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Big Bad Billionaires [Volume 1]

Page 15

by Naughty Aphrodite

  Leah felt her cheeks flush and was immediately inclined to deny that accusation entirely. But, then she remembered what Brent had told her. ‘Just play along.’ And it did seem as though this might be the only time she would get to spend with Brent alone.

  So, instead of scolding, she smiled as sweetly as she could at the bouncer and thanked him as he opened to door for her.

  “Give me just a minute and I’ll send Brent in,” said the bodyguard. Leah smiled at him again as he closed the door.

  Once he did so, she looked around the space she now occupied and had to agree with what the man had said. It was not the most romantic place for a tryst. The room was bare of furniture. Instead, discarded golf clubs, bags, and polo shirts littered the floor.

  Clearly, this was some sort of storage room. As she moved and hit her shin painfully on a bent driver, she thought it wasn’t an ideal place for an interview either.

  True to his word, less than a minute later, the bouncer opened the door and ushered Brent inside.

  “You’ve got about ten minutes,” he said. “I suggest you use them wisely.”

  “Thanks, man,” Brent said turning to smile at him. The bodyguard threw his employer a wink before closing the door behind them.

  “So, this was really the only way you could pull yourself from Marcus?” Leah asked, half an accusation in her voice.

  “Shh,” Brent said rushing over to her. “Not so loud, the door’s thin.”

  Leah fought back a shiver as he put his hands on her shoulders.

  “Why do we have to be quiet in here?” she asked. “I mean, that’s your guy out there. He won’t care what we say, will he?”

  “He’s Jordan’s guy too,” Brent whispered. “Look, it’s…complicated. And…oh, shit. Here he comes- “

  Without warning, Brent wrapped his arms around her and pressed her lips to hers. It was softer than she’d expected, warmer but just as passionate and desperate as she’d imagined it might be. Before she knew what she was doing, Leah had folded her arms around him and was kissing him back. It was a second before the dim light from the hallway’s open door hit her eyes.

  “So, this is where you sneaked off to.”

  Marcus' voice caused her to jump and pull away. An embarrassed flush come into her cheeks. When Brent turned around, however, she realized that he didn’t look embarrassed at all. Instead, a cocky smile lined his lips as he turned to his agent, slinging his arm around Leah’s shoulders.

  “Sorry Marcus,” he said. “Couldn’t help myself.”

  To Leah’s surprise, Marcus laughed.

  “Well, I guess I can’t stop you from your little liaisons,” he said. “I’ll wait outside the door and give you two ten minutes alone to…finish up. But, I warn you, if I hear any interviewing, I’ll put a stop to it.”

  “We didn’t come in here to talk,” Brent said with a roguish wink. Marcus nodded.

  “Ten minutes,” he said before closing the door.

  As soon as he did, Brent turned to Leah, his arm still slung around her shoulder.

  “So, if we can’t talk, what are we supposed to do?”

  Brent looked at her with a half-smile as he raised an eyebrow suggestively.

  “I mean, besides that!” Leah whispered giving him a playful slap. Brent let out a low, barely audible chuckle as he leaned in towards Leah’s ear. His hands moved from her shoulders, slowly down her arms as he spoke.

  “We’ll just have to whisper to each other,” he said. As soon as he’d muttered this, he moved his lips to her neck and placed a gentle kiss on it.

  “Remember what I said about not hitting on me?” she asked. Though, as his lips made their way down to her collar bone, she couldn’t help but feel that the question lacked conviction.

  “I’m not hitting on you,” he said. “I’m giving you an interview.”

  “If this is an interview,” she said. “It’s the strangest one I’ve ever done. Oh!”

  She gasped when his hand moved from her arms and up the hem of her skirt to play against her inner thigh, just inches from where her warm desire had pooled.

  “Well,” he said. “Marcus is a very suspicious guy. And, if I come out without lips gloss on my mouth and your hair isn’t mussed...,” at this, he reached his free hand up and ran it through Leah’s long brown hair. “He’ll be suspicious.”

  Brent’s lips were, once again hanging just above Leah’s and she suddenly realized that she couldn’t take the teasing anymore. Without another word, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her lips desperately to his.

  She gasped again when his hands moved from their respective places to her hips and shoved her against the wall. Almost immediately, one hand returned to its place beneath her skirt and began caressing her desire above her panties as his lips moved to kiss and suck at her neck.

  “So…” she said breathlessly, trying to focus on what she needed to ask him. “Why’d you really come back for this charity tournament. Why did you come back here after so many years?”

  “Because of the CAA,” he whispered.

  “What…what’s so special about the CAA…Oh, god. Don’t stop,” she said as he pushed even further into her desire. The fabric of her panties still covering the place she desperately wanted him to touch.

