Granite Man m-4

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Granite Man m-4 Page 11

by Elizabeth Lowell

  Slowly he pulled Mariah’s hands above her head until she was stretched out beneath him. Each slow thrust of his tongue, each flexing of his hands, each hoarse sound he made was another streamer of fire uncurling deep inside Mariah’s body. She twisted slowly, hungrily, trying to ease the aching in her breasts and at the apex of her thighs. When Cash lifted his head and ended the kiss, she felt empty, unfinished. She whimpered her protest and tried to reach for him, but her arms were still captive, stretched above her head in sensual abandon.

  Mariah’s eyes opened. Cash was watching her body’s sinuous, restless movement with eyes that smoldered. Breathless, she followed his glance. The shirt he had used to cover her had long since fallen aside, leaving her bare to the waist once more. Her nipples were tight and very pink. One breast showed faint red marks, legacy of his first, wild hunger.

  The memory of Cash’s mouth went through Mariah in a rush of fire, tightening her body until her back arched in elemental reflex. When she saw the reaction that went through Cash, shaking his strength, she arched again, watching him, enjoying the heat of his glance and the sun pouring over her naked breasts.

  “If you keep that up, I’m going to think you’ve forgiven me for this,” he said in a deep voice, touching the vague mark on her breast caressingly. “Have you forgiven me, honey?”


  The sound was more a sigh than a word. Mariah twisted slowly, trying to bring Cash’s hand into more satisfying contact with her breast, but she could not. Cash still held her arms stretched above her head, her wrists held in his left hand, her body softly pinned beneath his right hand.

  “If I promise to be very gentle, will you let me kiss you again?”

  This time Mariah’s answer was a sound of anticipation and need that made Cash ache. Slowly he bent down to her. His tongue laved the passionate mark on her breast, then kissed it so gently she shivered.

  “I’m sorry,” Cash whispered, kissing the mark once more. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  “You didn’t, you just surprised me,” Mariah said moving restlessly, wanting more than the gentle torment of his lips. “I know you won’t hurt me. And I – I liked it. Cash? Please.”

  Cash wanted to tell Mariah what her trust and sensual pleas did to him, but he couldn’t speak for the passion constricting his throat. With exquisite care he caught the tip of first one breast then the other between his teeth. The arching of her body this time was purely reflex, as was the low sound of pleasure torn from her throat when he drew her nipple into his mouth and tugged it into a taut, aching peak. When he released her she made a sound of protest that became a moan of pleasure when he captured her other breast and began drawing it into a sensitive peak, pulling small cries of passion from her.

  Mariah didn’t know when Cash released her hands. She only knew that the heat of his skin felt good beneath her palms, and the flexed power of his muscles beneath her probing fingers was like a drug. She couldn’t get enough of it, or of him.

  A lean, strong hand stroked from Mariah’s breasts to her thighs and back again while Cash’s mouth plucked at her hardened nipple in a sensual teasing that made her breath break into soft cries. Long fingers slid beneath the flimsy tank suit and kneaded her belly, savoring the taut muscles and resilient heat. Gradually, imperceptibly, inevitably, his hand eased down until he could feel the silken thicket concealing her most vulnerable flesh. When he could endure teasing himself no longer, he slid farther down, finding and touching a different, hotter softness.

  Mariah’s eyes opened and her breath came in with a startled gasp that was Cash’s name. “Easy, honey. That doesn’t hurt you, does it?” “No. It just-” Mariah’s breath broke at another gliding caress. “It’s so-” Another gasp came, followed by a trembling that shook her.

  Mariah looked up at Cash with wide, questioning eyes, only to find that he was watching the slow twisting of her half-clothed body as he caressed her intimately. The stark sensuality of the moment made heat bloom beneath her skin, embarrassment and desire mingling. When his hand slid from between her legs, she made a broken sound of protest. An instant later she felt the fragile fabric of her tank suit being drawn down her legs until she was utterly naked. She saw the heavy-lidded blaze of Cash’s eyes memorizing the secrets he had revealed, and she was caught between another rush of embarrassment and passion. He was looking at her as though he had never seen a nude woman before.

