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M&L03 - SS

Page 5

by Stacie Simpson

  “That was even better than I ever dreamed possible.”

  “Rachel?” I stumbled back dropping Rachel on her feet as I fell flat on my ass. I was at a complete loss. How did this happen? Why didn’t the fox stop it? Then I realized he’d been buried so deep in my consciousness by the overwhelming force of the vampire that he wasn’t aware of what I was doing until it was too late. As he struggled to the surface now he wanted to lash out at Rachel for the betrayal she helped us commit.

  I looked up to find Rachel staring at me with tears in her eyes.

  “You thought I was her didn’t you?”

  I scrubbed my hands over my face and growled, “What are you doing here Rachel? I told you it wasn’t a good idea for you to be here.”

  The storm was still in full swing and she shoved one hand into her hair trying to get it out of her face while her other hand pulled her dress back down into place. “I saw you from the window in my apartment. You were glowing Solomon. I could actually see the magic swirling in the air around you. I wanted to get closer, to know if I could feel the magic too. I didn’t mean to let you see me, but then I could tell something was wrong with you and I wanted to help.”

  I took a deep breath and closed my eyes counting to ten. When I opened them again I asked, “Do you have any idea how much danger you were in? I nearly fell into bloodlust Rachel. I could have killed you without even realizing what I’d done until it was too late.”

  “You wouldn’t hurt me Solomon,” she insisted and something in me snapped.

  Surging to my feet, I grabbed her upper arms and slammed her against the pillar behind her - not too hard, but hard enough to get her attention. I held her in place with her feet six inches off the ground as my fangs came down and I let the vampire come out to play. “Take a good look Rachel because this is who I am, this is what I keep leashed under that teenage face you find so attractive. Don’t ever think for a second that I’m not capable of hurting you, because deep down, I’m a monster just like everyone else here at Myths and Legends.”

  Releasing her arms, I stepped back and she crumpled to the ground crying.

  I ran my hands through my hair and realized my pants were still hanging wide open. After I had everything back in place I said, “Look Rachel, I’m sorry...” I crouched down in front of her but when I reached out, she jerked away from me so I sat back on my heels. I had no idea what else to say and I was barely hanging on with the battle of wills going on inside my head. My human side was in control for the moment but the fox was trying to claw his way out of me because the vampire just wanted me to fuck Rachel again - now.

  A loud crash drew my attention and I rushed over just in time to watch as the churning water dragged one of our bridges into the Gulf. Dammit, I needed to concentrate on the ward. I looked back to tell Rachel to get back inside but she was already gone. Shaking my head, I threw everything I had into strengthening the ward and protecting our home. Worrying about Rachel and setting things right between us would just have to wait until later.

  Chapter Five

  ~ Renee ~

  I crept slowly through the house hoping Solomon wouldn’t be here waiting to ambush me. If it were up to me, I wouldn’t even be here. I’d dream about a new location every night just to keep him from finding me - or hell, I just wouldn’t dream at all. But that damn fox inside of me had other ideas though. She actually wanted Solomon to find us here and in the real world. If only I could get her to understand why we couldn’t let that happen.

  Finding no sign of Solomon on the ground floor, I went upstairs to the bedroom. At least there, I’d have a little privacy. You never knew who might be lurking in the back yard waiting to get a peepshow through the glass wall.

  To my surprise, I found Solomon tucked into my bed sleeping like the dead. Now that was just strange. Why would he be dreaming about sleeping in my bed? Taking a closer look, I realized that he looked utterly exhausted. There were dark circles under his sunken eyes and his sandy blonde hair looked like he’d gone to bed with it wet. Even his skin looked paler than usual, almost sickly. I’d only seen him look this rough a handful of times and it was always after he used an extraordinary amount of magic.

  What have you been up to Solomon?

  I was about to leave when his eyes blinked open and he said, “Don’t go, please, just stay the night with me Renee.”

