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Bear Necessities: Halle Shifters, Book 1

Page 18

by Dana Marie Bell

  Gabe didn’t even hesitate. “I’m on my way.”

  “I’m breaking in. Don’t arrest me.”

  “You have reason to believe he’s in distress. Break away.”

  Bunny hung up the phone, reared back, and kicked Julian’s door in. He found the Bear passed out on the floor.

  His hair was completely white.

  Bunny ran his hands over his bald head. What the fuck did this mean? Julian’s hair should have gone back to black by now. “Shit.” He picked Julian up and put him on the sofa. He summoned Bear and settled into the healing spiral. Down he went, deep into Julian’s body, looking for any signs of trauma. A side effect would be the partial healing of his own tattoo, but that couldn’t be helped. He could only hope that it didn’t scar and ruin his mate’s beautiful work.

  Nothing. Julian was completely healthy and thoroughly unconscious.

  He pulled himself back up the healing path, wondering what the hell he should do now. Wait. He peered closer at Julian’s head and huffed out a relieved breath. Black strands were slowly appearing among the white. The Spirit Bear would be fine.

  He sat back and waited for Gabe to arrive.

  “Hell. What did you do, rip the door of the hinges?”

  Speak of the devil. Bunny grimaced. “Dude in distress, remember? I kicked it in.”

  Gabe whistled. “I didn’t think Bears were that strong.”

  “Black Bears aren’t,” Bunny muttered. Were Julian’s lashes fluttering?

  “Right. Grizzly. I keep forgetting that.” Gabe propped the broken door in the opening and made his way to the sofa. “How is he?”

  “Waking up, I think.”

  “Why is his hair white?”

  “He’s Kermode, remember? Their hair does this when they’re healing.”

  “Or spirit-walking,” Julian groaned. His eyes opened and Bunny gasped. The man’s normally deep brown eyes were a steely gray. “Chloe’s awake.”

  “Yeah. I got the call. The family asked me to come check on you when you didn’t answer your phone.”

  Julian grimaced. “Told them I needed lots of privacy.”

  “In this family? You’ll be lucky if you get to take a piss alone from now on.”

  Julian frowned. “I’m not family.”

  Gabe began to laugh. “That’s what you think. I just came from the hospital. Trust me, you’ve been informally adopted. By a bunch of grizzlies, no less.”

  Julian’s eyes went wide. “Grizzlies?” He stared at Bunny, his expression a mixture of shock and wicked amusement. “Does Gary know you’re a grizzly?”

  Bunny smirked. “Not yet.”

  “Besides, the ones you really need to worry about are the Foxes,” Gabe added. “They’re sneaky. You’ll never see them coming.”

  Now it was Bunny’s turn to laugh. Foxes were notoriously good at hiding their scent. Gabe was right. Julian wouldn’t know what hit him if that half of the family decided to show up on his doorstep. Uncle Ray, Aunt Laura, Chloe, Tiffany and Heather could be formidable when they banded together. God help him if those four decided Julian needed nursing.

  Julian shivered. “Why is it so cold in here?” He looked over at his door and frowned. “What the hell happened to my door?”

  Bunny rolled his eyes. Gabe really needed to stop laughing.

  “So she’s awake?”


  “Julian woke her?”

  Tabby sighed. Cyn had been up her ass all morning. “Yup.”

  “And Bunny said he’s fine?”

  She eyed her boss. “Julian’s fine, just very tired.” And what an understatement that was. Alex told her that whatever Julian had done to help his cousin had taken a lot out of her friend. He’d stayed awake long enough to “come back completely” (whatever the hell that meant) before sleeping again. Alex figured he’d sleep for at least twenty-four hours.

  “She. I meant she. Chloe’s fine, right?”

  Tabby hid her face and groaned. “Chloe’s awake but she’s not fine. She doesn’t remember who attacked her.”

  “Crap.” Cyn leaned against the countertop. “What does she remember?”

  “She says she thinks she got a phone call from a friend. She was walking to meet the person when bam. Lights out. She woke up in the hospital last night, wondering what the hell happened.”

  “Shit. So it could have been Gary?”

  Tabby shook her head. “I don’t think so. Gary hasn’t made a move toward anyone but me. He’d have no reason to go after her.”

