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M&L03 - SS

Page 17

by Stacie Simpson

  “Somehow I don’t think that’s a good idea,” I advised.

  Danarius was across the room talking with a group of sex demons who seemed very interested in what he had to say. Unlike the movie version of Loki, his long hair was blonde and he wore a green suit with pale fur accents and a gold helmet with long curling horns.

  “Can you turn into Bruce Banner Doyle?” Renee asked the green giant beside me.

  He shrugged his massive shoulder. “Sure, but where’s the fun in that?”

  We all chuckled at that and moved farther into the club. For the next few hours we mingled with our friends, dancing and experimenting with our new superpowers. I found that I could indeed crawl up the walls, and along the ceiling, and pretty much any other surface large enough to accommodate my body. Dragon had a great time pulling the two sides of his shirt apart to become Superman, while Serafina stayed by his side as the gutsy reporter Lois Lane. Rook and Angela turned out to be Batman and Catwoman, Lucien and Liliana were Cyclops and Jean Grey, and Claire was paired up with Kalen as Mystique to his Magneto.

  Just about every comic book character ever created could be found somewhere within the walls of Supernova, but one in particular seemed more fitting than most.

  “I’m surprised Bran was feeling up to coming out tonight, and that he was brave enough to show his face here when we’re all just waiting for an excuse to finish him off,” Katerina commented when she noticed the traitorous wolf shifter enter the club.

  Renee and I were sitting at the bar with her and Doyle, resting our feet after a long night of dancing.

  “What character is he supposed to be?” Katerina asked, her nose scrunched up in distaste as she examined his blue and gold suit.

  “That is Booster Gold,” Doyle explained. “He was something of a fake superhero, which suits Bran to the T. Booster Gold was a glory hound that went back in time to gain popularity. He joined the Justice League and became famous using stolen technology from the future and his knowledge of historical events to make himself seem larger than life.”

  Katerina smirked. “Sounds like a deceitful twit.”

  Doyle inclined his head. “As I said, the character is perfect for Bran.”

  “I recognize most of the characters here tonight,” Renee began, looking up from whatever she’d been drawing on the back of a paper coaster. “But I still can’t figure out who you’re supposed to be Katerina.”

  “Honestly, I’m not sure myself,” Katerina admitted.

  Her blonde hair hung in waves to her waist and she wore a short green dress with long matching gloves and over-the-knee boots.

  I cleared my throat, not sure if she would appreciate the irony of the character choice the way I did. “Um Kat... I think you’re supposed to be The Enchantress.”

  She narrowed her eyes on me. “And why does that seem to amuse you?”

  “The Enchantress was very often tangled up with Loki in his plots to take over the world,” I informed her, laughing when tiny sparks flared in her eyes.

  She glanced over my shoulder and I turned to see Danarius on one of the smaller stages with Lacey. The bench he was straddling was covered with purple velvet and had just enough of a back to support his upper body in a reclined position. Lacey’s naked form was undulating above him with a slow, sensual rhythm that was both graceful and hypnotic. Danarius was still fully dressed but his fly was open and you could see enough to know the sex was not being simulated. As Lacey continued her slow ride, her head fell back and her hands slid over her shapely thighs, and then up her flat belly to her firm breasts. She teased her nipples, circling and pinching the rosy tips as she increased the tempo of her seductive dance.

  By this point the sex demon pheromones Lacey was putting out permeated most of the club and anyone whose attention wasn’t glued to the action onstage was pairing off to put on shows of their own. I wanted to reach for Renee but I knew I wouldn’t be able keep us from hitting a home run if I did.

  Danarius sat up slowly, skimming his hand up Lacey’s spine to her slender neck. Angling her head to the side, he leaned forward and sank his fangs into her tender throat. Lacey cried out, sending a burst of pheromones to the rest of us and I closed my eyes, imagining it was me and Renee up on that stage.