  He looked so lost that it broke my heart. Oh Solomon, what am I going to do with you? It would be better for both of us if we just made a clean break, but seeing the desperation in his eyes, I couldn’t leave. I stripped down to my T-shirt and panties and climbed in bed beside him. When he pulled me close and wrapped his arm around my waist, I realized he didn’t have any clothes on.

  I must have tensed because he whispered, “Don’t worry Renee; I just want to hold you. Besides, I’m completely spent. I don’t think I could have sex if I wanted to, not even dream sex.”

  I relaxed a little pressing my back against his chest and asked, “What have you been doing that’s taken so much out of you?”

  He kissed the top of my head. “We had a hurricane.”

  Well that explained a lot. Moments later, he was sleeping again and I wondered how long he’d be out. The last hurricane wiped him out for three days, but that was before the curse ended. Maybe now that his fox was awake he’d recover faster.

  After a while, I closed my eyes, basking in his warmth, letting the steady rhythm of his breaths lull me to sleep. It seemed odd to be going to sleep when I knew this was only a dream and my body was already asleep, but when I thought about it, I hadn’t felt truly rested for months. Every night I’d sat here in this house hyperaware of everything around me while I waited for Solomon to find his way inside. Somehow, the stress I’d felt here must have taken its toll on my body making me feel drained in the morning rather than refreshed.

  Lying here now with Solomon wrapped around me, I was finally able to relax for the first time since realizing he was my mate. Was I doing the right thing by staying away from him?

  I shook my head. This wasn’t about me or my feelings. This was about him, and what would make him happy in the long run.

  Yet none of that meant I couldn’t allow myself this one night of peaceful sleep in the arms of the only man I would ever love.

  My eyes popped open when I heard Solomon murmur a hopeless plea beside me. “No... Please don’t make me...”

  Sitting up, I realized we were still in the dream together but Solomon’s condition had deteriorated dramatically.

  Vampirism was caused by a virus. A virus that if left unchecked, would continue multiplying until the infected body resembled a mind demon - the beings from which the virus originated. Mind demons were gaunt, hairless creatures with leathery skin that lacked the ability to eat solid foods and burned to ash in sunlight. They were also sociopathic killers who were addicted to blood and enjoyed torture and mayhem.

  The only way to keep the virus from multiplying was to drink blood infused with the life force of a living being. The blood had to be fresh and come directly from the source because a being’s life force dies almost immediately after leaving its body.

  Many vampires forgo fresh blood and allow the virus to multiply because it makes them stronger and increases their psychic abilities. As a result, they slowly lose their humanity and become just as evil as the ancient mind demons once were. For that reason, nightshifters are always very careful about feeding and never intentionally forgo fresh blood.

  Looking at Solomon now, I knew that he needed to feed, and that his weakened state was most likely caused by over exerting himself while he was fighting the hurricane. What I didn’t understand was why he seemed to be refusing to feed.

  I gently brushed his hair away from his eyes and whispered, “Solomon, you need to drink now.”

  His eyes cracked open and instead of their usual light brown color, bright gold stared back at me. “I can’t betray you again, I won’t do it Renee.”

  Betray me again? I
had no idea what he was talking about but I knew he needed to drink - now. He was trembling and a light sheen of sweat covered his face and upper body. “My blood wouldn’t be enough to help you Solomon, I’m infected with the virus too.”

  He closed his eyes and shook his head. If he was still here, then his body was still asleep, even though I suspected someone was trying to get him to drink. The fact that he wasn’t waking up was not a good sign.

  “Solomon, I want you to drink from me now,” I said lying down in front of him and wrapping my leg over his hip.

  He opened his eyes again and looked into mine. I tipped my head to the side giving him better access, but instead of taking what I was offering he said, “I won’t be able to hold back Renee, I’m not strong enough right now.”

  “It’s just a dream Solomon,” I whispered knowing what was about to happen but not being able to worry about the consequences when I knew how badly he needed to drink.

  “We both know this is not just a dream.” His voice was rough, his body tense.

