Book Read Free

Family Matters

Page 23

by Aiden Vaughan

  “Jason is the one who deserves all the credit,” Nick replied. “He put his life on the line for me and literally saved my life!”

  Another car pulled into the driveway and in came Caterina. “Nicolo!” she shouted as she hurried over to him and held him in a long embrace.

  “Mama!” Nick said with relief and happiness in his voice. Then the emotion of the moment overwhelmed both of them as they burst into tears.

  “Let’s give them a few moments of privacy,” Captain Garcia suggested. He ushered the others outside to the front of the house. Once they were outside, Garcia asked Sergeant Malone if he had found any significant evidence during his examination of the house.

  “Nothing in particular that seemed out of the ordinary inside the house. I did find Nick’s bicycle in the garage if he wants to take it home.”

  “Bicycle?” Jason questioned. “I don’t think that Nick had a bicycle with him when he was grabbed.” Jason looked at Daniel and then Captain Garcia with sudden insight. “Follow me!” he yelled running into the garage.

  “Ben!” he started yelling. “Ben Kessler! Are you here?” He began pounding on the walls. “Ben if you can hear this make some kind of a sound!”

  Miraculously, there was a response! It was very weak, but it was definitely a cry for help. Captain Garcia, Sergeant Malone and Dominic started pulling things away from the walls. Eventually they discovered that there was a well-concealed door in the wall behind a cabinet on wheels.

  The door led down some steps to a small basement room where they found Ben Kessler lying on a bed. Ben’s wrists were chained to his waist and one of his ankles was chained to a bedpost. He was gagged with a bandana. Ben was in very sad shape, weakened from having been the victim of serious abuse and beatings, but at least he was alive. Jason pulled the bandana out of Ben’s mouth then leaned over to comfort him, while Sergeant Malone and Daniel worked on releasing his wrists and ankle from the chains.

  “Ben, my name is Captain Garcia and the other officer undoing your chains is Sergeant Malone. I am the head of the task force that has been working to solve your kidnapping and those of other kids. We now have the men in custody who did this to you. You have been incredibly brave to survive! Soon an ambulance will arrive to take you to a hospital for medical treatment. I will call your family and let them know we have found you. They will meet up with you at the hospital.

  “Now I would like to introduce you to two fine young men who are responsible for breaking open this case. Jason Hunter and Daniel Holmes were helping us solve the kidnapping of another young boy, Nick Feraducci. Jason actually went undercover and was captured by them so he could find Nick and locate where those two men, Sal and Angelo, were taking the kids they grabbed. He was able to turn the tables on Angelo and rescue Nick. Later Sal was able to capture Nick again and brought him here. But Jason had put a tracking device on Nick and we were able to find and rescue him here. And as a result we found you!”

  Ben smiled at Jason and Daniel as they helped him to get up. “Ben, I want you to know that your ordeal is now over,” Jason began. “I am so happy that we were able to find you alive! But don’t think that this is the end of our association. I have a foundation dedicated to helping crime victims like yourself. The foundation will cover your complete medical care and provide counseling services for you. We will help you with therapy and other things as you need them. Your recovery may take a long time, but you will recover! You will have the support of really good people all during that time. But the best thing I can tell you right now is that you are free, Ben, really free, and you have your life back again!”

  Later outside, Captain Garcia shook Jason and Daniel’s hands. “After all we have been through the past two days, all of the highs and lows, this is icing on the cake! Usually I hate calling parents after a crime, because it usually means I am telling them bad news. This time calling the Kesslers will be fun! You guys are amazing! I feel privileged to know you!”

  Chapter 31

  Reunion and Recuperation

  (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday)

  Back outside in front of the Butera house, all of the task force SWAT team had now arrived on the property. Salvatore Butera was taken to the police station and booked on kidnapping charges. Other members of the task force were starting to go through the house and property looking for additional evidence, especially since they now knew Butera was responsible for multiple crimes. An ambulance had arrived to take Ben Kessler to the hospital in San Matthias. With the police investigation in full progress, it was time for Jason and Daniel to say goodbye to Martin and Dominic.

