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Jason's Awakening (Moonhunters)

Page 20

by Remy Marie

  Jason hugged Walker back and smiled. “See you soon, Walker.” Jason watched as Walker backed up his truck and headed down the small road out of Greg’s valley. The remainder of his pack was standing waiting for Jason. Once Jason arrived, he smiled at Trini and then looked at Greg.

  “What’s the driving assignments?” Jason asked. Greg laughed at Jason question as he removed his clothes to become nude.

  “Still just a pup,” Allison responded as she began to remove her clothes.

  “Jason, we don’t drive to Korywen, we run. As a pack,” Greg said as he began his transformation into his wolf.

  Chapter 26

  Trini was overjoyed from the pack’s run. While she trained around Greg’s cabin on her stamina, nothing felt like this long-distance run. She felt closer to her wolf more than ever, as she jumped over logs and leaped over streams. Trini noticed that she enjoyed the run more than Jason, as she and Allison led the pack. Jason looked tired, as his eyes were glossy and he was behind the main pack. Mohinder stuck by Jason, his tongue was out as well.

  It looks like everyone is enjoying this run, but Jason. Awe baby, I’m sure this run would be over soon.

  Trini knew Jason’s prayers were answered when the pack grew to a stop. Trini stopped as well and took in her surroundings. The pack had been running all day since they left Greg’s cabin. The empty night sky was above her head, and her bare feet were in a foot deep of blackish water. Surrounding the pack were thick cypress trees with low hanging moss. Greg sniffed once and then howled as he changed his direction to head in the opposite way. A few moments later, the pack arrived at a tree line, with a small road in front of them. The pack stopped once more, as Greg gave a soft growl. Trini knew this growl meant, to stay put.

  While they waited, Trini watched as Greg’s wolf paced back and forth, as if he was waiting for someone. Isabella suddenly turned her head to the left, and the other wolves around her did the same. Trini knew they must have caught a scent. A few moments later, Trini caught the same scent. It was Walker, he was going to meet them there. Headlights then flashed over the horizon as Walker’s truck appeared down the road. Greg and Dennis transformed back into humans and walked out to flag Walker down. Walker, slammed on his brakes as he realized Dennis and Greg were waiting on the road.

  “What the hell, I nearly ran you two over?” Walker shouted out of his truck. In the background, country music played loudly.

  “The entrance to the town is close to here. We came to get out stuff,” Greg replied annoyed at Walker’s tone. Walker nodded and then hopped out of the back of his truck.

  “Okay then, well come and get your bags,” Walker said as he opened the back of his pickup truck. Greg gave a low whistle, and the remaining wolves transformed back into their human forms and emerged from the tree line. Each wolf grabbed their clothes and began to dress up. Once everyone was dressed, Greg looked back at the group.

  “Alright, the town isn’t too far from here. About a quarter mile hike. Since we are bringing our clothes with us, we are going to walk in as humans. Let’s head out,” Greg said as he adjusted his duffel bag and made his way back into the woods.

  Dennis looked into Walker’s eyes and smiled as he rubbed his cheek. “Don’t spend too much of our money on the blackjack tables. Remember you are on a teacher salary.”

  Walker laughed and kissed his partner. “Last time I checked, we were millionaires, due to someone’s trust fund. Oh, the joys of compounding interest over two hundred years. I promise I won’t spend more than a million,” Walker joked as he kissed his husband and walked away. Before he hopped back in his truck, he noticed Jason fastening his bag over his shoulder.

  “Jason, I almost forgot to tell you.”

  “What’s up, Walker?” Jason asked.

  “The good news is the school actually finished grading your test today. Once they were done grading your test they called me right away. It turns out that you had a perfect score on your chemistry test. They would love for you to teach chemistry at the school. However, they hired another teacher for the same position, so they wanted me to ask you if you wanted to teach biology instead.”

  “I’ll teach anything science related. That’s great news that I’m hired. I can’t wait to start working with you in the fall.

