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Jason's Awakening (Moonhunters)

Page 25

by Remy Marie

  “No, I’m going to stay here for another hour. I think I’m close to a new sequence.” Jason said.

  “Okay, well don’t work too hard. Remember, it’s a school night,” Jason laughed at Jennifer’s comment.

  “Worst case scenario, I wake up at my job and have to walk downstairs to my classroom. It’s not a bad gig.” The trio laughed and produced smiles towards the end of their laughter.

  “Hey mate, I know Trini is going to kill me, but you should come to her police academy graduation.”

  Jason opened his eyes wide. “Trini’s is going to become a deputy?” Jason asked surprised.

  “Yeah crazy, right? She and Isabella will become deputies after their ceremony. I know she didn’t invite you, but I think it’s been long enough. You know she still misses you? At the cabin, she would often sleep in your old room. I think she can still smell you in there. Anyways, I’ll see you at the graduation, mate.” Mohinder and Jennifer both left the lab. Mohinder wrapped his arm around Jennifer as they left. Jason smiled at the couple and listened as their footsteps grew softer with distance. Jason smiled to himself as he stared at the computer.

  She still loves me. Walker was right, there is still a chance; I am going to make sure I take advantage of it.

  Chapter 34

  Trini sighed as she glanced at her brown uniform in the mirror. She felt as if the uniform was too tight as the top button on the dress shirt laid on her neck. Who would have thought it Trini? You’re officially a pig. If Kyle could see you now, Trini thought as she double checked her tight bun in her dark hair.

  “Hey, conejita, you about ready to go?” Isabella asked as she appeared in Trini’s doorway. Isabella’s outfit matched Trini’s as she smiled at her friend.

  “Yeah, just a second, Bella. I had to make sure my hair was set right. I’m not used to this hairstyle.”

  “Me either, this uniform feels scratchy on my skin.”

  “I agree,” Trini added as she moved the cloth away from her skin.

  “Alright, well let’s head downstairs. Allison is waiting to drive us to the assembly hall.”

  “Okay, sounds good,” Trini said as she followed Isabella. As they walked down the hallway, Trini stopped in front of Jason’s old room. The bed was neatly made, and the room looked freshly clean, compared to the others. While Jason hasn’t lived in the room for four months, it still smells like him. He bared his soul to me in that swamp that day, but what he did to Mohinder. Keeping that secret. It was another lie, but he was brave to tell me about it, especially in front of everyone. I still never should have treated him like I did. I could tell he was telling the truth. I’ve been lied to by many guys before. The eyes always showed their lie. Jason’s eyes didn’t. His brown eyes stayed on mine, never wavering as he confessed his love for me. No one has ever fought for me the way he had, but I pushed him away like some dumbass. Now we have been our separate ways for the last four months, and it’s been killing me. I want to give him a second chance. He deserves a second chance.

  “Trini, hey, are you there? Let’s go, or we are going to be late,” Isabella shouted as she brought Trini out of her trance from staring at Jason’s room. Trini smiled back at Isabella.

  “Yeah, let’s go. We’ve worked our asses off for the last four months for this. Let’s go graduate.”

  Trini nervously sat in the front next to the other nine cadets in her class. Each one gave her a light smile, as they waited for Greg to reach the podium. The small country auditorium was located in the municipal center in Meekins County. Trini had only been inside the all wood auditorium once for boot camp, but she hated the smell of the building. Based on the smell, she was sure there was mold growing somewhere in the building. It wouldn’t surprise her though, because the building was made in the seventies. Behind her seat, two hundred family members and friends were all getting ready to take their positions before the ceremony. Just looking at the large crowd made her nervous. Trini played with her tan gloves on her hands as she waited. She heard his footsteps, and within seconds, Greg appeared on the stage in full uniform. He smiled at the crowd.

