. These are thoughts I do not need to be having.

  An alarm goes off, signaling that three minutes have passed. Putting my phone back in my pocket, I check the pregnancy test.


  Sighing, I drop it in the trash. It was silly to get my hopes up, anyway.

  Leaving the bathroom, I take a look around the quiet living room. Kaila was supposed to come over for dinner, but running herself ragged at the gallery all week ended up with her getting a bad head cold.

  Going into the kitchen, I open the fridge and stare into it, debating what to make for dinner. In the end, I just shut the door and sit at the kitchen table. I don’t want food.

  There’s only one thing on my mind. Or, rather, two things.

  I want Frank and Sean. At the same time.

  It’s a little crazy, yes. But isn’t this whole situation?

  Taking my phone out once more, I quickly write separate texts inviting them both over. There’s a big chance this plan won’t work. First of all, I don’t know if they’re both available. Secondly, they might be together—and adverse to joining me at the same time.

  I keep the texts vague, only telling them each that I want them to come over right away.

  Within minutes, I have replies from them both. They’re on their way over.

  A shiver runs through me. This is really happening. At least, I hope it is.

  Putting the phone down, I quickly shower and shave, my heart racing the whole time. What are they going to do when I proposition them? Tell me I’m insane? Leave and never speak to me again?

  The thought of Sean doing that has me wanting to cry.

  Pulling a bright sundress over my head, I remind myself that repairing our relationship wasn’t part of the deal. I’m not supposed to get attached to him in any sort of way.

  For my sake, as well as that of my future child’s, I need to remember that.

  Just as I’m finishing swiping on some lip tint, the doorbell rings. With the same nerves rumbling around in my stomach, I rush to the front door.

  “Hey,” Frank greets, grinning. He’s leaning against the door frame, arm propped above his head in a pose that should look cheesy but is anything but.

  “Hi,” I breathe. On an inhale, his musky scent fills my nose. “Come on in.”

  Just as he does, a single light sweeps into the dark driveway, accompanied by the throbbing sound of a bike engine. Sean.

  “Can I get you anything?” I ask Frank, wondering if he can hear the anxiety in my voice.

  “No, I’m good.” He starts to reach for me, but there’s a creak on the front porch.

  “What he’s doing here?” Sean’s voice demands.

  We both spin around. Sean hovers in the doorway, brow furrowed. Judging by his damp hair, he also just took a shower.

  “I wanted to talk to you both,” I quickly say before either has the chance to storm off.

  A long moment passes, during which Sean and Frank size each other up.

  “Please,” I say.

  Sean nods. “Okay.”

  Frank’s already plopping down on the couch. He rubs the seat next to him, an unmistakable expression on his face.

  “Hey, Violet…”

  “Don’t even start,” Sean tells him.

  I settle in the armchair, and Sean takes the seat next to Frank.

  “Thanks for coming, you guys.”

  I clear my throat, all too aware of their intense gazes.

  “I have this idea… I was thinking that since getting pregnant is the priority here… Wouldn’t the quickest way to do that be for you guys to take me together…at the same time?”

  Sean makes a choking noise, and Frank jumps to his feet.

  “No,” Frank says. “No way! I’m not touching his—”

  “That’s not what I mean,” I respond, cutting him off. “You’re trying to get me pregnant, right?”

  He folds his arms. “Of course.”

  “Well, I just took a test and I’m not pregnant yet.”

  Out of the corner of my eye, I see Sean’s face change. He looks surprised, and then something else I can’t name.

  Desire is already swirling through me. I can’t take the thought of them turning me down and walking out of the house. And so, I do the one thing I know will work. I stand up and pull my sundress off.

  Frank’s mouth drops, and Sean takes in a loud breath. With the dress gone, I’m wearing nothing but a pair of panties. My nipples are already tightening, thanks both to the exposure and the sudden attention.

  Frank’s posture relaxes, his arms dropping and his shoulders loosening.

  “What would this be like? We, like, take turns?”

