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Dragon Bites

Page 3

by Badger, Nancy Lee

  “I am Brianna.”

  “What are ye thinking, Brianna?”

  She must have been staring. Maybe his thought-reading ability is sporadic.

  “Tell me about the beast,” she said.

  “What beast?”

  “Why, the creature I described earlier, the beast that pulled me from beneath the waves and saved my life this very day. Great golden talons circled my waist while I struggled beneath the surf and hoisted me through a hole to…”

  She glanced around. She saw the opening in the floor near the far wall. The whoosh of rushing water echoed in the smaller chamber. The tangy scent of salt spray spewed up, filtering out the smells of smoke and fish. Could this be the same hole?

  “Is that how I get out?”

  He followed her gaze before answering. “Aye, but no’ for hours. Ye must wait until the tide recedes and the beach is visible. The tides are extra high. A full moon has mixed with an ocean storm. I have ne’er seen the sea so enraged.”

  As she chewed, Brianna thought about her situation. She almost drowned. Had anyone missed her? Only Cook and Nia knew she had left camp to gather driftwood for their cook fires. If either followed her trail, would she raise the alarm when Brianna’s footprints in the sand disappeared beneath the high tide?

  And, how would her people react when she returned? Would Gregor punish her? Would he finally tire of her curiosity and troublesome ways enough to throw her to one of the warriors as punishment?

  The stranger’s quick intake of breath startled her.

  His fingers paused in the air, again, before he shredded a morsel of flesh from the carcass. If he understood her thoughts, did her mention of sex as punishment disturb him? As if in answer, he wiped his fingers on his vest, and then grabbed her around the waist.

  “Draco?” Hearing his name from her lips appeared to embolden him. His face loomed closer, one side lit by flames. Flickers of golden fire reflected in the black orbs of his eyes as his brows gathered in deep thought. His lips parted. A subtle fury flashed over his features while his lips descended and captured hers amidst heat and flame.


  Draco’s hungry mouth brushed her lips, as his arms pulled her body close to his heart and settled her in his lap. His hard chest met soft breasts and his free hand flew upward. Slipping his fingers inside her low-cut bodice, he squeezed. Sensations flooded him as he drank her in and caressed her silky skin.

  She moaned.

  He tasted her. Sweet apple cider and honey. Her flavor nourished him unlike his forgotten dinner or his half-drunk ale. He sucked her tongue into his mouth.

  She whimpered with the feminine angst of a long-denied innocent. A tiny pang of regret forced his fingers to loosen their grip on her breast. She moaned louder at their sudden removal, and the vibration against his tongue caused Draco’s cock to quiver.

  As if rising after a long night’s slumber, his body awakened. He reapplied his tender attention to a hardened nipple, ignoring the pleasure radiating through the calloused skin of his thumb.

  She smelled fresh as rainwater trickling from a moss-covered roof. As he took their kiss deeper, he tasted the salt of the sea he had grown to love.

  Nay, I love nothing on this earth.

  She curled into him as heat pulsed off her skin. A growl erupted from his throat and she mewed in response. Cinders crackled in the fire pit. The scent of ash mingled with her feminine perfume and surrounded him like a shroud.

  She had accepted his hospitality. She ate his food and sipped his cider. Would she respond by accepting further intrusion into her waylaid life?

  Earlier, he hoped he smelled no worse than the fresh moss and heather he had gathered for her bed. Once she lay safe inside his cave unconscious, and nearly naked, he had flown to the western edge of the island for the bedding. Taking flight, his dragon form soared with wings spread wide beneath a storm-filled sky. He kept low, gliding effortlessly below the cliff tops.

  Did I keep out of sight of the hunters?

  His secret life depended on such a success.

  He pressed his mouth in earnest against her petal-soft lips, not caring if he left her bruised and breathless. She moaned with a quiet, rapturous whimper. Her innocent response ignited his pleasure, sweeping over him like wildfire. When her delicately boned hands slid upward and tangled in his hair, heat sizzled along the nape of his neck.