  “Good Evening. We are gathered here today, to congratulate the new deputies in the Meekins County sheriff’s office. What you see before you are some of the finest individuals I have worked with. This class has worked harder than any class I have ever seen before, and I am happy to call them police officers after today. Cadets, please rise.” Trini along with her other cadets all rose at once and stood at attention. “As I call your name please walk towards me to retrieve your badge. Afterwards, you will officially be police officers. Remember to wear these badges with pride and respect. Shaun Ashville.”

  There was some applause as Trini watched Shaun walk up the stairs onto the stage. Once on the stage, Allison handed a badge to Greg, and Greg handed the badge to Shaun while simultaneously shaking his hand. “Baker Cook,” Greg called out. Trini’s heart began to pump rapidly as she realized that she would be next to being called to the stage. Trini watched Baker shake hands with Greg, and knew it was her turn next.

  “Trini Davos,” Greg called. Trini smiled as she heard her name. She felt overjoyed as she was able to accomplish something other than just high school. She was out of retail, she was actually helping people. It was a dream came true, Trini thought as she reached the top of the stage. However, somehow, it felt half full. She began to wish that Jason was in the crowd. As if a higher power heard her wish, there was a shout in the background. A normal human would have never picked it up, but Trini recognized it immediately.

  “Alright, Trini! I’m so proud of you!” Jason shouted from the background. Trini turned and searched for Jason as she heard his voice. Her heart skipped a beat as she recognized Jason in the crowd along with Jennifer and Mohinder. He came, he still cares. I can’t believe he arrived. He still cares for me. Perhaps there is still a chance for us. Trini couldn’t keep her smile hidden as she accepted the badge from Greg.

  “Good job, Trini, you made the pack proud,” Greg whispered away from the microphone. Trini placed the badge on her chest and stood proudly next to the other graduates. She stood proudly until the ceremony ended. Trini, along with the others, shook Greg’s hand once more and dispersed into the crowd. Trini’s first response was to leave the stage to find Jason. She wanted to speak with him so badly. She wanted to get over the hump in their relationship. She wanted to be held in his arms once more. More than ever, she wanted to fall asleep in his strong arms and feel his breath gently push her hair. Not to mention, she missed his cock. His long shaft inside her, how she missed that feeling. She wanted it all back. After she saw him here, she knew there could still be a chance.

  By the time Trini made it to the back of the hall, only Jennifer remained. She smiled at Trini as she stood up from her chair.

  “Trini! I’m so proud of you. Congrats girl on being a cop. Can get me out of those speeding tickets I got?” Jennifer joked. Trini smiled at Jennifer.

  “Very funny. Have you seen Jason? I heard him here when I got my badge.” Jennifer frowned.

  “Yeah, he wanted to stay longer, but he and Mohinder had to leave because they got the message that their simulation was ready. They had to go back to the lab to review the results. Since those two have made up. They have been a force, trying to find a cure for me. I love them both.”

  Trini nodded at Jennifer’s message. While she wished Jason could have stayed, she understood why he had to leave. Always trying to be the hero that sounds like the man I fell in love with.

  “I love them both as well,” Trini admitted. Jennifer raised her eyebrows at Trini’s admission.

  “When you say both you mean, Jason as well? Because he still loves you. He doesn’t shut up about you when we’re working. He wants to be with you again.” Trini’s heart melted at the words of, he wants to be with you again.

  “Good, because I feel the same,” Trini grinned.

  Chapter 35

  Jason tapped his foot as he watched the clock cou
ntdown. The football score showed Meekins High was up one touchdown against the rivals of New Haven. New Haven had the football, and they have managed to gain sixty yards in the last minute. With twenty seconds left in the game, it was fourth and six on the twenty-yard line. He knew if the defense could stop them on this play, the team could win their first game in three years. Next to Jason sat Walker, he was just as nervous as he watched the clock.

