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Jason's Awakening (Moonhunters)

Page 3

by Remy Marie

  “I have that style in black,” Trini repeated.

  “I bought it two weeks ago when it went on sale. It’s a nice fit. I got this month’s catalog yesterday too. Did you want to go inside with me to see their new styles?”

  “Are you not hungry?” Jason asked nervously.

  “Food can wait. I just got paid this week. Come on, it would be fun. We are just going to take a quick look.” Trini proceeded to drag Jason into the store.

  There were countless women in the boutique. There were some men. Most looked annoyed as they watched their partners search for the latest deals. Jason was the opposite. All of his life, he had always walked past this store and not ever gone in, he never had a reason to, today changed that reason.

  Trini dragged Jason to the new arrivals section of the store as Trini browsed the new undergarment line. She muttered to herself as she brought up each underwear style and held it up to the light. She finally decided on a black satin push up bra laced with gold trimming and a golden laced black thong.

  “What do you think about this?” Trini asked as place the bra and underwear over the clothing she had on.

  Jason felt his heartbeat quicken. The longer he stared at the outfit, the more he felt his sexual desire grow for Trini. Jason finally managed to stutter, “It looks good, and do you like it?”

  “I do, but you can never be too sure about these things. Come with me.” Trini said as she grabbed hold of Jason’s arm. She brought him to the fitting room location where a store clerk stood waiting.

  “Men are not allowed in the dressing room.” The store clerk barked. She was an average size woman. She looked like she had already worked two full shifts as her hair was lazily placed into a ponytail.

  “Actually, I wanted to come over and say that there is a woman over there who said she needed your help,” Trini said as she pointed to an older lady at the corner of the store.

  “Why didn’t she come and ask for help directly from me then?”

  “I don’t know? Listen, I work in retail. I know how customers are. Total bitches. I’m just trying to help you get a sale for the commission.” A smile appeared on the woman’s face.

  “I do need the extra money, thanks for looking out,” she replied as she left her post. Trini smiled darkly as she watched the store clerk approached the older lady.

  “Okay, the coast is clear. Come on,” Trini said as she dragged Jason into the dressing room.

  “Trini, we shouldn’t, what if we get caught,” Jason replied worried.

  “Oh come on you wuss. Where is your sense of adventure?” She dragged Jason into an open dressing room and closed the door right after they entered. She gave a flirtatious smile to Jason. “Alright, now turn around.”

  “Wait, what about Kyle?”

  “It’s cool; you’re not seeing me naked or anything. It’s like seeing me in a two-piece. You’ve already seen that before. We’ve known each other for five years. That’s five years of seeing me in a bikini, right?”

  “I guess.”

  “You see? Nothing to worry about, now turn,” Trini commanded as she grabbed Jason’s shoulders and turned him the opposite direction. Jason stared at the white wall as he waited for Trini to change. Jason began to stare at the sloppy graffiti written on the wall when he started to notice Trini’s articles of clothing being thrown to the ground. First, it was her tank top, followed by her bra.

  She’s topless right now, Jason thought as he felt the sexual urge grow deep within him. Her dark blue skirt and underwear were discarded next. Jason felt his blood pump faster as he realized she was completely nude behind him. Jason felt his manhood grow stiff as he fantasied about turning around and seeing what Trini’s body looked like at the moment. What I would give to see her now. Jason heard shuffling and the sound of Trini trying on the undergarments.

  “Alright, you can turn around now. What do you think?” Trini asked as she placed her hands on her hips, modeling the outfit.

  Jason had to clench down on his teeth to keep his mouth from dropping. His throat grew dry as he looked at her desirable figure. Jason looked at every curve of her body as his eyes looked at her breasts being pushed up by her bra. Her pale bosoms looked twice as large in her satin bra. His glance made his way down to her stomach. Jason noticed she was trembling as he looked at her flat stomach. Her belly button was pierced with a black U shaped piercing.

