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The Jewel Orchard

Page 3

by Ellie O'Ryan

  Jasmine and Aladdin started digging, too—but all they found at the base of the tree were worms and rocks.

  Ahmed looked at the trio worriedly. “I fear that digging any deeper would damage the tree’s roots,” he said.

  Aladdin wiped his forehead with his sleeve. “Phew!” he exclaimed. “That was hard work.”

  “I suppose if there is a reversal recipe, it could be buried under any tree in the orchard,” Jasmine remarked.

  No one spoke for a long moment. What were they going to do?

  “Ahmed, may I see the spell again?” Jasmine asked suddenly.

  Ahmed handed the princess the silver box.

  Jasmine unfurled the scroll and read the recipe again. “One part hot…one part bitter…one part sharp,” she said slowly. “I think I know what we need to do!”

  Everyone—including Abu—looked at her curiously.

  “We must write our own reversal recipe,” Jasmine explained. “Perhaps if we gather the opposite of each ingredient, we will be able to make a powder that reverses the spell!”

  “That’s a great idea!” Aladdin replied.

  “To reverse the recipe, we will need something cold…something sweet…and something soft,” Jasmine told them. “I think we should split up and return to the market. Ahmed, would you find something cold? And Aladdin, if you would find something soft, Abu and I will find something sweet.”

  “Of course. At your service, Princess,” replied Ahmed.

  “I’ll be back as soon as I can,” Aladdin promised.

  Abu pulled himself up to his full height and saluted Jasmine. Together, they slipped through the orchard door so as not to be seen, and started walking briskly through the marketplace. “Something sweet, something sweet, something sweet,” Jasmine murmured as they walked. “Honey is sweet, but it’s very sticky. I don’t think it would mix well with the other ingredients.”

  Abu started jumping up and down, pointing and chattering. Jasmine saw that they were standing near a stall that sold jams and syrups. “Pomegranate syrup is very sweet—but it’s also sticky, like honey,” Jasmine replied. “As is jam made from dates…dates…yes! Abu, that’s perfect!”

  Abu scratched his head and gave Jasmine a questioning look.

  “Sugar made from dates is sweet and powdery,” Jasmine explained as she walked up to the seller. “Excuse me, do you have any date sugar for sale today?”

  The seller bowed to the princess. He nodded as he placed a jar of the sugar on the counter. “This is the very last of the date sugar until I can make more, Princess,” he said. “And I have not received any deliveries of dates in two days!”

  “Hopefully more will be delivered later,” Jasmine said quickly. She placed a gold coin in the seller’s hand. “Thank you very much!”

  Jasmine and Abu ran all the way back to the orchard. Ahmed and Aladdin were waiting for them under the old apple tree.

  “You’re back!” Aladdin exclaimed. “Look what I’ve brought: soft petals from a velvety rose—instead of thorns.”

  “That’s perfect!” cried Jasmine as Aladdin held the delicate petals in his hands. She reached out to touch them.

  She turned to Ahmed, who showed her a large scoop of frosty shaved ice in a cold bowl.

  “Wonderful,” Jasmine said. “Abu and I were successful in the market, too. We have brought some date sugar.”

  No one spoke as Jasmine poured everything into the pot.

  Then the orchard keeper gave Jasmine a long silver spoon. “Princess, would you like to combine the ingredients?” he asked.

  Jasmine smiled at him as she took the spoon and started to stir everything. The ingredients swirled together. The ice melted, and soon there was a shimmering purple powder in the pot.

  Ahmed nodded. “This is what happened before. But the powder was yellow, not purple.”

  “I know,” Jasmine said. She bit her lip in concern. “I hope the change in color means that we have reversed the recipe.”

  As Jasmine stared into the pot, she knew that they would find out soon!

  You know, we have no idea what this powder does,” Aladdin pointed out. “I think we should test it on one apple before we spread it through the whole orchard.”

  “That’s a good idea,” Ahmed told him.

  As Jasmine finished stirring all the ingredients together, a gentle breeze ruffled her hair. The breeze grew stronger and stronger. “Oh! The purple powder!” Jasmine cried. She tried to cover the pot, but it was too late. A ferocious gust of wind swirled around her, lifting the powder right out of the pot and blowing it around the orchard!

  The wind was so fierce that Jasmine, Aladdin, Ahmed, and Abu had to cover their faces and close their eyes. It even made the heavy jeweled fruit on the trees start clacking together noisily, drowning out all other sounds.

  Then, just as quickly as it had started, the sudden wind died down. The orchard was quiet and still.

  Jasmine took a deep breath. Then she opened her eyes, hardly daring to imagine what she might see around her.

