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Page 10

by Madison Stevens

  The worry increased, and her eyes widened.

  “And you didn’t?” she asked.

  He shook his head but kept staring at her. “It doesn’t mean I don’t know how, but I just want it to be good. I want to be good.”

  A red hue colored his face, and she understood what he was saying.

  Val leaned in and kissed him with everything she had. Her tongue slipped into his mouth, and she wove her body on top of his until she was straddling his thighs.

  She sighed when his hands slipped behind her and rested on her tight ass.

  When she pulled away, his eyes were like two bright yellow disks.

  “Being with you will be amazing,” she said. She took his hand and led it to the damp cloth between her legs. “Just kissing you causes this.” She rubbed his hand against her wet spot and smiled at his surprised face. Her other hand found his hard length, and she ran a finger along it. “I’m sure this will feel even better.”

  This time it was Apollo who closed the distance between them, his mouth hot against her own.

  She gasped when the forgotten hand between her legs moved against her, rubbing the rough fabric against the sensitive nub between her legs.

  She pulled her mouth away and groaned loudly. It was too much, and yet it wasn’t enough.

  Val grabbed his hand. The air shifted to regret, but she ignored his emotions and pushed his hand down the front of her pants.

  “Please,” she groaned in frustration.

  His lust was thick in the air as his fingers slipped easily between her wet folds.

  He explored her gently, rubbing all around but never nearly reaching what she needed.

  Val shook with need as she lifted herself and leaned forward against him, her mouth near his ear.

  “Fuck me,” she moaned.

  She gasped when he slipped two fingers deep inside her. They scissored back and forth inside, stroking a spot that made her shake every time he hit it.

  “How is that, baby?” he said to her, his voice low but strained.

  All this time and she’d neglected him, not that she would have been able to do more. As soon as he touched her, she was a goner.

  “I need more,” she said.

  This time when she reached down to rip off her shirt, he didn’t bother to stop her. Her bra was next, and it was her turn to be embarrassed. She wasn’t well endowed like some women, but at least she had some.

  Val looked away, but her eyes found him again after a moment.

  She gasped as his mouth enclosed one hard peak. He pulled hard, and she hissed. Her orgasm was so close, but she didn’t want it to be this way.

  Without warning, she stood and pulled his hand from her pants. The emptiness left her insides clenching.

  She reached down and pulled his shirt over his head. Hard muscles rippled in the light. She ran her hands along them.

  He growled at her touch, and she smiled. Stepping just out of reach, Val slipped out of the rest of her clothes. Standing naked in front of her made her excited and nervous all balled into one.

  Apollo stood. Never in his life had he seen something so beautiful. Her cheeks were pink and lips red from their kisses. He walked to her and shuddered when she placed hot open-mouthed kisses against his chest.

  Her tiny hands fumbled with the button on his pants and when she popped it open, her bright blue eyes found his. He watched as she unzipped his pants and slid them down his legs.

  He stepped out and kicked them somewhere behind them.

  She wrapped her hand around his thick length, and he groaned at her cool touch. The first time her mouth slipped over his hard cock, he nearly choked on his tongue. The feeling pulled at him from deep inside, and he wondered how long he’d be able to keep this up before he came.

  It wasn’t like he was new to that aspect. There had been more than a few times that he had pictured her doing this very thing to him.

  Before he could even think on it for too long, her mouth was gone. When he opened his eyes, she was climbing onto the bed.

  “I need you,” she whispered.

  That was all he needed to hear.

  Without a word, he climbed onto the bed and between her legs. Like before, her heat called to him. His dick slipped between her wet folds, his head bumping her clit.

  “Yes,” she whispered and stared up at him. He loved that she looked him in the eye, as if they were connected. Everything in him called to be connected in more than one way.

  He continued letting his hard length slip between her folds, torturing not just himself but her as well.

  “Apollo,” she said. Her nails bit into his arm as she writhed under him.

  Not able to hold back and longer, he positioned his head at her opening. It was so very thick, and she was so very small.

  Val smiled up at him. “It’s fine.”

  He slowly pushed into her, one inch at a time, until he was fully rooted inside.

  She moaned, and he started to pull back.

  “No,” she shouted.

  He brought his forehead to hers and panted as he waited for her.

  He shifted inside her and took in a shuddered breath.

  “Don’t you dare think about pulling out,” she whispered. “Now fuck me.”

  She had known that was all he needed. His worry had filled the air, and he just needed to know she wasn’t going to break.

  His hips slapped against her, and she locked her legs behind his back. It only seemed to encourage him more. When his hand came down and rubbed her clit hard, Val gasped and bucked hard against him, her insides just seconds away from release.

  “Apollo,” she cried out, her orgasm so close.

  He lifted up her hips and went faster. The friction was almost more than she could take, but soon, she was screaming his name. Her insides clamped hard over him, and he pushed into her one last time before coming. She felt his dick jerk hard inside and shuddered at the feeling of him. Tremors from her own still wracked her body.

