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His Eternal Flame

Page 50

by Layla Valentine

  My nipples are swollen, sensitive against the harsh spray. I gently play with them, twisting and tugging as my other hand massages the hot spot below my navel.

  I can see Zach now, can feel him… He’s thrusting into me, his warm breath in my ear, his strong hands on my back…

  With a sharp gasp, I explode. Opening my eyes, I lean against the wall and catch my breath. I might have just come, but I still can’t get Zach out of my head.

  It would probably be an understatement to say I’m in trouble.

  I finish rinsing off, then call the office, putting the phone on speaker as I get dressed. After leaving the message about the impromptu interview with the front desk, I fix my hair and makeup, wondering the whole while what Ethan is going to think. He wanted me to do this article, but if he knew about my attraction to Zach, would he be jealous?

  Or am I overthinking this whole thing? Like I told Claire, I don’t get the sense either one of these guys is looking for a girlfriend.

  Still, that doesn’t change the fact that I’m a relationship type of girl. I like having boyfriends, love the comfort of knowing someone is there for me. So, despite the unusual situation I’ve found myself in, I’m still wondering what it would be like to regularly see Zach or Ethan.

  Finally ready to go, I snatch my things and head out the door. Parking is tricky, but I eventually manage to snag a spot. My nerves are rattling my whole body as I head into the offices of Zarner Technologies for the second time. Seeing Zach again has me nervous for multiple reasons, and I’m just praying I’ll be able to get through our meeting without stuttering or fainting from anxiety.

  This time, my visit to the shiny building is different from the get-go. The receptionist sends me up right away, directing me to the very top floor. There, I’m escorted to a small waiting room, offered coffee, and told Mr. Garner will be with me shortly.

  After less than two minutes of waiting, a smartly dressed assistant leads me down a hallway and opens a door. This is it. I’m in Zach’s office.

  He stands between me and his desk, hands in his pockets. The door clicks closed behind us. For a long breath, we just look at each other.

  It’s all I need for the emotions to come rushing back. The giddiness. The passion. The pain. The regret. It’s all there.

  “Noelle,” he says softly.

  “Hello to you, too.”

  “Have a seat.”

  He gestures to one of the two gray plush chairs in front of his desk and I self-consciously settle into one, laying my notebook and phone across my lap. Zach’s office is ironically similar to Ethan’s. It’s a corner one, with big windows, a great view, and a flawless, tight design. Other than both being ambitious, smart, and amazing in bed, the taste in a specific kind of working space is another thing they have in common.

  Instead of taking the seat behind his desk, Zach chooses the one right next to me. His knee is only inches away from mine, and the realization makes my temperature climb.

  “Thank you for coming.” He clears his throat, looking slightly uncomfortable, but he doesn’t look away. “I was harsh the other day. As you might have figured out by now, Ethan and I know each other, and we don’t have the best relationship. I overreacted. I apologize.”

  I’m so relieved that I can’t hold back my heavy exhale. So there’s another thing the two men have in common: they have tempers…but also hearts. They can’t stay angry for long.

  And yet, somehow, they appear to still hate each other after all these years.

  “I need to apologize too,” I quickly say. “When I accepted the assignment, I knew nothing about Ethan’s plan. I didn’t even know you two know each other.”

  Zach’s dark blond brows knit together.

  “So he does have a scheme up his sleeve.”

  I open my mouth to answer, but he waves me away.

  “Never mind. Forget about it. Of course Ethan Ford has some malicious plan. That’s typical of him. You shouldn’t be dragged into it.”

  “If I’d known…”

  Zach cuts me off.

  “It’s all right, Noelle. You didn’t know. And I’m sorry.” Unexpectedly, his hand is on mine. I glance down at my leg, where our hands are, excitement spiraling through me.

  “I didn’t think you’d ever want to see me again,” I choke out.

  Zach frowns. “For the first hour after you left, I didn’t want to. But then I started to come to my senses. I realized what a mistake I’d made by pushing such an intelligent, beautiful woman away.”

