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Jason's Awakening (Moonhunters)

Page 23

by Remy Marie

  Part of him wanted to just grab her by the shoulders and shout he was sorry. Afterwards, they would make up and kiss. God, did Jason miss the touch of her moist lips. The soft moan she provided as her small tongue danced on top of his. He took all of that for granted.

  The feeling of heartbreak was new for Jason, and he hated every moment of it. It felt as if he had to throw up every second Trini was away from him. Since Trini has been gone, she was all he could think about. No matter what he did, her smile, dark hair, her laugh filled his heart and mind, and it hurt like hell.

  Rose had managed to avoid Jason as well. Throughout the two days, as he explored the town, he would pick up notes of Rose’s scent in his direction. However, immediately, the smell would go the opposite way and disappear as just as quickly as it came. Jason put together that she was embarrassed by her actions as well. Jason still held her accountable. Whatever chemistry we had, she destroyed it with her actions in the bar, Jason thought as he placed his loincloth on in Mohinder’s room.

  Jason inspected himself in the mirror and frowned. While his upper body was chiseled like an African god, he wished he was able to just wear jeans. Yesterday, Mohinder and Jason went on a guy’s trip through the town for new clothes. They found a tribal shop that makes clothes from animal pelts. Both lycans decided it would be cool to wear authentic East Alocenia wolf loincloths. Jason hated the way the breeze felt in between his legs. Mohinder however, looked more satisfied than ever. With his long hair and beard, and sculptured muscles, he looked like an Indian deity.

  “Mate, do you think Jennifer would like this?”

  “Depends, does she like roleplaying?” Mohinder wore a blank expression as he stared at his adopted brother. Jason laughed, “I mean you look like a freaking sexy Viking coming to claim its prize.” Mohinder inspected himself in the mirror once more and smiled, I guess you’re right. Mohinder proceeded to rub his sculptured six pack. He shook out his long hair, then used his fingers to comb through the hair knots.

  “You about ready to go, mate?”

  “Yeah, I’m good, let’s get out of here,” Jason replied as both walked towards the door and walked out. As they walked out, Trini and Isabella left their room at the same time. There was an awkward silence between the foursome. Jason glanced at Trini; she looked amazing as her hair was placed up with a wooden bracket. She wore a sole brown vest with a deep v-cut showing her cleavage, along with a light mocha colored miniskirt and boot goatskins. Isabella was her twin as her outfit matched Trini’s. However, Jason attention was solely on Trini. His mouth was opened a tad, as he was aroused by Trini’s attire. Jason noticed Trini gave his body a glance as well. Her facial expression was unchanged, except for the slight flutter in her eyes from his appearance.

  There’s still a chance that Trini forgives me, I just need to talk to her, Jason thought as he followed the remaining group outside. It was a midafternoon late spring day, and the weather was mild as the foursome walked towards the combat arena for the contest between the two kings. The large crowd walking towards the arena reminded Jason of one of the college football games he attended at ESCU. Each patron was excited about the upcoming matchup of General Worthington and King Bidziil. Jason, however, was confused on the excitement for the upcoming match, due to the fact that one of the state’s kings was going to die soon. Such a violent death, for a simple solution, Jason concluded as he watched the crowd.

  “Who do you think is going to win?” Isabella asked with a smile.

  “General Worthington looks like an old wanker compared to King Bidziil. My money is on our King,” Mohinder replied. “What about you Jason?”

  “I haven’t seen either fight, so it’s hard to say. Hopefully, it’s our king; I would hate to see what this place is run like under General Worthington’s chosen alpha. Trini?” Trini did not reply to Jason’s question. Instead, she stayed silent and folded her arms. She walked in front of the group, ignoring Jason.

  What is it going to take to get through to her? Jason thought as he watched Trini’s emotional state.