  Her blood rushed over my tongue, hot and sweet with that hint of spice that was uniquely Renee’s. My fingers curled in her silky hair, holding her head in place while my other arm snaked around her waist, aiding her urgent quest for release. Her hips slammed down, harder and harder, faster and faster. Warm, wet and quivering, her tight sheath swallowed me whole again and again. The pleasure was like nothing I’d ever known before. I never wanted it to end but I couldn’t hold back any longer. The orgasm rolled up my spine, exploding out of me as I impaled Renee on my long, hard shaft. She screamed, her inner muscles rippling over my flesh as my cock pulsed, filling her with my hot seed.

  I sagged forward, resting my forehead on a soft feminine shoulder.

  “Sometimes I really love those pheromones,” Renee murmured, a shiver making her wiggle on my lap.

  I lifted my head and looked into her bright green eyes. “When did you decide to climb on my lap?”

  “I don’t think it was actually a conscious decision on my part,” she confided, brushing my hair out of my eyes. “I just got so caught up in the moment, in the pheromones, and then you closed your eyes and I had to know what you were seeing, what you were feeling. I’m honestly not even sure how I wound up on your lap.”

  I smiled at her, framing her beautiful face with my hands. “I’m glad you did. It’s nice to know we shared that experience, even if we did skip a few bases.”

  Her lips curled seductively and she leaned in to kiss me. When her velvet soft lips met mine desire flared between us, fueled by the pheromones still lingering in the air. Suddenly, nothing else mattered except for the way our mouths moved together, totally in sync as if we’d been doing this all along. After a few moments, she trailed kisses over my neck, and then up to my ear where she whispered, “I won’t hold that against you. After all, I’m the one who invaded your private thoughts, but if you’re ready to get out of here, I think it’s time we explored the next base.”

  “It hasn’t been twenty-four hours yet,” I forced myself to say when she nipped at my earlobe and then swirled her tongue just inside my ear.

  “It’s been at least twenty; can’t we just call it close enough? I mean this morning wasn’t even the first time we kissed.”

  “That is the pheromones talking.”

  “Pheromones, shmeromones.” She continued her sensual assault on my neck and ears, rolling her hips the entire time so that her denim-covered center was grinding against the front of my pants and the impossibly hard shaft behind them.

  I was about to give in to temptation when Rook approached our table and cleared his throat.

  “You have got to be kidding me,” Renee snapped, glaring up at the amused time demon.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt Renee, but Dragon needs to see Solomon and Doyle right away.” He was trying hard to keep a straight face but his lips twitched once or twice while Renee continued giving him the evil eye.

  Everyone always thought the mating frenzy was funny until it happened to them. Having felt its pull and the frustration it could cause, I almost felt like I should apologize to everyone I’d ever laughed at before.

  Renee growled and climbed off my lap. “I’m going to head home now. Will you meet me there?”

  She grabbed the coaster she’d been using as a sketchpad off the bar and handed it to me. I glanced down to see Spiderman thrusting his cock between Mary Jane’s very impressive breasts. My eyes shot up to Renee’s and she winked at me.

  With a groan, I stood and spoke directly into her ear. “We haven’t reached that base yet. That’s at least third; although I’m sure some people would say it’s a scoring run, but since you did such a wonderful job, I think you should be rewarded. When you get home, find somewhere to relax and then
take a look at this coaster. Don’t look at it again until you’re sitting down and alone.” I pressed the coaster securely into her hand, whispering a spell as I did.

  Stepping back, I met her curious green eyes and told her, “I’ll see you as soon as the meeting is over. Do me a favor and use the portal in your office. The fox would be a lot calmer knowing you’re not walking from the other portal alone.”

  “I’ll do it, but only because I understand what you’re going through.” She kissed me briefly, melting against me with a sigh. When it was time to say goodbye we were both reluctant to let go. Our arms extended out so that our hands could hold on for as long as possible. Her fingertips were still touching mine as she turned to walk away from me.