  Apollo rolled onto his back and took her with him. Still buried deep inside, she sighed and laid her head on his chest.

  Their hearts beat in time.


  His feelings echoed her own.

  For the first time, she had the life that she always wanted.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The hum of the cars on the road didn’t drown out her guilty conscience as Val made her way along the outskirts of the creepy little town. She had wanted to go another way, but there was none. This was the only way out, especially if you didn’t have a car. She’d hitchhiked for a small bit, but the threatening vibe from the driver had her out of the car after not all that long.

  She glanced down the road and caught her reflection in the glass of a store. She was the worst person ever. How could someone like her even exist? Apollo was more than anything she’d ever wanted, and yet she’d still run.

  It didn’t matter. She couldn’t stay with him. She didn’t even know how. In the end, all she’d done her whole life was run. From foster families. From boyfriends. From any chance at friends. Thinking she’d be able to have a normal life was insane. She was anything but normal.

  After several minutes, the coffee shop from the other day came into view, and she sighed. Despite the weirdness, she needed some caffeine and maybe a phone for a cab.

  She stepped in front of the window and was surprised to see Jenna staring back at her.

  Run? Hadn’t she already tried that? Little good it did her if she was just going to keep running into people.

  She opened up the door and stepped inside.

  Val glanced around and was glad the creepy waitress from the other day wasn’t working. She slipped into the seat opposite of Jenna and sighed.

  “I’m surprised they let you out without a ride,” Jenna said, glancing around.

  Worry was thick in the air. At least Val wasn’t the only one creeped out by the place.

  “Well,” Val said and smiled when a waitress filled up the
mug in front of her. When the waitress was far enough away, she continued. “I sorta took matters into my own hands.”

  Jenna blinked at her a few times and frowned.

  “If you hurt them…” she said in a deadly whisper.

  Val shook her head vigorously. “It’s not like that,” she said quietly. “I didn’t hurt anyone.”

  She frowned. That wasn’t exactly true either.

  Jenna glared at her, and she could feel the suspicion cutting into her like a knife.

  Her eyes welled up with tears.

  “Apollo,” she said.

  “Did you…?” The question hung in the air between them.

  She nodded.

  “I can’t do this,” Val whispered. “I’m not a family person. I wouldn’t know how to be if I tried. I’m not normal.”

  Jenna crossed her arms. Her frown grew deeper. “And he is?”

  Val knew this, but doubt about her own worth still ate at her.

  “He could have a normal family,” she said.

  Jenna raised a brow. “We are talking about the same Apollo, right?”

  She tried to laugh, but it came out more as a choked sound.

  He had said it. His words still rattled around in her brain. She was it. What if they were each other’s only chance? Was she willing to never see him again?

  Tears dripped onto the table, and she grabbed a napkin.

  “Come back with me,” Jenna said quietly. “It’s cold feet. These men can be so intense it’s a wonder that more women don’t run off.”

  This time Val did laugh. They were intense. Hopefully, he would understand. She didn’t know what she was offering him, but whatever it was, she didn’t want to leave his side.

  Jenna stood and walked to the counter to pay. Val followed, grateful that they were the only ones in the place.

  She stared up at the news. Nothing new. Sunshine tomorrow. Maybe a new flavor. A new game on the market. The picture distorted, causing the show to flash off and on.

  Val turned to the old woman behind the counter.

  “You should really think about getting cable,” she said.

  The woman blinked several times and then looked up at the TV. When she looked back, her eyes had an odd look about them. She had no feelings to read, and that alone made Val shiver.

  “Looks fine to me,” the woman said. The woman’s brown eyes stayed fixed on her, and she shivered.

  Val tugged on Jenna’s arm as she gathered the change she was given. Not waiting for her to say anything, Val pulled her outside.

  “What the hell?” Jenna frowned at her.

  Val glanced down the street. The feeling of unease was growing. Her number one rule was trust your gut.

  “Get in the car,” Val said quickly.

  A few people glanced their way, and she could feel their distorted anger. Something was wrong with these people.

  Jenna frowned. “What’s up?”

  Val shook her head and pushed her to the car. “We need to get out of here right now,” she whispered.

  Jenna rushed to her side of the car and hopped in. Val was just as quick on the other side.

  Jenna put the key in, and the car started right up.

  Val nearly jumped out of her seat when the waitress knocked on her window.

  “Drive!” Val yelled. Her eyes fixed on the glassy-eyed woman. The woman’s face contorted in rage.

  Jenna stepped on the gas, and they sped through town. People stopped to stare at them, but she didn’t care. There was something seriously wrong with the place.

  “Wanna tell me what the hell just happened?” Jenna yelled as they crossed over the city line back onto the country road.

  Val shook her head. “I don’t know what’s going on with those people, but it might have something to do with the TV.”

  She pulled her backpack off and yanked a small tablet from the bag.

  “What’s wrong with the TV?” Jenna asked.

  Val scrolled along the screen and pulled up pictures from the cameras at Luna Lodge.