  I always liked that piercing. He finally made it to her thong, which displayed her toned shaped thighs. She slowly turned around and showed the cheeky backside of the thong. Her pale legs trembled with anticipation, as Jason inspected her. He ogled her sculptured buttock as it gently curved into a muscular shape. The thong fit her body perfectly as it showed a healthy amount of skin but still kept the mystery.

  God, she looks sexy, Jason thought as he fought the temptation to touch her.

  “So?” Trini asked once more.

  “Ugh, you look amazing, or as Mohinder would say smashing,” Jason replied using Mohinder’s British accent. Trini let out a small laugh at Jason’s comments. “It suits you. I think you should get it.”

  “Thanks, I like it too, but I think I’m going to wait till it goes on sale. Are you ready to head out?”

  A part of me wants to stay and watch her model more, but I have broken so many friend codes today. Slowly, Jason nodded in agreement.

  “Let’s go and get some dinner,” Jason suggested.

  “Yeah, let’s go.” Trini gave an irresistible grin to Jason as she used her finger to tell him to turn around. Once Trini was done changing, she placed the undergarments back on a return hanger and left the dressing room. As they left the store, the store clerk gave the couple a dirty look as she realized that she was duped in Trini’s scheme. The couple snickered as they left the store together.

  After passing a few more stores, they were at their final destination. G&Fs was a large chain restaurant with a large arcade section in the restaurant as well. Jason loved this restaurant but didn’t eat there often because of how expensive it was.

  Mohinder’s twenty dollars should help with the cost though, Jason thought as he walked inside with Trini. After greeting the hostess, she led Trini and Jason to their table. Once they sat down, she smiled and placed the menus on the wooden table.

  “Your server should be with you soon.” She smiled at the couple as she walked away.

  “Thank you,” Jason replied as he opened his menu. “What did you want to get?” Jason asked Trini as he searched the menu.

  “I like their beer and play special. You know the one where you pick two appetizers and get a bucket of beer and fifty tokens for games. Did you want to do that?”

  “Yeah, that sounds amazing,” Jason replied.

  “Great, I was thinking of getting the mozzarella sticks.”

  “Nice choice as usual. Let’s add chicken spring rolls.”

  “Yum, sounds good to me,” Trini responded. When the waiter arrived, Jason placed the order while Trini checked her phone for messages. Once he was done ordering, Jason placed his attention back to Trini.

  “Everything okay?” Jason asked

  “Yeah, it’s just Kyle is a literal asshole. I swear the man can’t function without any help.” Jason nodded in response and noticed the server returned with the bucket of beers.

  “Well, here comes something to put out those flames.” A wide smile appeared on Trini’s face as she grabbed a beer. She managed to chug half a bottle before she placed the bottle back on the table.

  “I fucking hate working retail.”

  “Why is that?” Jason asked as he took a sip of his beer.

  “It’s just too many damn policies to start with. Plus, people are plain rude. They treat you like shit. I’m proud of Mohinder and you though. It sounds like you guys are kicking ass in school, congrats on finishing another semester,” Trini said as she held out her beer bottle for Jason to cheers.

  “Thanks,” Jason replied as he clashed the beer bottle with Trini’s an
d took a long swig. Once Jason was done, he placed a beer bottle on the table.

  “Why not go to school again? You know, for instance, you could go to community college.”

  Trini created a fake laugh at Jason comments. “Unlike you, I’m not a genius. I don’t belong in college. I barely passed high school. I don’t really have any special skills. That’s why I’m stuck at some no-name job in the mall,” Trini replied as she finished off her first beer. She reached for a new beer from the ice bucket and swished down a third of the bottle.

  “Easy with those, you realize you’re driving back right?”

  Trini raised her eyebrows at Jason.

  “I’m fine once I get some food in me, mom,” Trini snapped back in an unusual tone. Judging by the tone, Jason knew not to push the issue further. The couple was silent until the food finally arrived and Jason grabbed a small plate and placed two mozzarella sticks on it along with one chicken spring roll. Jason took a bite of the hot spring roll and tasted the savory cabbage as he washed it down with his beer.

  “Listen, Jason, I’m sorry for snapping at you. I know that I need to work on that.”