  “Helping children of alcoholic parents is…something that I’m really passionate about,” he whispered.

  Taking a deep breath, she managed to voice her next question.

  “Is that because of your father? Oh God!”

  His fingers dipped beneath the fabric of her panties and touched the most sensitive spot on her body.

  “No comment,” he whispered.

  She couldn’t find any more words after that. Brent continued to kiss her lips, her neck, her collar bone as he stroked her desire, making her cry out and shake again and again.

  Soon, much too soon, they were interrupted by a knock on the door.

  “That’s enough you two,” Marcus called out. “Make yourselves decent then come on out.”

  Leah heaved a sigh as Brent pulled his hand out from under her skirt with an apologetic smile.

  “Leave it to my agent to ruin the mood,” Brent said. With another disappointed glance at her, he pushed away from the wall and adjusted his clearly tented trousers.

  She suddenly found herself wishing that she could do something to help him with that. Pushing the impulse aside she stood up away from the wall and smoothed her hair.

  “I still don’t understand what his hold is over you,” Leah said referring to Marcus. “I mean he’s your employee. Not the other way around.”

  “It’s not him, really,” Brent answered. “It’s my brother. And, like I said, it’s complicated.”

  “I assume I can quote you on that,” Leah said. Brent chuckled.

  “That’ll make a good quote. When asked about his past in St. Augustine, CEO Brent Watt eloquently stated ‘It’s complicated’.”

  “It’s more than what I’ve gotten so far,” Leah answered.

  “I’ll try not to take that personally,” Brent said as he ushered her towards the door. “I did give you more than you got in that first interview.”

  “Quite a bit more,” Leah said with a suggestive smile. “But, you still haven’t told me everything I want to know.”

  Brent smiled and put one hand on the door knob. Before he turned it, however, he leaned down and whispered in her ear once more.

  “Then I guess we’ll just have to do this again.”

  Leah felt a shiver run down her spine as Brent chuckled again and opened the door, ushering her back into the world.

  Chapter 3

  They did meet in that room again the next day. As well as the day after that. And, while the physical relationship between them grew more and more intense, Leah regretted that she wasn’t getting anywhere with regards to learning about Brent’s past.

  “At least tell me where you learned to play golf,” she said one evening as his hand dipped beneath h
er shirt to cover her breast.

  “Am I that good?” He asked against her neck.

  “You’re better than a lot of the celebrities here,” she said as she moved her hand to unbutton his pants, hoping that by doing so, she might give herself an unfair advantage.

  “So,” she said dipping the hands into his boxers and cupping the long, erect member she found there. “Where did you learn?”

  He groaned as she stroked him and she smiled in triumph.

  “If...if I answer, will you keep doing that?”

  “Maybe,” she said with another stroke of her hand.

  “I... I learned here. At the club. My dad was a member.”

  “He bought you lessons?” She asked. A little thrill went through her when she realized they were getting closer to what she wanted to know.

  “No. I watched the other club members play. Sometimes they’d let me caddy. I learned from them.”

  “Where was your dad when this-”

  Her words were cut off by a gasp when he pulled her hand out of his boxers and shoved his leg between her thighs.

  “That’s enough questions for tonight, I think,” he said. Before she could answer, he pulled her panties completely down in one fluid movement.

  The next moment, his long, thick dick was pressing deep inside of her. Leah certainly couldn’t ask any more questions after that. It was all she could do to grab hold of his shoulders and hold on as he pounded into her over and over again.

  The articles that came out of these little trysts had become very popular. Of course, neither the general public nor Leah’s editor knew how these little tidbits about Brent Watt were obtained. But, the articles hinting at Brent Watt’s secret heartbreaking past made for exciting reading all the same.

  “Just make sure the last article actually spells it out,” the editor told her just before she left for the tournament’s last charity event. “We need him to actually confirm the rumors about his father. It’ll be anticlimactic if he doesn’t.”

  Leah had agreed. But, as she made her way to the country club’s black tie gala that evening, she couldn’t help but feel the tiniest bit ashamed of herself.

  She’d always said she wouldn’t be one of those reporters who slept her way to a story. And, now, wasn’t that exactly what she was doing?

  On the one hand, it was. But she couldn’t help but feel as though that wasn’t all it was with Brent. When she was with him, not just in the storage closet at the country club, but anywhere, she felt closer to him than she did to any other man she’d ever met.

  Now, she felt as though she didn’t just want to know about his past for the article. She wanted to know about it because it was a part of him.

  Still, as she drove to the last formal dinner of the tournament, she knew that she couldn’t put it off any longer. She had to find out about his father one way or another. What’s more, she had a feeling that Brent would be willing to tell her tonight.