  “Me too, I’m super excited, well until then!” Walker smiled as he gave Jason a large bear hug. Jason watched as Walker hopped back in his truck. He honked once, as he made his way down the small dirt road towards the Indian casino. Jason and Dennis were the last to enter back in the swamp as they both stayed to watch Walker drive off. The quarter-mile hike was shorter than Trini expected as they walked at a brisk pace towards the entrance to the town of Korywen. She couldn’t help but smile as she watched his ass sway back in forth.

  “Hey, I overheard that you passed your test! I’m so happy for you.” Jason beamed at Trini as they made their way through the knee-high water.

  “Thanks, babe, the test wasn’t that hard. I am happy that I got a job. I was thinking. Since I now have a job. I could afford my own place. Did you want to move in with me?” Jason asked as he held Trini’s hands and looked in her eyes. Trini paused as she considered her options.

  “Oh Jason I want to but-“

  “Trini, stop right there. I know things are still sore with Kyle, and then whole Drew bullshit, but just hear me out. I want us to have our own space. A home that we can call our own, I want to see refrigerator magnets of pictures of us. I want to get into fights about doing dishes and stay up late cuddling watching a marathon of movies. I mean think about it, you already sleep in my room. Not to mention, we would have total privacy. We wouldn’t have to worry about anyone walking in or listen. Plus sex in the living room.”

  Damn, he says the sweetest stuff. Anything he says, I swoon, and my knees grow weak. He has the key to my heart, and he opens it every time.

  “Yes, a thousand times yes. I am ready to move on to this next stage in our lives. Plus you know what the best part of today is?”

  “What?” Jason asked with a curious grin.

  “You get passing the test sex. I’ve heard that’s the best sex ever.”

  “Really? I’m game if you are,” Jason replied as he gave Trini a deep kiss.

  A few minutes later the group stood in front of a wall made of trees. The wall stood twenty-five feet tall and appeared to be made from pine. The wall itself reminded Trini of his favorite fantasy medieval show, Game of Thrones. On the top deck were two humans securing the top. One of the guardsmen noticed the pack’s arrival and stood at attention as the pack grew nearer. A smile appeared on his face once he recognized Greg.

  “Millhouse, is that you? It’s been a while. Since ’97 right?”

  “That sounds about right Kevin, but I don’t have time for plenaries. We came to see the king.”

  “You brought most of your pack with you. Is it serious?” Kevin asked as his smile disappeared from his face.

  “This conversation shouldn’t be held outside the walls, please let us in.” Kevin nodded as he turned to his other guardsman and gave instructions to lift the gate up. The thick tree wall shuttered as its mechanical gates opened to let the pack walk inside.

  Trini’s mouth opened up to surprise as she saw the large capital city of East Alocenia. Inside, the buildings were propped up on stakes to keep from flooding. The raised boardwalk reminded Trini of pictures she had seen from the famous Atlantic City boardwalk. As they walked deeper into the city, they passed storefronts and inns, all of which was interesting to Trini because they each looked to be built in the 19th century. Not one building was over three stories tall, and each had a rustic look.

  Trini noticed that Jason had the same expression of wonderment as they walked in. Each shop he found interesting, he would grab Mohinder’s arm and point to it. Trini thought it was hilarious; however, Mohinder seemed more annoyed as he was being dragged through the town.

  Trini studied the citizens of Korywen as they walked deeper in
to the city. Trini managed to categorize the citizens into three groups. One group wore clothes, and within this group, some wore modern clothes like Jason and his pack. Others sported clothes from every era including styles from the 19th century and tribal clothing. The second group of Korywen citizens still held their werewolf forms as they towered over the human citizens. Trini had never seen a wolf look so relaxed because, in her experience, her wolf is usually active hunting or training. The werewolves that she watched walking looked to be ordinary citizens as they casually walked into inns or restaurants. Lastly, Trini noticed many of the citizens walked around nude as humans. Before being scratched by the werewolf, this would have thrown Trini for a loop, but after being naked so many times. It doesn’t surprise her, that there would be citizens choosing to let it all hang out.

