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Back To The Stars: ROMANCE: ALIEN (Alien Invasion Abduction SciFi Romance) (Fantasy Anthologies & Collections)

Page 39

by Clare Morgan

  “I am really sorry. I think I am the one who caused this,” I finally said and broke the uncomfortable silence.

  “What? What would you think that?”

  “We were having such a great life before James came to this town. We were a family and we had our friends around us. Nobody was dying. Nobody was getting abducted like this. Janet and her family were happy. We were happy. It all changed the day James came. I should have done something in order to prevent all this damage, Elaine.

  I was the only person in this whole town who knew that James was not a nice guy. I should have asked him to leave. I should have reported him to the sheriff. I should have told Janet and Nancy about his past. I should have kept an eye on him in order to track his activity. I didn’t do anything like that.

  I just trusted him instead and thought that he would simply leave without doing any damage. But look where our trust has brought us now. We are left with nothing. We have lost our daughter and if anything would happen to her, then I won’t be able to forgive myself!” I said as I looked at her and confessed everything. I was not having a good time in consolidating myself.

  Everyone was telling me that things were going to be alright. According to them, Rosie would be back soon, but they had no idea about the mafia. Almost half of the people there had never even placed a foot outside their town. They had no idea how bad things could get, but I did. I knew that Rosie could be in deep trouble and I considered myself accountable for what happened to her.

  “Look at me, Andrew! None of this is your fault. We don’t know that this is done by James. Someone else could have done it!”

  “I know it is James. I know him, Elaine. I know he did this, but I am just not sure why. I need to figure out his reasons. I was trying to call him since morning but his phone is going directly to voice mail. I know this is him. I can feel it!” I said in order to make her realize that it was really James who did it.

  “Even if James is after all of this, then it’s not your fault, okay? I told you to trust him as well. We had no idea that he would be capable of doing something like this, Andrew. You considered him as a friend and if he really did this, then he is going to pay for you. We are not going to sit here and wait for our daughter to come home, right? We are going to do something about it.

  Together, we have overcome the worst of scenarios, Andrew. We will sort this out well. I know you will do something to rescue Rosie. You will save Rosie. I trust you. You just need to start believing in yourself. You can’t think that this happened because of you. No, you didn’t do this, Andrew. James did. You can’t blame yourself for this. We both need to do something, right now! We have to come up with a plan of action. I have full respect for the sheriff, but you and I, we both know that he is no good. If we really need to find Rosie, then we need to do it ourselves,” Elaine said in order to motivate me.

  She was right. We could no longer simply stay there and expect everything to change. We couldn’t expect Rosie to come back home on her own. We were her parents and we were supposed to do something. I knew that there was only one person who could help us find Rosie, and that was Daniel.

  I called him the next moment and asked him to come to Wimberley the next day. I had a couple of friends in the mafia and the police, but no one was as good as Daniel. He was a private investigator and detective, who used to solve some of the biggest mysteries in a day. Now only he was highly efficient in finding people, but he used to do that really fast. I had a word with Daniel the last time almost five years back.

  The moment he heard my voice, he instantly recognized me. He was quite shocked to know what happened and agreed to come and pay us a visit. It was the first time when I contacted someone from my past life. I didn’t know if it was the right thing to do or not, or if it will blow our cover, but I wasn’t really concerned about any of those things. I knew that I had to get Rosie back at any cost and I was ready to give everything I had in order to get her back.

  Daniel promised me that he would be here as soon as he could. I made Elaine believe that we would find Rosie soon and that we would be happy once again. I knew that Rosie would be saved and that we will find her once again. It was just getting to that day which was the toughest part.

  Chapter 13:

  The next day Daniel came in the morning to our house and I welcomed him with a hug. It was after years when the two of us were meeting and I was delighted to see him. I knew if there was anyone who would find Rosie then it was Daniel. With his support, I would be able to get some crucial pieces of information about Rosie’s disappearance. Calling Daniel was definitely a tough choice. Both, Elaine and I, had spent the last four years of our lives in order to run away from our past.

  When I called Daniel, it was my way of going back to my past and knocking the things that happened years back. Daniel and I used to work together in order to generate leads. He was really good at his work and soon went solo and started working as a private investigator. I have seen him solving some of the toughest mysteries and finding people in the drop of a hat. I hoped that finding Rosie won’t be that tough for him and that he would be able to generate some leads really soon.

  “Where were you so long, man. Look at you! You have certainly changed a lot!” Daniel said as he stepped out of Jaguar.

  “People change with time, Daniel and so have you. The last time we met, you used to own a Ford.”

  “As you saw, people change. And so have you! Where were you from the last four years mate?” he asked him as I welcomed him into the house.

  “I met Elaine and decided to settle down with her. We came to this town almost four years back and thought of starting over. I changed my identity and my habits when I got a little girl. I wanted to be the example for her and when I held her in my arms, everything changed. It was like as if Elaine and Rosie were able to make me a better man by just being a part of my life, but now she is gone. Someone has abducted her, Daniel and I don’t know what to do,” I said and tried to convey all the essential information.

