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Off To Kill the Wizard (Return to Oz With a Vengeance Book 1)

Page 12

by Warren Thomas

  "Really? Thank you," she replied. "You are quite handsome, too. So big and tall and all military fierce and strong."

  Dorothy let her eyes project her lust. Oddly enough, she didn't really have to act that much. Since returning to Oz all rejuvenated, her libido has been on a hair trigger. It didn't help that he was just her type.

  Sex in her new, young body had proven surprisingly thrilling and pleasurable. Just thinking about it made her heart race and she struggled to breath. The City Guard officer must've mistaken her reaction as attraction to him. He pressed up close, stroking and combing his fingers through her long hair. When he licked his lips, Dorothy mirrored him.

  "I…um…I am…" Dorothy stammered. She didn't have to feign discombobulation. He was messing up her mind. The rejuvenated beauty breathed in his scent, and couldn't contain the low groan. "Is there…some…somewhere private we can go to…um…discuss this?"

  The other guards snickered and nodded knowingly. They had looks of wicked glee in their eyes. It did not help her emotional situation at all.

  "Yes. Yes. Of course," he said breathlessly. Turning, "Open the gate!"

  She thought he screwed up and just let her in. No dirty deed required. Then he grabbed her upper arm and fast walked the girl from Kansas through the gate.

  "A prisoner, Captain Viggo?" a guard inside asked.

  "Not exactly," he said, acting defensive and gruff. "I find her suspicious, so I will search and interrogate her. Alone. Just me."

  "Huh?" she said, eyes huge.

  She had made it inside the gate. The guards were all armed the same as those outside. Her 21st Century American weaponry would make short work of them. But was it justifiable? Or would she be murdering innocent men? After all, her life was not threatened.

  Oh Lord, my fight or flight instinct just got turned into fight or fuck.

  "Ah yes," the other guard said, nodding with a knowing look. He gave Dorothy an appreciative look. "Take your time, sir."

  "What does he mean by…?" Dorothy started to ask, but Captain Viggo hurried her to a nearby door and into the small room. She spotted a small wooden table pushed up against one wall, another larger table in the middle of the small room, and two straight back chairs. He immediately removed one of her Uzis. "Hey, give that back."

  "What is it?" he asked. "It's quite heavier than it looks. Is it solid iron?"

  "Kind of. It's a Humbug good luck charm," she said, indicating it, the other Uzi, and her pistols. "They are my lucky charms."

  She smiled, but of course he didn’t get the joke.

  "They're not very attractive," he said, looking down the barrel and his thumb dangerously close to the trigger.

  His dangerous actions made her fidget and fret. The other guards would blame her if he accidently killed himself. Yet, any warning to be careful might betray the fact it was a dangerous weapon.

  "They're quite the rage back in Humbug Country."

  "Mmm, odd custom," he said, placing it on the small side table. "Divest yourself of all charms and clothing."

  Dorothy gawked at him. "Wow. You don't waste time with niceties, do you?"

  "I am required by Royal Degree to search any suspicious characters," he said.

  She gawked up at him. Was he serious? The bulge between his legs said he had other intentions. Dorothy lost her breath for a moment. Finally, she slowly removed the other Uzi, and placed it on the table. Then Dorothy removed her pistol belt.

  "I'm divested my lucky charms, Captain," she whispered, throat too tight for anything else.

  "I wouldn't go that far," Captain Viggo replied, voice lower by several octaves. He lifted her chin, and kissed her softly. Then he kissed her again, thrusting his tongue into her mouth. "Mmm. No contraband hidden in there."

  "Are you sure?" she said, giving him a sultry look. "Maybe you should check again."

  Viggo wrapped her up in his big, strong arms and squeezed so wonderfully tight. His lips claimed hers in a passionate kiss. Dorothy tried to be strong. She desperately wanted to retain full control of her mental and emotional faculties. But that kiss!

  "Mmmmm," they both groaned.

  His hands became bolder and started to explore her body. They continued to kiss, while he pulled off her sports bra. Once she was topless, Dorothy knew it was a done deal. She didn't have many lovers in her life, but every single time she lost her top she ended up with the guy between her legs. Of course, those were during her boy crazy days.