  I look to Sean, but his face is now unreadable.

  “Shit,” Frank says. “Whatever. Let’s do this. Hope you’re ready to have your ego bruised, Sean.”

  Sean emits a growl as Frank pulls off his shirt.

  “Fine,” Sean says. “Violet, if this is what you really want…”

  “Yes.” I look into his eyes. “It is.”

  He slowly nods. “Okay, then.”

  I gulp. As much as having two guys at the same time has always kind of been a fantasy of mine, now that the moment’s here, I can’t believe it.

  “Right,” I whisper. “Let’s do this.”

  Frank and Sean quickly glance at each other. Some kind of agreement must pass between them, because a moment later, they both lunge across the room. I gasp in surprise as Sean takes me in his arms and kisses me.

  Just like always, his touch steals my breath away. I loop my arms around his torso and give myself over.

  “Hey,” Frank says, from right behind me. “Don’t hog her.”

  I smile against Sean’s mouth. This is going to be even more fun than I predicted.

  As Sean continues to kiss me, Frank takes what he can, reaching around and tweaking my nipples. His mouth lands on the side of my neck and sucks hard, making me moan into Sean’s mouth.

  Frank’s hands quickly leave my breasts, pushing under my panties instead. He flicks my nub, and I push my butt back against him. There’s a hard mound there, and I can practically feel how badly he’s aching as well.

  With Frank stroking my mound, Sean continues to kiss me, cupping my face and gently sliding his tongue against mine. He still has all his clothes on, and I’m dying to get him naked. As we kiss, I tug at his shirt. Getting the hint, he breaks apart from me to pull it off.

  With our kiss paused, Frank seizes the moment and pulls me against him, jamming my butt into his crotch. One hand clutches my breasts while the other continues to run circles on my clit. Sean scowls.

  I want back in Sean’s arms, but what Frank’s doing just feels too good. My eyes drift closed, and a moan seeps from my throat. Pleasure runs through me in little shivers, each one sparking the next.

  There’s a clinking noise, and I open my eyes to find Sean stepping out of his pants. He’s completely naked now, his dick swollen and ready. I look for something to say, but there are no words. There’s fire in his eyes, a promise that he’s going to bring every tactic he has to tonight’s game. Just as Frank will.

  Sean steps back up to me, and I get a chance to run my fingers down his length once before he pulls me away from Frank.

  “Hey!” Frank complains.

  Sean’s picking me up, though, ignoring any protests as he carries me down the hall and into my bedroom. There, he lays me gently in the middle of the bed and climbs on top of me. Kisses cover my neck and breasts, and his fingers intertwine with mine. The muscles in his shoulders flex as he opens up my legs. My panties slip right off, leaving me fully naked.

  Sean’s face dips between my thighs, and his tongue slowly runs up the length of my lower lips. I shiver under the delicate yet intense touch, tightening my
grip on his hands.

  Behind Sean, Frank comes into view. He’s stripped completely, and I wait for him to jump on the bed and compete for domination—but he doesn’t. In fact, he looks happy where he is. His gaze is soft as he watches Sean eat me out, and he repeatedly licks his lips.

  So Frank likes to watch, I muse.

  Sean’s lapping speeds up, and bliss barrels through me. I cry out, bucking up against his mouth. He looks up at me over my breasts, and the intensity in his irises makes my pleasure double.

  “Sean,” I gasp.

  Apparently, hearing his competitor’s name snaps Frank out of his reverie, because he climbs onto the bed, grasping his dick in his hand. His other palm swivels over my breasts, and without warning he lightly slaps one. Sean’s tongue dips inside of me, and Frank slaps my other breast. I’m drowning in a cocktail of pleasure and pain, never wanting to come up for air again.

  My eyes fall on Frank’s dick, so close to me, and my mouth waters. Without any thought, I reach for it and guide it into my mouth. His smooth skin is like candy, and I hold the base of his length and greedily slurp. As I suck, his hands continue their assault on my breasts. Sean’s attention between my legs becomes too much, and I burst, crying my orgasm out on Frank’s dick.