  The trees were standing as tall and solid as always. Soft green leaves fluttered on every tree. But best of all—none of the fruit was sparkling! Apples and pomegranates, dates and persimmons, lemons, mangoes, and pears filled the heavy branches. Their sweet fragrance perfumed the entire orchard.

  “It worked!” Jasmine cried, shocked. “It really worked! We reversed the spell!”

  “Well done, Princess,” Ahmed said as a broad smile crossed his face.

  “The reversal recipe was a great idea,” Aladdin agreed.

  “What do you say, Abu?” Jasmine asked playfully. “Are you ready for some grapes?”

  But there was no answer.

  “Abu?” Aladdin called. “Where did you go, you little rascal?”

  Jasmine smiled. “I think I know,” she said.

  Aladdin and Ahmed followed Jasmine over to the grape arbor. They found Abu sprawled out beneath the vines, smacking his lips happily as he ate one juicy grape after another.

  “I don’t blame you, Abu,” Jasmine said, laughing. “You have waited a long time for those grapes!” Then her hands flew up to her mouth. “Oh! I almost forgot!”

  Jasmine ran over to where she had left her bag. She came back with the handful of amethysts that Abu had mistaken for grapes. “I suppose they didn’t transform because they were inside my bag,” she said as she offered the amethysts to Ahmed. “These belong to you. Abu found them outside the orchard wall.”

  Ahmed shook his head. “No, Princess, I wouldn’t dream of it,” he replied. “I give them to you as a token of my deep appreciation. Thank you for helping me reverse the spell and restore the fruit.”

  “Are you sure?” Jasmine asked.

  “Yes,” Ahmed said firmly. “You must take them back to the palace with you.”

  “Thank you, Ahmed,” Jasmine replied, smiling. “I will treasure them always. And—if it’s quite all right with you—”

  “Yes, Princess?” Ahmed asked.

  “I would like to bring back some dates and apples for my father’s breakfast tomorrow,” she finished.

  “And so you shall!” Ahmed announced. “I will pick the finest dates and apples in the orchard for His Majesty, the Sultan!”

  The next morning, Jasmine woke excitedly. She, Aladdin, and Abu had arrived home late the night before and Jasmine had gone immediately to one of her favorite people—the royal jeweler. When Jasmine had finished getting dressed in the morning, she hurried to the dining room. She couldn’t wait to show Aladdin the shimmering earrings that the jeweler had made for her using the amethysts…and she couldn’t wait to see her father’s face when Rajeed served him a tall stack of date-and-apple pancakes!

  “Good morning, everyone,” Jasmine said as she sat down at the table.

  “Good morning, dear!” the Sultan replied, beaming at his daughter. “You are looking especially lovely this fine day. Are those new earrings?”

  Jasmine caught Aladdin’s eye. “Yes, Father
, they are,” she said.

  “They’re almost as beautiful as you are,” Aladdin said, smiling at her.

  Rajeed was in a good mood, too, as he placed an enormous silver platter next to the Sultan’s plate and removed the cover with a flourish. Everyone gasped to see a giant pile of pancakes full of sweet dates and juicy apples. “Oh, splendid!” cried the Sultan. “This is just what I wanted for breakfast!”

  “Breakfast? Did somebody say breakfast?” a familiar voice yelled through the window.

  It was the Genie!

  “Welcome, Genie!” Aladdin exclaimed. “When did you get here?”

  “I just flew in, and boy, are my arms tired,” the Genie joked, flapping his arms as he sailed into the room. “I passed the pavilion on the way—those peacocks sure are beautiful. So, did I miss anything exciting?”

  Jasmine and Aladdin smiled and exchanged a knowing look.

  “Ooh, what do we have here?” the Genie said excitedly, forgetting what he had asked. “Date-and-apple pancakes? My favorite! Oh, you shouldn’t have, but since you did, don’t mind if I do!”

  The Genie grabbed a large batch of pancakes off the serving platter. Then he winked at Abu and started to juggle them!

  “How about that for some early morning entertainment?” he joked.

  Abu reached up to try to grab a pancake. He was hungry, as usual!

  After a few moments, the Genie put the pancakes back. Then he proceeded to serve the Sultan, Jasmine, Aladdin, and even Abu their pancakes! He poured syrup onto their plates and pulled up a chair.

  “Let’s eat!” he announced.

  Jasmine smiled and took a big bite of a pancake. It was delicious. And in addition to the Sultan’s favorite pancakes, there was also tons of fresh fruit as breakfast choices. There was a persimmon salad, fresh sparkling pomegranate juice, and bowls and platters of ripe fruit.

  It may not have been as beautiful as a table full of sparkling jewels, but to Jasmine, it was even better than that. She knew the city of Agrabah would be safe and happy now that things were back to normal!




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