  Draco basked in the simple delight, as she caressed his sensitized skin and combed sand and twigs from his rough-shorn locks. His once-lifeless cock hardened.

  Bliss, thy name is Brianna.

  Emotional longing, long dead, awoke with a vengeance. A squeak escaped their locked lips, but she did not pull away. He pounced, pushing Brianna to the fluffy, sweet-smelling pallet.

  Without thought of where this intimacy might lead, he ground his hips into her soft curves, and completely covered her silk-wrapped body. His body tightened to a feverish pitch as he growled into her mouth.

  He pressed closer with an instinctive need left dormant too damn long. His bonnie Jean never allowed his mouth or hands such liberties. What an odd thought at this particular moment.

  Especially when I never could truly call Jean mine.

  Still, the image of Jean Colson’s thick, dark red hair and womanly curves forced his head back with a lurch.

  Their lips parted.

  Draco stared at Brianna’s milky skin, now flushed with the fire of passion. She gasped for air, and stray locks of red-gold hair flamed bright about her face, illuminated by firelight. Her shuttered eyes slowly opened. Salt and tiny specks of sand sparkled on her auburn lashes.

  He held his breath.

  What he and this woman shared felt right, until guilt swept through him. This woman was not Jean. Jean died years ago. What should he do? Must he honor the memory of a girl who had spurned him for another?


  “Please,” she protested from the shadows, where her delicate body lay trapped beneath him, “do no’ stop.”

  Her whispered plea added to the war raging inside his mind. His erection softened, he loosened his grip, and his hands slipped from her body. Then the meddling tingle of impending change slithered down his spine.

  “No’ now,” he hissed. His voice had already altered. His body would follow. Leather and flesh would turn to green scales while translucent wings would sprout from between his shoulder blades. He stared at his lengthening fingernails in horror.

  Had she seen? A sudden, low growl escaped his throat before he pushed off her and the pallet and bolted away. He must not allow her to witness him shape-shift into the cursed beast forced upon him by the witch, Agatah. He cursed until safely down the hole and out of her sight.


  After the strange man jumped from the bed, and his warmth disappeared, Brianna shivered. She slowly pushed up into a sitting position. Where had he gone? Getting to her feet, she padded barefooted to the fire. She missed his heat. Why had he turned away?

  No one ever kissed her thusly. Brianna’s memory of pleading for him to continue heated her cheeks. She usually ran the other way when hands and lips accosted her person. This felt different and so much better than the unwanted attentions of Gregor’s men. Her body craved something, and she yearned for only one possible cure.

  More of Draco’s kisses.

  The quick peck on the cheek by a stable boy was her only experience with mutual attraction. Their time at the stable ended abruptly. The boy died under mysterious circumstances soon after Gregor discovered them kissing in a stall.

  The memory of fleeing the grope of unwanted hands in a dark hallway caused a shiver, even now, especially since Gregor dragged her and his unruly visitors to this wretched island of moss, dirt, and scrubby bushes.

  Did my obvious lack of experience make Draco leave? So be it.

  When the water receded and the path reemerged, she would climb back down to the main cavern, maybe do a bit of exploring, and head home.


p; The word meant nothing to a woman bound to servitude. Truth be known, with no family with whom to cry allegiance, she would rather stay on this island. Her eyes widened when she remembered the chest. What other riches might hide inside the main cavern? She might discover a bauble or coin or—

  “Are ye in need of material wealth?

  She whirled toward Draco as he climbed inside their cave from the hole in the floor. Fisting both hands on her hips, she said, “Why are ye doing that? How are ye doing that?”


  “Forget it. I am no’ simple-minded. Read my thoughts, if ye must, but leave me be. If I craved the need to be ravished, I would allow my guardian to sell my services to one of those jackals playing at hunting.”

  She spun around and melted into a dark corner of the cave. Her body shook with embarrassing exasperation. His presence caused a sinful heat to skitter down her spine. The odor of charred fish thickened as the fire’s smoky haze filled the enclosed space of the small bedchamber and gave her something to do besides think of him.