  “Wow! Slow down. You need to tell me everything, Larry. Tell me everything from the start. I need to know Rosie from your perspective. Let me know everything about that day. Start from the very beginning,” he said as he entered Rosie’s room and tried to inspect everything.

  I narrated him the entire incident in detail. I told him about James and how I felt he was the one who was responsible for the entire fiasco. Daniel listened to me carefully and noted every piece of information he could. He wanted to take a stroll of the town before leaving in order to get a few more leads. The meeting was unexpectedly short. After getting everything he needed from me, he decided to take off.

  “Thanks a lot for coming, Daniel. I am really counting on you. I know we have not been speaking with each other and that I haven’t been around the last five years, but I still count you as one of my best friends. I know if there is anyone in this whole world who could find Rosie then it’s you. Please take this seriously. This means everything to me, man,” I said as I was walking with him towards his car.

  “I can only imagine how tough it must be for you, Larry. I have never had a kid. I have never been in love. Ever since I was a kid, it was just me, on my own. When I grew up and saw my friends falling in and out of love, I realized that it wasn’t meant for me. I was too good for all those feelings. When everyone was trying to find their soulmates or was getting married, I was working my ass off to complete my college and having two jobs.

  I have worked really hard to be where I am right now. Of all the people in this world, you know how invested and dedicated I am, when it comes to my work. You might be a friend, Larry, but I need to treat this as my work. I can’t get emotional here. The moment I will get personal regarding this case, I know it would cloud my judgment. I know I can’t promise you anything. I can’t promise you to get your girl back. But I promise you one thing. I am going to try my best to find Rosie.

  I am keeping everything aside as of now to investigate this one case. This is r
eally important to me as well. You have worked with me and have even saved my life on numerous occasions. I don’t know how I could have survived all those years without you. I owe everything that I have right now to you, Larry. Everything. This is the least I can do for you. I am going to drive to Houston right away to get to know a few things about James. If you think that he is the one who did this, then it makes James our prime suspect. Let me dig a few things and the moment I will find a lead, I am going to give you a call. Don’t worry. I am going to be my best and you know I am good at my work, right?”

  As Daniel finished speaking, I realized how far he has come. He was no longer the same person with whom I used to work with. He had become more mature and intelligent. He is sharper and more pensive, which makes him just the perfect guy for this job.

  “I know, Daniel. I know – which is exactly why I called you. Let me know if you find any lead!” I said and bid him goodbye. As I watched him driving away, I kept thinking about Rosie. I had no idea where she was. The day was coming to an end and we knew that we had to act really fast if we wanted to get a lead.

  Chapter 14:

  We didn’t really have anything to do the whole day. I couldn’t go to work as I knew I wasn’t thinking straight and wanted to stay with Elaine. She was certainly having a bad time and was pretty inconsolable. The two of us kept thinking about Rosie and of all the bad things that could have happened to her.

  There is this strange thing about life. When something bad happens to her, we fall into a loop. We are never able to come out of it. We would think of some thousands of ways to come out of that happiness, but would not even think of even a single way to really feel happiness. That is exactly what was happening with us. We could not think of a single positive thing that could happen to Rosie.

  They say that every cloud has a silver lining and that everything happens for a reason. Though, none of us were able to come up with any rational explanation to what was happening with us. There was no silver lining behind Rosie’s abduction. We were not even able to come up with a single lead and that was the most frustrating thing.

  For the whole day, I sat in front of my phone and kept checking it, hoping to get a message from Daniel. I knew that he was out there in Houston and was looking for the case, but deep within, I started to believe that I should be with him in the field. I let him go all alone, without getting any idea of what he might have to face. I should have been with him, but at the same time, I knew that I couldn’t leave Elaine all alone.

  She was a wreck and needed me by her side. She had just lost her daughter and was certainly going through a rough patch. The day turned into night and I didn’t get a single call from Daniel which escalated my concern. I was getting worried about Rosie with every passing moment. I visited the local sheriff, even though I knew that it would be of no use. I thought that maybe, they would be able to come up with an explanation. They could have had a lead, but all my efforts were in vain. Nobody had even the slightest of an idea about Rosie and I didn’t know where I was supposed to start looking for her.

  I kept calling James all day long, but his phone was coming switched off. It was life as if he was completely disappeared and went off the radar, which made me concern even more. I wanted to believe in something – anything at all, but the more I was trying, the harder it was getting.

  It was getting late when I came back to the house, only to find it empty. The living room was vacant and I could not find Elaine in our bedroom as well. I didn’t have to look for her anywhere else, as I knew where she would be. I went to Rosie’s room only to find Elaine sitting on her bed.

  “Elaine…” I said as I started to walk towards the bed and sat right beside her. I looked at her and saw how dull and parched her face looked. Her eyes were sore and red. Tears were flowing out of them without showing any signs to stop. I was getting concerned for her with every passing moment. I knew that she was upset and wanted Rosie to come back to her home, but I didn’t really know how to make that happen.