  Jason went up to them and thanked them for coming to help out at such short notice. “You guys were lifesavers on this mission. Even during the worst moments of my captivity, knowing that you were out there looking kept hope alive!”

  “Jason, you are a very brave young man,” Dominic answered. “We were pleased to help out, but I hope you learned an important lesson from this experience!”

  “I am afraid I learned a lot of things the hard way this time!” Jason replied.

  “You put your life on the line for your friend, which showed incredible courage and heart,” Martin added. “It was like a combat mission in that sense! You were very lucky this time to escape those predators and get away from the very real possibility of death! It is terrific that there is another happy ending, but I hope you understand how close you came to getting killed or seriously injured this time!”

  “Don’t get us wrong, Jason, we are among your biggest supporters,” Dominic continued. “But you have to understand that you are not invincible! Now with Martin, that’s another story!” he said with a laugh.

  “I know that I took a very risky chance,” Jason said, “but I couldn’t think of any other way to get to Nick before he was seriously injured or killed. Those two predators had a long, agonizing captivity and death planned for Nick. I shudder to even think about it, and I shudder when I think of what I saw in that cavern. All those torture devices, a metal table to cut up their victims, and a box containing at least a dozen pairs of kid’s shoes! Those horrible images will haunt me for a very long time!”

  “Unfortunately, Jason, you have been forced to grow up before your time!” Dominic said with some feeling in his voice. “Again you have seen the worst side of human nature, and faced a horrific evil. You went to war and didn’t realize it! Unfortunately in this world, lots of kids face death and destruction due to terrorist or wartime acts. But there is nothing worse than when violence against kids has clearly been premeditated and designed to make them suffer. At least in the long run you have the satisfaction of knowing that your bravery stopped two predators who have been preying on kids in California for a long time!”

  “Jason,” Martin said shaking his hand, “I want you to know that if you ever need us again, don’t hesitate to call us. We will help you if we can. You have been incredibly generous with us through your foundation and of course that is appreciated. But now things are personal between us. If you two are ever in any kind of real danger, just call us and don’t worry about money. We would be honored to help you for free!”

  “We do hope that never happens, Jason!” Dominic added. “But like Martin said, you have earned our respect. Now I want you boys to go back home and spend the rest of the summer kicking back and being normal teenagers! You know, fun in the sun, girls, parties, that sort of thing!”

  “Sounds like a great plan to me,” Daniel said. “I’ll make sure that Jason stays out of trouble.”

  “You do that, Daniel,” Martin replied. “He is going to have a lot to deal with after what he just went through, in all seriousness. Be there for your friend. He will need your support!”

  After Dominic and Martin left, Jason and Daniel went to check on Nick and then talk with Captain Garcia. Nick and his mother Caterina had regained their composure and were talking about the discovery of Ben Kessler. Jason came in and explained about what he had set up with Dr. Cartwright. It was arra
nged that the boys would drive together directly to Dr. Cartwright’s clinic for treatment. Caterina would pick up clean clothing and personal items for Nick and herself at their house and meet them at the clinic. Because Jason had arranged for the clinic to be open to them 24 hours, she could stay there with Nick until he was ready to be released.

  They then talked with Captain Garcia about the police investigation. “I don’t want you to release Nicolo’s name to the media,” Caterina said to Captain Garcia. “I want Nicolo to have some privacy while he recovers. I think there is more than enough for you to tell the media right now!” Garcia agreed and then told them that if he needed to question either Nick or Jason about details of the case, he would drop by the clinic. Caterina then drove the boys back to the San Matthias police station, where Daniel had left his SUV.

  Once the three boys were riding back toward the Silicon Valley, Jason said, “I don’t know about you guys, but I am starving! Let’s stop by a burger place and get some food!”

  “That sounds great to me, also,” Nick said. “The last meal I had was drugged spaghetti!”

  “Do you guys want to go inside or get take out?” Daniel said.