  The pack neared the center of the town, and Trini’s eyes looked up to the tallest structure in the capital. At best guess, Trini thought the structure was five stories tall, just short enough to allow the tall pine trees to hide its shape. The wooden structure had stadium seating and a dirt pitch at the bottom. Trini was held in a deep trance as she stared at the structure, that she didn’t hear Allison creep up behind her.

  “That’s the East Alocenia combat arena,” Allison said jolting Trini out of her trance over the structure.

  “The what-so you mean you have an arena for gladiator fights?”

  “Pup, you’ve been watching way too many movies. Werewolves are not into blood sports like humans are. We use the combat arena to settle major spats between parties. For instance, the arena would be used to choose one’s city’s alpha or disputes between kings of states. These matches are often settled through first blood contact. However, in our culture, there are no judges or jury, only justice. If a capital crime is committed like murder or endangering our werewolf brethren, a trial by combat occurs. The alpha usually duals the wolf that committed the crime and he or she gives out the punishment of death.”

  “Wait, if it is a fight to the death, then what if the defendant wins?”

  Allison laughed and then gave a mile long grin to Trini, “That doesn’t happen. In fact that never happens. We don’t call the leader of our packs Alphas for nothing. Alphas are the best in the breed. They are true warriors. They are faster, stronger, and more durable than any wolf you have ever seen. Our king, while considered young, has come from a long lineage of Alphas who ruled over North American since Greg’s ancestors stepped on this continent.”

  “I thought, the pure lines of werewolves could only be traced from Europe?”

  “Most of them. However, there are pure lines in other parts of the world. When the werewolves came to North America, some Native American tribes had the gene as well. The king’s line is part European part Cherokee. The best of both worlds,” Allison added in a dreamy way. “You can really see it in King Bidziil, he has a face and body that would make your heart melt and your panties wet.” Isabella heard Allison’s comments and frowned at her remarks. Trini ignored Allison’s last statement and continued her questioning.

  “What if both Alphas are fighting each other?”

  “That rarely happens, Alpha’s know better not to break our laws, but if it did happen, whichever Alpha won, they would take over the other Alpha’s status. I’ve never seen such a fight though. I know Greg has seen one or two in his lifetime.” Trini nodded in response.

  “What is that two-story building beside it?” Trini asked as he pointed to a red brick mansion.

  “That is where we are heading. That is the Alpha’s mansion here in Korywen,” Allison responded. The group walked up the twenty steps that lead to the bronze two-door entrance. Trini felt as if she was meeting the president at the White House as her heart began to beat faster. The large double doors parted, and Trini looked inside the mansion.

  Inside, the mansion had a large gallery and two dueling staircases that lead upstairs. Across the gallery, was a small platform where the king sat. The throne wasn’t anything special, it was a Cherrywood chair, next to the chair was two other chairs. In part, Trini was disappointed; she imagined a grand throne room, with knights and dozens of consultants standing around.

  I guess Allison was right, I do watch too much television.

  As the group settled in a location, a large male with long hair and tribal tattoos walked down the dueling staircase. Once he arrived at the bottom step, he cleared his throat and spoke in a deep voice.

  “All bow and bend the knee for King Bidziil, Alpha of East Alocenia and the Chief of the Korywen tribe.”

  The crowd around Trini followed the command and bowed their heads as they took to their knees, waiting for the king to walk down the steps.

  Okay, this is a little like Game of Thrones now.

  Trini then heard a bold voice speak up, “You guys can get up, Pierre, I’ve told you I hate that shit.”

  “My king, your father had requested it and made it a tradition,” Pierre responded.

  “My father’s reign was fifty years ago, and you’re still pulling this shit. I’ve told you when I walk in here, I don’t need an introduction. They know who I am,” King Bidziil responded.

  Trini looked up from his kneeling position and finally got a good look at the king Allison spoke so highly of.

  He was a youthful tall man with light copper colored skin. He stood over six feet tall. Allison was correct about his facial features and body type. He was gorgeous, but he is still no Jason. Trini looked back at Jason who still had his head down. Nerd.