  “Yes Solomon, but I still want you to drink from me now.”

  I reached out and pulled his head into the crook of my neck. He inhaled deeply, taking in my scent as his hand slid up the back of my thigh to my ass where he gripped tightly and pulled me closer until his hard flesh pressed against my satin covered center. How would I ever be able to walk away from him after this?

  His fangs grazed my neck and I shivered. “Be sure Renee.”

  I closed my eyes. “I’m sure Solomon.”

  His fangs pierced my skin with a growl and fire raced through my veins making me instantly wet and needy. He rolled me to my back and thrust himself against my damp panties while he drank from me with strong pulls of his mouth. My legs clamped around his waist and my hips rocked with his as my fingers clawed at his back. I needed more. His bite was making me wild with desire, drowning me in sensation, taking away all the reasons we shouldn’t be doing this.

  Suddenly my panties were gone and his thick arousal was sliding over my slick, needy flesh. Yes! I tried to angle my hips so that he’d slide inside and when that didn’t work, I reached down to guide him with my hand.

  Just when I had the tip of his erection poised at the entrance to my body, he sealed the puncture marks in my neck and lifted his head. Looking me right in the eyes he said, “I can’t do this, not here, not like this.” Then he was gone.

  I screamed a sound of pure need and frustration that seemed to go on forever. How could he do this to me? I’d always known he didn’t really want me, not like this anyway, but never in a million years had I thought he could be this cruel.

  Eventually I rolled to my side sobbing into my pillow and willed my body to wake up. I’d never be able to face Solomon after this. Whatever it took, I knew I had to get out of here before he found a way to get through that portal, even if that meant taking Dimitri up on his offer to leave town with him.

  ~ Solomon ~

  I came awake with my fangs buried in someone’s throat and my dick about to sink inside her wet center.

  Withdrawing my fangs, I sealed the wounds left behind then rolled to the side and landed on my back.

  A moment later Lacey, a sex demon who worked at Mystique, appeared above me with her bottom lip pushed out in a pout. “Aren’t you going to finish what we started?”

  “No, I’m not,” I snapped. She sat back on her heels and I asked, “What are you doing here Lacey?”

  She shrugged her slender shoulder making her long brunette hair fall over her naked breast. “Dragon said you needed to feed and that you were too far gone to do it on your own. I volunteered to take care of you.”

  Shit. Taking a deep breath, I scrubbed my hands over my face. “I’m sorry I snapped at you Lacey, and thank you for feeding me, but I need you to go now.”

  “Alright, but if you change your mind I’ll be around,” she offered as she climbed off the bed to get dressed.

  Once she was gone, I looked around and had no idea where I was or how I got here. Heavy brocade curtains, elegant furnishings, dark masculine color scheme - a hotel room maybe? What was the last thing I remembered? The watchtower and the hurricane, and then... Nothing else came to mind.

  There was a knock at the door then it opened and Dragon stood in the doorway. He was always such an imposing figure, easily the same height and size as Doyle but with dark hair and a neatly trimmed beard. “I’m glad to see you’re doing better.”

  “Thank you for looking out for me.”

  “There’s something we need to talk about once you’re dressed,” he said, his face serious.

  “I’ll be quick,” I responded and he turned to leave but stopped when I asked, “My Lord?”

  “Yes, Solomon?”

  “Where are we?”

  He grinned. “One of the suites above Supernova.”

  I shot out of bed heading for the bathroom and heard him chuckling as he closed the door behind him.

  Once I was finished showering and brushing my teeth I found the bag I’d packed the night before the hurricane, threw on some clothes then went in search of Dragon.

  I found him and Rook waiting patiently in the living room and took a seat across from them in one of the overstuffed armchairs.

  “How long was I out?” I asked before we got started with anything else.

  “Only about eighteen hours,” Dragon replied.

  “Wow, hurricanes normally knock me out for days.”

  He shrugged. “Our animals are very strong. If you had fed before your strength waned too much you might not have passed out at all.”