  “Oh Jason, I can’t watch this. This is why I hate football right here,” Walker complained as he turned away. Jason was nervous as well; his heartbeat quickened as he watched the quarterback go under center. He called off the snap, and the players on both sides were off. The loud grunts and helmet clatter filled the stands, as the New Haven quarterback stepped back to throw. He managed to find his receiver, untouched by the Meekins defensive linemen. The football twirled in a perfect spiral as it reached its target. However, its journey did not end in the offensive hands. Instead, a defender from Meekins snatched the ball in the air before it could arrive at the wide receiver. He took an immediate knee to end the game. The home crowd at Meekins erupted with applause.

  “What happened?” Walker shouted as he removed his hands from his face.

  “We won, Walker, we won our first game! The losing streak is over!” Walker’s face was ecstatic, as the two hugged and dance together. Several students ran up to the two high school teachers and gave high fives to the staff. Jason and Walker watched the kids run down the steps to celebrate with their classmates on the field. The students danced together and sung along with their school’s marching band. Jason laughed as he watched the smiles of his students celebrate. He realized that they needed this win as a school. The activities from the game were interrupted by a loud beep from his smartphone. Jason checked his phone and realized that the results for a new blood sequence were ready.

  “Walker, do you want to head back inside to your lab? I just got the sequence results from test number one hundred and six. I want to take it home to make some notes on it.”

  Walker shook his head at Jason’s, question. “After such a big win for our school, you’re still thinking about work. Jason, I know you wolves have a long life, but you shouldn’t waste it on working all the time. Jennifer and Mohinder aren’t working today. Neither should you. Just get the results tomorrow. Let’s stay here and enjoy this moment! This feeling comes only once in a blue moon.” Walker said as he watched the kids jump around on the field. Jason bit his lip as he watched the students flock on the field and shook his head.

  “Walker, I made Jennifer a promise to find a cure. I need to keep working. Come on, let’s go. I’ll buy us some Chinese for dinner.”

  “Oh, I can smell the orange chicken now. Alright, let’s go.” The duo left the loud Meekins high school stadium and walked towards the school. Walker used his senior board smart key to enter the school. Jason was always a little creeped out by the school at night. The random shadows, and the empty sounds, even with his enhanced hearing abilities, he didn’t hear much. The two made it to the third floor of Walker’s lab and walked in. Jason turned on the computer and reviewed the model. As he read the results, a smile began to grow on his face.

  “Walker, come over here for a second.” The teacher looked up from his desk and walked near Jason.

  “Read this right here. Please tell me that my eyes are not deceiving me.” Walker placed on his reading glasses and scanned over the results on the screen. As he read them, a smile began to grow on his face.

  “They're positive. All twenty-three chromosomes are positive! The test worked! Success rate of 67%, you guys can move to phase two of testing!” Walker shouted.

  “I know, finally. Good news.”

  “Are you going to call Mohinder and Jennifer tonight?”

  “No, I want to review the calculations myself. I’m going to print out the results and double check the computer with my own hand calculations. Once, I’m satisfied, afterwards I’ll tell them. Either way, this is good news,” Jason said as he clicked the print button and waited for the twenty-page document to print out. Once printed, Jason placed the documents in his cloth briefcase and smiled at Walker. “Now, let’s get some Chinese food. I can hear the cashew chicken calling my name.” The two men laughed as they exited the lab and headed outside the high school.

  The two left the high school, and it was quieter since the team won their game. Jason realized that he must have spent longer in the lab than they intended because Walker’s truck was the only vehicle in the parking lot.

  “Walker, what time is it?”

  “It’s twelve-twenty,” Walker replied.

  “Shit, I guess Chinese is out the window. I didn’t know that I spent that long in the lab.”

  “It’s okay; we got a frozen pizza at home that we could heat up. It’s no cashew chicken though.” Jason smiled at Walker.

  “I would like that,” Jason replied with a grin. Jason continued to smile at Walker until he sensed something was wrong. His nose smelled a familiar scent; it was a scent he hasn’t smelled in a long time. Walker could see Jason’s facial expressions change, and a worried looked filled his face as well.