  “I need fresh air,” she mumbled to no one in particular. She grabbed the golden slippers, finger-combed her hair, and headed for the hole.

  “My lady?”

  She kept walking, and found it easy to ignore his plea. How dare he order her about? How dare he keep her in this secluded cavern when there were other areas to explore? How dare he awaken feelings of lust with a simple kiss?

  She moaned.

  Her lustful thoughts intruded on her angry tirade, and she hoped he could not read those. When long-nailed fingers wrapped around her forearm, she could not feign surprise.

  “What do ye want besides my affections and undivided attention?” Brianna asked. She stiffened her stance, but her chilly façade screamed the exact opposite of her heated heart. Brianna faced away and waited for him to release his hold and step back or explain why he disappeared after their embrace.

  He did not move.

  She spun around to lash him with poisoned words and beheld an ominous sight. His jaw dropped open as if he meant to speak. Large, white teeth glistened in the shadowy void of the cave’s darkened corner where he had sought her out. Her gaze locked on two lethal-looking fangs peeking from between Draco’s succulent lips. His cheeks glowed like fire. With passion? His wavy tresses floated about his head as if buffeted by a breeze she could not sense. Loose, black locks covered one blazing red eye. Red eyes? Fangs? Long fingernails?

  Brianna shrieked.

  Released at once, she inhaled as cool air caressed her arm. Draco retreated and stood by the cave opening, leaving her in the dark corner. She rubbed the lightly bruised flesh of both arms and waited for any verbal response.

  “Ye will stand there and no’ move until I deem it safe for ye to leave.”

  “I want to—”

  “And what exactly is it ye desire, Brianna?”

  She paused and considered what to tell him, especially since she must have imagined things. Had she hit her head? “I want to go exploring.”

  “There is nothing to see but deadwood and—”

  “And what? Treasure? I assume ye have no wish to share.”

  “I was about to say bones. The caves are littered with remains.”

  “Do no’ be absurd. Why would there be bones…”

  Brianna’s thoughts flashed to glowing eyes, a snarling mouth full of jagged teeth, and talons. Did her imagination wrongly settle on this man? Even so, icy tingles of fear raced along her skin.

  “Were these victims of the creature?”

  “No, the bones have rested there for millennia. Lost hunters, I imagine.”

  “I heard speak of a tale long ago. Near to four-hundred clansmen, women and children as well, died in a cave when an enemy clan attempted to smoke them out into the open. Could this be that cave?”

  He stood and stared through her, as if something beckoned from another corner of the cave. Then he strode to the opening as if to check the level of the water.

  “Nay. The massacre occurred on the Isle of Eigg to the north.”

  “I remember, now. ‘Twas the smoke that killed them. With no way out, every man, woman, and child choked to death. When Laird Macleod enlightened me with the tale, he meant to frighten me into submis…”

  When flames swept up her neck, she silenced her words. She turned away, but he must have noticed her embarrassment. Crunching footsteps drew closer. A great shadow blocked what little light filled the room.

  She shivered. Two beefy arms surrounded her and he pulled her back into his chest. Resting his chin upon her head, he stood still while she drank in the heat and comfort.

  “Nae man nor beastie shall dare attempt to frighten ye if I am near. Should ye need my help, I hope ye will remember to call me.”

  “Call ye?” she croaked then coughed to clear her parched throat. “How?”

  “Ye chastise me for comprehending yer unspoken thoughts, so do no’ hesitate the moment I command ye to make some use of my power.” He chuckled as his arms released her. Draco bent to tend the fire.

  She spun to tell him exactly what she thought of his silly notion, but froze. Brianna glared at his leather-clad back, and skintight breeches, as he cleaned away the remains of their meal. He disappeared down into the main cave before she could force another word from her open mouth.

  “I do no’ e’en know the name of this cave. How can I explain my delay without a reference?” She stamped the hard packed dirt floor as her words echoed through the cave.

  “The cave ‘tis named Uamh-Binn. I call it the cave of melody.” The words rose up from the main cavern, and Brianna shivered again. The man and his ability were relentless.