  “You’re beautiful,” Cash breathed, shaken and violently aroused by Mariah’s smooth, sultry body.

  One of his big hands skimmed from her mouth to her knees, touching her reverently. marveling at the sensual contrast between her deeply flushed nipples and the pale cream of her breasts. The soft mound of nearly black curls fascinated him. He returned again and again to skim their promise, lightly seeking the honeyed softness he knew lay within.

  Shivering with a combination of uncertainty and arousal, Mariah watched Cash cherish her body with slow sweeps of his hand. The dark intensity of his eyes compelled her, the tender caresses of his fingertips reassured her, the hot intimacy of seeing his hand touching the secret places of her body made her blush.

  “Cash?” she asked shakily.

  “If it embarrasses you,” Cash said without looking up, “close your eyes. But don’t ask me to. I’ve never touched a woman half so beautiful. If you weren’t a virgin, I’d be doing things to you right now that would make you blush all the way to the soles of your feet.”

  “I already am,” she said shakily.

  A dark, lazy kind of smile was Cash’s only answer. “But you like this, don’t you?”

  His knuckles skimmed the dark curls again, turning Mariah’s answer into a broken sigh of pleasure.

  “Good,” he whispered, bending down to kiss her lips slowly, then rising once more, wanting to watch her. “I like it, too. There’s something else I know I’ll like doing. I think you’ll like it even better.”

  Cash’s fingertips caressed Mariah’s thighs, sliding up and down between her knees, making her shiver. Watching her, he smiled and caressed her soft inner thighs again and again, gently easing them apart. When she resisted, he bent and took her mouth in a kiss that was sweet and gentle and deep. The rhythmic penetration and withdrawal of his tongue teased her, as did the sensual forays of his mouth over her breasts.

  Soon Mariah’s eyelids flickered shut as thrill after thrill of pleasure went through her. She forgot that she was naked and he was watching her, forgot that she was uncertain and he was tremendously strong, forgot her instinctive protection of the vulnerable flesh between her legs. With a moan she arched her back, demanding that he do something to ease the tightness coiling within her body.

  The next time Mariah lifted, pleading for Cash, sensual heat bloomed from within the softness no man had ever touched. And then Cash’s caress was inside her, testing the depth of her response, his touch sliding into her sleek heat until he could go no farther. Mariah made a low sound that could have been pain or pleasure. Before Cash could ask which, he felt the answer in the passionate melting of her body around his deep caress. The instant, fierce blaze of his own response almost undid him.

  With a hoarse groan of male need, Cash sought Mariah’s mouth, found it, took it in hungry rhythms of penetration and retreat. She took his mouth in return while her hands moved hungrily over his head, his chest, his back, half-wild with the need he had called from her depths. When he finally tore his mouth away from hers in an agonizing attempt to bring himself under control, Mariah’s nails scored heedlessly on his arms in silent protest.

  Cash didn’t complain. He was asking for all of her response each time he probed caressingly within her softness and simultaneously rubbed the sleek bud that passion had drawn from her tender flesh. Mariah’s quickening cries and searing meltings were a fire licking over him, arousing him violently, yet he made no move to take her. Instead, his hands pleasured and enjoyed her with an unbridled sensuality that was as new to him as it was to her, each of his ca
resses a mute demand and plea that was answered with liquid fire.

  Finally Cash could bear no more of the sensuous torment. It was as difficult as tearing off his own skin to withdraw from Mariah’s softness, but he did. The lacings of his boots felt harsh, alien, after the silky perfection of her aroused body. He yanked off his boots and socks with violent impatience, wanting only to be inside her. Shuddering with the force of his suppressed need, he fought for control of the passion that had possessed him as completely as it had possessed her.

  “Is it – is it supposed to be – like this?” Mariah asked, breathing too hard, too fast, watching Cash with wild golden eyes.

  “I don’t know,” Cash said, reaching for his belt buckle, looking at her with eyes that were black with desire. “But I’m going to find out.”