  I wanted to do something – anything at all, but I had no lead to follow. I kept looking at Elaine and I didn’t really know what to say. I held her hand tightly and closed my eyes. I have never really believed in God. People go to churches and temples, but I have never visited any of those places. When I was a kid, nothing good happened to me, which made me believe in the mere existence of god.

  After when I was thrown to the mafia, I complete stopped believing in almighty. I lost my faith and started to believe that God doesn’t really exist. I have never prayed for anything my whole life. I didn’t know how to do it. I have always got what I wanted and it was the first time in my life when I was so helpless.

  “Everything is going to be alright, Elaine. Daniel is after him. We are going to find a clue really soon. I am telling you, tomorrow is going to be different. We will get our first lead tomorrow. I can feel it. Nothing is going to happen to Rosie. She will come back to us without getting harmed. No one can do a thing to our little girl. Trust me!” I said in order to make her feel better. Although it didn’t matter how much I could say, my words were not enough to change the future.

  “I want to believe you, Andrew. I really do, but I can’t. I have lost the apple of my eyes. My daughter is missing and I have no idea of her whereabouts. I don’t know anything about the person who has taken us or where she would be right now. You and I, we both have seen the worst face of the mafia. We know how bad the world is. If anything would happen to Rosie, then how will… how will face her? How will I face myself? I won’t be able to breathe, to look myself in the mirror. I won’t be able to exist,” she said and broke into tears. She started crying right in front of me as she wrapped her arms around Rosie’s blanket only to inhale her fragrance.

  At that moment, I realized that it was only her absence hat we were left with. The room was full of her belongings – her chair, her toys, her bed, her clothes, and everything else. It was only her things that were able to cherish and nothing more. It was like as if each and everything in that room was haunting me. But I wanted to be there. That was the only place where I could be close to Rosie. Somehow, both Elaine and I were able to connect with Rosie by being in her room.

  That place still had her fragrance. It smelled like her and I wanted to stay there forever. I could imagine Rosie sitting with us on her bed and asking her to narrate her favorite bedtime story. But then, I looked at Elaine and how Rosie’s blanket was turned wet with her tears. I knew that Rosie was only a figment of my imagination and that Elaine was the one who was real.

  “I know we can’t do anything right now, Elaine, but things are going to be different. We are going to find out daughter soon and I promise you – the person behind her kidnapping will going to pay for it. I will come after him and will make him pay the price. I know that Daniel will come up with a lead tomorrow. He is the best person to do this job. This is not your fault. You didn’t do this and you got to stop worrying. You need to stop crying your eyes out there. You need to stop blaming yourself. Rosie is going to be just fine. She will be back here really soon. Okay?” I said in order to make her feel better.

  I was letting her know how Rosie would be fine and that she would be back, when deep within, even I wasn’t sure of anything. I didn’t know a thing about her current location. It was a dead end and I knew that there was no point in following it.

  “This is really painful, Andrew. The more I try to convince myself, the deeper I get into this shit. It’s such a complete mess. Maybe, you were right. We should have left the town when James came here. We should have come up with a better plan. We were just not wide enough. We got fooled and did the wrong thing. I know you want me to believe that it was not our fault, but it wasn’t Rosie’s fault as well.

  Tell me, Andrew – whose fault it was then? Why would something like that happen to our little girl? She is the most adorable and obedient kid that one can ever see. She can never harm anyone then why would this happen to her, Andrew? What was her fault? Why wo
uld God make her suffer for something that she was never a part of! This is because of us. She is our child and it is our past that keeps coming back to us. We can’t outrun it. It doesn’t matter where we go or what we do, but the past has a way of coming back to us.

  This might be one out of many incidents that are about to happen. Something like this can take place anytime. Today, all those bad guys have abducted Rosie, but tomorrow it could be either one of them. How do you think I am going to live without you? Do you think I can imagine living without you? I can’t, Andrew. I can’t! I am so sad right now. Sad – would be an understatement. I am devastated. I am broken beyond repair. I am losing my mind. I can’t think. I can’t move. I can’t breathe. I can’t breathe…” she said as she started crying and made me realize that her condition was really bad.

  If I wanted to save her from losing her mind, then I had to save Rosie. I had to find a way to make her believe in something good – something real. I have never really believed in the existence of God, but that day was different. I knew that it was only a miracle that could save Rosie and I needed God to help me believe in it. For the first time in my life, I knew that I had to pray. I moved towards her and wiped her tears away to make her feel better.

  “Believe me, Elaine. Believe in the existence of God. Things are going to be fine. Teach me how to pray,” I said as I held her hand tightly and closed my eyes.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” she asked me, as she knew how much it meant to me. I have never believed in God, never really prayed for anything, but that day was different. That was my exception.

  “Close your eyes and think of him,” she said in order to make me believe in something bigger than ourselves.


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