  The foursome arrived at the arena, minutes before the matchup. King Bidziil and General Worthington were already on the dirt court stretching. Jason thought the arena inside wasn’t much to look at. It reminded him more of an outside amphitheater. The seats were benches, which went up forty rows. Below was a twenty feet diameter court made of uncut grass and dirt patches. Judging by the wood, Jason could tell that this structure has been around for a while. There were some signs of modernization, but otherwise, it looks like it hasn’t changed in the last century. When the group took their seats, Trini made sure to sit far away from Jason next to Isabella. She didn’t even make a sound as she stepped over Jason to sit down.

  Jason caught the scent of Rose and looked to his left. The couple made eye contact. Rose had a worried expression as they exchanged glances. She mouthed the words “sorry.” Once Jason figured out what she was trying to say, he shook his head in disgust and turned to face the opposite way. Jason felt regret for his negative actions, as soon as he realized that Rose’s bother was going to be fighting for his life. He turned his glance back the other direction but realized that Rose was no longer looking in his direction.

  Just another person you disappointed, Jason.

  The sound of trumpets broke the crowd's noise as Pierre, the kings’ guardsman, walked out. His face was blank as he cleared his throat.

  “King Bidziil, Alpha of East Alocenia and the Chief of the Korywen tribe, has challenged General Worthington, Alpha of West Alocenia and Commander of the Highton tribe. The matchup has been agreed to fight to the death, in order to decide a new leader for the defeated party. Any interruptions from anyone else during the fight will be dealt with a swift death. Will the challengers please walk forward?”

  Bidzill walked forward, his stare never left General Worthington’s eyes. He was nude as he stretched his arms and jumped twice. Worthington was wearing a loincloth similar to Jason’s and Mohinder’s clothing. His glare was intense as he prepared for his matchup. Pierre walked out of the arena and made his way to the king’s viewing booth next to Rose. Once he was situated, he looked at both challengers and shouted, “Begin!”

  King Bidziil smiled as he looked at General Worthington. The two created a dangerous circle as they waited for one to make a move. With a loud roar, King Bidziil charged into General Worthington, his tackle knocked the general off his feet. Bidziil sat on top of Worthington as he threw punches in his face. A couple of his punches landed until the general managed to protect his face. While his face was being protected, Worthington wrapped his legs around Bidziil’s body and clenched down with his legs. On the next punch from Bidziil, Worthington caught Bidziil’s arm and placed it in an armbar. The king tried to fight out of the hold but was unsuccessful. Worthington showed a dark smile as he pulled hard on Bidziil’s arm and dislocated it. Bidziil yelled in pain from Worthington’s move.

  While still in the hold, King Bidziil used his strength to lift up General Worthington and slammed his back onto the ground. The general roared in agony but did not let go of the king. Bidziil lifted Worthington up once more and slammed him harder into the ground. The second time was a charm as the general let go of his armbar and Bidziil created distance between the two. General Worthington still laid on the ground as he regrouped from Bidziil’s powerful body slams. Bidziil’s left arm was lifeless as it was clearly separated. Bidziil sucked in air as grabbed his left arm and reset it in his bracket. Bidziil gritted his teeth from the injury but did not make a sound as he kept his eyes on Worthington.

  Worthington sat back up and wiped the blood from his mouth. “King Bidziil, your rep as a warrior, is true, but how is your wolf?” Worthington asked as he transformed into his werewolf. His werewolf stood at seven feet and had black fur. It howled loudly as it charged at King Bidziil. A cocky smile showed on Bidziil’s face as he stood still and waited for Worthington’s wolf.

  “Is he not going to change?” Mohinder asked. />
  “Doesn’t look like it?” Isabella replied as her eyes opened wide as she watched Bidziil spread his stance and prepare for Worthington’s wolf. Once Worthington’s wolf came closer, Bidziil landed a punch onto Worthington’s wolf’s snout. The black wolf was stunned as it halted in its position. The king speedily turned around the wolf and slapped its butt. The crowd erupted in laughter as Bidziil embarrassed Worthington. The general growled and charged with berserker rage as he threw random swipes at Bidziil’s chest and throat. Bidziil managed to dodge the majority of the attacks until the last punch landed on Bidziil’s chest. Three claw marks went across Bidziil’s chest. Bidziil looked down at his chest and snarled.