  “Give us a break, Daniel,” Jason said. “I look like a homeless kid who has been on the road for a week, and poor Nick looks like he was the loser of a bad fist fight! I think take out is in order!”

  “Do you guys have any money?” Daniel asked with a big smile on his face.

  “I think I might have three dollars in my pocket,” Nick said not realizing that Daniel was making a joke.

  “Daniel, we have been through enough torture lately!” Jason exclaimed. “Go to the drive through window and yes it is your treat!”

  “All right guys, I hope this twenty dollar bill in my pocket will be enough to feed you both. You sound like you are very hungry!”

  The boys all ordered super sized meals. After getting their order at the pick up window, Daniel decided to just pull into a parking spot so that they could all eat, since he was very hungry himself. They quickly wolfed down their meals.

  “Now I know I am truly free!” Nick exclaimed. “That food hit the spot! But guard the doors! That’s what I was doing when I was grabbed, eating a hamburger.”

  “I am glad that you two are feeling a lot better now,” Daniel said. “Are your bruises and injuries bothering you at all?”

  “My back is really sore from the whippings I received from Angelo’s “training program” as he liked to call it,” Nick replied. “That whole thing was just an excuse to beat me up and then tie me up in different ways. Angelo would then ask me if was going to be a ‘good boy’, but it didn’t matter what I said. He refused to believe me if I said I was going to be good, and if my answer had even a touch of attitude, it was another excuse for him to give me a whipping. Or he would tape my mouth shut and tie me to one of his chains or his whipping post so I could work on becoming ‘a better kid’ as he put it. And constantly I would have to listen to his stupid sayings that his daddy told him!”

  “I am sorry that you were treated so cruelly, Nick,” Daniel replied. “This Angelo sounds like a real crazy man.”

  “Can we change the subject now?” Jason asked with some irritation in his voice. “I have had enough of that cavern of horrors to last me a lifetime!”

  “It’s okay, Jason!” Daniel answered. “I know you guys have had a very stressful time. I want you to know that I and your other friends are going to do everything we can to help both of you heal and recuperate.” Daniel then changed the subject and talked about sports and music for the rest of the drive to Dr. Cartwright’s clinic.

  At the clinic, it was quickly determined that Jason’s medical issues were minor. He had some rope burns on his wrists, and the bruises he got from when Sal kicked him back into the subbasement at Angelo’s house. “What I really need to do first is get myself cleaned up!” Jason told Dr. Cartwright, who agreed that Jason should do just that while he examined Nick. After showering, getting dressed in his regular clothes, and undergoing a complete examination by Dr. Cartwright, Jason was treated for just a few minor bruises on his legs, wrists and upper body.

  “You don’t seem to have any other medical issues other than you need a complete evening of uninterrupted rest and relaxation,” Dr. Cartwright told Jason. “I would like you to remain here in the clinic overnight to make sure that you have a complete rest and that no other issues emerge.”

  After his examination, Jason talked to his parents, Edith and Bill, who were still in New York. “I wanted to let you know that the undercover operation was very successful, in case it makes the news back east. When you get home I will tell you all about it! If you need to contact me, just call me on my cell phone. I will be waiting for you at our house tomorrow. Hurry home, I can’t wait to see you! Tell Grandmother that I want to come out to New York and visit her when she is feeling better.” Next he called Joe Connor to tell him about the operation, its success, and to thank him for bringing in Martin Severino and Dominic Sanchez to help out. Jason then called Laura to catch up on things with her and to tell her that he hoped they could get together either late Saturday or on Sunday. “I can’t wait to see you, Laura. I really need some tender loving care!”

  After Jason finished with his telephone calls, he went out into the waiting room area. Daniel had already left, but Caterina had just arrived. She was waiting on the results of Nick’ examination with Dr. Cartwright. As soon as she saw Jason, she came over to him and gave him a long embrace. “Jason, I can’t thank you enough for what you did for Nicolo! You are my hero! I feel I owe you so much for your bravery and willingness to risk your life to save my son! If you ever need anything, just name it, and it is yours!”