  “It’s okay, we all screw up sometimes,” Trini nodded as she dipped her cheese stick into her marinara sauce. The couple ate in silence until the two appetizer baskets were empty.

  “Hey, I know that were supposed to play some arcade games after this, but did you want to get a rain check? We can always come back later.”

  “Yeah sure, I’ll pay for this,” Jason signaled the waiter to pay for their meal.

  “Are you sure?” Trini asked.

  “Yeah, I got it. I had a great time with you today. You looked great in that lingerie set.” A grateful smile parted her lips.

  “I had a great time with you too.” Trini reached across the table and rubbed Jason’s hand. She passionately looked into Jason’s eyes. “I’m sorry I ruined the moment. I didn’t mean to be an asshole. I think Kyle is starting to rub off on me.”

  “It’s fine, like I said I had a good time,” Jason said as he took the bill from the waiter. He frowned as he looked at the bill.

  “What’s the damage?” Trini asked.

  “It’s not too bad. I got it,” Jason lied to Trini as he dug in his pants for change. This is going to set me back for a week, Jason thought as he laid two twenty dollar bills on the check.

  “Are you ready to go?” Jason asked.

  “Yep, lead the way,” Trini replied.

  A half-hour later, Trini and Jason arrived outside of Jason’s apartment complex. Trini kept the engine running as she looked at Jason with a smile. She reached across the vehicle and rubbed Jason’s knee and looked passionately into his brown eyes. Her lips quivered as she gave a flirtatious smile to Jason.

  “Listen, I had a great time. We should really consider doing this again. You know just the two of us,” Trini said as her upper chest clenched forward as she seductively looked at Jason.

  Jason gave Trini a strange look. Did she want me to kiss her? Is this the moment that everyone talks about? Jason felt himself moving forward towards Trini’s lips and noticed that Trini was inching closer to him as well. Jason placed his hand on the side of Trini’s face and felt her body slightly tremble from his touch. She let out a soft moan as she embraced his hand on her face. Jason continued to lean towards Trini until he stopped suddenly.

  Wait a minute, she has a boyfriend. Don’t be stupid. Kyle may be an ass, but I don’t want to be the guy to cheat on him, Jason contemplated. Jason rejected his movements and reached for the door handle instead. As the door handle unhatched, Trini’s face showed confusion.

  “Trini I had a good time with you. I’ll be back to pick you up around eleven,” Jason blurted out as he hopped out of the car.

  Trini shook her head in a negative motion as Jason got out of the car. “Yeah, whatever. I’ll see you at eleven,” Trini said slightly depressed as Jason closed her car door. Jason watched as Trini’s car backed out of the parking spot and zoom away.

  “What have I’ve done?” Jason whispered as he watched her taillights disappear into the distance.

  Chapter 4

  What is with this fucking day? Trini thought as she stopped at the apartment complex’s stop sign. She looked back in her rearview mirror and watched Jason unlock his apartment and walk in. Once Jason was safely inside, Trini checked both ways on the cross street and then exited the complex. Trini took a deep breath to calm down her sexual urges from her experience with dropping off Jason.

  I thought for sure that he was going to kiss me tonight. The date, was it a date? I guess so because he did pay for dinner. The date went good, besides the interruption by Kyle and my back talk. Mom was right; I need to work on that shit, nearly ruined the date, but overall things couldn’t be better. I could tell he was into me changing at the boutique. His sexual glances were like a panther ready to pounce, not to mention he didn’t exactly hide his boner. He has a nice package from what I could tell through his jeans. God, it would have been hot to have sex in that changing room. With Jason just taking me from behind; well, I guess it wouldn’t be too hot. He still is a virgin. I’m not sure if virgins really have the skill set of performing doggy style in a cramped room. If this was an RPG video game, his sex skill would be at a zero. It doesn’t matter; I was sure as hell ready for him. I was drenched in that fitting room; if Jason made a move, it would have been game on. We could have worked out the logistics. Damn it Trini, right now you’re thinking of cheating on Kyle. Trini shook her head as if she was trying to get rid of the impure thoughts.