  My lips twitch. I don’t want to grin like a giddy fool, but I’m not going to be able to stop myself. “I’m glad you texted me.”

  “And I’m glad you came.”

  “About the interview… We don’t have to do it if you don’t want to. I understand if you don’t—”

  “No, we’ll do it.” His gaze darts across my face, and he pulls his hand away. I try not to frown. “What do you want to ask me?”

  “Okay, well, now that we’re getting everything out in the open, I want to make it clear that I want to write an article that you’re comfortable with. We don’t have to make it personal. How about a ‘Zach Garner’s Guide to Success’? Or something like that. That’s not a great title, admittedly. Um, what I’m trying to say is a lot of people really look up to you. Maybe you could give some tips on how to get ahead in the industry.”

  “That sounds like a good idea. I’m willing to do that.” He smiles slyly, and my intuition tells me he’s thinking about something other than the article.

  I push those kinds of thoughts out of my head, though, and get to work grilling Zach. He’s patient, giving me a full, detailed answer to every question. I listen intently, glad the recorder is going so that I don’t have to stop looking at him in order to write things down.

  At this point, recording the interview seems pointless. I swear I’ll remember every single word this man says. He takes me through his years growing up with his two siblings in New Jersey, where he was a latchkey kid to two parents working multiple jobs, to his scholarship to Stanford, to his early years after college, during which he made his first million off a networking app. Never once does he mention Ethan.

  But that’s all right, because I’m not thinking about the other man much either. Instead, I’m in awe of Zach, hooked on a true story of hard work, determination, and commitment to a dream. Zach talks about the industry with a passion I don’t quite understand—but that I love seeing him experience.

  After what seems like too soon, but probably isn’t any more than an hour, I’m out of questions… Questions about Zach’s career, that is.

  Stopping the recording app, I put my phone away.

  “Was there anything else you wanted to ask me?” Zach gives me a purposeful look. “Like whether or not I’d like to join you for dinner tonight?”

  My heart swells.

  “Um, that… That does sound nice,” I answer, stumbling over my words like a junior-high kid with her crush.

  “Is that a yes?”

  I can’t talk about us right now. It’s going to distract me from the task at hand.

  “I actually would like to ask you about something personal. Off the record, of course.”


  I try not to wince through the question. “What’s the story of you and Ethan Ford?”

  Zach’s expression remains calm, the anger I half expected not surfacing.

  “I should have known that question was coming.”

  I stay quiet. I might be onto a rare and honest moment here. The truth can be like a wild animal. Make the wrong move when trying to get close to it and it might just spook and run away.

  “We were college buddies,” he explains. “And we had a falling out over a girl.”

  I nod. It’s basically what Ethan told me, but stripped down. What I desperately need to know—and really, at this point, for myself—is whether or not Zach really stole Ethan’s girlfriend.

  “What happened?” I gently ask.r />
  Zach blows out a hard breath and rubs his palm across his mouth. A mouth I can’t stop looking at.

  “His girlfriend left him and, uh, right after she did, she tried to hook up with me.” He gives me a strained smile, as if to tell me it’s all no big deal. He looks so sad, though.

  “And he blamed you for that?” I slowly ask.

  Zach shrugs. “Yeah. He thought that I tried to steal her from him.”

  “But…” I swallow. “Did you?”

  “No,” he firmly says. “I wouldn’t do that.”

  I nod, more confused than before. Each man told me a different story. The only consistent I see is that A) there was a girl, and that B) she came between the two of them. Other than that, there’s just a lot of finger-pointing.

  “He’s your boss,” Zach goes on. “So I shouldn’t talk ill about him to you. I just… Yeah. I don’t exactly think highly of him.” His jaw twitches. It’s obvious that saying he ‘doesn’t think highly’ of Ethan is an understatement.

  “It’s all right. I asked.”

  My temperature rises, and I hope I’m not noticeably blushing. Zach Garner, this sexy, fun man who likes me, and whom I like as well… What would he think if he knew that just yesterday I had sex with the very man he despises?