  Trini looked back at Bidzill and continued to study his body. His shape was based on if a linebacker and a male model had a baby, the king would be their perfect child. He was shirtless, wearing only a loincloth on his large barrel chest; he had two wolf paw prints on his pectorals. His face was sculpted, like the superheroes Trini had read about in her comic books. Underneath his eyes, was white paint. On top of his long brunette hair that covered his broad shoulders, he wore a red feathered headdress.

  As he made his way to his throne, he greeted his followers in the throne room. He laughed and hugged many, as he made his way to his wooden throne. After laughing with an older werewolf, his focus tensed as he noticed Greg. His smile disappeared as he drew closer to Greg.

  “Greg, it’s good to see you. I’ve heard rumblings of Jasper attacking in Meekins. Is this why you’re here?”

  “Yes, my King. We traveled to Korywen to discuss bringing Jasper to justice,” Greg replied. King Bidziil nodded as he walked to his throne. He casually sat in his chair and dangled his right leg over the armchair. The king’s posture looked lazy; however, his eyes were tough as diamonds as he stared at Greg.

  “Greg, you know that these are large accusations to bring to me. To capture Jasper, this will have to be a multistate effort. The king of West Alocenia would have to come here and discuss a parlay. This hasn’t happened since the Great War. What proof do you have that Jasper has broken any of our laws.”

  “Jasper and his thugs have killed over forty people, and they have illegally turned four humans into werewolves. My king, let me introduce you to Isabella, Jason, Mohinder, and Trini. Each one was attacked by Jasper and has turned. They have an eyewitness account of the night they were attacked. They each claimed that they were attacked by a large wolf with pure white fur. There are only a few wolves that I know in this area that fits that description. One of who is Jasper.”

  King Bidziil nodded as he shifted his posture by putting both feet down. He moved his head and looked behind Greg, as his brown eyes targeted the four survivors. In silence, he inspected them before speaking up. “You four, will you please come forward?” Trini and her friends slowly inched closer to the king. Trini could feel the nervousness of talking direct to the king. Each person in the throne room stared at Trini and the others as they arrived at their destination. “So you four are the witnesses. Did anyone come in complete contact with Jasper?” King Bidzill asked in a calm manner.

  “I did, Jasper murdered our friend
Kyle. After killing him, he tried attacking me as well. I managed to knock him out with a torch. Jasper is responsible for turning me,” Trini responded to the king. Trini watched as the king shifted in his chair and raised his eyebrows.

  “Impressive, Greg you got yourself a true warrior. Laying a blow to Jasper is no easy feat. Many have tried and failed. Not to mention you were a mere human, with no supernatural abilities to assist you.” Trini gave a light smile as she received the praise from King Bidziil. “That’s good news that Jasper made his mark on you as well. We can use your blood to find traces of Jasper’s lineage in your DNA.”

  “When a werewolf bites or scratches a human, there are traces of their DNA in their blood? How is that possible?” Jason asked.

  The throne room’s mood changed dozens of angry eyes, and hush whispers filled the room as Jason spoke out of turn. Trini clenched her fist ready to fight anyone who attacked Jason.

  He may be a smartass, but he’s my smartass. If anyone makes a move, they would have to go through me.

  Jason looked towards Greg, who shared the same disappointed look, before looking towards the king.

  “My king, Jason, is unaware of the customs set forth. Please for-“Greg began to say before King Bidziil held up a smile.

  “It’s quite alright, Greg. Jason here is just curious. He reminds me of my sister. As for Jason knowing the customs, he is still considered a newborn. I’m sure it won’t happen again,” King Bidziil said casually, as he propped his leg over his chair once more. “Jason to answer your question, when a werewolf is fully emerged as a beast, a scratch or bite transfers the DNA of the holder into the open wound. The DNA of the wolf acts similar to a virus attacking the blood of the human. That is why you went into shock after getting bitten. It was your body’s attempt to fight off the infection. The virus eventually wins and puts your body in a comatose state as it binds with the bloodstream. “


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