  “Does he need one?” Tabby lifted her head, ready to argue the point. Cyn held up her hand, stopping her. “Hear me out. He’s an asshat. He doesn’t need a reason to go after someone he sees as weaker.”

  “How would Chloe be weaker?”

  “She’s unprotected, right? Not part of a Pack?”

  Tabby snorted. “No Fox is part of a Pack. They live in family groups, remember?”

  “No, because, duh, I’m not a member of the furry set. Remember?”

  “What happened, couldn’t find someone to give you a bite?”

  Cyn glowered. “Julian got to them before I did. I went to talk to Chloe’s aunt like you told me to. She turned me down.”

  “Oh.” Tabby hid her face again. It wouldn’t do to laugh in Cyn’s face.

  “She told me her adopted son would take care of it when the time was right.”

  Tabby’s shoulders shook. She hoped her arms were muffling her laughter.

  “What the hell? She told me it wasn’t her place to change me and that the honor belonged to my mate.”

  “He’d probably prefer it that way, actually.”

  Cyn growled.

  “Seriously.” Tabby lifted her head again and let Cyn see the evil grin on her face. “If it’s anything like a mating bite then you’ll want him to do it.” She waggled her eyebrows at her friend and waited for the explosion.

  “In his dreams!” Cyn stomped toward the back of the shop. “Don’t think I won’t find a way around this. Fucking asshole. Thinks he can stop me, does he?” She eyed Tabby speculatively. “So. Does your offer still stand?”

  Tabby groaned. “Julian said if you become Wolf or Puma, your life will be in danger. I can’t.”

  Cyn growled.

  “Believe me, if I could, I would in a heartbeat. But I’m not willing to risk your life. If Julian’s right, you could die, Cyn.” Tabby shook her head. Julian was in for an interesting time of it. Cyn had taken it into her head that Julian was holding out on her for no good reason.

  “Fine,” Cyn ground out between her teeth. “I’ll be in the back doing paperwork.” She stormed off, and Tabby knew it wouldn’t be long before Cyn took matters into her own hands.

  Truthfully, Tabby didn’t know why Julian was waiting to mark Cyn. Cyn was his mate. He had to have known it for some time. So why was he insisting that they needed to wait? Tabby had wanted to mark Alex the moment she saw him. She couldn’t imagine leaving either one of them hanging, especially now that she’d gotten a taste of him.

  The bell over the front door jingled. Tabby got off her stool and turned to greet the new customer. Hopefully the customer would take Cyn’s mind off becoming a shifter, at least until she could get Julian to explain things to Cyn personally.

  “Hello, Outcast.”

  “Gary.” She stepped away from the countertop, her back hitting the wall. Gary was flanked by his two idiot bits of muscle. Fuck. He had a baseball bat in his hands.

  “C’mon out, Tabby. You know what we want. Give it to us and no one will get hurt.” He grinned, his fangs showing. “Especially that pussy mate of yours.”

  She shuddered. No way was she letting Gary get his hands on her.

  “Tabby?” Aw hell. Before Tabby could stop her, Glory stepped out from behind the curtain. “Um. Gary. What can we do for you?”

  She’d said it just a little too loudly. Gary scowled at her before gesturing to one of his minions. “Get Cyn. I bet she’s in the back.”

  Tabby scooted out from behind the counter. “Leave them alone, Gary.”

  He smiled, his expression cold. “Now why would I want to do that?”

  The two goons laughed. One of them pushed past Glory and headed into the back.

  “Get your hands off me!”

  Tabby stiffened at the dull sound of a fist landing on flesh. She didn’t know if it was Cyn or the goon who’d landed a blow. She hoped it was Cyn. If Cyn got hurt, she had no idea what Julian would do.

  Cyn was shoved through the open curtain. Gary’s friend took his place next to Gary. Tabby risked looking back. Hell, Cyn had a big red mark on her cheek. Julian was going to flip out.

  Glass shattered. Glory shrieked. Tabby turned back to Gary to find him standing over the broken remains of their glass counter, the baseball bat stuck through the metal shell. “Pay attention, bitch!”

  Tabby held up her hands. She moved in front of Cyn and Glory, protecting them from the three Wolves menacing them. “You really don’t want to do this.”