  When she was gone, Rook smiled at me. “I’m glad to see you two are working things out.”

  “Thanks, we still have a ways to go, but at least we’re on the right track now.”

  Rook led me and Doyle to the office Dragon used when he was visiting Supernova. Inside the office, about twenty division heads along with Claire and Katerina had already been gathered and were now seated around the conference table. I was surprised Katerina beat us there, but then I realized she’d already left before Rook came to get me and Doyle. Serafina was lying down on the sofa watching wearily as Dragon paced in front of her.

  Doyle and I quickly found our seats and Rook began the meeting. “There’s been a lot of chatter and from the information my team has gathered so far, a kidnapping attempt will be made during the tournament. We’re not sure yet who the target is, but our best guess is Serafina.”

  No wonder Dragon was wearing a path in the carpet.

  “Security has already been increased,” Rook continued, “but we wanted to make all of you aware of this threat.”

  “We also wanted to know if any of you have seen or heard anything that might be useful,” Dragon added, his usually brown eyes burning red and locked on Claire.

  “As I have already told you Donovan, I have not had any visions involving Serafina in any way,” Claire calmly told her son.

  “I know you’re keeping something important from us Claire,” Dragon growled. “You gave Rachel that coin and uttered just enough of the riddle to let us know you’ve seen another golden prophecy. Why won’t you at least tell us the rest of the riddle?”

  “Some things are best left unsaid until the time is right, but I will say that neither Serafina nor my grandchildren will be affected by the new prophecy in any way. Luke and Leia will be born right on schedule.”

  Grandchildren? Plural? Luke and Leia? I’d have to ask Serafina what all that was about later.

  Dragon looked like he was about to blow a gasket but Serafina jumped up and stopped him from advancing on his mother.

  “Claire wouldn’t let anything happen to me or to the babies, not even if saving us would bring about the end of the world,” she tried to soothe her mate. “Whatever the prophecy is, it has nothing to do with us.”

  Dragon glared at Claire over Serafina’s shoulder for another moment, then he turned and resumed his pacing. Serafina returned to the sofa and propped her feet up on a pillow.

  Everyone looked around the table, probably wondering like I was if it was safe to continue. When Rook shrugged, I told the group, “Sergio is using a spell to hide what he really looks like.”

  Rook shook his head. “I’ve seen him up close and personal. I almost took his head off twice during the war. He looks the same now as he did back then.”

  “Then he’s been using the same spell for a very long time. I’d never been close to him before tonight, so I reached out to get a feel for his magic while we were in the arena. He was definitely using a spell to mask his true identity.”

  “Then we have no idea what he really looks like and that’s probably how he’s been giving my guys the slip.” Rook sighed, leaning back in his chair. “Can we use the wards to expose his real face?”

  “Not with the tournament going on. The wards are barely operational at this point because they could interfere with the magical competitions.”

  “But you can still lock everything down if needed?”

  “Absolutely. Within seconds after I trigger the spells, every portal in this dimension will close and nobody will be able to open a new one. I’ve shown Grayson how to initiate the lock down spells as well.”

  Serrano sat forward resting his arms on the table. “Is there any way to leave this dimension without a portal?”

  “When I was setting up the security here I discovered a narrow opening in the rock face behind the waterfall where the barrier between this dimension and the fire demon realm is thin. I tried to seal it off but every time I created a ward around the area, the fissure widened until a portion of it was outside the ward. Eventually I removed the ward and it shrank back down to its original size.” I shrugged my shoulder. “I figured a small crack hidden behind a few thousand gallons of rushing water shouldn’t pose much of a threat. Besides, it would take a lot of determination and one hell of a demolition spell to get through there without a portal. Anyone attempting to break through would likely bring the whole cliff down on his own head.”

  “You’re probably right,” Rook agreed, “but I’m going to post guards in that area for the remainder of the tournament. I’d also like you to prevent the creation of new portals as well.”