  Within seconds, Bidziil transformed into his wolf, his wolf was equally as impressive as his human form. He stood nine feet tall and was built like a professional weightlifter. Compared to Worthington’s wolf, there was no competition. The two wolves growled loudly as they attacked each other. They occasionally landed blows to each other, biting limbs and snapping at any close body parts. The duel of wolves, lasted for minutes until there was a final loud cry. Jason’s eyes opened wide as he witnessed Bidziil clench hard down onto Worthington’s neck. The general retreated in pain, as the king advanced in for the kill. Bidziil’s wolf charged into Worthington knocking him off his feet. Bidziil opened his jaws wide and tore into Worthington’s flesh. Crimson blood escaped Worthington’s body as his wolf gargled blood. The general’s arms flayed until they lay lifeless next to his dead body. His wolf’s body shrunk and the general was in his human form once more. The crowd in the arena cheered for their king’s victory. Jason was hesitant to cheer but realized that it was for the best that Bidziil won.

  At least law and order will be granted for Jasper’s acts, Jason thought as he clapped his hands together for his king. Bidziil placed his wolf’s paw on top of Worthington’s dead corpse and roared with his paws up to the sky. As he roared, his body shifted back into his human form. A large grin appeared on Bidziil’s face as he walked away from Worthington’s corpse and made his way to his remaining troops.

  Bidziil looked at the ten soldiers and pointed to one in the middle. She was a tall blonde with blue eyes. She reminded Jason of an Amazonian based on her body type.

  “You there, what’s your name?” Bidziil asked.

  “Katrina,” she responded with her head held high.

  “I choose you to be the new alpha for West Alocenia. Do you accept?” Jason noticed that the werewolves surrounding Katrina looked unhappy, but did not protest the result.

  “Yes, I accept.”

  “Good, now for the hard part. Will you allow a small hunting party to search for Jasper on your lands?”

  “I accept. For as long as I am alpha, you are allowed to hunt on our land,” Katrina responded.

  “Excellent, Greg,” King Bidziil shouted as he looked toward Greg, who sat in the King’s booth. “Choose four of your finest warriors; let them lead a hunt for Jasper’s head. Let us finally have justice.” The crowd cheered once more as King Bidziil waved then exited the pitch to go inside his mansion.

  Chapter 31

  The capital of Korywen was alive with excitement from the arena match up. Hundreds of werewolves stood in the street and sung songs of the victory taken by East Alocenia. Isabella, Jason, Mohinder, and Trini all walked as a group back to the hotel room. Each one held a smile on their faces as they watched the citizens of Korywen celebrate. Trini was amazed by the amount of people on the city streets. It reminded her of the videos she’s seen of Mardi Gras in New Orleans. Isabella snorted as she watched a young wolf couple heavily kiss in the alleyway.

  “I guess someone is getting lucky tonight. Get it!” Isabella shouted towards the couple. The female looked disgusted at Isabella. However, the male held up a thumb, as he continued his conquest.

  “This city is amazing. It’s as if they just won the premier league cup!” Mohinder commented as he gave two high fives to two city goers.

  Trini laughed as confetti was thrown from the window above her head. She had a twinkle in her eyes as she took in her surroundings.

  “This is amazing. I just can’t believe we won. King Bidziil is an amazing alpha. Did you see the way he handled himself out there? I’m happy to call him my king,” Jason added as he watched Trini smile.

  Trini noticed Jason’s smile and frown. While I miss Jason, I’m just not ready. His lie felt like a wrecking ball to our relationship, Trini thought as she looked at Jason.

  “Do you guys want to get a drink?” Jason asked noticing Trini’s deflated expression.

  “Yes, that sounds amazing,” Isabella said

  “I wouldn’t mind getting another pint at the pub Wolfsbane,” Mohinder commented. Trini heard Mohinder’s comment, and her frown grew larger. Her grey eyes then targeted Jason. I’m not going to forgive him so easily.

  “I’m not going, I’m actually going to call it an early night. I’m going back to my room,” Trini said as she turned and walked away.