  Gary smirked. “You’re Outcast. I can do whatever the fuck I want to you.” He tilted his head. “We don’t want to hurt the little humans too much, though.” His grin turned mean. “We don’t want to cause trouble.”

  “I hate to tell you this, son, but you’re already in trouble.” Gabe stepped into the shop followed by a tall, golden-haired man in a suit. Max Cannon glowered at the three wolves, his gaze raking across the women’s faces, assessing the damage.

  Oh, thank God, the cavalry is here.

  Gabe’s hand rested on the gun at his hip. He was in full uniform. “Put the bat down. Now.”

  Gary glared at Tabby. “I’m Wolf. I have the right to lay claim to the Outcast.”

  Max chuckled, but there was nothing of amusement in the sound. “In your dreams.” He straightened. “You’re on my territory, asshole, threatening one of mine. Back off.” An invisible wave of power flowed from the man. The strength of the Alpha who stood in the doorway was subtle, but strong, a lot stronger than Tabby’s old Alpha. “You don’t really want to piss me off, do you?”

  Gary’s packmates cringed and backed away from the women. Gary merely sneered. “You can’t claim the bitch as one of yours. She’s a Wolf and an Outcast.”

  Max Cannon merely lifted one golden brow. “Oh? Why not?”

  Gary turned to face the Puma Alpha. “It’s against Protocol!”

  Max grinned. “In case you hadn’t noticed, I’m not a Wolf.” He pointed to Tabby, Glory, and Cyn, his gesture encompassing all three of them. “And these ladies are under my protection.”

  Tabby shivered. Something shifted deep within her soul, her Wolf reacting with a mix of confusion and happiness. She’d never felt anything like it before.

  Max took a step forward, menace dripping off of him, an Alpha defending his territory. “Do you want to go a few rounds and see which one of us wins?” His eyes had turned from pure crystalline blue to molten gold. Puma eyes. His hands flexed, his claws coming out. “I guarantee you don’t.”

  Gary shook his head, his expression full of disbelief. “You can’t do that.”

  Max cocked his head, his golden eyes narrowed “She’s proven herself to me and, more importantly, to my Second. Who, by the way, happens to be a Hunter.”

  Gary paled.

  Gabe’s deep blue eyes had also turned gold. He winked at Tabby over Max’s shoulder. “Welcome to the Pride.”

  She gaped at Max, who nodded, his gaze never leaving the stunned, furious Wolf in front of him. She hadn’t even realized what had been missing until Max accepted her. She was part of something again, even if it wasn’t a Pack. The deep burden of loneliness that had dogged her steps for years was finally gone. “Thank you.”

  “You can’t. You’re not a Wolf. You don’t have the right to take her in.”

  Max grinned. His fangs were showing. “You’ve already pointed out she’s Outcast. That means she’d have to prove herself in order to join a Pack. In case you missed it, I just happen to be an Alpha. She’s proven herself to me, and now I’ve chosen to take her in. That makes her mine.” In the blink of an eye, Max moved, wrapping his hand around Gary’s throat. Tabby could see the little dents in Gary’s skin where Max’s claws pressed hard enough to leave a mark, but not hard enough to draw blood. “Are we clear?”

  Gary gulped. “Yes.”

  “Yes, what?”

  “Yes, Alpha,” Gary whimpered.

  “Good. Now. If I find out you’re harassing my Pridemate again, I will kick your ass so hard you’ll be eating through your sphincter. Do you understand me?” Max shook him lightly.

  “Yes, Alpha Cannon,” Gary gritted out through clenched teeth. He’d just acknowledged Max’s right to protect Tabby and he didn’t look very happy about it.

  “And you’re paying for the damages to this shop and Cyn’s face. Understand, pup?” Mist swirled around Max’s feet, almost invisible, but incredibly powerful. Tabby trembled. Her shoulders bowed and her head dropped, Max’s power pulling her to her knees. Behind her, Glory and Cyn both groaned, obviously feeling the same effects.

  Gary’s eyes changed, turning deep brown. Wolf’s eyes. He stayed on his feet; he had no choice. Max’s claws were still digging into his neck. “Yes, Alpha Cannon.”

  Max let go slowly, drawing his claws across the outside of Gary’s neck. “Now, get out of here before I have Gabe arrest you. Or worse.” He tilted his head, his gaze never leaving Gary’s face. “What happens to Hunted shifters, Gabe?”