  And, what’s more, that I would probably do it again? Will maybe do it again, if given the chance?

  “It’s really good to see you.” Zach’s voice is deep, breathy. It makes my body twitch with instant need.

  He reaches for me, and before I can take another breath I’m in his lap, my legs to one side and my arms around his neck. His nose brushes against mine, and he gives me the most tender, gentle kiss. It’s just what I was missing: that special touch.

  I’m a goner.

  I open my mouth further, letting Zach work his tongue against mine. As his mouth takes mine over, frantic need builds in my veins. Zach’s hands get hungrier, finding their way to my hair.

  With a thick gasp, he breaks the kiss, but only takes his mouth to my ear.

  “Meet me after work,” he whispers, making me shiver with pleasure.

  I lean back to look at him, uncertain. I want to see him later. Isn’t it what I was just fantasizing about earlier?

  But what he told me—this situation with him and Ethan—I can’t leave it alone now. Even if I’m not going to write an article about Zach’s personal life, my interest is beyond piqued at this point. I want to know what happened between the two of them. No—need to know. Even if I don’t explicitly write about it, knowing the story will help me further discern what kind of people they are.

  Not to mention it’s just a darn good mystery, something I can’t resist. Unearthing the truth, getting down to the whos and the whys…it’s the reason I became a journalist in the first place.

  “Tonight isn’t good,” I regretfully say.

  Zach’s lips press together. He looks as disappointed as a feel.

  “Can we make it a rain check?” I ask. “I really want to see you, I just…” I pick up his hand and intertwine my fingers with his. “Work calls tonight.”

  He nods. “I understand. Just don’t keep me hanging for long, all right? I made a dumb mistake the other day. I’d like to make it up to you.” His voice drops. “Over and over.”

  O…M…G. If I don’t get off this man’s lap and walk out of the room right this instant, there’s a good chance I never will.

  Hard as it is, I peel myself off his lap.

  “I’ll text you,” I promise. Just remembering that I now have Zach’s number gives me a thrill.

  He stands, watching me walk backward toward the door.

  “You better.”

  With a wave, I force myself out the door before I change my mind and tear my clothes off. Once back on the street, it’s easier to think a little clearer.

  So Zach and Ethan remember the ending of their friendship completely different. Either there was some kind of big misunderstanding…or one of them is lying.

  Either way, I’m going to find out what really happened.

  Chapter 10

  The hallway is eerily dark. I feel along its wall as I walk, my fingertips brushing along inch after inch of hard plaster. Finally, they fall against thin air. There’s a doorway here, and when I turn into it there’s also suddenly light.

  I’m in Zach’s office, and he’s here as well, standing by the window, quiet and waiting for me. But he’s not alone. Ethan is also here, sitting at Zach’s desk, rolling a paperweight around.

  But what are they doing together? They hate each other.

  “We did,” Ethan says, as if reading my mind, “but we realized that doesn’t matter. There are things that are more important.”

  He rises, and they both come to me, Zach pressing close to my chest and Ethan to my back. And now I know this must be a dream. This is too easy… It’s too much of what I want…

  But it also feels so real. Is my imagination really this good? Could it really make up something so sublime?

  Zach lifts my chin, his eyes gazing into mine. My heart pounds, full to the brim with something I’ve never experienced. Before I can even wonder what to call it, his mouth is against mine. It’s so familiar already. I know every curve of it. Still, I crave its taste. It’s a sweet delicacy I’ll never get tired of.

  As Zach kisses me, Ethan lifts my hair to burrow his face in the side of my neck. He sucks on the delicate skin there, making me moan into Zach’s mouth. Hands are on my waist, my stomach. They move over my hips and across my shoulders, too many of them for me to keep track of. I don’t know who is touching me where, and I don’t care. I just don’t want this to ever stop.

  When my pajama pants are pushed down, though, I know it’s Ethan. The sharp air hits my bare ass, but his hands are already there, covering and kneading.