  Shit, but the way he touched my arm in the car, why didn’t he just kiss me earlier. It was probably because I’m still dating Kyle. Like I said before, he’s loyal to a fault. I should have just made a move. Damn romance novels have the shit backward. If you want to be kissed, sometimes you just have to take it for yourself. Don’t wait for the hunky sexy guy to do it. Trini added as she felt the need to de-stress from her day with Jason and Kyle. She rolled down her windows to let the fresh breeze in and turned up her radio. Poisons’, Every Rose Has its Thorn, blasted through her classic rock station.

  “Perfect,” Trini added as she was about to reach down to change the channel. Her hand rested on the channel button when the song’s guitar riffs began to fill her car. She decided to listen to the song, as she exhaled deeply and placed her hand back on the steering wheel. Midway through the song, she could feel the tears began to stream down her face as she thought about Jason and her relationship. She sniffed loudly and turned the radio off. “Damn it, Bret Michaels,” Trini growled as she stopped at the stop light. Trini was filled with emotions as she thought about Kyle and Jason’s relationship. She felt like she needed to vent to someone about this. As she waited for the light to turn green, Trini flipped through her contacts deciding on whom to call.

  “Brie? No, she’s at work. Dad? His mind would be on baseball right now. So that’s like talking to a wall. Mohinder? He’s too close to Jason. Mom?” Trini said as she looked at her phone contact. “What the hell,” Trini pressed the call button and waited for the ringtone. After the second ring, her mom, Susan, picked up the line.

  “Hello?” Susan inquired.

  “Hey mom,” Trini replied as she pressed the accelerator pedal down and drove through the green light.

  “Trini, how are you, sweetheart?”

  “I’m fine mom. Just calling to check in, how are you and dad?”

  “I’m doing well, I just joined a new baking club in the neighborhood. You should stop by this weekend. Mrs. Chen from down the street dropped off some sweet egg buns. They are to die for. I never thought I would be into Chinese deserts, but this pastry isn’t too bad. “

  “Oh okay,” Trini responded uninterested. Typical, Susan Davos.

  “Your father is fine. He is in the living room watching the baseball game. Did you want me to get him for you, so you can say hi?”

  “No, I’m fine mom. I was actually calling to talk to you about s

  “Okay, what is it, sweetheart?”

  Trini took a deep breath and replied to her mother, “It’s about a guy,”

  “Oh sweetheart, what did Kyle do?”

  “No, mom. It isn’t about Kyle, it’s actually Jason. You see, I have feelings for him. We went on sort of a date tonight. Afterwards, things didn’t go as planned, so now I’m just confused now. You know?”

  “I understand, matters of the heart are difficult. Jason is a wonderful man. Your father and I love him. Honestly, I think he would make a better matchup for you than Kyle. I never saw what you liked in Kyle. Physically, Kyle is a good looker, but Jason has those internal qualities that last forever. Trust me; appearances don’t stay the same forever. When I met your father, he didn’t have that beer gut. Sometimes, we-“Trini’s mother’s voice was cut off by the low battery chirp of the cell phone. Trini took her ear away from the phone and realized that she had a low battery.

  “Shit, mom, can I call you back? My phone is about to die.”

  “Yeah, sure. Perhaps, the baseball game would be over by then. I’m sure your father would want to say hello after your conversation last week. Call me back when you get power.”

  “Okay mom, I will. I love you.” Trini hung up the phone and place her phone on the passenger seat. While she was driving, she opened up her center console to look for her car charger. As she dug through the endless CDs and lip-gloss, she found her car charger at the bottom of the console. In addition, she found something that she was not aware was placed in her vehicle. A small bag of cocaine and shrooms were left in Trini’s car. Trini opened her eyes wide as she looked at the drugs.

  “Shit, what the fuck Kyle? I swear to fucking God. Why would you leave these in here?” Trini shouted as she slammed the console hatch closed. “I’m done with his shit, I really am,” Trini said as she shook her head. Trini took her eyes off the road to place her car charger into the car lighter plug. When she lifted her eyes back on the road, she realized that the light at the intersection just turned red, and she was in the middle of the cross street.


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