  "Oooooh, yes," she whispered when he took her boobs in both hands, squeezed them firmly, and strummed her nipples with his thumbs. "Just like that."

  The sexiest sensations rippled through her body. She got hotter and hotter, sweat prickling her skin. The hottest, wettest spot was between her legs. It was such a relief when he finally removed her shorts. The cool air felt amazing on her slick folds.

  Viggo released her lips to kiss and nibble a line down her neck and across her shoulders. Dorothy gasped and groaned sensuously, her body trembling. She tried to control herself, but began to grind her sex against his thigh. Then he kissed and nibbled down to her boobs.

  "Yes," she whispered, voice dropping an octave.

  Dorothy's head lolled around when he buried his face in her hot, sweaty cleavage. Her breath caught when he nipped a sensitive, erect nipple with his sharp teeth. The pleasure of pain was so exquisite, and something she couldn't really explore as a good, upstanding Kansas woman. With Viggo she felt free to explore anything.

  I've done worse, she thought. I'm starting to love life again.

  Viggo rubbed his face all over her tits. He sucked and licked her nipples, and he even fondled her butt at times. Basically, he drove her crazy. Her body sang like never before. Finally, he stepped back suddenly, leaving her high and dry, head spinning.

  "What? What's wrong?" Dorothy gasped.

  "I have to get out of my uniform and armor!" he cried, looking frantic.

  While Viggo removed the cuirass and his shirt, Dorothy wagged her brows and dropped to her knees. She unfastened his trousers, pulled them down to his boot tops, and then wrapped her hand around his erection.

  "Oh my, Captain. You're so big," she purred. Dorothy gave it a naughty little lick, and then twirled her tongue around the bulbous head. After getting his full length and girth shiny with her spittle, she kissed the head and looked up. "You, sir, are hung to shame a stallion."

  Captain Viggo puffed up. His cock swelled within her firm grip, too. Dorothy stroked him a few times, and then went down on the City Guard officer.

  "Mmmmm," she moaned, knowing the sweet vibrations of that sound would feel amazing to her lover.

  Dorothy worked her tongue and lips, bobbing her head up and down his shaft. She pulled off and ran her tongue up and down and all around his shaft, before licking and sucking on his big, hairy balls.

  "I've never felt so free to do anything like this before," she whispered.

  Going down on him again, she worked hard to get him off. She wanted him to come in her mouth so badly it made her pussy ache and throb. Dorothy moaned and groaned, and soon Viggo was moaning and groaning even louder.

  "Ah!" he cried.

  Hot cum flooded her mouth. Dorothy's whole body shook and tingled. She hesitated, both thrilled and disgusted by what she was about to do. And then…she swallowed.

  "Mmmm," she moaned, and then swirled her tongue around his dick again. "Oh, baby. That was so wonderfully nasty."

  Viggo stared incredulously down at her for a moment. Then he lifted Dorothy up to her feet, before pushing her back atop the table. Before she realized what he intended, the City Guard officer grabbed her ankles, spread her legs wide, and thrust into her exposed pussy.

  "Uggh!" Dorothy cried.

  That penetration felt amazing. His big cock stretched her out to the edge of pain. She felt her vagina clamp down on him, stopping his thrust. Viggo pulled back until the tip was nestled in her folds, before thrusting back in twice as deep.


  "Like that, do you?"

  "Oooh, yes. Yes," she gasped out.

  He thrust into her like a madman. No one ever fucked her so long and hard. Dorothy gasped and cried out. Her head rocked back and forth atop the table, while her legs wrapped around him. She bucked and writhed, clutching at his forearms while he fondled her jostling tits.

  "Oh my God!" she cried when that rush to climax began. "Oh. My. GAWD!"

  Her body erupted with perfect bliss. Pure euphoria washed through her overheated, oversexed body. She felt that orgasm in her fingers and toes. Halfway through her throbbing climax, Viggo went over the top and filled her womb with his seed.

  They both sighed gustily, and relaxed completely. Dorothy lay atop that table, the hot, sweaty captain atop her, and basked in the glory of the afterglow.