  “Jason what is-” Walker began to say as Jason placed a finger on his mouth, indicating that Walker should be quiet. Jason picked up Walker and cradled him in his arms.

  “I’m going to run you to your truck. You need to start the engine, and then get out of here as quick as possible. As you leave, make sure you call Greg, tell him to go to the high school,” Jason whispered to Walker.

  “Wait, what is going on?” Walker asked.

  “Just listen to me. Do as I say okay?” Jason replied. Jason took a deep breath and planted his foot hard on to the pavement. Jason broke out in a dead sprint towards the truck that was a quarter mile away. Jason growled as he pushed his legs to move faster than ever before. Walker still had a worried look on his face as he was being carried.

  “Jason, please just tell me what is going on,” Walker pleaded. Jason did not answer Walker as he dashed to the truck. Jason was five feet from the truck before he was tackled off his feet. Jason felt Walker leave his arms as he collided hard with the ground. In the background, Jason could hear heavy laughter.

  “Where do you think you’re off to boy?” The mysterious figure asked. Jason got up and wiped the dirt off his jeans and looked at his attacker. He still couldn’t place the familiar smell, but the person who stood in front of him had long tangled oiled brunette hair. His long beard looked untrimmed, and his clothes were old and tattered.

  “Who are you?” Jason growled as he circled his away over to Walker’s body. Walker laid lifeless near his truck.

  “You don’t recognize my smell boy? Has it been this long?” Jason managed to get in front of Walker’s body. He checked his pulse and took a sigh of relief as he realized that Walker was still alive.

  “No, I don’t recognize your smell. I do recognize that you are in violation of the Mantra Treaty. I believe its section four paragraph six where it explains not attacking humans unless provoked. You just broke the treaty. You’re going to have to face justice.”

  The mysterious figure laughed loudly. “Boy, I’ve been breaking those fucking laws since that fucking treaty was created. Hell, I even broke it when I attacked y’all.” Jason’s heart slumped as he realized who the smell belonged to. The reason why it’s been a while since he smelled it was because it was a year ago in Meekins Forest.

  “You’re the werewolf in white. You’re Jasper Dixon.”

  “In the flesh boy, and here I thought you were supposed to be some genius,” Jasper replied with a smile. “If I recall, you were saying something about the king’s justice? How you were going to take me into Korywen to meet the great and powerful King Bidziil. It’s all bullshit, son.”

  “He managed to kill your king with ease.” Jasper gave a demoniac laugh at Jason’s reply.

  “General Worthington was an old fart who already had one foot in the grave. Any alpha could have easily be
aten him. That man had lost all respect by his people since he parlayed with East Alocenia fifty years ago. You see, we could have won that war. All he had to do, was listen to me. If he listened to me, the war would have been over. There wouldn’t be any more East or West. It would just be Alocenia. However, our leader had so spine, no fucking backbone to kill and take matters into his own hands.”

  “Is that what you did, when you attacked my friends in the woods? Took matters into your own hands.”

  “No, of course not, that was for sport, an exercise for my crew and me. You see, we were looking to go bigger scale, after that attack. We were planning on invading the entire town of Meekins and taking it over, for West Alocenia. Our plan was perfect. Capture Meekins, then move to the next city and invade it. One by one, each city would fall to our will. Eventually, each city would be part of West Alocenia.”

  “That would never work. You would never be able to rein in all those cities.” Jasper shrugged at Jason’s comment.

  “Rome didn’t become the empire it was in a day either. However, with time and blood, I’m sure the other cities will catch on.”

  “You’re not going to reach your goal, just by yourself and your two minions.” Jasper laughed once more at Jason’s comment.

  “Who said I was alone. I have other backers in the shadows, waiting for this moment to make Alocenia whole again. Afterwards, we will focus on bringing this whole nation back. Do you think this is happening only in Meekins? No, this is happening at every border town on the state lines. Alocenia will become whole again.”

  “You’re going to be stopped. There is a hunting party searching for you. You can’t hide.”


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