  Mariah’s eyes widened even more as Cash stripped out of his clothes and turned toward her. Admiration became uncertainty when she looked from the muscular strength of his torso to the blunt, hard length of his arousal. She looked quickly back up to his eyes.

  “If it were as bad as you’re thinking now,” Cash said huskily, drawing her body close to his, “the human race would have died out a long time ago.”

  Mariah’s smile was too brief, too shaky, but she didn’t withdraw from him. When Cash rubbed one of her hands slowly across his chest, she let out a long breath and closed her eyes, enjoying his newly familiar textures. Her fingertips grazed one of his smooth, flat nipples, transforming it into a nail head of desire. The realization that their bodies shared similarities beneath their obvious differences both comforted and intrigued her. She sought out his other nipple with her mouth. A slow touch of her tongue transformed his masculine flesh into a tiny, tight bud.

  “You do like that,” Mariah whispered, pleased by her discovery.

  A sound that was both laughter and groan was Cash’s only answer. Then her hand smoothed down his torso and breath jammed in his throat, making speech impossible. The tearing instants of hesitation when she touched the dense wedge of hair below Cash’s waist shredded his control. Long fingers clamped around her wrist, dragging her hand to his aching flesh, holding her palm hard against him while his hips moved in an agony of pleasure. She made an odd sound, moved by his need. Abruptly he released her, afraid that he had shocked her.

  Mariah didn’t lift her hand. Her fingers curled around Cash, sliding over him in sweet, repeated explorations that pushed him partway over the brink. When she touched the sultry residue of his desire, she made a soft sound of discovery and wonder. She could not have aroused him more if she had bent down and tasted him.

  Cash groaned hoarsely and clenched his teeth against the release that was coiled violently within his body, raging to be free. With fingers that trembled, he pulled Mariah’s hand up to his mouth and bit the base of her palm, drawing a passionate sound from her. His hand caressed down the length of her body, sending visible shivers of response through her. When he reached the apex of her thighs, he had only to touch her and she gave way before him, trusting him.

  He settled his weight slowly between her thighs, easing them apart even more, making room for his big body. She was sleek, hot, promising him a seamless joining. He pushed into her, testing the promise, savoring the feverish satin of her flesh as it yielded to him.


  He forced himself to stop. His voice was harsh with the pain of restraint. “Does it hurt?”

  “No. It-” Mariah’s breath fragmented as fire streaked through her. “I-”

  Even as her nails scored Cash’s skin, he felt the passionate constriction and then release of her body. The hot rain of her pleasure eased his way, but not enough. Deliberately he slid his hand between their joined bodies, seeking and finding the velvet focus of her passion. Simultaneously his mouth moved against her neck, biting her with hot restraint. Fire and surprise streaked through Mariah, and then fire alone, fire ripping through her, filling her as Cash did, completely, a possession that transformed her.

  Mariah’s eyes opened golden with knowledge and desire.

  “You feel like heaven and hell combined,” Cash said, his voice rough with passion. “Everything a man could want.”

  Mariah tried to speak but could think of no words to describe the pleasure-pain of having so much yet not quite enough… heaven and hell combined. She closed her eyes and moved her hips in a sinuous, languid motion, caressing Cash as deeply as he was caressing her. Exquisite pleasure pierced her, urging her to measure him again and then again, but it wasn’t enough, it was never enough, she was burning. She twisted wildly beneath the hands that would have held her still.

  “Mariah,” Cash said hoarsely. “Baby, stop. You don’t know what you’re doing to me. I-”

  His voice broke as her nails dug into the clenched muscles of his hips. Sweet violence swept through him, stripping away his control. He drove into her seething softness, rocking her with the force of his need, giving all that she had demanded and then more and yet more, becoming a driving force that was as fast and deep within her as the hammering of her own heart.

  At a distance Mariah heard her own voice crying Cash’s name, then the world burst and she could neither see nor hear, she was being drawn tight upon a golden rack of pleasure, shuddering, wild, caught just short of some unimaginable consummation, unborn ecstasy raking at her nerves.

  For an agonizing moment Cash held himself away from Mariah, watching her, sensing her violent need as clearly as he sensed his own.