  Chapter 23

  "Whew!" Dorothy still felt all hot and sweaty. Captain Viggo had his way with her five times. A new personal record for her. "Such a virile man."

  Captain Viggo declared her contraband free and welcome in the city after their torrid little tryst. The inner guards grinned, nodded, and gave her lusty, knowing looks. It was all so scarily thrilling. She'd forgotten how much raw sexual power a young woman had over men. And men had over women.

  Or is it just me?

  Her Silver Stilettos clattered merrily as she strolled through the outer city. It had wider avenues and more open space than she recalled in the Emerald City of her youth. Almost every man gave her hungry looks. That didn't happen last time, either. Of course, she was much younger on her previous trip. Now she was a grown woman in her sexual prime.

  "Excuse me, ma'am," Dorothy called to a graceful looking older woman in all green.

  The green gown, hat, shoes, and parasol declared Emerald City was her ancestral home. She had green eyes and curly brown hair. Her jewelry was all emeralds set in silver.

  "Yes?" she said, looking down her nose at Dorothy.

  "Forgive me, but I haven't been to the city before," Dorothy said. "I've seen paintings of it, but they looked much different. Has something terrible befallen the city?"

  Okay, she knew war had devastated the Old City. But Dorothy wanted to know about all of the new construction and new outer walls. It looked much like a Midwestern city outside the inner walls, except everything was green.

  "Do I look like a History Scholar, miss?"

  "I don't know. What does a History Scholar look like?" she asked. And then she continued, "But you look quite intelligent and educated, as well as beautiful and fashionable."

  The woman instantly warmed to her. Flattery had gotten her more over the years than anything else.

  "So kind of you to notice," she said. After a glance around, "You probably saw a painting of the pre-war city. I've only seen paintings of it, myself. The wars all happened during my parents’ time. But sixty or seventy years ago, King Scarecrow went to war with the Witches of North, South, East, and West. He won a lot of territory, but the tide of war turned and they counter-attacked the city. It went back and forth like that for a dozen years. Half of the Old City was devastated before King Scarecrow won a major victory up north, and then a truce was worked out."

  "Has the truce held?"

  "More or less," she said. "All four Witches pledged fealty to King and Empire, though all sides are constantly probing the others for any weakness to exploit."

  "All sides?"

  "Yes, the Wicked Witches, the Good Witches, and the Wizard make it a three-sided standoff," she said. The lady grimaced, sighed, and shook her head woefully. "Anyway, the displaced residents were forced to rebuild their homes outside the original walls. They thought it temporary, but King Scarecrow refused to let anyone rebuild inside the city proper. Instead, he built another circle of walls to protect what we now refer as the New City."

  "Wow," Dorothy said. "That's fascinating. Why didn't King Scarecrow allow his people to rebuild in the Old City?"

  "Oddly enough, most of the structures destroyed in the war were the homes and businesses of his rivals," she said.

  "I understand. Thank you, ma'am."

  The gates into the Old City were open and unguarded. Dorothy passed through to find the streets much more crowded. Everyone was moving in the same direction. She continued on with the flow since they were heading toward the palace.

  Dorothy expected to see signs of war and devastation. Instead of rubble piled up in vacant lots, she found beautiful parks surrounding statues of Scarecrow, Tin Woodman, Lion, and even Glinda. The statues and parks all commemorated some great battle they won.

  She stopped before a tall bronze statue of Glinda and Lion standing triumphant over a kneeling, bound, and gagged woman. The plague at the base proclaimed her victory over Locasta, Good Witch of the North. Locasta wore only a pair of ragged thigh boots, and was otherwise nude. Almost as shocking was the ball-gag.

  "Oh my, do they have access to the internet?" Dorothy whispered. She remembered the spreader bar the Sa'Kor troops put on her. "They didn't have anything like that last time I was here."

  That statue didn't depict Glinda or Lion as she remembered them, either. And their depictions were even more shocking than Locasta's. Glinda looked like a bad girl. That's the only way to describe her. One breast was exposed by her torn clothing, which was scandalously revealing to begin with. Her hair was longer, wind-tousled, and there was a sultry sneer on her lovely face.