  When she’d pulled up to the country club, she had to fight off a gasp when she saw Brent waiting at the door for her.

  His well-tailored black suit showed off his lean, muscular body and the bright blue tie he’d chosen made his eyes sparkle. Those eyes brightened when they landed on her as she climbed out of the car. She’d felt a thrill rush through her as he looked her up and down with obvious appreciation.

  “I’m glad you decided to dress up,” he said moving towards her. “You look amazing.”

  She’d worn a dark blue and very fitted evening gown as well as an unfamiliar pair of high heels. She told herself that these heels and the instability they caused were the reason she took Brent’s arm when he offered it.

  “You clean up pretty well yourself,” she said with a smile. He chuckled in a way that made her stomach flip as he led her into the country club’s dining room.

  As soon as they entered, of course, Marcus was waiting for them.

  “Glad you could make it,” the agent said though the frown on his face as he looked at her told a completely different story.

  “We didn’t have any room left at Brent’s table, but, I got you a spot nearby,” he said taking Leah’s arm and moving her away from Brent.

  Leah, feeling a sting of disappointment bordering on panic, looked back at Brent.

  “Don’t worry,” Brent said with an easy smile. “I’ll make sure to steal you for a dance.”

  She barely had time to give him a smile before Marcus hurried her away.

  “Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing,” Marcus said through his teeth as he tried to give bright smiles to important looking men who greeted him.

  “Enlighten me,” Leah said, keeping a smile on her own lips. “What exactly am I doing?”

  “I’ve read your articles, Leah,” he said. “I know half the stuff you’ve quoted him saying weren’t approved by me.”

  “He hasn’t said anything his brother wouldn’t approve of,” Leah said confidently as they reached the table and he pulled out a chair for her in what looked like a gallant maneuver.

  “Either way,” Marcus said gently. “Don’t think for a second I’m going to let you sneak away with him tonight. I’ll be watching you two like a hawk.”

  “I wouldn’t expect anything less,” Leah said smiling in a way that made her feel more confident than she felt. Marcus gave her one last backward glance before moving off towards his own table with Brent. To his credit, the table where she was seated was just beside the one where Brent sat with his agent. They were so close, in fact, that if she listened closely, she could hear their conversation.

  So, when the bodyguard made her way over to Marcus from his post by the door, she watched the bouncer with interest. When he bent down to speak to Marcus, Leah moved her chair closer to hear their conversation.

  “Jordan Watt wanted you to give him a call right away,” the tall man said.

  “Can it wait until after dinner?” Marcus asked with a nervous glance towards Brent.

  “He said it was an emergency. He needed to talk to you as soon as possible.”

  Marcus’ eyes glanced from the tall man to Brent and Leah, clearly trying to weigh his options. Finally, he heaved a sigh and stood from the table.

  “Remember, don’t do anything ‘till I get back,” Marcus said sternly to his charge. Leah glanced to Brent who was on Marcus’ other side.

  “Oh, you can trust me, Marcus,” Brent said flashing a winning smile.

  Marcus looked at him as though he didn’t trust his client one bit. But, with a sigh and another glance to the bouncer waiting, he gave a small nod and moved away from the table.

  Brent moved to the edge of his seat and watched eagerly until Marcus left the room. As soon as he had, he stood up and made his way over to Leah.

  “And, that’s our cue,” he said. “Come on.”

  Before Leah could say anything, he grabbed her hand and pulled her out of her seat.

  “Where are we going?” She asked as he dragged her gently to the dining room door.

  “You wanted an interview, right?” he asked.

  “And we can’t do an interview in the dining room? I mean, your agent’s not there.”

  “We could,” Marcus said as they left the dining room and were now making their way across the open porch overlooking the golf green. “But, I don’t feel like cold salad and gazpacho.”

  “What do you feel like?” She asked curiously.

  “Burgers,” He said. “I asked around and there’s a place right by the beach I’m dying to try.”

  Chapter 4

  The restaurant Brent had chosen was a surprising hole in the wall type place called The Burger Shack. And it lived up to its name. The building itself was small and looked like it was made of tiki wood. The dining room inside was about the size of an average Georgian living room with only a handful of customers.

  They were seated at a tiny booth just beside the restrooms. When ordering, Leah strongly considered a salad. Because, the more she looked at Brent across fro
m her, the more she was tempted to think of this as a date rather than an interview. Despite what she’d told him at that club.

  In the end, her gnawing hunger won over her desire to appear dainty and she ordered a cheeseburger.

  “You won’t regret it,” Brent said when the waiter left to put in their order. “The burgers here are to die for.”


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