  “Mariah. Look at me. Look at me.”

  Her eyelids quivered open. She looked at Cash and saw herself reflected in his eyes, a face drawn by searing pleasure that was also pain.

  “Help me,” she whispered.

  With a hoarse cry that was her name, Cash drove deeply into Mariah once more, sealing their bodies together with the profound pulses of his release. Her body shivered in primal response, ecstasy shimmering through her, burning, bursting in pulses of pleasure so great she thought she would die of them. She clung to Cash, absorbing him into herself, crying as golden fire consumed her once more.

  Cash drank Mariah’s cries while ecstasy unraveled her, giving her completely to him and unraveling him completely in turn. Passion coiled impossibly, violently, within him once more. The elemental force was too overwhelming to fight. He held her hard and fast to himself, pouring himself into her again and again until there was no beginning, no end, simply Mariah surrounding him with the golden fury of mutual release.


  Mariah floated on the hot currents at the upstream end of the middle pool, keeping herself in place with languid motions of her hands. The sky overhead was a deep, crystalline blue that reminded her of Cash’s eyes when he looked at her, wanting her. A delicious feeling shimmered through her at the memories of Cash’s body moving over hers, his shoulders blocking out the sky, his powerful arms corded with restraint, his mouth hungry and sensual as it opened to claim her.

  If only they had been able to leave the cellular phone behind, they would have remained undisturbed within Black Springs’s sensual silence. But their peace was disturbed by the phone’s imperious summons. It woke them from their warm tangle of blankets on the shack’s wooden floor. Mariah appreciated the emergency safeguard the phone represented, but she resented its intrusion just the same.

  Cash had picked up the phone, grunted a few times and hung up. Mariah had fallen asleep again, not awakening until Cash had threatened to throw her in the stream. He had taken one look at the slight hesitation in her movements as she crawled out of his sleeping bag and had sent her to Black Springs to soak. When she had tried to tell him that she wasn’t really sore from the long, sweet joining of their bodies, he hadn’t listened.

  But she wasn’t sore. Not really. She was just deliciously aware of every bit of herself, a frankly female awareness that was enhanced by the slight tenderness he deplored.

  “Have I ever told you how lovely you are?”

  Mariah’s eyes opened and she smiled. />
  Cash was standing at the edge of the pool, watching her with dark blue eyes and a hunger that was more unruly for having been satisfied so completely. He knew beyond doubt what he was missing. He had sent her to the hot springs because he was afraid he wouldn’t be able to keep his hands off her if she stayed in the cabin. Now he was certain he wouldn’t be able to keep his hands to himself. The thin, wet fabric of her suit clung to every lush line of her body, reminding him of how good it had felt to take complete possession of her softness.

  The cutoff jeans Cash wore in Black Springs didn’t conceal much of his big body. Certainly not the desire that had claimed him as he stood watching Mariah.

  “I’m not sure lovely is the right word for you,” Mariah said, smiling. “Potent, certainly.”

  The shiver of desire that went over his skin as she looked at Cash did nothing to cool his body.

  “Kiss me?” Mariah asked softly, holding a wet, gently steaming hand toward him.

  “You’re hard on my good intentions,” he said in a deep voice, wading into the pool.

  “Should that worry me?”

  “Ask me this afternoon, when you’re two hours into a half-day ride back to the ranch house.”

  “We have to go back so soon again?” Mariah asked, unable to hide her dismay. “Why?”

  “I just got a ten-day contract in Boulder. Then I’ll be back and we can go gold hunting again.”

  “Ten days…”

  The soft wail wasn’t finished. It didn’t need to be. Mariah’s tone said clearly how much she would miss Cash.

  “Be grateful,” Cash said thickly. “It will give you time to heal. I’m too damn big for you.”

  “I don’t need time. I need… you.”

  The sound Cash made could have been laughter or hunger or both inextricably mixed. The water where Mariah was floating came to the middle of his thighs, not nearly high enough to conceal what her honest sensuality did to him. His former wife had used sex, not enjoyed it. At least not with him. Maybe Linda had liked sex with the father of her child.


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