  “How about the creation of new portals leading out of this dimension? I don’t want to interfere with the mazes, which I’m sure will contain a few portals.”

  “That should be good enough.” Rook nodded and moved on to the next problem. “Now, visually tracking Sergio was a bust. Is there a way to track him using magic? He’s too dangerous to be running around here without a shadow.”

  “He’d sense a tracking spell, but I could rig something up that would basically follow his magic.”

  “That would be much appreciated. How long before you could have it ready?”

  “An hour or so. I’ll get right on it as soon as we’re done here.”

  “Anyone else have anything that they think might be important?” When everyone shook their heads Rook said, “We’ll take a few minutes to go over the new security protocols and then we can all be on our way.”

  Fifteen minutes later the meeting was over and everyone was clearing out of the room. I stopped by the couch to have a word with Serafina.

  Crouching down beside her, I asked, “How long have you known you’re having twins?”

  She smiled, rubbing her round belly. “For a while now, but we decided to wait until after the tournament to say anything.”

  I glanced over at Dragon who was arguing quietly with Rook in the corner. “Are you really naming them Luke and Leia?”

  Her smile widened. “That was a suggestion from Claire, but when I told Dragon about it he said he’d rather name them Bart and Lisa.” Serafina rolled her eyes. “I know he’s just upset with her right now, so I’ll wait until all this blows over and ask him again.”

  “So you like the names Luke and Leia?”

  “Sure, what’s not to like? We’re all fans of Star Wars and I’m having twins. If you ask me, they’re the perfect names for our children.”

  “Then I hope you can get him to listen to reason before the big day arrives.”

  “I always listen to reason when it comes from my beautiful mate,” Dragon said, coming up behind me.

  I stood, inclining my head to him with a grin. “Of course you do My Lord.”

  He grinned back at me and put his hand on my shoulder. “I try to, but it’s not always easy. Sometimes I have to step away and come back to try again.”

  “I’ll leave you to it then.”

  I bowed to them both and we said our goodbyes. Then I hurried to my room where I’d dropped off my shopping bags earlier that afternoon. I could whip up a normal tracking spell within a few minutes, but this one would be used to track a very powerful sorcerer. If it was going to work, I’d have to make sure he couldn’t sense it. That wou
ld take time and patience - two things I was running short on as my fox grew more and more eager to see our mate again.

  Chapter Fifteen

  ~ Solomon ~

  It took me longer than expected to create the tracking spell for Rook and by the time I made it to Renee’s house, she was fast asleep on the couch. The coaster was on the coffee table face down and I didn’t dare turn it over. Whatever Renee experienced when she looked at the drawing was now embedded into the spell I placed on it. Since the spell was designed to trigger erotic fantasies based on visual cues, I was sure she had quite an experience. Anyone who saw that drawing now would experience her fantasy in living color, sensations and all.

  There was a damp towel lying on the floor and I kicked it aside so I could step closer to the sofa. Renee was wrapped up tightly in a fuzzy blanket with a hot pink and black leopard print design. She looked so peaceful with her face completely relaxed and her curly hair fanning out across the seat cushion that I could have watched her sleep all night long. Then she stirred in her sleep and a quiet sigh fell from her lips. Curiosity got the better of me and I decided to see what she was dreaming about.

  I sat down in a chair to unlace my boots and debated how much of my clothing to remove. Renee and I frequently fell asleep watching movies together on the couch. We’d long ago agreed that it was way too uncomfortable to share such a narrow sleeping space with pants on. We usually stripped down to T-shirts and boxers, or panties in her case, before the movies got underway.

  With the mating frenzy and the near miss earlier tonight, I probably should have left my pants on, but in the end comfort won out. Once I was situated with her head resting on my shoulder and her body tucked in tight along the length of mine, I closed my eyes and fell asleep within moments. It had been a very long day and tomorrow would be even longer.

  “Did you have a chance to do this before you fell asleep?” I asked Renee.


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