  “It be wise no’ to mention its existence to anyone.”

  She shook her head with total exasperation. The mention of her need to keep a secret from her laird bode well. She kept Gregor in the dark about a good many things, but to protect her secrets from this unusual man named Draco might prove an impossible task.


  Curiosity, that dangerous part of her makeup, made her head toward an escape route. Brianna threw a scrap of ragged cloth across the edge of the opening on the floor and slipped to both knees. Peering through the hole, she expected to see the man who twisted her into knots with one kiss, but Draco had disappeared.

  Water surged into the cave with a gentle roll of foam and sea spray, but its depth had lowered significantly. The side of the cavern, the path she had followed in, was visible. Did the crude walkway lead toward the back of the cave?

  “Aye.” Brianna leaned forward a little. All ten fingers gripped the brittle edge as she spied dry land toward the back of the shadow-filled main cavern.

  Might Draco have fled in that direction? Should she follow? She glanced down at her borrowed dress of fine silk and her delicate shoes. She laughed. She ought to get back to camp. As she brushed dirt off the folds of her skirt, she again leaned one hand against the mouth of the small cave, this time resting in Draco’s handprint.

  An image erupted, swimming before her in the spray-filled air. Rainbow colors twisted in the sunlight, which filtered through the cavern opening near the open sea.

  What am I looking at?

  Never in her life had she gazed upon such magnificent colors. Intricate details coalesced in the center. A woman sporting long curls, red as flame, clung to a very young lad of no more than five or six summers. Her wide, sad eyes glowed with the brilliance of green emeralds. Tears moistened her pale cheeks as she hugged the black-haired boy to her chest.

  Brianna trembled as she fought to stifle the moan her visions always conjured. Profound sadness, not fear, swept through her body. As the vision melted away, she squinted and leaned forward for a better glimpse of the woman’s dress and the child’s eyes. The distraught beauty wore the same dress now adorning Brianna’s body. The boy’s eyes, black as the darkest wall of the cavern, stared in her direction.

  She jumped to her feet. Brushing dirt from her palm, she sighed as
the image faded. Could the child be Draco? If so, where had the woman gone? Why had someone preserved her beautiful dress inside a chest within this awful cave?

  “Time to leave,” she said to the darkness. “The water level has lowered and the booms of the waves lessen with each pull of the tide. I may no’ survive my punishment once I am home, but I canno’stay here with a strange man and a monster.”

  She yanked up the hem of her dress, and slipped over the edge.

  “Aye, no!” Her fingernails dug into the coarse sandy dirt at the opening and held. She slid a toe into a crevice, halting her downward spiral. There went her plan to tie an old leather belt around her waist. Without time to hitch her dress up and out of the way, she could only hang on with one hand while she looped the pretty slippers around her neck.

  Thankfully, she snagged a linen shawl before her fall. The coarse wool laid loose around one shoulder. If she found more driftwood to replace this morning’s discarded collection, she could carry it with ease without damaging her new gown. Whoever the previous owner might be, she swore to protect the frock and treasure it always.

  “Would that it held a handful of coins in its pocket.” That she managed a timid laugh while hanging in such a precarious position lightened the moment. With her wits more clear, she kicked her loose foot and searched for a second toehold. Where was the stairway? Her unstable perch, high above the ground, kept her mind off more pleasant thoughts.

  When a wave’s salty spray bit into the tender flesh of her hands, she groaned. The only method for quitting such pain might be a swift descent down the crusty stairway, step by wavering step.

  “Ah, there it be!” Her toes gripped a coarse platform. Pebbles dislodged to shower down into the receding water. The damp of the cavern made her shiver, but she arrived at the bottom step in relative safety.

  Nary a sign of Draco. Why did he stop kissing me then leave?

  She shrugged both shoulders, and winced at the pain. Unused to sleeping on the ground, even when covered by furs and cushioned by heather, she missed her feather mattress and crisp, clean sheets. It was lucky that she was not forced to share her bed here, or back in Glenelg.


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