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Fire Planet Warrior's Captive (Science Fiction BBW/Alien Romance)

Page 18

by Calista Skye

  She sat down on the mattress and helped him shed the rest of his very Earthling suit, and his cock stood hard and ready towards the ceiling. She bent forward slightly and kissed the tip the way they both loved it.

  He groaned and she looked up at him with that impish expression. “I don't know what it is with you. I'm always ready whenever you're near. And so are you. Come on. You can't harm me or the baby.”

  She got onto all fours the way he liked it, and he admired her bare and presented rear.

  His manhood twitched, like it always did when he saw her ready for him. She was his wife and Queen, and that made everything even better than it had been on Bosh, the Fire Planet.

  He stroked the smooth skin of her hips. And she was his captive.

  She always would be until he died or freed her. The Warrior Code was clear on that topic. Save someone's life in battle, and you own them forever. The story of how they had met was now well known in his kingdom, and everyone knew the Code. It was not necessary to state the obvious. He had saved her life in a battle situation. The consequences were clear to everyone.

  Only Acerex citizens would know, of course, and they wouldn't be so tactless as to raise the issue with Harper and tell her that technically, she was her husband's prisoner. She was their queen, and that was all that mattered.

  It was irrelevant anyway. A technicality. He would never leave her. She need never know.

  He admired his wife's offered rear and positioned himself behind her. She loved this position, and so did he.

  She moaned with aroused expectation, and his cock twitched again as he placed the tip between her lips, feeling the moist heat of her readiness. The trust she always showed, her never wavering faith in him – it made him strong and it moved him.

  “And I never will,” he said and thrust into her.

  - - -

  Three months later

  - Harper -

  “They should use this in the recruitment material for Space Expansion,” Lily said and supported herself on Harper's shoulder as she took her shoes off. The grass had to be the softest in the universe, and walking on it with shoes was a waste of good soles. “I mean, instead of the boring 'do your part in settling space' stuff. Something like, 'see exotic and lethal planets and then walk in exquisite gardens. Marry hot aliens. You may even survive'. Signups would skyrocket.”

  “Yeah, maybe,” Harper said and curled her toes into the cool grass. “Maybe tone down the 'may survive' part. You don't want to promise too much.”

  Lily dangled her shoes from one hand and snaked the other under Harper's arm as they strolled across the lawn. “Hey, we did survive and we can prove it. Okay, so it got pretty close a couple of times. But still. You want to appeal to the adventurous spirit in people. Don't scare them with face-eating butterflies and tentacles that come out of the ground and stuff like that. They'll discover that soon enough. So. How do you like it here?”

  There hadn't been many gardens on Acerex before, and no one had ever heard of a lawn. But Harper had transformed a little part of the surrounding of hers and Vrax'ton's palace to a pretty nice place to relax and just stroll. “I love it. Totally. So calm and peaceful and clean. No crime. Just all the good things about technology and none of the bad ones. Looks pretty great to me. So far. Super nice people.”

  Lily squinted against the sun. “Do you think it helps that you're the queen?”

  Harper laughed. “You know, I think it maybe helps a little? They cut me a lot of slack, I'm sure. For being an alien and for being their queen. Probably I'll discover some things that need to be fixed at some time. But right now, I'll enjoy myself and the pregnancy.”

  She was showing by now, and the whole Acerex society was tense and excited about the imminent arrival of the half-alien heir to the throne.

  “Probably a good idea,” Lily agreed. “Enjoy paradise until you're waist deep in diapers and milk bottles. Well, as a queen, you'll probably have an army of nurses and nannies and anything you want.”

  “Maybe. I don't actually know. There aren't too many women here in the first place. And I'm not sure I'll trust just any Fire Planet warrior with my baby. I mean, they're trustworthy as all hell, it's not that. But they're probably better with swords than with wipes and pacifiers. We'll see.”

  “And the king himself? Happy that his Mate is carrying his heir?”

  “Oh, you have no idea. He's totally overjoyed. Showing every cliché about soon-to-be fathers. He even had some kind of morning sickness. He didn't actually throw up, but he has gained weight.”

  Lily giggled with delight. “Ohmigod, that big and grim warrior with the tattoos and the axe has sympathetic pregnancy symptoms? That's just too cute!”

  Harper sighed happily. “Isn't it, though? Just another thing I like about him. Along with everything else.”

  “There's a lot to like about these people. Even if they are warriors.”

  “Yeah, they're tough as nails against their enemies. But on the inside, they're total softies. Did you know he considers me his captive?”

  Lily's jaw dropped. “You're kidding!”

  “Nope. It's part of their tradition. He saved my life, so I'm his property. It's not slavery, though. It's almost the opposite. Actually, he's never said it himself. But some of the women here took me aside and told me, because to them it was too ridiculous that I didn't know it. They just rolled their eyes. They find it very funny. Well, it doesn't mean anything. I'm never leaving that guy anyway. If it gives him a kick to secretly think he owns me, then that's fine with me.”

  Lily nodded. “Weirdest kind of captivity I've ever heard of. I'm not sure I see the point of a captivity if the captive herself has no idea. And speak of the alien ...”

  Vrax'ton came towards them across the lawn, wearing the golden robes that he usually had on when he was in meetings with his advisors. He walked with a sure step, and Harper found it impossible to take her eyes off him. Surely there couldn't be a more stately man in the universe?

  He greeted Lily like an old friend, then placed a hand gently on Harper's abdomen like he usually did these days, as if to check on the unborn baby. “My Mahan,” he said in his calm, deep voice. “How are you?”

  She looked up and into his eyes and she couldn't help smiling. He was always very concerned about her welfare. “Better than I thought I ever would be,” she said truthfully.

  “Yeah, I'll just explore this garden on my own for a while,” Lily said. “See ya.” She winked and strolled off towards a bunch of bushes with colorful flowers.

  Vrax'ton leaned in to sniff Harper's hair. On Acerex, women often cut their hair short, and he was fascinated by the length of hers. “Harper has good friends,” he said into her hair. “Know when to leave loving couple to intimate conversation.”

  “Hey, stop it,” Harper said. He sometimes reverted to his primitive barbarian way of speaking when he was getting amorous. Which was pretty much all the time. “I know you speak English better than that.”

  He discreetly stroked her butt. “Vrax'ton forget all volumes of lore when with his Mahan.”

  Harper looked around. “Well, he has to keep his lust under control for a little while. Everyone can see us out here.”

  “Mighty Fire warrior reluctantly agrees,” he growled. “Will seduce ravishing wife-queen at later time.”

  She would have loved to give in to his advances right there. Whenever he talked like that, it was as if they were back on the Fire Planet, and her mind filled with erotic images of the things they had done there and the intense arousal that had taken over her mind. “Wife-queen thinks that's probably for the best. Fire warrior must not forget, though. Fire queen will remind.”

  He kissed her cheek. “Cannot forget what is always on mind. Well, I was just checking on you between councils. I better get back inside. I remember now why I was always on space patrol before. I can't stand all the bureaucracy.”

  Harper patted his arm. She knew he actually liked the administrative sides of being
a monarch, and that he was set on making his kingdom the best it could be. “That's the price of being a king, my Mahan,” she said with mock sadness. You just have to live with it.”

  “Fire warrior can live with anything,” he said and pinched her butt again. “As long as he has Fire warrior queen by his side.”

  He sauntered off and Harper just stared after him. Even after all they had done together, his presence still worked its magic on her.

  “And I will be there,” she said under her breath, and the truth of it resounded through her mind. “Always.”

  © 2016 Calista Skye

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