  As for Lion, Dorothy didn't recognize him at all. Last time she was in Oz, he was a lion. A talking lion, but still physically exactly like a lion back in her world. In the statue, he was half-man and half-lion, but really more man. His manly body was tall, robust, built like a Mr. Universe bodybuilder. Only the head and face looked like a fierce, man-eating lion. That image of him frightened her in a very inappropriate way. Yeah, he was depicted completely nude and hung like a horse.

  "This is not the Oz I remember. Something has changed it fundamentally," she whispered.

  Dorothy continued on toward the palace until she came across another park and statue dedicated to Tin Woodman. He was still recognizable as her old friend, but he looked bigger, stronger, and with a cruel leer on his face.

  Finally, she came across a statue of King Scarecrow. He looked bigger and scarier, too. His raggedly old clothes were replaced with stately robes, but the statue stood with one foot upon the head of a beautiful young woman. One hand held a leash attached to a collar around her neck. She was naked, bound, and gagged like Locasta. The plaque said, "I take the women of my vanquished enemies as my slaves."

  "Wow. Just wow."

  The street became increasingly crowded the closer she got to the palace. Finally, the street opened up on a vast plaza. It was the same plaza that the Wonderful Wizard left her behind in his big balloon. The same plaza that Glinda finally revealed the true power of the Silver Shoes. Dorothy always wondered why Glinda never revealed that the shoes had that power right away.

  The people in the plaza wore all of the colors of the rainbow. Mostly green, but the four colors of Oz's four great Countries were generously represented, too. And other colors were on parade, too.

  Dorothy noticed sweeping murals of King Scarecrow's Great Wars on the walls surrounding the plaza, depicting him and his Heroes Lion, Tin Woodman, and Glinda laying waste to other lands and slaying their enemies. Dorothy shook her head and wondered what went so terribly wrong. Why had her friends turned evil? What took them from the Heroes that Vanquished the Last Wicked to ruthless conquerors?

  And why are there even more Wicked Witches now?

  The crowd suddenly roared with cheers and jeers. Dorothy looked to the platform. Apparently, King Scarecrow had passed judgment on some poor soul who was being dragged away in chains. The best she could understand, all of his wealth was ordered seized and divided between the man suing him and King Scarecrow.

  "So this is his justice," Dorothy muttered, eyes narrowing. "No wonder everyone hates me. I helped them become heroes, so that they could conquer and subjugate ever
yone." She took a deep breath, letting it out slowly as her blood boiled. "His reign of terror ends now."

  To see King Scarecrow better, she found a cart and climbed onto it. And there he was. Her old friend and new enemy. Scarecrow. Two women knelt to either side of his throne, both naked and held in place by leashes and collars around their necks. Slaves? The wives or daughters of his vanquished enemies?

  Dorothy took an Uzi in hand, wondering if she was close enough to guarantee killing him. Probably not. Uzis weren't the most accurate weapons, so she'd more likely kill those two poor slave girls.

  "I need to get closer."

  None of the other so-called Heroes stood on the platform with him. The new Wizard of Oz sat upon a huge throne carved out of a single giant emerald, which sat upon a sturdy looking platform about head height to the audience. Her world had nothing like that. Did they create that emerald with magic?

  Scarecrow in real life looked much as she remembered, but wearing finer clothes. He was dressed in a shiny green robe, which was open to reveal white clothes underneath. A gold, diamond, and emerald crown perched atop his head and around the same hat she remembered him wearing. Was the hat part of his head? He was surrounded by what she guessed was his bodyguards.

  "Sweet Jesus, what are those brutes?" she muttered.

  They looked like big, brutal, living suits of armor. They didn't even have faces, just dark slits where eyes and mouth should be. One and all looked cruel and vicious, armed with swords and spears. Their glowing red eyes glared down at the citizens of Oz as if they were one and all enemies.

  "Excuse me, sir, but could you answer a question from a foreigner?" Dorothy pleaded with the closest man. He was admiring her long legs and sweet round butt, which was all but hanging out of her shorts above him. "Who are the scary armored men up there with King Scarecrow?"

  The Ozian glanced at the platform, before his eyes returned to her legs. He licked his lips.


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