  They move up, yanking my tank top over my head and forcing me to pause the kiss with Zach. Their mouths are quickly on me again, though, Zach claiming my tongue and Ethan lavishing attention on my ear. I’m fully naked between them, aware of every goose pimple rising across my skin.

  Zach works my mouth even further open as his hand slides down my torso and between my legs. I widen my stance, eager for his touch. He doesn’t disappoint.

  He’s inside of me with a smooth push, the wetness there making his entry flawless. I melt against him, pushing my hips in his direction. My upper back arches against Ethan, and he wraps his arm around my shoulders, keeping me in place, holding me up as Zach works me.

  “That’s good,” Ethan whispers in my ear. “You’re so good for us. Let Zach do what he wants to, baby.”

  I try to respond ‘yes,’ but only a moan leaves me. Zach pushes another finger between my folds, bringing it to three. I’m stretched wide, but I know that once he gives me what I’m really craving I’ll be nearly bursting at the seams.

  The tips of his fingers find the ridged spot deep in me, and he strokes at a steady pace. At the same time, Ethan reaches around and finds my hard nub. He flicks it, making me shudder before he presses against it in long, languid strokes.

  The pleasure pulses hard and fast, and before long I’m coming so hard I’m unable to stand up straight. Ethan and Zach keep me up though, locking me tight between their bodies.

  The shockwaves haven’t even subsided, and Zach is picking me up. Cradled in his arms, my elbows locked around his neck, our gazes catch. Everything I want to hear is there, silently being emoted. You’re mine, his eyes say. And you’re going to love every second of it.

  He carries me to the desk, where Ethan has already swept everything to the floor. The length and width of it are perfect for what he has in mind. Laying me down across the wood, I’m spread out for their viewing, a feast for the taking. I stay motionless, gazing up at them, my feet on the desk, legs open wide. They stand side-by-side, shoulders pressed together, hungry looks on their faces.

  I can’t tear my eyes away as they start to undress, losing first their button-up shirts and then their pa
nts. Their lengths are thick and ready, pulsing. Ethan licks his lips, his gaze slithering from my head to my toes, then back up again.

  They seem to have an unspoken agreement, because there’s no fighting. No animosity. They work together in silence, Ethan stepping to the side of the desk. I reach for his dick, wrapping my fingers around its girth and absorbing its warmth. Ethan pushes his hips closer, nudging his length’s head against my mouth.

  I’m salivating, my mouth watering with greed.

  Eyes closed, I lick the very tip of Ethan’s head, swirling my tongue around it as I take it fully in. With one hand, I pump the base. Somehow, he becomes even stiffer.

  Zach’s hands are on my thighs, spreading them wide. I open my eyes and peer down the length of the desk as I bob my head on Ethan’s shaft. Zach’s lifting my legs, holding them up at an angle as he takes his dick to my opening.

  He slides in, smooth as butter, disappearing completely in my channel. Pleasure ripples up through me, making it easier to relax my jaw.

  With my whole body relaxed, taking both guys at once is no problem. Ethan and Zach are both buried in me to the hilt, one in my mouth and one between my legs.

  Zach lifts my legs higher, hitting a spot inside me that makes me cry out. My moan comes out gurgled, eaten up by Ethan’s dick.

  Faster and faster they pummel into me. Ethan twists his fingers in my hair, hand traveling across my hips. A sharp spank hits my swollen nub, and I yelp. He quickly replaces the short burst of pain with pleasure, though, rubbing me with just the right friction and pace.

  The pressure and pleasure build in me, and I’m moaning loud, my mouthful doing nothing now to quell my shouts. Zach and Ethan start groaning too, their delicious moans sending me over the edge.

  Zach takes over the stroking of my clit, and Ethan takes hold of my breasts, tugging and twisting my tight nipples. Each tug sends an electric jolt through me, making me arch my back and silently beg Ethan to keep touching me.

  With a cry that takes all my breath, I explode, the pleasure so strong lights flash before my eyes. I jerk, thrashing around in ecstasy.


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