  I buck my hips against Sean’s face, but he doesn’t retreat, instead taking his time to lap me clean. Frank gasps and rocks his dick into my mouth. With each stroke he hits the back of my throat, making me gasp.

  The bed creaks, and I take my mouth off Frank to get a better view of Sean, who’s nudging my legs open again.

  “Hey!” Frank protests. “It’s my turn.”

  I try to bite back my smile, but it’s no use. Two guys fighting over me is definitely hotter than I ever expected.

  Sean’s jaw ticks. “This is what Violet wants.”

  Even though that’s true, it’s just too tempting to stoke the flames of competition.

  “Show off for me,” I say.

  “Huh?” Frank asks, both of them looking at me in confusion.

  “Let me see who can get the hardest.”

  I don’t even know if that’s a fair competition, but I don’t care. This is about me, and I want to see both guys touch themselves.

  Frank’s already pumping himself hard, his cheeks all puffed out as he exhales quickly. Sean takes the opposite route, slowly stroking his length. His eyes connect with mine, his throat bobbing and his irises growing large. Though I literally just came, desire pools in me again. Somehow, both men get harder, and I realize I have to make a choice.

  “Frank,” I simply say.

  “Yes!” He pumps his fist in the air.

  Looking pissed, Sean lays down next to me. As Frank gets on his knees between my thighs, Sean hooks his finger under my chin and turns my face to his.

  That sweet, familiar taste overpowers my senses. At the same time, there’s pressure against my opening, and Frank thrusts into me.

  Right away, he starts pounding hard, burying himself completely in me with each stroke. Sean scoots closer, lightly massaging my shoulder and breasts. Our kisses become more feverish, and he takes me by surprise when he reaches down and gently strokes my clit.

  Frank grabs my knees and pushes them forward so he can get deeper inside of me. Each thrust pushes me up the bed some. Sean’s touch is steady, though, his fingers rubbing me lightly as he attentively kisses me.

  My palms ache to hold something hard and warm. I find Sean’s dick right away, and stroke it methodically as he continues to tease me.

  Frank speeds up, but Sean’s touch keeps his casual rhythm. Just like with pleasure and pain, the contrast has an unexpected effect. I come hard and fast, shaking and squeezing Sean’s girth.

  “Fuck,” Frank cries, his hot load shooting deep inside me. My body eagerly sucks it up, hungry for more right away.

  Sean nips my bottom lip before pulling away. His gaze staying on me, he moves down the bed. He doesn’t have to tell Frank to beat it—the dark-haired man is already exhausted and collapsing next to me.

  At my hips, Sean takes me my surprise and flips me right over. With a grunt, I land with my belly on the mattress and my ass in the air.

  Lifting me up, Sean gets me on my hands and knees. Gripping one of my butt cheeks, he pushes into me. His balls press against my lower lips, a sign that he’s in as far as he can go.

  Frank’s eyes light up, and he adjusts himself so that he’s laying sideways, his face under my chest. While Sean begins to slowly take me, Frank guides me down onto my forearms. With my rear still in the air, my breasts cover Frank’s face. He tackles them with the same ferocity he always does, sucking and twisting.

  The pleasure slowly builds, Sean seeming to intuitively know just when I’m getting close. Each time an orgasm hovers in the distance, he slows his pace back down, stretching out my pleasure. It’s a painfully sweet mix of gratification and torture, and it has me clutching the comforter and whimpering.

  I seal my eyes shut, giving my body over to both men. My breasts tingle and ache, the pleasure Frank’s giving them spiraling down and joining the euphoria in my belly. A tidal wave of satisfaction starts and slowly pushes through me. I’m exploding, my moans mixing with Sean’s harsh gasps. On and on it goes, the longest orgasm of my life making me cry out till my throat is hoarse.

  When it’s over, Sean lets loose, pumping deep into me and spilling his seed. Frank shimmies out from under me and I collapse, so spent I can’t move.