  “I’m not Outcast!” Gary’s face turned beet red.

  “No, but you’re bordering on rogue, boy.” Gabe took a stance to Max’s left, placing himself between the girls and the Wolves. “And rogues are my specialty.”

  “Go back to school, little boy. If you grow up to be a real Alpha, you’ll understand what I’m doing here. Until then? Stay out of town. You’re not welcome here anymore.”

  “You might want to consider going to another school. Maybe one closer to home?” Gabe frowned. “Who is your Alpha, anyway?”

  Gary gulped. “We’re leaving.” He scrambled out the door, dragging his friends with him.

  Gabe shook his head, glaring at the trio rushing down the street. “What the hell is going on?”

  “I have no idea, but I plan on finding out.” They exchanged a look before Max turned to the girls. “You three okay?”

  “One of them hit Cyn.” Tabby lifted her head and took her first real breath since Gary had entered Living Art. Max had reined in his power. She could stand again. She rose, grimacing at the sounds of broken glass underfoot.

  Glory groaned, staring at the shattered glass counter. “Hell. We can’t open for business like this. Somebody will get hurt.”

  “How did you know that you could make me Pride?” Tabby was still stunned. She was part of something again. She hadn’t even realized how tense she’d been until Max accepted her into his Pride. She felt so loose, so relieved, she was dizzy with it.

  Max shrugged. “I didn’t. I just know Rick’s Luna is a Puma, and she’s now part of his Pack. I was hoping you wouldn’t need a Puma mate for it to work.”

  Tabby paled. “What would have happened if it hadn’t worked?”

  Max grinned. “You’d still be under my protection until Rick arrives.”

  Arrives? “Um. The Poconos Alpha is coming?” Tabby backed away, bumping into Cyn and Glory.

  “Ow. Shit. I can’t believe that asshole punched me.”

  Tabby turned, thoughts of the scary Wolf Alpha driven from her mind. “Oh crap. Cyn, you okay?”

  “Let me see.” Max walked around her to help Cyn and Glory to their feet. His fingers lightly stroked the red, swollen flesh. “You’ve got one hell of a bruise.”

  “Ow.” Cyn winced, pulling away from Max’s fingers. “That mutt is going to pay for this.”

  “Let us deal with it.” Gabe picked up a piece of art, placing it on a stool near the shattered counter.

me so I can deal with it myself! I’m sick and tired of the Fuzzy Club traipsing in and out of my place and wrecking my life!”

  Max chuckled. “I heard that a certain Bear had it in mind to take care of that himself.”

  Cyn screamed. Everyone stared at her, shocked. “Does everyone know about this but me?”

  Max backed up, his eyes wide. “Maybe we should just go now.”

  Gabe backed up right along with his Alpha. “Good idea.” The two men fled, heading in the opposite direction from Gary.

  “Cowards!” Cyn shouted after them.

  Glory giggled. “You just scared off one of the most powerful men in town.”

  Cyn wrinkled her nose. “He may be an Alpha, and he may be powerful, but deep down inside? He’s still a man.” She kicked a piece of glass across the floor. “Put a pissed-off woman in front of him and he runs like the yellow-bellied coward he is.”

  Tabby’s jaw dropped. “You have met Max’s wife, right?”

  Glory was laughing so hard Tabby wasn’t certain she was breathing.

  Cyn rolled her eyes. “C’mon, let’s get this cleaned up before The Three Bears show up. God knows which of us will have to play Goldilocks if they do.”

  “Want me to have Julian look at that bruise?”

  The glare Cyn shot at her should have turned her into a pile of ash.

  Watching her two friends get mated was going to be so much fun!

  She took the broom Cyn handed her and sighed.

  Yeah. Fun.

  Chapter Eight


  “Nope. Nothing.”

  Bunny sighed. Ryan was even more frustrated than he was. He’d dragged his cousin out of the hospital for lunch, hoping to get the man to relax. Hell, he’d even let Ryan have all the cantaloupe this time.

  If Ryan clenched that fork any tighter, he’d bend it right in half.

  Yup. This is working out well. His cell phone rang. “Tabby?” He winced. He’d meant to pick her up for lunch, but he’d gotten sidetracked. “I’m sorry, baby. I forgot. I took Ryan to lunch.”


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