  “Motherfuckers,” she said and looked out at the road.

  Val looked over to Jenna, who was still driving like a bat out of hell. “There was a hack of the system at the lodge. Well, except it wasn’t just a hack. Whoever did this was hooked into the main system. They could see everything that was happening there.”

  “What?” Jenna said. Panic rose in her voice. “Who?”

  Val shook her head and started going through system documents. All she had to do was find the line they were operating on. It was so simple, and yet no one would even think to look. It should have struck her when she was pulling the odd wire from the cameras, but she just assumed it was a mistake. No one used that sort of wire on security cameras, that is, unless they wanted to share their feed.

  “Fuck,” she groaned and pulled up the feed from the cameras still in the old system. She fast forwarded through the material. Maybe it was nothing, but she had to know.

  “What?” Jenna asked. Her voice shook as she spoke.

  Val was nearly to the last twenty minutes of the feed before she saw what she hoped she wouldn’t.

  “I need your phone,” Val said in a panic. “I forgot mine.”

  Jenna shook her head. “I don’t have one,” she nearly cried. “I told him I needed one!”

  “You don’t have a phone?” Val nearly shouted. How could this be happening?

  “It was a risk,” Jenna said quietly. “Val, what the hell is going on?”

  “The lodge is under attack,” she said.

  * * *

  Apollo glanced back down at the note in his hand and growled. She was in so much trouble. He’d just have to work harder to convince her that he was not giving up.

  Rem pulled up beside him, and he groaned.

  “You?” he said and scowled. “When did they start letting you drive around?”

  Rem gave him a dazzling smile. “When they needed me to go to town to run errands. It takes too long to hoof it, even for me.”

  Apollo shook his head. This might be the best option.

  “Val took off,” he said and glanced away. The last thing he wanted was for that guy, of all people, to know about any of his problems.

  When he looked back, Rem was staring off into the distance.

  “What the hell is that?” Rem said and squinted his eyes.

  Apollo shook his head. There wasn’t much out that way, just the school and younger hybrid dorms.

  The harsh smell of smoke cut through the air.

  He turned. A column of black and gray smoke trailed into the night sky. Red and orange played in the distance.

  “Fire,” Rem said quietly.

  Apollo pulled out his phone to get someone on it but froze as a beastly howl cut through the silence.

  He turned to Rem.

  “Glycons,” they said in unison.

  Apollo hopped in the car.

  “To the babies,” Apollo said. “They will go for them first.”

  His fingers bounced on the phone as Rem raced through the newly paved roads.

  He didn’t understand why an alarm hadn’t already been raised. That meant the enemy had taken them totally by surprise.

  “What?” Titus said, clear over the line.

  “Sound the alarm,” Apollo said quickly. “We’ve been breached.”

  “By what?” Titus asked. He could hear him shout to several men and was surprised to hear gunfire from that side of the compound.

  “Glycons,” he shouted into the line.

  “Fuck,” Titus growled. “Where are you?”

  They stopped outside the family units. Sol stood out front.

  “With the women,” Apollo said.

  Kate and Erica peered out from the window.

  “Send someone over to the school,” Rem shouted. “It’s on fire.”

  “On it,” Titus said, and Apollo nodded back to Rem.

  They climbed out and met Sol out front. He had a gun in hand.

sp; “Anything yet?” Rem asked.

  Sol nodded to the back of the house. “Killed one of those mutant bastards out back,” he said. “What the fuck is going on?”

  Apollo shook his head. He couldn’t have planned for worse timing.

  More gunfire rang through the air. His heart trembled with worry over Val. He could only hope that she was away from all of this.

  * * *

  The gate stood slightly ajar as Jenna approached. They could hear gunfire on the other side. The only question was, who was doing the shooting?

  “What should we do?” Jenna asked.

  Val didn’t see much choice. They had to get in there. She could feel the tug of Cassia. Her family needed her, and she wasn’t about to abandon them now.

  “Gun it,” she said.

  Jenna looked at her like she was crazy.

  “Do you want in there?” Val asked. The gunfire grew louder and closer.

  Jenna swallowed hard and slammed her foot hard against the gas. The car punched forward and slammed into the gate.

  Bullets perforated the car as they raced through the gate.

  “Duck!” she shouted.

  The windows burst just as she dunked her head down. Jenna bobbed up and down to see the road ahead of them.

  The gunfire grew distant, and they sat back up in their seats.

  Fire raged in the distance, and she worried about the children.

  “Those were my uncle’s men,” Jenna said in shock. “They know my car.”

  Val looked in the mirror at the men at the gate. There were some huge weird-looking men, easily the size of the hybrids, standing near men in uniform. They were not attacking each other.

  “I have to find my uncle,” Jenna said in a near panic.

  Val shook her head. “No.”

  Jenna slowed down and glared at her.

  “He’s my uncle,” she said.

  “He’s a trained soldier.” Val pointed to the road to the right. “We need to get to the family housing. The children can’t protect themselves.”


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