  Sean carefully pulls away from me, and I roll over onto my back. Frank rests with his back against the headboard, and Sean takes his spot on my other side. Laying with our heads even, we catch eyes. A smile pulls at my lips, and Sean mimics it.

  What just happened was nothing short of amazing, and he has to see that in my eyes.

  “That was awesome,” Frank comments from my other side.

  I’m not looking at him, though. My eyes won’t move from Sean. His sweet, puffy lips. His long, thick lashes. I want to touch him all over and never stop.


  Jumping up from the bed, I grab a blanket from the chair in the corner and wrap it around myself. “Yeah, you both were great. I’ll be right back.”

  Avoiding Sean’s eyes, which I know are on me, I scamper for the bathroom. Shutting the door behind me, I press my back to it and inwardly curse.

  What the hell is wrong with me? This is supposed to be about sex, about making a baby. Not about me musing about how amazing Sean is and certainly not about me falling for him!

  Somewhere along the line, though, I must have taken a misstep, because there are currently two guys in my bed—but there’s only one I can think about.

  Chapter 17


  The garage door slides open with a glorious noise.

  “Here it is,” Donnie, the gray-haired, ball-cap-wearing owner of the building says.

  I step into the garage, taking in the space that rings with each footstep. The spot is bare, nothing more than a small warehouse with short windows ringing the top of it, but that’s all I need. With two rolling steel doors, there’s plenty of access and enough room to put the necessary tools. The only thing missing is an office-area, but that can be built to the side.

  “How old is this place?” I ask, stepping into the middle of the garage.

  “Only about ten years old,” Donnie explains. “My brother left it to me when he died. He had it running for a few years, just fixing cars. I figured I might get around to re-opening it after he went, but it’s a lot of work. The old lady already complains I got too much going on.”

  He chuckles, and the sound of a ringtone fills the garage. Donnie pulls his phone from his jeans and inspects it.

  “I gotta take this. Have a look around. I’ll be right back.”

  He steps out of the garage, going around to the side yard. There’s nothing else to really inspect, so I just stay where I am. Assuming the price is right, I’ve just found what I’ve been looking for.

  The t
hought of being so close to opening my shop fills me with excitement. I want to share the news, to tell someone right away.

  Taking my own phone out, I pull up my mom’s number, but then stop. She’s at work…and she’s not the person I want to talk to.

  Over a week has gone by since that night at Violet’s house, and she’s been on my mind each and every second. The way she gave herself over completely to me and Frank did something. Somehow, it further cemented the suspicion I already had. There’s no one else in the whole world like Violet.

  Surprisingly, that night didn’t make things weird between me and Frank at all. I would never admit this shit, but it was kind of exciting to share a girl. Though I have absolutely zero desire to see Frank’s naked ass or balls, watching Violet submit to him had me going crazy. I have a suspicion he liked it as well.

  If anything, sharing Violet has made us both more eager to win the bet. I’ve been sitting on pins and needles, waiting to hear if she’s pregnant—and also just waiting to hear from her.

  But neither of those things has happened. The few texts I’ve sent have gotten ‘sorry, busy’ responses. Judging by the overtime hours Frank’s been working and his daily visits to the gym, he also hasn’t been seeing Violet. But is she avoiding us? That’s what I really want to know.

  Forgoing my mom’s number, I call Violet’s instead.

  “Hi,” she answers in a pleasant voice.

  So far, so good.

  “How are you?”

  There’s the sound of a door closing. “Good. How are you?”

  “Great. I might have just found the garage to put my repair shop in.”

  “Sean, that’s great!”

  “Yeah.” I smile to myself. “Hey, what are you doing tonight? I was thinking maybe I could take you out to dinner. You know, to celebrate.”

  It’s a bad cover, but fuck. I’m only so creative.

  Silence. Too much silence.

  My mind races. I’ve said the wrong thing. Violet’s gonna know that I want more than sex from her…maybe even more than friendship.

  Shit, shit, shit.


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