  Jason smiled back at Caterina. “You must understand that I had to do whatever I could to help Nick. From the first minute we met, somehow we connected as friends! I could never just sit idly by when there was a chance to save him from the evil predators who were after him! But there is something that you can do for me. Can we speak in private about it?” The two went into a private room and Jason told Caterina his request. “If anyone can do this, I think that you can!”

  Caterina agreed that she probably could. “I hope I am not doing the wrong thing by fulfilling your request!” she said when she thought about the implications of what Jason was asking.

  “Trust me, Mrs. Poulos, that this is an important part of my healing process. Please do what you can to grant my request!”

  Caterina then got on her cell phone and started making some calls. “This is going to take some doing and a certain amount of money, but you are right, Jason, it is very possible!”

  Later Jason ended up sleeping nearly 12 hours. Saturday morning after breakfast, Daniel picked Jason up and brought him back to his house.

  Meanwhile, Nick was being examined and treated by Dr. Cartwright. “Nick, some of your injuries are quite serious, and on the verge of becoming infected. Luckily, I do not detect any broken bones or serious internal injuries. Some of those welts on your back need to be treated and bandaged, but I would like you to have a complete bath to soak your body and these wounds first. Luckily our facility here has a very nice bathtub. My nurse practitioner, Luisa, will assist you. Don’t worry, Nick, she is very professional and will make you feel at ease. Plus she will be able to clean your wounds so that they are ready for treatment and bandaging.”

  The bath felt wonderful to Nick. After letting Nick soak for five minutes in the warm water, Luisa came in with wash cloths, a sponge, and some antiseptic soap. Luisa systematically went over Nick’s body from head to toe, cleaning everything, and especially the welts on Nick’s back and side. After she finished, she had Nick get out of the tub, and gave him a towel to wrap around his waist. She then carefully patted dry his body, making sure not to irritate his wounds. Luisa then told Nick to wait while she got him some clean underwear. After getting the underwear from Caterina, Luisa brought it to Nick and told him to put on a pair of briefs. She th
en brought Nick to an examination room, so Dr. Cartwright could treat and bandage his wounds.

  Luisa assisted Dr. Cartwright as he gently treated each welt with healing ointment, and bandaged the worst wounds with gauze that he wrapped around Nick’s body and taped with strips of easily removable adhesive tape. “Nick, I want to keep your bandages as light as possible while the healing process begins. I want you to remain here at the clinic for the time being. If everything goes well, you will be able to return home in a couple of days.” Dr. Cartwright had Nick put on a clean tee shirt and a pair of shorts. “This should protect the bandages for now. I want you to drink plenty of fluids, and get lots of rest. That way your body can concentrate on healing.”

  Nick went out into the waiting room to see his mother. She smiled when she saw how improved her son looked. They chatted for a while, and then Nick began to feel drowsy. He went into a waiting room with a bed and soon was sound asleep. Caterina brought the small suitcase of clothing and personal things that she had brought from home for Nick. She sat in the room with him for a while. The healing process had begun in earnest.

  * * * * *

  Back at the San Matthias police station, Captain Garcia was wrapping up the work of his task force. Those officers who were brought in just for SWAT team duty were dismissed with his thanks. But the work of the investigative team was just beginning. The initial report from the team who went into Angelo’s cave stated that there was evidence of multiple murders. Besides the cave itself, there were additional corridors leading to other caverns. There were signs in one of the caverns that it was the burial ground for Angelo’s victims. It was clear that there were many more days of work ahead for the team to determine the full extent of Angelo’s crimes.

  The first thing the task force discovered was Angelo Ciurro. He was arrested and brought into the San Matthias police station for booking. By the time the police arrived, Angelo had worked some of the tape free by struggling, but not entirely. His face was wiped with a cloth to remove the residual pepper spray, the remainder of the duct tape was cut off his wrists and ankles, and then he was handcuffed, read his rights, returned to the surface, and taken into custody.


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