  “I’ll remember that for next time. How did I get here? The last time I tried, I couldn’t go through the portal.”

  Rook was sitting very quietly while Dragon answered my questions. He wasn’t glaring or scowling, but he seemed to radiate disapproval making it painfully obvious he knew something happened between Rachel and me.

  “Doyle told us about Renee and the trouble you were having with the portal. When he said you only remained in your dream because you were passed out drunk, Rook suggested we take you through the portal while you were still nearly comatose from exhaustion.”

  I met Rook’s black gaze. “Thank you, I’m not sure I ever would have found a way through that portal.”

  Rook inclined his head and asked, “Will you tell us what happened with Rachel? She’s still very upset but she won’t tell us why.”

  I flopped back against the chair running my hands through my damp hair and told them everything that happened on the watchtower.

  “I should have known it was her,” I said blowing out a frustrated breath.

  “If you were even half as gone as you were when we found you up there, then I don’t think there was any way you could have known,” Rook said shaking his head. “I’ll talk to Angela and see if she can help Rachel work through this.”

  “I’d like to speak to Rachel myself when she’s ready.”

  “I’ll let her know,” Rook promised and stood to leave. Dragon followed suit and I walked them to the door.

  With a fatherly pat on my shoulder, Dragon told me, “Next time we’ll have someone watching your back. I agreed to let you go up there alone because you thought the added magic from the animals would be enough to keep you on your feet. I don’t think either of us considered the fact that you were trying to save half the state instead of just our little plot of land. You did a good job by the way; only minimal damage is being reported statewide.”

  Well at least that was something.

  I bowed with my hand fisted over my heart. “Thank you My Lord.” Dragon returned the gesture then he and Rook left.

  Once they were gone, I checked the time. Supernova had already been open for several hours, and it was likely to be jam-packed with the tournament starting tomorrow night. Not wasting another moment I threw on some shoes, grabbed my phone and headed downstairs to see if I could find Renee.

  Chapter Six

  ~ Renee ~

/>   With everyone pouring in for the tournament, Supernova was unbelievably crowded. It took me nearly thirty minutes to locate Dimitri on the dance floor farthest away from the wall of portals. I tried to convince him to leave with me but he said he didn’t want to miss all the fun and insisted that I dance with him for a while. Since I needed his help, I decided to give him what he wanted, at least for the time being.

  Our bodies moved together, guided by the thumping beats and erotic rhythms of the music filling the club.

  In some ways Supernova was very much like Mystique back at Myths and Legends, but without the human clientele to worry about, the stage shows and atmosphere were a lot more extreme. Supernaturals, especially shapeshifters, never had a problem with nudity or public sex and they didn’t need a full lineup of sex demons to shift their libidos into overdrive. It took me a few decades, but after living here away from humans for the past six months, I was finally getting more comfortable with their anything-goes lifestyle.

  Supernova was about five times the size of Mystique, with a large stage surrounded on three sides by dance floors that were broken up by several smaller stages. When viewed from the second or third level balconies it resembled a solar system with the large stage representing the sun and the smaller ones the planets. The stages were ringed with full-service bars and the outer walls were lined with private party rooms. On the narrow balconies above us there were cozy seating areas hidden away from the crowds and the colored spotlights that lit up the stages and bars.

  Dimitri’s hands gripped my hips holding me firmly against his hard body while we danced. With every twist of his hips, I felt his erection grinding into my back and for the first time, I considered taking him up on his many offers to have sex. I was still hot and bothered, the fire Solomon started still blazing inside me, and I wasn’t sure how much longer I could stand it.

  Normally I was satisfied with feeding and rarely had sex with anyone. I mean, when you can give yourself and your donor mind-blowing orgasms just by drinking blood, why bother with sex? I knew most people wouldn’t agree with me, but to me sex should have meaning and if it didn’t, there was no point in doing it. Since the only person I wanted to have meaningful sex with wouldn’t understand the concept, I just went without it except when feeding led to unexpected intercourse.


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