  Isabella punched Mohinder hard in the arm, “Why the fuck would you suggest Wolfsbane? We could have gotten the band back together for a night, and here you are opening your fucking month. Puto!” Isabella shouted as she punched Mohinder hard in the arm again.

  “Fuck off, Isabella! You’re making my bloody arm numb,” Mohinder cried as he rubbed his arm. “Now what, still want to get pissed?”

  “Now we head back to the hotel pups,” Allison said as she appeared from the thick crowd.

  “Allison, we were actually thinking of going out to get a few drinks. There is no way in hell we would miss this party tonight. You know how I am when I’m drunk,” Isabella said. Allison raised her eyebrow and touched Isabella’s cheek.

  “Oh baby, save that passion for later, but this is serious business. Greg wants to hold a meeting for all Meekins wolves soon. He is going to decide which hunting party goes after Jasper.”

  The foursome was the last to arrive at the hotel. Trini had already taken her place in the meeting room the hotel and sat at the far end next to Roy, Harry, and David. She didn’t look up at anyone when they walked in.

  Just don’t look at them, Trini. Remember you’re not at fault here. He had a choice, and he made it, Trini reminded herself as she looked back up at Greg.

  “With the king’s victory today, we are allowed to hunt on West Alocenia lands for Jasper. I want him brought back alive. However, knowing that son of a bitch, he will be putting up a fight. Therefore, I am allowing you kill him, but let me make myself clear, you only kill if he strikes first. If he comes willing, allow him to face the king’s justice.” The wolves nodded at Greg’s instructions as they each were silent. The lone noise came from the muffled sounds of the celebration outside.

  “Greg, who is going to be on the hunting team,” Dennis asked with a serious expression.

  “I was thinking of including you, along with Roy, Harry, and David. Do you mind leading them?”

  “No sir,” Dennis replied.

  “Good, you leave at first light tomorrow. As for the rest of us, we should leave at first light as well. There’s no point in staying later in the hotel. We came and got what we were looking for. Dennis, can you call Walker, and tell him to meet us so that we can give him our stuff?”

  “Yeah, I’ll give him a call after the meeting.”

  “Good, okay well the meeting is adjoined. We leave at 0530. Please make sure you have your belongings together by then.” The nineteen wolves in attendance all stood up and left the meeting space. Greg was the lone wolf still sitting at the table as he smoked his cigar.

  Chapter 32

  The morning mist was rising off the swamps knee-high water, as the pack of wolves waited for Walker’s arrival. Walker’s truck appeared from a distance and finally came to a complete stop in front of the group.

  Walker had a large grin as he hopped out of his truck and opened the tailgate to his truck.

  “Let me tell you, I had the best two weeks in that casino. I
keep telling you this, but that is the best casino in America. Las Vegas can suck it,” he shouted excited. The Meekins werewolves stared at Walker annoyed as they removed their clothing and placed them on the bed of his truck. Walker lifted an eyebrow then shuffled his way towards Jason.

  “Jason? I thought Dennis said the king won his match and y’all get to hunt Jasper? Why is everyone so groggy?” Jason squinted at Walker and smiled.

  “Most of us are still drunk from the night before. Mohinder managed to get a keg of Honey Wolf into our hotel, we all have splitting headaches. As for Greg, he is in one of his moods again.” Walker nodded then was silent as he helped the remainder of the wolves get their belongings in order. Dennis, David, Harry, and Roy each said goodbye to their pack members as they separated from the rest of the group. The three waited for Dennis as he said his special goodbye to Walker. Jason watched and was envious of their relationship. The two looked to be in each other’s own world as they embraced each other. They both stared into each other’s eyes without a word. Their silence and actions conveyed love as they held each other faces and kissed one another. Dennis broke their passionate kiss and rubbed Walker’s cheek as tears filled Walker’s eyes.

  “I love you, Walker. I will see you soon,” Dennis whispered.

  “You better, or else I will form my own hunting party to find you. To the end of the earth, my love.”


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